2007年上海市公务员考试 行测

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ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 2007年上海市国家公务员(机关工作人员)


第一部分 数理能力




1.6,8,10,11,14,14,( )

A.16 B.17 C.18 D.20 【解析】C。奇数项是公差为4的等差数列,偶数项是公差为3的等差数列。 2.

2 3

4 ( ) 9

8 12 18 27

A.6 B.7 C.10 D.11 【解析】A。下一层数的两两之差等于上层数字。 3.

1 2 4 3 1 3 15 7 1 4 ? 13

A.18 B.20 C.24 D.40 【解析】D。

(??1)4?115-1?1?2?1,?3?3-1,?3?4?1,?=40。 37134.2,7,24,77,( )

A.198 B.218 C.238 D.258 【解析】C。7=2×3+l,24=7×3+3,77=24×3+5,(238)=77×3+7 5.0,

8581,,,,( ) 21169egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations A.

31333537 B. C. D. 343638400381524x,,,,,,观察可知,分子分母各自都是二级等差数列,所36111827y【解析】C。原式等同于




6.某企业计划从2003年起产量每年比上一年增长7%,按此计划2008年产量比2003年增加( ) A.35% B.42% C.(1?7%)5?1 D.(1?7%)6?1


157.某市为合理用电,鼓励各用户安装“峰谷”电表。该市原电价为每度0.53元,改装新电表后,每天晚上10点至次日早上8点为“低谷”,每度收取0.28元,其余时间为“高峰”,每度收取0.56元。为改装新电表每个用户须收取100元改装费。假定某用户每月用200度电,两个不同时段的耗电量各为100度。那么改装电表12个月后,该用户可节约 元。

A.161 B.162 C.163 D.164


8.某日人民币外汇牌价如下表(货币单位:人民币元),按照这一汇率,100元人民币约可以兑换 美元。

货币名称 100USD 100EUR 100JPY 100HKD 100GBP 中间价 786.97 1003.53 6.6704 101.102 1497.85 A.12.6l B.12.66 C.12.7l D.12.76




egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 格保持不变。那么,要使一吨洋葱的价格低于一吨土豆的价格,需要 个月的时间。

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5


10.瓶内装有酒精,倒进500克以后又倒出一半,又倒进500克,这时瓶内有酒精1200克,据此可知瓶内原有酒精 克。

A.750 B.800 C.850 D.900 【解析】D。代入法,可知只有D满足。此题也可以用反推法。



(一)仔细阅读下面资料,回答11~14题: 产业结构:






11.2000年上海第二产业的增加值大约是( )

A.1800亿元 B.2400亿元 C.3000亿元 D.3500亿元 12.从2000年到2005年,在产业结构中,第三产业所占的比例的变化是( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations A.上升1.9个百分点 B.下降1.9个百分点 C.没有变化 D.无法确定

13.2004年全社会固定投资完成量大约是( )

A.3000亿元 B.4000亿元 C.5000亿元 D.6000亿元 14.下列说法不正确的是( )

A.从2000年到2005年,第三产业从业人员的比重有所增加 B.从2000年到2005年,第三产业的投资额有所增加


D.从2000年到2005年,第三产业投资额的增加速度比工业投资额的增加速度快 【参考答案与解析】

11.B。2000年上海第二产业的增加值为12.B。50.2%-52.1%=-1.9%。 13.A。

4475.92?2387亿元。 5(1?13.4%)3542.55?3085亿元。

(1?14.8%)14.C。由12题可知第三产业在产业结构中所占的比重有所下降。 (二)根据下表回答15~17题

年 级 性 别 初一 初二 初三 男 女 赞成(%) 35 30 50 55 60 反对(%) 65 70 50 45 40 合计(%) 100 100 100 100 100 人数 372 375 383 586 544 注:表中给出的是某学校在初中年级学生中进行的一次问卷调查的统计结果。 15.这次调查的对象总计为 人。

A.1100 B.1130 C.2000 D.2260 16.初一反对的人数是初二和初三反对人数的( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations A.54.2% B.51.2% C.53.3% D.63.7% 17、在这次问卷调查中表示反对的人数最多的是( )

A.初二的学生 B.初三的学生 C.男生 D.女生 【参考答案与解析】



241.8?100%?53.3%。 45417.C。A的值为262.5,B值为191.5,C值为263.7,D值为217.6,所以选C。 (三)根据下图,回答18~19题:


