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言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com (ACRYLIC ACID, STABILIZED, Isobornylacrylat) (Contd. of page 1) · Abbreviations and acronyms: · Additional ecological information: (丙烯酸,稳定,丙烯酸异冰片酯) (第1页续) · 缩略词表: · 其他生态信息: · Additional information about design of · 技术设施设计相关的其他信息: technical facilities: · Additional toxicological information: · Application of the substance / the mixture · Article number: · Behaviour in environmental systems: · Change in condition · 其他毒性资料: · 物质/混合物的使用 · 产品编号: · 环境系统中的行为: · 条件变化 · Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC · 根据指令67/548/EEC或指令1999/45/EC进行or Directive 1999/45/EC 的分类 · Classification according to Regulation (EC) No · 根据第1272/2008号条例(EC)进行的分类 1272/2008 · Classification system: · Contact: · Danger code (Kemler): · Dangerous components: · Density at 20 °C: · Department issuing MSDS: · Ecotoxical effects: · EMS Number: · European waste catalogue · Flammability (solid, gaseous): · 分类系统: · 接触: · 危险编码(凯姆勒): · 危险成分: · 20 °C时的密度: · 部门签发物料安全数据表: · 生态毒理效应: · EMS编号: · 欧洲废物目录 · 可燃性(固态、气态): · Code letter and hazard designation of product: · 产品编码字母和危险品名称: · For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing · 为安全考虑,不适合灭火剂: agents: · Further information about storage conditions: · Further information obtainable from: · General notes: · Hazard-determining components of labelling: · 储存条件相关的更多信息: · 从以下各项可获得的更多信息: · 一般注意事项: · 危险品决定的贴标签组分: · Information about fire - and explosion · 防火防爆信息: protection: · Information about storage in one common · 同一储存设施内的储存信息: storage facility: · Information for doctor: · 医师须知: · Ingredients with limit values that require · 设有极限值、且在工作场所需要监测的成分: monitoring at the workplace: · Labelling according to EU guidelines: · LD/LC50 values relevant for classification: · Limited quantities (LQ) · 根据欧盟指南加标签: · 分类相关的LD/LC50值: · 有限数量(LQ)

言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com · Manufacturer/Supplier: · Material of gloves · Primary irritant effect: on the eye: on the skin: · Penetration time of glove material · pH-value: · Protection of hands: · Recommendation · Recommendation: · Relevant phrases · 生产商/供应商: · 手套材质 · 主要刺激性影响: 对眼睛: 对皮肤: · 手套材质渗透时间 · 酸碱值: · 双手保护: · 建议 · 建议: · 相关词语 · Requirements to be met by storerooms and · 储藏室和容器应满足的要求: receptacles: · Segregation groups · Self-igniting: · Solubility in / Miscibility with water: · Special marking (ADR): · Special marking (IATA): · 隔离组 · 自燃: · 在水中的可溶性/可混合性: · 特殊标志(ADR): · 特殊标志(IATA): · Thermal decomposition / conditions to be · 热分解/避免的条件: avoided: · Toxicity · Transport category · Transport hazard class(es) · Transport/Additional information: · UN \· Uncleaned packaging: · 毒性 · 运输类别 · 运输风险等级 · 运输/其他信息: · 联合国“示范条例”: · 未清理的包装: 08 04 09* waste adhesives and sealants containing 08 04 09*含有有机溶剂或其他危险物质的废物organic solvents or other dangerous substances 粘合剂和密封剂 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS 3082环境有害物质、液体,不另作详细说明 SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. 4-(1-oxo-2-propenyl)-morpholine 4-(1-氧-2-丙烯基)-吗啉 Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, 用保水性材料(沙子、硅藻土、耐酸粘结剂、通diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, 用粘合剂、锯屑)吸附。 sawdust). Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, 根据1907/2006/EC第31条编制的安全数据表 Article 31 Acids acrylic acid 酸 丙烯酸 ADR: Accord européen sur le transport des ADR: Accord européen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European marchandises dangereuses par Route(欧洲国际Agreement concerning the International Carriage 道路运输危险货物协定) of Dangerous Goods by Road)

