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物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

通信工程 专业本科培养方案

Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Communication Engineering 一、培养目标

Ⅰ. Educational Objectives



The major of Communication Engineering is aiming at cultivating the advanced engineers who are expected to be creative and internally competitive with a mastery of the basic knowledge which is supposed to be well-structured in the field of Communication Engineering.

By the time of graduation, students are expected to be able to:

process a variety of media and signals in modern communication engineering;

command the basic theory and technology in both communication system and networks; be aware of the latest development and technology in the field of communication engineering After the systematic training in the course programme, students are assumed to possess the capacity for:


application of computer innovation

self-directed learning

analyzing and handling the problems in engineering

researching, designing, developing, debugging and practicing of communication products, systems, and networks.

二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ. Skills Profile

本专业毕业应具备以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1. 掌握现代通信系统的组织和体系结构; 2. 了解通信学科的最新发展动态;

3. 具有较强的信号处理、传输和工程管理的能力; 4. 具有较好的人文社科知识和人文素质;


物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

5. 具有较强的创新精神;

On completion of the whole programme, students are expected:

to have a mastery of the organization and systematic structure of modern Communication Engineering System;

to be aware of the latest development and trends in the field of communication; to have the capacity for signal processing, transmission and project management; to have a good command of the knowledge of social science; to be equipped with strong creativity

三、培养特色 Ⅲ. Program Features


The programme is mainly oriented to communication technology with science and engineering as its foundation and information as its platform. With the orientation to application and the integration of software and hardware, the programme intends to cultivate the interdisciplinary talents in the theoretical research and application of engineering technology in the field of communication.


Ⅳ. Major Disciplines


Information and Communication Engineering


Ⅴ. Length of Schooling and Degree

修业年限:四年 Duration: Four Years 授予学位:工学学士

Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering

六、学时与学分 Ⅵ. Hours/Credits


Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising theoretical teaching and internship practical assemble training):181

完成学业最低课外学分要求:8 Minimum Extracurricular Credits: 8 1. 理论教学学时与学分

1. Hours/Credits of theoretical teaching

· ·282

物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

课程类别 Courses Classified 课程性质 学时/学分 Courses Nature Hrs/Crs 必修 Compulsory 选修 Optional 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 选修 Optional 选修 Optional 1190/66 128/8 306/16.5 330/17 252/14 452/26.5 占总学分比例(%) Percentage(%) 42 5 11 11 9 17 通识教育平台 Platform in General Education 学科基础平台 Platform in Discipline Foundation 学科大类基础课程 Basic Courses in General Discipline 学科(专业)基础课程 Basic Courses in Discipline 相关学科课程 Courses in Relative Disciplines 专业课程 Common Courses 专业方向课程 Specialty-Oriented Courses 合计 Total 专业教育平台 Platform in Specialty Education 136/8 5 2794/156 100 2.集中性实践教学环节周数与学分

2. Weeks/Credits of Internship Practical Assemble Training 实践教学环节名称 Types of Practical Training 军事训练 Military Training 公益劳动 Laboring for Public Benefit 认知实习 Cognitive Practice 专业实习 Internship Training 毕业论文(设计) Undergraduate Thesis …… 合计 Total 课程性质 Courses Nature 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 必修 Compulsory 周数/学分 Weeks/Credits 2w/2 1w/1 2w/2 4w/4 16w/16 25w/25 占实践环节总学分的比例(%) Percentage(%) 8 4 8 16 64 100 3.课外学分:8 3. extracurricular credits: 8

七、主要课程 Ⅶ. Main Courses



物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

Analogue Electronic Circuits. Digital Circuit & Logical Design of Digital System. Signals and Linear Systems. Micro Computer Theory and Application. Communication Theory. Digital Signal Processing. Digital Image Processing. Informatics & Coding. Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves. Basis of Software Technique and Design. SPC Exchange Fundamentals. Mobile Communication


Ⅷ. Table of Teaching Schedule

院(系):物理学与电子技术学院 专业:通信工程 School(Department): Faculty of Physics and Electronic Engineering Specialty: Communication Engineering 课程类别Courses of Types 学时分配 各学期学时(周数) Proportion of Course Semester Distribution of Course Hours Hours 课程性质Nature of Courses Compulsory 课程名称Course Name 课程编码Course Code 学时(周数)学分/ Hrs(Weeks)/Crs 48/3 32/2 实践讲实授验Lect. Lab. 讨习讲论题演Exercises Seminar Speech PracticalTraining 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 通识教育平台思想道德修养与 法律基础 Cultivation of 0304100103 Ideological and Fundamentals of Law 中国近现代史纲要 The compendium of 0601100202 Chinese modern History 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论(一) An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng 0101100303 Xiaoping Theory and 必the Important Idea of the “Three 修Represents”(Ⅰ) 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论(二) An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng 0101100403 Xiaoping Theory and the Important Idea of the “Three Represents”(Ⅱ) 马克思主义基本原理 0101100503 Principle of Marxism 大学英语(一) 0502100604 College English(Ⅰ) 大学英语(二) College English(Ⅱ) 大学英语(三) College English(Ⅲ) 0502100704 0502100804 36 12 48 24 8 32 48/3 36 12 48 · ·284