18.在此期间相对稳定的数值是( ) A.进出口额

B.失业人数、部分时间工作岗位 C.通货膨胀率


19.与出口额数目联系起来看,部分时间的工作岗位( ) A.随着出口额而下降,在出口的增长前仍继续下降

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations B.随着出口额而增长,在出口的增长前又有明显的再增长 C.随着出口额而下降,在出口的增长前又重新有明显的增长 D.随着出口额而增长,在出口的增长前有明显的下降 【参考答案与解析】 18.D。由图观察直接得出。 19.B。由图观察直接得出。 (四)根据下图。回答20~22题:

下图反映的是美国高中毕业生参加SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test,学习能力测验)和GPA(Grade—Point Average,平均积点)模拟考试的分数,以及SAT、GPA成绩与这些学生最终升人大学的百分比之间的关系。

注:图中,%表示最终被大学录取的学生的百分比。( )表示每个分数段高中毕业生的总人数。 受试学生GPA的成绩大于2.0的共l959人,受试学生中最终升入大学的共744人。

20.GPA成绩在3.5~4.0之间,而SAT成绩在1000~l299之间的学生中有 人没能升入大学。 A.84 B.72 C.32 D.-36 21.升入大学的学生最多的一组是( ) A.








22.在1959名学生中,SAT的分数低于700未能升入大学的学生大约占( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations A.7.25% B.14.5% C.29% D.58% 【参考答案与解析】




(五)根据下列图表回答23~25题: 工业品出厂价格指数

108 106 104 102 100 98

(2005年) (2006年)

---△――工业品出厂价格 ---●---生产资料 ---◆---生活资料

23.2006年8月份,工业品出厂价格比去年同月( )

A.上涨3.4% B.下降3.4% C.上涨4.5% D.下降4.5% 24.与去年同期相比,1—8月份工业品出厂价格约( )

A.上涨5% B.下降5% C.上涨3% D.下降3%

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance284?100%?14.5%。 1959国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 25.2006年第二季度中,工业品出厂价格涨幅最小的是( )

A.4月 B.5月 C.6月 D.7月 【参考答案与解析】


24.C。2006年l~8月份工业品出厂价格指数在102~104之间浮动,因此,应比去年同期上升约3%。 25.A。由图观察直接得出。

第二部分 言语理解与表达能力




26.依次填人划横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )

为英雄金训华守墓37年的陈健,获得了“感动中国”2005年度人物称号。评委会给他的颁奖词是:一个生者对一个死者的承诺,只是良心的自我 ,但是他却为此坚守37年,放弃了梦想、幸福和骨肉亲情。 火红的时代背景,他身上有古典意识的

A.约束 淡去 风范 B.制约 淡忘 风范 C.约束 淡忘 风尚 D.制约 淡去 风尚


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 27.下列各项中词语意思最接近的一项是( )

A.大吹大擂 大言不惭 大摇大摆 夸大其词 B.言外之意 弦外之音 话中有话 意在言外 C.颠倒黑白 混淆是非 指鹿为马 指桑骂槐 D.人山人海 水泄不通 摩肩接踵 人多势众


28.依次填入划横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )

(1)科学传播不可能起到立竿见影的效果,谁这样想,谁就会 科学,最终将会危害科学。 (2)近几年我国出土了大量先秦时期的典籍,使我们有可能对过去被批判为伪书的作品重新加以 。 (3)每年赛季开始之前,足球队有关人员都要 欧洲各国,耗费大量的精力和财力去请外援。 A.误解 甄别 周游 B.曲解 鉴别 漫游 C.误解 鉴别 漫游 D.曲解 甄别 周游


29.依次填人划横线处的词语。最恰当的是一组是( )

(1)有人说日本汽车比德国汽车更舒适,也有人说德国汽车比日本汽车更稳重,但 这只是个人的不同感受,购车人还是要亲自驾驶一下才能作出判断。

(2)世界上生产维生素C最先进的两步发酵法技术是由我国发明的,由于制药成本大大降低,迫使两个国际药业巨头“辉瑞”和“罗氏”也不得不 这一技术。

(3)如果看了时下一些渲染情爱或暴力的小说、电影以后,就盲目地去摹仿文学作品中某些人物的偏激行为,只能说明这些读者没有足够的 能力。

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations A.毕竟 采纳 鉴赏 B.毕竟 采用 鉴别 C.不过 采用 鉴别 D.不过 采取 鉴赏


30.为使沙漠化现象得到( )政府出台了一系列治理条例,促使生态环境向良性循环转变。 A.抑制 B.控制 C.治理 D.防治


二、语句表达(31~35题):从词语运用、语法结构等方面对给出的语句作出判断。 请开始答题:

