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Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference

S. Chick, P. J. Sánchez, D. Ferrin, and D. J. Morrice, eds.



Subhashini Ganapathy

Raymond R. Hill

Department of Biomedical, Industrial and Human Factors Engineering

Wright State University

207, Russ Engineering Center

Dayton, OH 45324, U.S.A.


Among the many modeling methods used for military ap-plications, simulation modeling is one of the most popular as it offers flexibility and an ability to perform “what-if” analysis.In this paper, we discuss search and destroy mis-sions in the context of the World War II Bay of Biscay U-boat scenario. We present a simulation architecture that supports integration of human reasoning with simulation-based optimization methods.


Simulation models are used extensively for studying mili-tary applications. The primary goal of a military simulation is to provide a high fidelity representation of the combat conditions. Among the many modeling methods used for military applications, simulation modeling is one of the most popular as it offers flexibility and an ability to per-form “what-if” analysis (Battilega and Grange 1978).In the Search and Destroy (SAD) missions, a troop would search for the enemy and when found would capture or destroy the enemy force. Typically, in such cases, there is a threat to the search team by the enemy targets, directly or indirectly. In a direct threat there are attacks without an intervening agency or resource acting on behalf of the threat.

In a SAD scenario the information about the objects of interest (targets) is very important and is dynamic in nature. There could be two situations, (a) searching for an elusive target, and (b) if a target is located and is subse-quently lost. In the latter case, it behooves us to start the search in the area the target was last located. The knowl-edge about the target location (search area) temporally decays and this knowledge may no longer be relevant with change in time.

The dynamics and uncertainty associated with this problem scenario makes it very difficult to apply purely analytic approaches. Human reasoning integrated with

heuristic optimization methods offer a potentially attrac-

tive alternative.

In this article, we present the simulation architecture in the context of Bay of Biscay scenario. We present the deci-

sion algorithm that the simulation architecture uses in plan-

ning the path over the search area. Our model implements

the computational infrastructure to support reusable soft-

ware components. The architecture represents a dynamic

path planning in the context of the Bay of Biscay scenario

involving interactions associated with search for targets with minimum resources and maximum efficiency. Simula-

tion models give the flexibility of expanding and compress-

ing time (real world time) and, thus, allow extensive inves-

tigation of the system during any period of time. It accounts

for the dynamics and uncertainty of the system.


This study focuses on the U-boat hunting problem during

World War II in the Bay of Biscay area. The Bay of Bis-

cay is an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern Europe, bounded by France and Spain. The German U-

boats operated from captured ports in occupied France,

crossing the Bay of Biscay to gain access to the North At-

lantic.In the Atlantic, the U-boat wolf packs would look

for and attack allied convoys.The Allied convoys pro-

vided critical logistical support to the war effort. The con-

voys would ship basic necessities and war material to Great Britain.As counter measures, the Allied force sent

out airplanes to search and destroy the U-boats. Accord-

ing to McCue (1990), one of the biggest challenges faced

by the Allies was the Axis U-boat threat.

U-boats most imperiled North Atlantic shipping in 1942 and 1943.The Allied forces sent aircraft to search

the Bay of Biscay area for U-boats that were in transit be-

tween their ports in occupied France and the areas in North Atlantic. This search effort was more of an “offen-999

Ganapathy and Hill

sive” campaign than the “defensive” task of protecting convoys (Waddington 1973).

The problem domain can be described by the entities present in the system, their states and events as shown in Figure 1. The U-boats can be present in one of the three states: surfaced, submerged or sunk. The aircraft remain either on the base to be deployed or on the bay searching for the U-boats. The three major functional components of the system are:

1. The place of origin of the U-boats (French Ports

& German Shipyard) and North Atlantic

2. The Bay of Biscay

3. The place of origin of the aircraft (airfields in


Figure 1: List of Entities, Their

States and Events

There are two events that occur in the ports of occu-pied France. The U-boats returning to France undergo re-pair and service. The aircraft return to the base for refuel-ing and reloading of munitions. Sinking of U-boats in the Bay depends on the number of U-boats surfaced and sub-merged, and the Allied search effort.

The U-boat war presents an interesting study, particu-larly when examining the dynamic decision processes in either side. The technologies used by both sides kept changing and updating with new strategies and counter-measures. The British introduced Anti-Surface Vessel

Mark II airborne radars to facilitate night time search. The

Germans as countermeasure changed their strategies for

transit by lessening detectability and vulnerability. The

Allies tried to match their search effort balance with that

of the Germans strategy of day and night travel.