Platform in General Education 48/3 36 12 48 48/3 64/4 64/4 64/4 36 64 64 64 12 64 64 64 48 物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

大学英语(四) 0502100904 College English(Ⅳ) 体育(一) 0402101002 Physical Education(Ⅰ) 体育(二) 0402101102 Physical Education(Ⅱ) 体育(三) 0402101202 Physical Education(Ⅲ) 体育(四) 0402101302 Physical Education(Ⅳ) 大学语文 College Chinese 高等数学B(上) Advanced Mathematics B(Ⅰ) 高等数学B(下) 必修Advanced Mathematics B(Ⅱ) 大学计算机基础 introduction to Computer Technology 高级程序设计语言与软件开发 Advanced Programming Language and Software development 大学物理A(上) Advanced Physics A (Ⅰ) 大学物理A(下) Advanced Physics A (Ⅱ) 军事理论 Military Theory Compulsory Elective Compulsory 小 计 subtotal 0501101403 64/4 32/2 32/2 32/2 32/2 48/3 64 32 32 32 32 48 32 20 20 32 48 32 32 64 32 通识教育平台0701101705 100/5 80 0701101805 100/5 80 0806102402 64/2 32 100 100 32 Platform in General Education

0806102504 94/4 64 30 64 0702102604 0702102703 1103103101 72/4 72/4 32/1 50 16 50 16 16 16 6 6 16 72 72 1190 972 32 78 56 52 /66 340 364 216 144 48 选修学校公选课 Courses in University 其中,必须选修3学分人文社会科学类课程 128/8 Required Credits 8. Including Humanistic Social Science Credits 3 32 4 36 线性代数 学0806201002 36/2 Linear Algebra 科基复变函数与积分变换 础平Functions of Complex 0806203002 36/2 台Variables & Integral 学Transformation 科大必数学物理方程与特殊类修函数 基Equations of 0806201302 36/2 础Mathematical Physics 课& Special Functions 程概率论、数理统计与随机过程 Probability Theory 、 0806202504 64/3.5 Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic process ·Platform in Discipline Basic Courses in General Discipline Foundation·32 4 36 32 4 36 54 10 64 电路理论基础(B)(一) Fundamental Theory of 0806201504 60/3.5 42 12 Circuit I 6 60 ·285·

物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

电路理论基础(B)(二) Fundamental Theory of 0806201602 30/1.5 22 6 Circuit II 工程制图 12(Graphing of 0806201102 44/2 32 CAEngineering D) 小 计 306 246 30 subtotal /16.5 模拟电路 学科Analogue Electronic 0806201704 72/4 64 基Circuits 础平数字电路与数字系统台逻辑设计 学Digital Circuit & 0806302304 60/3.5 54 科Logical Design of (Digital System 专业)电子技术基础实验基(一) 础Basic Electronic 0806201901 18/0.5 18 课Technology & 程必Experiment I 修·Compulsory Compulsory 电子技术基础实验(二) Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment II 高频电路 High-Frequency Circuit 信号与线性系统 Signals and Linear Systems 小 计 subtotal 微机原理与应用 Micro Computer 0806408904 Theory and Application 2 30 8 44 30 80 124 102 72 6 60 18 · ·286

Basic Courses in Platform in Discipline Foundation·Discipline ·Platform in Discipline Courses in Relative Disciplines Foundation·0806202001 36/1 36 36 0806302604 72/4 64 8 72 0806302704 72/4 56 8 8 72 330/17 238 62 30 90 240 72/4 46 18 8 72 学科基软件技术基础与设计 础Basis of Software 0806409003 平Technique and Design 台相关电磁场与电磁波 学必Electromagnetic Fields 0806301403 科修& Magnetic Waves 基础课通信原理 程0806409404 Communication theory 54/3 28 20 6 54 54/3 48 6 54 72/4 52 12 8 72 小 计 subtotal 252/14 174 50 28 72 108 72 物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