31.以下句子中关联词使用正确的是( ) A.不仅中药疗效好,而且价格低廉,无副作用





32.在环境保护的宣传中,“我们只有一个地球”的口号提醒了人们注意环境保护的重要性。 下列4句话中,与这句口号的提出者想法最相近一句是( ) A.宇宙中其他的星球都不可能有生命存在

B.宇宙中即使有其他的星球适宜人类居住,人类也无法迁住那个星球 C.如果地球被污染了,人类将束手无策

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance

ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations D.人类不可能找到比地球更适宜自己居住的星球了


33.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )






34.下列句中成语使用不当的一句是( )







egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 以下 最符合上述的推论。

A.如果你会指法,那么你就能使用电脑来写论文 B.如果你不能使用电脑来写论文,那么你就不可能会指法 C.如果你能使用电脑来写论文,那么你至少会指法 D.如果你能打字,你就有可能使用电脑来写论文




从这段话中我们可以知道( )


B、在约旦,一些制药厂商没有为药品配方的使用支付足够的费用 C、制药业是约旦最主要的出口工业




egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 病有关。今后,味觉试验可能成为每次身体检查中的一个项目。

这段话告诉我们( )

A.科学家发现了许多有关味觉不为人知的一面,对了解人们的错觉形成机制有极大意义 B.科学家发现了许多有关味觉不为人知的一面,为治疗味觉疾病带来了希望

C.科学家发现了许多有关味觉不为人知的一面,为认识人类的味觉形成机制有极大意义 D.科学家发现了许多有关味觉不为人知的一面,为治疗某些相关疾病带来了希望



从这段话中我们可以知道( )


B.从音乐民族学角度来看,音乐民俗学是系统的音乐学研究的一个音乐实践的方面 C.音乐理论和历史的观点主要是在音乐学这个专业里得到研究 D.音乐理论和音乐实践的学习是和音乐学学习不同的





egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 有小气囊的导管插入由于脂肪组织堆积而变窄的动脉,然后使气囊膨胀,以清除堵塞物并使动脉通畅。






39.关于“血管重建术”,下述说法不正确的是( ) A.血管重建术是一种治疗心脏病的常用手术

B.血管重建术通过插入动脉的气囊膨胀来清除堵塞物并使动脉通畅 C.血管重建术能够提高心脏病患者存活率

D.血管重建术可能导致肺部充血、气短、下肢浮肿及肝脏肿大 40.对干细胞优势的理解,下述说法不正确的是( ) A.干细胞都将来自病人自己的骨髓,所以相当方便和廉价

B.成人自身干细胞发育成其他人体组织细胞的能力不如胚胎干细胞那么强 C.心脏病患者使用自己的干细胞治疗可以避免伦理问题 D.免疫系统对自身干细胞不会出现排异反应 41.下列说法符合原文意思的一项是( )

A.用于细胞修复受损的心脏的新试验是在血管重建术的基础上做的 B.干细胞具有发育成各种人体组织和器官的能力,是人体基本组成细胞之一

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations C.使用胚胎干细胞,治疗的效果会更好 D.肌肉干细胞需要从髋骨的骨髓中才能提取

42.根据全文提供的信息,以下推断正确的一项是( ) A.动物试验和一些临床研究已经证实这种疗法的有效性 B.目前对干细胞疗法的临床试验是不妥当的 C.干细胞疗法不如胚胎干细胞疗法效果好 D.干细胞疗法与基因疗法一样前途未卜 【参考答案与解析】







egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 号元素,这也是该小组制造出的第5种超重元素。








43.关于“118号元素”的理解,下述说法不正确的是( ) A.按照元素周期表排序规律,118号元素可归入惰性元素一族 B.118号元素是由许多钙-48离子高速轰击而来的 C.在一般条件下是难以得到118号元素的

D.研究小组在实验的一次轰击中获得了3颗118号元素原子 44.下列对118号元素原子的“衰变链”过程描述不正确的是( ) A.在衰变过程中,118号元素先后共释放出3颗阿尔法粒子 B.118号元素最后变成了两颗大小差不多的其他原子 C.在衰变过程中发现了116、114和112号元素

D.两个质子和两个中子组成的阿尔法粒子其实就是氦原子 45.根据原文提供的信息,以下推断正确的一项是( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations A.118号元素的发现在一定程度上证实了“稳定岛”假说。具有重大的意义 B.118号元素确实是存在的,而且它的存在时间是非常短暂的 C.研究人员认为的稳定区域可能会在114~118号元素之间 D.118号元素即将得到承认和命名 【参考答案与解析】




第三部分 判断推理能力


一、机械推理(46~50题):考查应试者对物体的空间关系、物体的基本运动规律等的理解与判断能力。 请开始答题:

