Matlab 函数分类汇总-R2011b版

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Function Reference

File I/O Data Organization Descriptive Statistics Statistical Visualization Probability Distributions Hypothesis Tests Analysis of Variance Parametric Regression Analysis Multivariate Methods Cluster Analysis Model Assessment Parametric Classification Nonparametric Supervised Learning Alphabetical List Class Reference

Data file input/output Data arrays and groups Data summaries Data patterns and trends Modeling data frequency Inferences from data Modeling data variance Continuous data models Visualization and reduction Identifying data categories Identifying data categories Categorical data models Classification and regression via trees, bagging, boosting, and more Stochastic data models Systematic data collection Production monitoring Interactive tools General purpose Hidden Markov Models Design of Experiments Statistical Process Control GUIs Utilities File I/O

caseread casewrite tblread tblwrite tdfread

Read case names from file Write case names to file Read tabular data from file Write tabular data to file Read tab-delimited file



Create dataset array from data stored in SAS XPORT format file

Data Organization

Categorical Arrays Dataset Arrays Grouped Data Categorical Arrays


(categorical) categorical cellstr

(categorical) circshift

(categorical) ctranspose (categorical) double

(categorical) droplevels (categorical)

Add levels to categorical array

cat (categorical) Concatenate categorical arrays

Create categorical array

Convert categorical array to cell array of strings

char (categorical) Convert categorical array to character array

Shift categorical array circularly Transpose categorical matrix

Convert categorical array to double array Drop levels

end (categorical) Last index in indexing expression for categorical

array flipdim

(categorical) fliplr

(categorical) flipud

(categorical) getlabels

(categorical) getlevels


Flip categorical array along specified dimension Flip categorical matrix in left/right direction Flip categorical matrix in up/down direction Access categorical array labels Get categorical array levels


hist (categorical) Plot histogram of categorical data horzcat

(categorical) int16

(categorical) int32

(categorical) int64


Horizontal concatenation for categorical arrays Convert categorical array to signed 16-bit integer array

Convert categorical array to signed 32-bit integer array

Convert categorical array to signed 64-bit integer array

int8 (categorical) Convert categorical array to signed 8-bit integer

array intersect

(categorical) ipermute

(categorical) isempty

(categorical) isequal

(categorical) islevel

(categorical) ismember

(categorical) isscalar

(categorical) isundefined (categorical) isvector

(categorical) length

(categorical) levelcounts (categorical) mergelevels (ordinal) ndims

(categorical) nominal numel


Set intersection for categorical arrays

Inverse permute dimensions of categorical array True for empty categorical array True if categorical arrays are equal Test for levels

True for elements of categorical array in set

ismember (ordinal) Test for membership

True if categorical array is scalar Test for undefined elements

True if categorical array is vector Length of categorical array Element counts by level Merge levels

Number of dimensions of categorical array Construct nominal categorical array Number of elements in categorical array


ordinal permute

(categorical) reorderlevels (categorical) repmat

(categorical) reshape

(categorical) rot90

(categorical) setdiff

(categorical) setlabels

(categorical) setxor

(categorical) shiftdim

(categorical) single

(categorical) sort (ordinal) squeeze

(categorical) summary

(categorical) times

(categorical) transpose

(categorical) uint16

(categorical) uint32

(categorical) uint64

(categorical) uint8

(categorical) union

Construct ordinal categorical array Permute dimensions of categorical array Reorder levels

Replicate and tile categorical array Resize categorical array

Rotate categorical matrix 90 degrees Set difference for categorical arrays Label levels

Set exclusive-or for categorical arrays Shift dimensions of categorical array Convert categorical array to single array

size (categorical) Size of categorical array

Sort elements of ordinal array

Squeeze singleton dimensions from categorical array Summary statistics for categorical array Product of categorical arrays Transpose categorical matrix

Convert categorical array to unsigned 16-bit integers Convert categorical array to unsigned 32-bit integers Convert categorical array to unsigned 64-bit integers Convert categorical array to unsigned 8-bit integers Set union for categorical arrays


sortrows (ordinal) Sort rows

(categorical) unique

(categorical) vertcat


Unique values in categorical array

Vertical concatenation for categorical arrays

Dataset Arrays

cat (dataset) dataset datasetfun (dataset) end (dataset) get (dataset)

Concatenate dataset arrays Construct dataset array

Apply function to dataset array variables

cellstr (dataset) Create cell array of strings from dataset array

double (dataset) Convert dataset variables to double array

Last index in indexing expression for dataset array Access dataset array properties

export (dataset) Write dataset array to file

grpstats (dataset) Summary statistics by group for dataset arrays horzcat (dataset) Horizontal concatenation for dataset arrays isempty (dataset) True for empty dataset array join (dataset) Merge observations

length (dataset) Length of dataset array ndims (dataset) numel (dataset) replacedata (dataset) set (dataset) size (dataset) stack (dataset)

Number of dimensions of dataset array Number of elements in dataset array Replace dataset variables Set and display properties Size of dataset array

Stack data from multiple variables into single variable

single (dataset) Convert dataset variables to single array sortrows (dataset) Sort rows of dataset array

summary (dataset) Print summary of dataset array unique (dataset) Unique observations in dataset array

unstack (dataset) Unstack data from single variable into multiple

variables vertcat (dataset) Vertical concatenation for dataset arrays

Grouped Data