McCue (1990) developed a mathematical model to study the behavior of the system that is known as the U-

boat Circulation Model. The U-boat circulation model en-

ables evaluation of performance of different Bay meas-

ures and countermeasures, using merchant ships saved as

a measure of performance.


There has been a lot of research on developing algorithms

for finding shortest paths in a particular topology or map.

Many of the previous models have failed to include the

dynamics and uncertainty of the planning model. Stentz

(1994) presents planning trajectories for mobile robots but

the model assumption that the environment is predeter-

mined is inaccurate. Canny and Lin (1990) discuss a robot

path planning algorithm that constructs a global skeleton

of free-space.

A discrete search space consists of a network of arcs

interconnected with or without repetition of the nodes.

Some of the well-known search algorithms for state space

search include A*, Dijkstra and Ant-Search (Cormen, Le-

iserson, and Rivest 2000; Gallo and Pallotino 1988; Nils-

son 1982;).

Dijkstra’s algorithm has been the widely used algo-rithm because it is simple and has less computation time.

Some of the applications include vehicle routing, emer-

gency routing and response system.

These algorithms aid in finding a solution that takes the form of a sequence of actions leading in a path from

the start state to a goal state. One of the major disadvan-

tages of these methods is that they are deterministic in na-

ture. These algorithms fail to account for the temporal

change in the environment. One of the limiting factors

for destroying the U-boats was the amount of munitions

carried by the airplane. The aircraft could carry only one

bomb at a time and once they dropped their bomb they

needed to fly to the base and rearm. The problem be-

comes very interesting for the following scenario: If an

airplane sights a U-boat on its way back to the base, what

is the flight path of the airplane after rearming? This can

result in two alternatives:

1. The airplane can return back to the sighted loca-

tion and search for the U-boat

2. The airplane can go and follow its predefined

search pattern.

Given a particular region the aircraft can travel along any path. The choice between the alternatives depends on

the cost effectiveness of the alternatives. The cost func-

tion depends on the probability of finding the U-boat at 1000

Ganapathy and Hill

the sighted location. Good search heuristics can result in improving the quality of the solution in terms of the re-sources spent. Richardson (1980) discusses the United States Coast Guard Computer Assisted Search Planning System (CASP) development work that investigates the search plan over a rectangular region.

The process of planning involves six steps. The first step is to define the objective and second is the correct problem formulation. The third step involves generation of alternatives and then comes evaluation of the alterna-tives. The next step is the choice of alternatives. The final step could be a feedback loop to give input to the simula-tion (Hozaki and Iida 2001).

The decision process for selecting the path is as shown in Figure 2. The base for the decision process is a Dijkstra’s algorithm, that also checks for optimal resource allocation based on the aircraft location, the resources present for the aircraft and whether it is armed or not. Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to find the shortest path on a weighted, directed graph with a single-source node. The Bay area is pided in to equal segments of 100NM and each intersection of the square is considered a node. Each node is associated with a weight based on the dis-tance between the nodes, the amount of fuel required to cover the distance, and how recently an aircraft has vis-ited the node. The route of the aircraft is determined by first checking to see if the aircraft has ammunition. If the aircraft needs to be rearmed then it is routed back to the base, otherwise the algorithm calculates the next node based on the weights. Once the next location is calculated this information is presented to the user, and they can change the allocation based on the heuristics.

The search area covered can be expressed as the opera-tional sweep width of the airplane. Operational sweep rate measures submarine sightings in square miles per hour. 4 COMPUTATIONAL ARCHITECTURE High-fidelity computer models and simulations are very useful in design as well as ongoing systems management of many complex, real-world, dynamic systems (Naraya-nan et. al. 1998). The system developed for this study is a discrete event simulation. Figure 2: Decision Process for Selection of Waypoints 4.1 Simulation Architecture

The simulation architecture is based on an object-oriented architecture and supports interactive simulations (Naraya-nan et. al. 1997). The different modules of the system are (a) Basic Simulation Module, (b) Allied Resources Module, (c) Interface Module, and (d) German U-boats Module.

Interactions between different components are repre-sented using UML as shown in Figure 3. UML is a language for specifying, constructing, visualizing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system (Muller 1997).