46.右图中,若所有的螺钉在同一时刻按照给定的方向转动, 中间的方块X应向( ) A.A方向移动 B.B方向移动 C.C方向移动 D.D方向移动

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 【解析】A。仔细观察各个螺纹的方向。图形左边和上边的螺母是向外运动着,图形右边和下边的螺母是向内运动的。因此可判定方块应向A方向移动。

47.匀速上升的气球下面用细线栓着一个小礼盒,当细线突然断了以后,礼盒的运动状态将( )(不计空气阻力)

A.继续匀速上升 B.立即加速下降

C.匀速上升一段距离后再加速下降 D.减速上升一段距离后再加速下降


48.在图中标定的风向条件下, 船能最好地维持它的航向。


49.见下图,当K1、K2和K3三个力施加于P点后。P点的受力方向是A、B、C、D四个方向中的 ( )


50.如图所示,人沿水平方向拉牛,但没有拉动。下列说法正确的是( ) A.绳拉牛的力与牛拉绳的力是一对平衡力

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations B.绳拉牛的力与地面对牛的摩擦力是一对平衡力 C.绳拉牛的力小于牛拉绳的力 D.绳拉牛的力小于地面对牛的摩擦力




51.生态学谬论:根据整体的分析结果去推断个体,认为个体具有整体的特征与属性。 根据这个定义,下列不属于生态学谬论的是( )

A.小明刚到上海,见到了五六个上海女生,都很漂亮,所以他认为所有的上海女生都很漂亮 B.一般女生的数理化成绩不如男生好,所以某女生希敏的数理化成绩肯定不好 C.西藏、贵州整体经济落后,所以西藏人、贵州人都很穷



52.感觉:是指人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物的个别属性的反映。下面属于感觉的是( ) A.王丽的哥哥从外地给她带回来她没见过的一种水果,因而不知道它叫什么名字,但她觉得它红得很可爱


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations C.小明放学回家,发现妈妈买了一个很大的西瓜放在桌上




从上述定义中我们可以得知( )

A.只有很少的人能够在声音上听到频率低于16赫兹的振动 B.在次声和超声频率范围之间的震动不能引起人的听觉的感官印象 C.有一种振动,既不被称为次声也不被称为超声 D.大部分动物都有一个比人类更加精巧的听觉功能


54.直觉思维:是人脑对于突然出现的新问题、新事物和新现象,能迅速理解并做出判断的思维方式。 下列不属于直觉思维的一项是( )


B.以某个问题为中心,从不同的方向和不同的角度,将思维指向这个中心 C.人类从昆虫的眼睛构成得到启示,研制了许多先进的夜视武器 D.达尔文在阅读马尔萨斯人口论著作时悟出“自然选择”理论


55.表象:是指当事物不在眼前时,人们在头脑中出现的关于事物的形象。 下列属于表象的一项是( )

A.浏览过北京天坛后,人们在头脑中留下的清晰映像 B.读过《阿房宫赋》后,人们在头脑中浮现出的阿房宫的形象 C.发明家设计出新机器前头脑中构思的机器形象 D.人们头脑中出现的神话中的妖魔鬼怪形象


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance

ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 真正见过的事物,大脑中的形象是联想的结果。



56.各选项中最符合变化规律的是( )


57.下图左边是一立体物 沿棱剪开

【解析】C。由题干图可知不可能存在三个灰色阴影面紧密相连。因此,排除A、B、D项。 58.各选项中 最符合变化规律。

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations


59.将左图的图形进行折叠后,得到的图( )

【解析】B。考察空间想象能力,把它折叠起来后,肯定要多一块。 60.图中下部4个立体图形中的 是经过上部立体图形翻转后得来的。


61.将图中上部最左边的一个正六面体进行旋转,第1次旋转后得到左第2图,再顺同一方向旋转,得到左第3图,那么再顺同一方向旋转,而后得到的左第4图应是下部A、B、C、D中的( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 【解析】A。正面图形应是题干图中第一个图形右侧面的图形。

62.下图中上部是某一个立体物体的三面视图,根据三面视图可知立体物体是( )

【解析】B。考察空间想象能力,根据三视图之间的关系,可得B项。 63.将左面的图形进行折叠后,得到的图形是( )


64.以下图形能折成一个正方体的是( )

【解析】C。根据方格之间的关系。 65.各选项中 最符合变化规律。

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations


【解析】B。第一二张图形叠加,内部图形中,第一张图形覆盖第二张图形区域。 66.以下图片,与众不同的一副是( )


67.如图,将其折叠后是一个正方体的纸盒,这个纸盒的底面是( )