锁相技术 0806409502 36/2 30 6 Phase Lock Technique 自动控制原理 Automatic Control 0806411104 54/3.5 46 8 Theory 信息论与编码 0806409303 54/3 48 Informatics & Coding 微波工程基础 Basis of Microwave 0806409703 54/3 45 9 Engineering 计算机通信网 0806409803 54/3 48 6 Computer Network 数据库原理与应用 Database Theory and 0806411503 48/3 36 12 Application 专仿真软件应用 业Application of 0806411602 32/2 20 12 教选育修Simulation Software 平C语言与数据结构 台C Language and Data 0806410103 48/3 36 12 专Structure 业EDA技术 课0806410202 32/2 16 16 程EDA technology DSP原理与应用 DSP Theory and 0806504002 40/2 32 8 Application 电子测量 Electronic 0806412002 36/2 27 9 Measurement 软件无线电技术 Radio Technology of 0806410402 32/2 32 Software Technique 数字信号处理 Digital Signal 0806409203 48/3 48 Processing 应选学时学分 452 464 86 12 Required hours/credits /26.5 Elective Elective 6 6 48 32 48 54 54 32 36 54 36 48 54 40 32 · Common Courses Platform in Specialty Education·· Platform in Specialty Specialty-Oriented Course Education·

80 48 140 174 94 32 模块A(程控交换与移动通信方向) 程控交换原理 SPC Exchange 0806510902 40/2 32 8 Fundamentals 移动通信 Mobile 0806410503 40/2.5 32 8 Communication 电波与天线 Electric wave & 0806511102 32/2 32 Antenna 光纤通信基础 Basis of Fiber Optical 0806503602 32/2 32 6 Communication 卫星通信 Satellite 0806510802 32/2 32 Communications 应选学时学分 136/8 160 16 Required hours/credits 40 40 32 32 32 专业教育平台专业方选向修课程40 104 32 模块B(信息处理方向) 接口技术与系统设计 Interface Technique & 0806504102 System Design 嵌入式系统 Implanting System 0806504402 40/2 36/2 24 16 24 12 40 36 ·287·

物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

数字图像处理 Digital Image Processing 数字语音处理 Digital Voice Processing 0806511402 32/2 32 32 0806511502 32/2 32 32 单片机原理与应用 Single chip computer 0806504202 theory and Application 应选学时学分 Required hours/credits 军事训练 Military Training 公益劳动 Laboring for Public Benefit 生产实习 Production Practice 40/2 24 16 2w 40 136/8 136 44 80 68 32 1301600102 2w/2 实践环节1301600201 1w/1 学校统一安排 Arranged by School Unitedly 4w 0806601904 4w/4 从事研究、设计、应用和开发的高等技术人才。

This major cultivates senior engineers with the basic knowledge of communication technology, systems and networks, they are expected to have the capacity for project practice, the research, design, development and application in the communication domain.

· ·288

Internship and Practical Training 必修金工、电工实习 Metalworking & 0806601302 2w/2 Electrical Engineering Practice 毕业论文(设计)(一) Undergraduate 0806601708 8w/8 Project(Thesis) I 毕业论文(设计)(二) Undergraduate 0806601208 8w/8 Project(Thesis) II 小 计 subtotal 注:填入“周数”时加后缀“w”

Note:When filling in the table with the number of weeks, please suffix “w” to it.


Ⅰ. Educational Objectives



Compulsory 2w 8w 8w 25w/25 通信工程 第二主修专业培养计划

The Second Program of Bachelor’s Degree for Specialty in

Communication Engineering

物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

Ⅱ. Degree(s) Conferred


Bachelor of Engineering

三、学分 Ⅲ. Credits

完成学业最低学分要求:56 Minimum Course Credits: 56 其中: Including:


Basic Courses in General Discipline: 5.5 学科(专业)基础课程:22 Basic Courses in Discipline:22 专业课程:6 Common Courses: 6 专业方向课程:6.5

Specialty-Oriented Courses:6.5 毕业论文(设计):16 Undergraduate Thesis: 16


Ⅳ. Table of Teaching Schedule 课程类别Courses of Types · Basic Platform in Discipline Foundation·Courses in General Discipline

学时分配 各学期学时(周数) Proportion of Course Semester Distribution of Course Hours Hours 课程性质Nature of Courses Compulsory 课程名称Course Name 课程编码Course Code 学时(周数)学分实践讲实授验Lect. Lab. / Hrs(Weeks)/Crs 讨习讲论题演Exercises Seminar Speech Practical Training 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 学36/2 32 科基础必平修概率论、数理统计与台随机过程 学科Probability Theory、 0806202504 64/3.5 54 大Mathematical 类Statistics and 基Stochastic process 础课小 计 程100/5.5 86 subtotal 复变函数与积分变换 Functions of Complex 0806203002 Variables & Integral Transformation 4 36 10 64 14 100 ·289·