Figure 3: Dependency Diagram of Simulation Architecture


Ganapathy and Hill

Within the simulation, the entities are connected in a multi-threaded architecture. Hence, each inpidual air-craft or U-boat can be controlled and can describe differ-ent behavior. The architecture is built using the Java 2 en-vironment and can operate across different platforms. The basic simulation module is responsible for the scheduling of the events and coordinating the multi-threaded archi-tecture. It runs a standard simulation clock that tracks the time of the simulated system. The interface is developed

using the Java swing package.

Choosing the distributions for the occurrence of events is very critical in a simulation. There are two types of distributions used for this architecture: uniform and ex-ponential. In uniform distribution, the minimum and maximum are provided and all values within the range are equally likely to occur. The set of random numbers can be replicated; hence, these distributions generate pseudoran-dom numbers. The simulation design data is based on his-torical data and military expert opinion. 4.2 Features of the Model

The simulation interface is shown in Figure 4 . The time period for modeling the simulation was chosen as April 1943 – September 1943. During this timeframe the tech-nologies used by both the sides were fairly steady. Figure 4: Simulation Interface

aircraft could carry only one bomb at a time and once they dropped their bomb, they needed to fly to the base and rearm.

4.2.1 Aircraft Module

4.2.2 U-boats Module

The aircraft leave from a single base at Great Britain and search the base area based on the modified Djikstra’s al-gorithm. They standoff 100 NM from the coast of France to avoid enemy air patrols and escorts (Champagne and Hill 2003). They can sight a U-boat only when the U-boat travels on surface. The nodes are assigned based on the dynamic path-planning algorithm. The U-boats travel from five different ports and then cross the Bay of Biscay at different points in the sea. At the beginning of the simulation the U-boats are assigned randomly to any port based on a uniform distribution.

The simulation introduces anomalies in the system in terms of false targets, whose detection characteristics are identical to that of the target. A false target could represent a tide or water turbulence. Such false targets are called false positive. These false targets have the same detection function as the real target. The changes in the simulation module can be viewed on the interface as animations. The aircraft search around the middle of the bay area as shown in Figure 4. They do not go too close to the French ports as the U-boats had support convoys. The air-craft are limited by the munitions they can carry. They are also constrained by the search space and the capacity of the aircraft. Some of the assumptions made in this model are (a) the aircraft return to the base once the resources get depleted to 30% of their total capacity, (b) U-boats and the airplane move at a constant speed and do not ac-celerate, and (c) U-boats are always sighted when they are directly below a search beam of the airplane. 5 DISCUSSION

We have presented here an initial attempt to integrate human reasoning and decision making into a complex model. The computational architecture is generic and can support various studies related to heuristics optimization. In evaluating the effectiveness of the search it is impor-tant to properly formulate the effort. One of the most common measures in a search and destroy scenarios is to note whether a target has been found or not. If the target is not found then this measure does not give any clue re-garding the thoroughness and efficiency of the search nor

Some of the major decisions based on heuristics are: if a aircraft finds a U-boat on its return to the base for refuel then it would mark that place and let the other air-craft know about the specific location; if there are air-craft closer to that region then they would go and bomb that U-boat. One of the limiting factors for destroying the U-boats was the amount of munitions carried by the aircraft. The


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does it provide guidance on when to stop the search. Hence it is important to choose the right measure in as-sessing the system.

The different studies that are in progress are (a) devel-oping software patterns that model prototypical scenarios and implement them as a library of classes using an object-oriented programming language, (b) formulation and im-plementation of heuristic optimization methods, and (c) ex-ploring the effectiveness of human integrated decision-making system with respect to an automated system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The research was sponsored by Defense Modeling and Simulation Office through the Air Force Institute of Technology.


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SUBHASHINI GANAPATHY is a Research Assistant at Human Computer Interaction Lab, Wright State University. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Humans in Complex Systems. Her research interests include predictive analysis in model-based information technology systems, design op-timization, and simulation and modeling. Her email and web addresses are and <64496d1be2bd960590c677de/~ganapathy.2>.

RAYMOND R. HILL is an Associate Professor of In-dustrial and Human Factors Engineering with Wright State University. He has a Ph.D. from the Ohio State Uni-versity and has research interests in heuristic analysis, ap-plied optimization and simulation modeling. His email and web addresses are and <64496d1be2bd960590c677de/~rhill>.