A.1号正方形 B.2号正方形 C.3号正方形 D.4号正方形 【解析】B。用代入法。当2号正方形为底时,正好围成一个正方体的空盒。 68.将左面的图形进行折叠后,得到的图形是( )


69.下图的下部有4个图形,其中是上部立体物体的投影图是( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations







egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 表其成果的不久前,他在给莱布尼茨的信中谈起过自己关于微积分的思想。但是事后的研究说明,在牛顿的这封信中,有关微积分的几行字几乎没有涉及这一理论的任何重要之处。因此.可以得出结论,莱布尼茨和牛顿各自独立地发明了微积分。

以下 是上述论证必须假设的。 A.莱布尼茨在数学方面的才能不亚于牛顿 B.莱布尼茨和牛顿都是诚实的人

C.没有第三个人不迟于莱布尼茨和牛顿独立地发明了微积分 D.莱布尼茨和牛顿都没有从第三渠道获得关于微积分的关键性细节


72.张老师的班级里有120个学生,男女各一半,有80个学生喜欢数学,100个学生喜欢语文。 根据以上信息进行的推断,有可能正确的是( ) A.40个男生喜欢数学而不喜欢语文 B.40个喜欢语文的男生不喜欢数学 C.60个喜欢语文的女生不喜欢数学




根据以上信息,下列表述正确的一句是( ) A.老年人自杀主要是因为他们的衰老、不健康

B.老年人自杀概率这么高,相关的危机干预组织必须承担责任 C.家庭子女、社区、危机干预组织等社会各界应共同关心老年人的生活 D.只要社区做好了相应的护理与咨询服务,老年人的自杀概率就一定降低


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 74.海湾战争之后不久,调查研究者对这个地区进行了报道。在战争期间,当正常的石油生产减慢时,这个地区遭受了成百上千的浓烟滚滚的石油大火和肆意的石油横流,然而,战后这个地区的石油污染比他们战前对这个地区调查的结果要轻。他们又报道说,与波罗的海气候温和的石油生产地区纪录中的多环芳香族碳氢化合物(简写为PAHS)的水平相比,这个地区的化合物浓度相对较低。被用来生产可燃产品的PAHS,在战争期间曾从油井中喷出燃烧。

下列论述中,最能解释上述材料所表达的信息的是( ) A.气候温和地区的石油污染对环境的影响要比沙漠地区的大 B.石油污染和PAHS污染在气候温和地区要比在沙漠地区消散的快 C.石油污染和PAHS污染在沙漠地区要比在气候温和地区消散的快





根据上述资料.以下最不可能成为“互联网狂躁症”病因的是( )






egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 生狂躁心理的。


由此可知( )

A.现代西方美学认为,传统美学的哲学思考没有意义,方法也不科学 B.心理学美学研究人的审美心理,侧重于对审美对象主体及内容的研究 C.科学美学侧重研究审美客体,即对审美对象的结构与功能进行科学分析 D.应该抛弃对美的本质问题的哲学探讨



4句话中只有一句是真话。那么 为真。 A.所有的杯子中都有啤酒 B.所有的杯子中都没有可乐 C.第三个杯子中有咖啡 D.第二个杯子中有可乐



以下 如果是真的,最能作为驳斥上述观点(即气象学家的宣称没有意义)的依据。 A.某些不同寻常的数据结构可以作为准确天气预报的基础,即使确切的原因机制尚不明了 B.随着数学模型的准确性越来越高,天气预报的准确性也越来越高 C.像火山爆发这样的灾难性事件之气象后果的数学模型正在开始构建 D.现代天气预报已达到85%的准确率

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 【解析】B。气象学家们的观点是:随着数学模型的准确性越来越高,天气预报就会完全准确。所以,认为气象学家的宣称没有意义的观点就是错误的,B项构成对这种观点的反驳。选项C、D与题干所问没有关系;选项A对所要反驳的观点构成轻度质疑,但力度不如B。


从上述观点可以得出 的结论。

A.一个国家政治上的稳定和经济上的富有不可能并存 B.一个国家政治上的稳定和经济上的有效率运作不可能并存 C.一个富有国家的经济运作一定是有效的




据此可知,小卉应该是小刚的( )

A.阿姨 B.妻子 C.妈妈 D.姑姑


第四部分 常识应用能力

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 常识应用能力部分包括基础知识题和综合分析题(共60题)。



81.社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性,是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福的重要保证,是我们党不懈奋斗的目标。构建社会主义和谐社会总的要求是( )