言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com Also poisonous for fish and plankton in water 对水体中的鱼类和浮游生物也有毒。 bodies. Alternative glove material: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing Avoid contact with the skin. Butyl rubber minimum thickness 0,5mm. 可选手套材料: 避免接触眼睛、皮肤和衣物。 避免接触皮肤。 丁基橡胶最小厚度:0,5mm。 Carbondioxide, Carbonmonoxide, Nitrogen Oxides 二氧化碳、一氧化碳、氧化氮(NOx)、挥发性(NOx), volatile Hydrocarbons, Aldehydes 烃类、乙醛 CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the CAS:化学文摘服务社(美国化学学会分支) American Chemical Society) Danger to drinking water if even small quantities 如有少量渗入土地,会危害饮用水。 leak into the ground. Diphenyl(2,4,6 trimethylbenzoyl)phosphinoxid 联苯氧化膦(2、4、6三甲基苯甲酰基) Disposal must be made according to official 处理时,必须依据官方规定。 regulations. Dispose of fire debris and contaminated fire 根据官方规定处理火灾残迹和被污染的消防用fighting water in accordance with official 水。 regulations. Do not allow product to reach ground water, 产品不得进入地下水、水道或排水系统。 water course or sewage system. Do not allow product to reach sewage system. 产品不得进入排水系统。 Do not allow to enter sewers/ surface or ground 不得进入下水沟/地表水或地下水。 water. Do not breathe fumes. 切勿吸入烟雾。 Due to missing tests no recommendation to the 因未进行试验,无法就接触产品、配制/化学混glove material can be given for the product/ the 合物所使用的手套材质提供建议。 preparation/the chemical mixture. During business hours: Dynamic at 20 °C: EINECS: European Inventory Commercial Chemical Substances of 营业时间内: 20 °C时为动态: Existing EINECS:欧洲现有商业化学物质名录 ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical ELINCS:欧洲已登记化学品目录 Substances email: 邮箱: Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the 确保工作场所通风/排气良好。 workplace. environment 环境 Examinations according DIN EN 374-2 have to be 根据DIN EN 374-2进行的检测必须达到如下结following result: 果: Exothermic reaction with radical forming agents 与自由基生成剂的发热反应 Fluid 液体 For the wording of the listed risk phrases refer to 所列示风险术语的用语,请参考第16节。 section 16.

言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification GHS:化学品分类及标记全球协调制度 and Labelling of Chemicals Gloves made from the following material(s) are 推荐使用以下材质的手套: recommended: Health & Safety 健康与安全 However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for 但是,这并不保证产品一定具有某种特殊特性,any specific product features and shall not 也不确立具有法律效力和约束力的关系。 establish a legally valid contractual relationship. IATA: International Air Transport Association ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization IATA:国际航空运输协会 ICAO:国际民航组织 IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous IMDG:国际海上危险货物运输规则 Goods Immediately remove all soiled and contaminated 立即清除所有受污染的衣物。 clothing Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse 立即用水、香皂清洗,彻底冲洗。 thoroughly. In case of brief exposure or low pollution use 如果是短时间暴露或污染度低,使用呼吸过滤装respiratory filter device. 置。 In case of intensive or longer exposure use 如需集中或长时间暴露,请使用自给式呼吸防护self-contained respiratory protective device. 装置 In case of unconsciousness place patient stably in 如发生昏迷,请将病人牢固侧放,以便运送。 side position for transportation. Inform respective authorities in case of seepage 如渗入河道或排水系统,请告知相关主管部门。 into water course or sewage system. Irritant to skin and mucous membranes. Isobornylacrylat 对皮肤和黏膜具有刺激性。 丙烯酸异冰片酯 It must be achieved a protection index of at least EN 374-3附件A3中试验化学品的保护指数应至grade 2 in 3 test chemicals in Annex A to EN 374-3. 少达到2级。. Keep away from foodstuffs, beverages and feed. 远离事物、饮品和饲料。 Keep container tightly closed and store at room 将容器紧密,并在室温下储存。 temperature. Keep container tightly sealed. Keep unprotected persons away. LC50: Lethal concentration, 50 percent LD50: Lethal dose, 50 percent Lower limit: MARINE POLLUTANT 将容器密封。 无保护人员请远离。 LC50:致死浓度,50% LD50:致死剂量,50 % 下限: 海洋污染物 Mixture of substances listed below with 下列物质与无毒害成分的混合物。 nonhazardous additions. Must not be disposed together with household 不可与家庭垃圾一同处理。 garbage. Nitrile rubber (thickness: 0,4 mm) 丁腈橡胶(厚度:0,4毫米)