物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

电路理论基础(B)(一) 0806201504 Fundamental Theory of Circuit I 电路理论基础(B)(二) 0806201602 Fundamental Theory of Circuit II 模拟电路 Analogue Electronic 0806201704 Circuits 数字电路与数字系统逻辑设计 Digital Circuit & Logical 0806302304 Design of Digital System 电子技术基础实验(一) Basic Electronic 0806201901 Technology & Experiment I 电子技术基础实验(二) Basic Electronic 0806202001 Technology & Experiment II 高频电路 High-Frequency 0806302604 Circuit 微机原理与应用 Micro Computer 0806408904 Theory and Application 小 计 subtotal 通信原理 Communication 0806409404 theory 计算机通信网 0806409803 Computer Network 电子测量 Electronic 0806412002 Measurement 60/3.5 42 12 6 60 30/1.5 22 6 2 30 · ·290

· Basic Courses in Discipline Platform in Discipline Foundation·72/4 64 8 72 学科基础平台学科(专业)基础课程60/3.5 54 6 60 必修专业教选育修平台专业课程Compulsory Elective 18/0.5 18 18 36/1 36 36 72/4 64 8 72 72/4 46 18 8 38 8 8 72 420/22 292 90 72/4 54/3 36/2 52 12 48 6 27 9 150 270 72 54 36 Elective · Platform in Specialty Common Courses Education·· Platform in Specialty-Oriented Course Specialty Education·应选学时学分 Required hours/credits 108/6 127 27 162 专业教育平台专业方向课程选修程控交换原理 SPC Exchange 0806510902 40/2.5 32 8 Fundamentals 单片机原理与应用 Single chip computer 0806504202 40/2 24 16 theory and Application 仿真软件应用 Application of 0806411602 Simulation Software EDA技术 EDA technology 0806410202 32/2 20 12 40 40 32 32/2 16 16 32 32 应选学时学分 Required hours/credits 104/6.5 92 52 72 40

物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

实践环节毕业论文(设计)(一) Undergraduate 0806601708 8w/8 必修Project(Thesis) I Compulsory 毕业论文(设计)(二) Undergraduate 0806601208 8w/8 Project(Thesis) II Internship and Practical Training

8w 8w 注:填入“周数”时加后缀“w”

Note:When filling in the table with the number of weeks, please suffix “w” to it.

通信工程 辅修专业培养计划

Minor Program for Specialty in Communication Engineering Without Degree 一、培养目标

Ⅰ. Educational Objectives


This major cultivates special talent with basic knowledge of communication technology, systems and networks, with certain project practice ability, who can be engaged in the research and the application in the communication domain.

This major cultivates special talent with basic knowledge of communication technology, systems and networks, with certain capacity for project practice, research and application in the communication domain.

二、学分 Ⅱ. Credits

完成学业最低学分要求:27.5 Minimum Course Credits: 27.5 其中: Including:


Basic Courses in Discipline: 20.5 专业教育课程:7

Courses in Specialty Education: 7


Ⅲ. Table of Teaching Schedule


课程类别Courses of Types 物理学与电子技术学院 本科培养方案

学时分配 各学期学时(周数) Proportion of Course Semester Distribution of Course Hours Hours 课程性质Nature of Courses Compulsory Elective 课程名称Course Name 课程编码Course Code 学时(周数)学分实践Practical Training 学科基础课程电路理论基础(B)(一) Fundamental Theory of 0806201504 60/3.5 42 Circuit I 电路理论基础(B)(二) Fundamental Theory of 0806201602 30/1.5 22 Circuit II 模拟电路 Analogue Electronic 0806201704 72/4 64 必Circuits 修数字电路与数字系统逻辑设计 Digital Circuit & 0806302304 60/3.5 54 Logical Design of Digital System 高频电路 0806302604 72/4 64 High-Frequency Circuit 微机原理与应用 Micro Computer 0806408904 72/4 46 Theory and Application 小 计 366/20.5 292 subtotal 通信原理 0806409404 Communication theory 电磁场与电磁波 Electromagnetic Fields 0806301403 & Magnetic Waves 计算机通信网 0806409803 Computer Network 选仿真软件应用 修Application of 0806411602 Simulation Software EDA技术 0806410202 EDA technology 数字信号处理 Digital Signal 0806409203 Processing 应选学时学分 Required hours/credits 72/4 54/3 54/3 32/2 32/2 48/3 / Hrs(Weeks)/Crs 讲实授验Lect. Lab. 12 6 习讨题讲论演Exercises Seminar Speech 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 6 2 8 60 72 30 学科专业课程 · ·292

Basic Courses in Discipline Courses in Specialty 6 60 18 36 8 8 38 8 6 14 72 72 72 54 48 132 234 32 32 54 32 52 12 48 48 6 20 12 16 16 48 112/7 232 46 86 174 注:填入“周数”时加后缀“w”

Note:When filling in the table with the number of weeks, please suffix “w” to it.