A.深化改革 推进开放 诚信友爱 充满活力 协调发展 人与自然和谐相处 B.民主法治 统筹兼顾 稳定政策 关注民生 安定有序 人与自然和谐相处 C.民主法治 公平正义 诚信友爱 充满活力 安定有序 人与自然和谐相处 D.深化改革 公平正义 统筹兼顾 关注民生 协调发展 人与自然和谐相处


82.《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》中提出,促进社会和谐是我国发展的重要目标和必要条件。要按照以人为本的要求,从解决关系人民群众切身利益的现实问题入手( )

A.更加注重经济社会协调发展,加快发展社会事业,促进人的全面发展 B.更加注重以经济建设为中心,保障人民群众的政治、经济和文化权益 C.更加注重社会公平,使全体人民共享改革发展成果

D.更加注重民主法制建设,正确处理改革发展稳定的关系,保持社会安定团结 【解析】ACD。A、C、D项都符合以人为本这一主体和要求,B项更强调经济发展。

83.新世纪新阶段,我国改革发展进入机遇与挑战并存的关键时期。以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,审时度势、高瞻远瞩,提出了以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观。科学发展观( )


B.指明了实现经济社会又快又好发展的科学道路 C.是对马克思主义哲学的成功运用




egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance

ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 党,( )


B.成为体现时代性、把握规律性、具有创造力、凝聚力、战斗力的执政党 C.成为求真务实、开拓创新、勤政高效、清正廉洁的执政党

D.归根到底成为始终做到“三个代表”、永远保持先进性、经得住各种风浪考验的马克思主义执政党 【解析】ACD。加强党的执政能力建设的总体目标是:通过全党共同努力,使党始终成为立党为公、执政为民的执政党,成为科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的执政党,成为求真务实、开拓创新、勤政高效、清正廉洁的执政党,归根到底成为始终做到“三个代表”、永远保持先进性、经得住各种风浪考验的马克思主义执政党,带领全国各族人民实现国家富强、民族振兴、社会和谐、人民幸福。

85.《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》把和谐文化建设提升到了新高度,并且进一步阐明了社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容,即:马克思主义指导思想,中国特色社会主义共同理想( )


B.以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神 C.“三个代表”重要思想 D.社会主义荣辱观


86.保持共产党员队伍的先进性,关键在于( )

A.解决党员队伍中存在的突出问题,不断增强党员队伍整体的先进性 B.增强广大党员的先进性意识,激发其自我教育,自我提高的内在动力 C.紧密结合构建社会主义和谐社会的实践,组织和引导广大党员充分发挥作用 D.完善制度和机制,把党的先进性要求转化为党员自觉遵守的行为准则


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 的内在动力。保持党员队伍的先进性,重点在于解决党员队伍中存在的突出问题,不断增强党员队伍整体的先进性。保持党员队伍的先进性,关键在于完善制度和机制,把党的先进性要求转化为党员自觉遵守的行为准则。

87.科学发展观的实质是( ) A.坚持以人为本

B.强调全面协调可持续发展 C.实现经济社会又快又好发展 D.实现人的全面发展

【解析】ABCD。这四个选项都是科学发展观实质的内容。 88.公共政策利益调控规律包括( ) A.效率优先规律 B.主导群体优先规律 C.损益补偿规律 D.多数满意规律

【解析】BCD。公共政策利益调控规律包括三个方面:主导群体优先规律、损益补偿规律、多数满意规律。 89.公共政策制定过程主要经过的环节有( ) A.政策议程的建立 B.政策分析 C.政策合法化 D.政策规划


90.在行政权力体制中可以分为集权制和分权制,下列特点中属于分权制特征的是( ) A.有利于统筹兼顾 B.权力分散、责任不明确 C.决策比较民主、合理

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations D.有利于调动下级的工作积极性

【解析】CD。题干所说是分权制特征,则A,B项都不是分权制的特征,且A项是集权制的特征。 91.行政沟通的功能主要表现为( )

A.收集功能 B.维持功能 C.革新功能 D.监控功能


92.公共行政管理活动所产生的符合国家意志和人民要求的行政成果是指( )

A.行政效能 B.行政效果 C.行政效率 D.行政效益


93.现代公共行政在对社会公共事务的管理中履行的功能主要包括( )

A.提供公共产品 B.实现社会公平 C.实施管制 D.宏观调控 【解析】ABCD。这四个选项都是其功能。

94.行政监督的内容可细分为行政指派监督、行政指导监督和( )

A.行政效率监督 B.行政人事监督 C.行政评价监督 D.行政沟通监督 【解析】C。行政监督的内容可细分为对行政指派、行政指导和行政评价的监督。 95.确立组织目标要遵循的基本原则有( ) A.目标要制度化、规范化 B.目标设计要有规律性 C.目标的范围要适中 D.目标要以社会责任为基础