言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com No dangerous reactions known. 危险反应未知。 No decomposition if used and stored according to 按照规范使用和储存,则不会发生分解。 specifications. No further data; see item 7. No further relevant information available. Not determined. Not miscible or difficult to mix. Not required. Organic solvents: Prevent formation of aerosols. Printing date 无更多数据;见第7项。 无更多相关信息。 未确定。 不易混合或较难混合。 未要求。 有机溶剂: 防止气溶胶的形成。 打印日期 Product contains environmentally hazardous 产品含有有害环境的物质:丙烯酸, 丙烯酸异冰substances: acrylic acid, Isobornylacrylat 片酯 Product does not present an explosion hazard. 产品无爆炸危险。 Product is not selfigniting. Product safety Protective gloves Reacts violently with peroxides. 产品不会自燃。 产品安全 防护手套 与过氧化物剧烈反应。 RID: Règlement international concernant le RID:Règlement international concernant le transport des marchandises dangereuses par transport des marchandises dangereuses par chemin de fer (Regulations Concerning the chemin de fer (关于国际铁路运输危险货物的条例) Rinse opened eye for several minutes under 张开眼睛,用流水冲洗几分钟。 running water. Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water. See Section 13 for disposal information. See Section 7 for information on safe handling. 冲洗嘴巴,然后大量饮水。 处理信息,见第13节。 安全处理信息,见第7节。 See Section 8 for information on personal 个人防护设备信息,见第8节。 protection equipment. Selection of the glove material on consideration of 选择手套材质时,需考虑渗透时间、扩散率和降the penetration times, rates of diffusion and the 解率。 degradation Sensitising Sensitization possible through skin contact. 致敏 接触皮肤后可能致敏。 Strong irritant with the danger of severe eye 具有强烈刺激性,会严重损伤眼睛。 injury. Strong oxidizing and reducing compounds, strong 强氧化还原化合物,强酸碱。 acids and alkali Strong polymerisation. Supply fresh air and to be sure call for a doctor. Symbol (fish and tree) 强聚合作用。 提供新鲜空气,寻求医师帮助。 符号(鱼和树) The classification is according to the latest editions 该分类是根据欧盟清单最新版本进行的,并通过

言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com of the EU-lists, and extended by company and 公司和文献数据进行扩充。 literature data. The glove material has to be impermeable and 手套材质必须具有不渗透性、耐产品/物质/制resistant to the product/ the substance/ the 剂。 preparation. The lists valid during the making were used as 制作期间的有效清单用作依据。 basis. The penetration time of the glove material should 手套材质的渗透时间应该长于8小时(厚度:丁be longer than 8 hours (Thickness: butyl rubber 基橡胶:0,5毫米;丁腈橡胶:0,35毫米) 0,5mm ; nitrile rubber 0,35mm) The product does not contain any relevant 对于具有临界值并且必须在工作场所实施监测quantities of materials with critical values that 的材料,产品不含有任何数量的此等材料。 have to be monitored at the workplace. The product has been classified and marked in 产品依据欧盟指令/危险物质条例分类和标记。 accordance with EU Directives / Ordinance on Hazardous Materials. The product has to be labelled due to the 根据“欧盟制剂的一般分类指南”的最新有效版calculation procedure of the \本,产品必须贴标签。 Classification guideline for preparations of the EU\in the latest valid version. The product shows the following dangers 根据“欧盟制剂的一般分类指南”的最新有效版according to the calculation method of the 本,产品具有以下危险: General EU Classification Guidelines for Preparations as issued in the latest version: Then consult a doctor. 然后咨询医师。 This information is based on our present 该信息以我们当前的了解为依据。 knowledge. This mixture does not contain substances complying with criteria for PBT and vPvB according to regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) annex XIII respectively regulation (EU) No. 253/2011. This mixture does not contain substances complying with criteria for PBT or vPvB according to fregulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) , annex XIII and regulation (EU) No. 253/2011. This mixture is classified as hazardous according to regulation (EC) 1272 / 2008 (CLP) This formulation is considered to be hazardous according to directive 1999/45/EC Toxic for aquatic organisms Undetermined. Upper limit:

根据第1907/2006号(欧共体)条例(新化学品法规)、附件十三以及第253/2011号条例(欧盟)相关规定,该混合物不含有符合PBT和vPvB标准的物质。 根据第1907/2006号(欧共体)条例(新化学品法规)、附件十三以及第253/2011号条例(欧盟)相关规定,该混合物不含有符合PBT和vPvB标准的物质。 根据第1272 / 2008号(欧共体)条例(欧盟物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装法规)的规定,该混合物属于危险物质。根据1999/45/EC指令,该构成具有危险性。 对水生生物有毒。 未确定。 上限: 言必达翻译公司 www.ybdtranslations.com Use fire extinguishing methods suitable to 采用适合周围环境的灭火方法。 surrounding conditions. UV curing adhesive VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds (USA, EU) 紫外线固化胶 VOC:挥发性有机化合物(美国、欧盟) Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. 休息前和工作结束后,请清洗双手。 Water hazard class 2 (German Regulation) 水危害等级2(德国条例)(自行评估): 对(Self-assessment): hazardous for water 水有害 Water with full jet 直接喷射水 Wear protective equipment. Yes 穿戴防护装备。 是