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 三,目标要以社会责任为基础;第四,目标的范围要适中;第五,目标的设计要有层次性;第六,组织性质不同,目标设计也不一样;第七。目标设计要吸收全体人员参与。

96.根据我国公务员法的规定,公务员的 受法律保护。 A.行政行为

B.依法履行职务的行为 C.依法履行公务的行为 D.职务行为

【解析】B。按照《公务员法》第9条的规定,“公务员依法履行职务的行为,受法律保护”。 97.下列选项中,属于我国公务员法的立法目的是( ) A.规范公务员的管理,保障公务员的合法权益 B.加强对公务员的监督,建设高素质的公务员队伍 C.提高公务员的能力,建设高素质专业化的公务员队伍 D.促进勤政廉政,提高工作效能


98.设定行政许可,应当遵循经济和社会发展规律,( ) A.适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要 B.维护公共利益和社会秩序

C.有利于发挥公民、法人或者其他组织的积极性、主动性 D.促进经济、社会和生态环境协调发展


99.公共行政的根本和唯一的目标在于追求( )

A.公共利益 B.国家利益 C.民族利益 D.个人利益


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 与,行政成本立于公共财力。

100.依据同一层次上的各个行政组织所受上级指挥和控制的异同来划分,行政组织可分为( ) A.集权制与分权指 B.完整制与分离制 C.层级制与职能制 D.首长制与委员会制


101.在起草法律、法规或者规章草案过程中.拟设定行政许可的,起草单位应当向制定机关说明( ) A.设定该行政许可的必要性 B.对经济社会可能产生的影响 C.听取和采纳意见的情况




102.规范“行政机关在行政管理过程中与行政相对人发生的权利义务关系”的法律是指( ) A.行政组织法 B.行政行为法 C.行政法制监督法 D.行政救济法


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 103.行政许可的前提是( ) A.法律的一般禁止 B.法律的普遍允许 C.法律的不干预 D.法律的绝对禁止


104.行政文化同其他文化形态一样具有特定的是( ) A.传统性 区域性 现代性 历史继承性 B.社会性 民族性 时代性 历史继承性 C.边缘性 倾向性 实践性 风俗性

D.政治性 实践性 群体的凝聚性 综合的引导性

【解析】B。行政文化同其他文化形态一样,具有特定的社会性,民族性,时代性和历史继承性。 105.行政组织法是有关行政组织的规范.其内容主要是关于( ) A.规范行政机关在行政管理过程中与行政相对人发生的权利与义务关系 B.规范行政机关设置、编制、职权、职责、活动的程序 C.规范国家行政机关与其公务员双方权利与义务的关系



106.胡锦涛同志2006年8月15日在中共中央举行的学习《江泽民文选》报告会上发表重要讲话指出,“三个代表”重要思想涵盖了社会主义经济建设、 以及国防和军队现代化建设、祖国统一、国际战略和外交工作等各个领域,涉及改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军等各个方面,是一个完整的科学的思想体系。

A.政治建设 B.文化建设 C.党的建设 D.社会建设


egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations 设、祖国统一、国际战略和外交工作各个方面,涉及改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军等多个方面,是一个科学完整的理论体系。

107.2006年7月12日, 和以色列军队发生激烈交火,黎以冲突爆发。此后,黎以冲突不断升级,造成双方人员大量伤亡,并殃及无辜。8月14日8时整,黎以双方开始执行联合国安理会第1701号决议,实行全面停火,从而结束了的激烈冲突。

A.猛虎解放组织 B.哈马斯武装 C.真主党武装 D.伊斯兰武装 【解析】C。此题主要考查时事新闻。

108.2006年11月4日~5日,中非合作论坛北京峰会在北京召开。中国和48个非洲国家的领导人本着 的宗旨,相聚北京,共叙友情,共商推动中非关系发展、促进发展中国家团结合作的大计。 A.友谊 和平 平等 合作 B.友谊 和平 合作 发展 C.平等 团结 互助 发展 D.团结 互助 平等 合作


109.在酝酿辛亥革命的过程中,中国资产阶级革命派创建的革命组织有( ) A.小刀会 B.强学会 C.兴中会 D.同盟会


110.下列属于莎士比亚四大悲剧的有( )

A.《第十二夜》 B.《哈姆雷特》 C.《李尔王》 D.《麦克白》



egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 基本原则是( )

A.各行其道 靠右通行 B.以人为本 安全第一 C.严禁超速 确保安全 D.人车分流 保证畅通


112.英国剑桥大学的史蒂芬·霍金教授是当代国际著名物理学大师,也是杰出的科普作家。他于1988年写的一部在世界上广为流传的科普小说是( )

A.《大爆炸探秘》 B.《自然的终结》 C.《物理世界奇遇记》 D.《时间简史》


113.中国第一部资产阶级共和国式的宪法是( ) A.《中华民国约法》 B.《中华民国临时约法》 C.《中华民国宪法》



114.海洋资源中利用潜力最大的是海水中的( )

A.生物资源 B.渔业资源 C.化学资源 D.石油资源


115.在工作和生活中如果不了解基本的科学常识,往往会引发严重的后果。 遇到下列情况,正确的做法是( )

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advanceach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normalseriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requiremnts stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp %uard\nd mission, further clear \nts, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary 国家公务员考试网(www.chinagwy.org) 第一个极力推崇人性化服务的公考资料网站! 提供历年试题,模拟试题,国家公务员考试招考问题咨询权威解答,命题老师权威讲解试题结构,详细试题分析,内部资料评析。每日更新!!! regulations A.厨房煤气泄露,迅速开启排风扇 B.进入久未开启的菜窖前,先要做灯火试验

C.煤矿井下停电,赶快印燃火把照明,迅速离开现场 D.室内起火,立即敞开门窗

【解析】B。久未开启的菜窖底部存有大量二氧化碳,为了确保人生安全我们需要做灯火实验。 116.深秋初冬时节,是大雾的多发期,这其中的道理是( ) A.气温过低,水汽易凝结,但风力微弱,水汽不易扩散 B.昼夜温差减小,水汽不易凝结,直接悬浮于大气中 C.突然降温,水汽不易凝结,直接附着在地面上



117.“ABS”是Anti—Lock Brake System的英文缩写,意为“抱死制动系统”目前广泛应用于汽车的制动系统中。安装了ABS的汽车能显著改善汽车的制动性,具备一定的转向避让能力,保证了汽车的安全。安装ABS的目的是,当车辆紧急制动时, ,以确保汽车的安全。

A.平衡每一个车轮的有效地面抓地力 B.使车辆始终处于不抱死状态 C.缩短紧急制动时的停车距离




egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishment and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance国


ach party member. 3, focused on problems of (1) a firm communist ideals and beliefs. Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, spiritual emptiness confused, some even participate in superstitious activities, religious and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary rol, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's purpose. Focus on people's conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the core values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, style of slack, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, promising an undertaking, based on their own jobs to do. Second, learn about organ cadres asked party cadres, especially the section-level leading cadres should take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more ... Requirements stricter, more efficient, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1, and learning Constitution Party rules system learning understanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipline, content, deep grasp \nd mission, further clear \ce\s leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations 自身引力足以克服其刚体力而呈圆球状,并且能够清除其轨道附近其他物体”的天体被定义为行星。根据这一新定义,目前太阳系的九大行星减为八大行星,下列 被“清退”出了太阳系的行星系列。

A.海王星 B.冥王星 C.谷神星 D.齐娜星


119.核能是一种洁净和经济的能源,核能主要包括聚变能和裂变能.通常所说的核电是由核裂变产生的裂变能。目前人们所说的核燃料,一般包括( )

A.钚(Pu) B.铀(U) C.镭(Ra) D.钍(Th)


120.隐身技术是一种研究如何减小目标的可探测性,使目标不易被探测器发现的技术,受到世界各国高度重视。在目前的技术条件下,对 实现隐身最为困难。

A.可见光 B.电磁波 C.红外线 D.声波



在众多气象指标中,诱发感冒的最主要因素是( )

A.气温突变 B.降水概率 C.相对湿度 D.风速


122.冬天,医生检查牙齿时,常把小镜子放在酒精灯上适当烤一烤,然后再伸进口腔内。这样做的主要目的是( )

A.防止接触口腔时病人感到太凉 B.镜面不会产生水雾,可以看清牙齿

egulations of the CPC local committees of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\principles of party discipline punishmnt and types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions, master of the local Party Committee and party responsibilities, principles of organization and operation mechanism, grasp the principle of selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres, conditions and requirements. 2, and learning series speech to Mao Zedong comrade members of work method, and XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) out poverty immediately on do action--XI comrade in XX work during important presentation excerpts work to dream into really--XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line \do\c textbook, Series important speech, General Secretary, and further study and understanding, XI Jinping of Fujian, XX working a series of important speeches, important instructions, understanding on reform, development and stability, domestic and Foreign Affairs and national defense and in running the party, State and army's important exposition, understand which methods of Marxist stand, grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \na and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to, grasp, leading economicNew normal development and pay more attention to promoting the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance

