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适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题



1. I am learning to play ____ chess.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

2. Mr. Zhang has just been appointed ____ chief editor.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

试题分析:考查冠词:句意:Mr. Zhang刚刚被任命为主编。表示官衔职务的名词作补语和同位语时,前不加冠词。在题干中,“chief editor”表示职务,作主语补足语,不需要加冠词

3. These small toys are sold by ____ dozen in the whole sale market.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

固定搭配,by the dozen按打

4. _____ Walmart(沃尔玛)is planning to open a new store in this area.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

5. He is ____ only person who has received higher education in his family.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

6. ______ Rice is the main food in Thailand.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

7. He is ____ honest person.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

8. ______ carrots are my favorite vegetable.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

9. There is ____ tree in the garden.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

10. _______ American as he is, he can speak Chinese very fluently.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. ×

1. This office is very dirty and in a mess; it ________ cleaned.

A. can’t have been

B. mustn’t have been

C. wouldn’t have been

D. shouldn’t have been


【解析】考察情态动词,can't 不可能mustn't 禁止shouldn't 不应当wouldn't 不会


2.Jeffery’s score on the latest test is the highest in his class; he ________ have studied harder.

A. may

B. should

C. must

D. ought to

3. With piles of work on hand, she ________ to the cinema last night.

A. mustn’t go

B. wouldn’t go

C. oughtn’t to go

D. shouldn’t have gone

4. My classmate went to the doctor’s the day before yesterday. He had to wait for an hour before the doctor ________ see him.

A. can

B. could

C. may

D. might

5.According to the school regulations, you ________ make a noise in the test room.

A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. needn’t

D. don’t have to

6. ___________ graduated from the same university.

A. My cousin and I

B. I and my cousin

C. My cousin and me

D. Me and my cousin


适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题

7. This pair of shoes is too small. Please get some larger ___________.

A. one

B. ones

C. shoe

D. shoes

8. The friendship between Kevin and Mark reached ___________.

A. their highest point

B. at its highest point

C. at their highest point

D. its highest point

9. Catherin’s work experience abroad enables ___________ to succeed

in the job interview of this company.

A. herself

B. her

C. hers

D. its

10. Beijing is a wonderful place and there is ___________ to see and feel.

A. a lot of

B. many

C. much

D. many more


Complete the sentences using derivatives (派生词) of the words in the box. Change the word forms if necessary

1. The interview was much ____ ________ than he had expected.

2. ___________, we had intended to go to Shanghai, but then wedecided to go to Shenzhen.

3. _________ is more important to me than money.

4. Have you __________ yourself lately?

5. The repairs to the school will be ___________ by the education department.

6. Many of the poor ___________ from social programs.

7. Now more and more teachers pay attention to ______________when teaching in classroom.

8. He ______________ how little was known about the disease of her mathematics teacher.

9. Their efforts to improve the school have been very ______________.


1. My parents are there. My teacher is there too.

Not only are my parents there, but my teacher.

2.He writes his own plays. He also acts in them.

Not only does he write his own plays, but acts in them

3. He had read the book. He also rememberwhat he had read.

Not only had he read the book, but remembered what he had read.


适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题

4.I don’t know how to tell her the bad news. It troubles me most.

What troubles me most is that I don’t know how to tell her the bad news.

5.What will I do after graduation? My father is always concerned about it.

What my father is always concerned about is what I will do after graduation.

6.He passed the exam, which really surprises each of us.

__What really surprises each of us is that he passed the exam.



Can you imagine how difficult life would become if all supplies of paper suddenly disappeared? Banks and post offices, schools and colleges would be forced to close. Food manufactures would be unable to pack or label their products. There would be no magazines, newspapers or books. And we would no longer be able to write to our friends.

Those would be only a few of the troubles of a paperless world. Everywhere we turn we find paper. Without it our modern world would come to a standstil(停止). Paper is the life-blood of industry, the bringer of news, and the distributor of knowledge. It wouldn't be much fun chipping out our letters on a table of stone, or writing up schoolwork on slates(石板)!

1. If ever a day comes when paper is in short supply,_.

A. people will leave normally as before

B. the world would come to an end

C. the paper industry would increase production

D. people would have to make great adjustments(调整)

2. Banks, post offices, schools and college s_if all supplies of paper suddenly disappeared.

A.wouldbe willing to close

B.wouldbe unable to function

C.wouldhave to buy more computers

D.would increase their business


适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题

3.According to this passage, paper i s_.

A.the foundation of the industry

B.the sender of news

C.the media of knowledge

D.allof the above

4.Which of the following statements is NOT the trouble of a paperless world described in this article?

A.People would not be able to read newspapers or magazines.

B.People would be unable to communicate through letters.

C.The air pollution would become more serious.

D.Food producers would have to look for other materials to pack their products.

5.Which of the following statements cannot be inferred from this article?

A.Paper plays a very important function in people’s life.

B A serious paper shortage would affect a country’s literacy.

C.Without paper the pollution of our environment would become less serious.

D.The development of our society would be hindered(阻碍)by a serious paper shortage. Key:DADCC


A Bilingual Mouse

One day a mother mouse and her babies went out to play in an open field. They were having a good time when suddenly a hungry cat came on the scene! The cat hid behind a big tree and then crawled forward through the tall grass until she could almost hear the mice talking. Before the mother mouse and her babies knew what happened, the cat jumped from the hiding-place and started to run after them.

The mother mouse and her babies ran away at once. They hurried towards their home, which was under a few large stones, but the baby mice were too frightened to run very quickly. Closer and closer the cat came. In no time, the cat would be upon them. What was to be done?

The mother mouse stopped running, turned round and shouted to the c at,“Bowwow! Bowwow!” just like an angry dog. The cat was so frightened as to run away.


适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题

The mother mouse turned to her babies and said,“Now you see how important it is to learn a second language.”

6.The bilingual mouse can speak_.

A.only one language

B.two languages

C.its mother tongue

D.its native language

7.The cat hid behind a big tree so as t o_.

A.crawled forward through the tall trees

B.hear the mice talking

C.climb the big tree

D.catch the mice suddenly

8.When the mother mouse shouted to the cat,“Bowwow! Bowwow!”the cat ran away because

i t_.

A.was afraid of the mother mouse

B.was afraid of the baby mice

C.was afraid of an angry dog

D.didn’t want to run after the mice

9.The mother mouse told her babies that it was very importan t_to learn a second language.

A.for they

B.for them

C.of they

D.of them

10.The sentence“The cat was so frightened as to run away”mean s_.

A.The cat was so frightened that she ran away

B.The cat was so frightened that she didn’t run away

C.The cat was so frightened that she might run away

D.The cat was so frightened that she couldn’t run away



The earthworm is a useful animal. Out of the ground, it is food for other animals. In this ground, it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.

Earthworms dig tunnels(隧道)that loosen the soil and make it easy for air and water to reach the roots of plants. These tunnels help keep the soil well drained(排水).

Earthworms drag dead leaves, grass and flowers into their burrows(洞穴). When this plant material decays,it makes the soil more fertile(肥沃的).

No other animal is so useful in building up good topsoil. It is estimated that in one


适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题

year fifty thousand earthworm carru about eighteen tons of a proud of earth to the topsoil.

11.The best title for this passage i s_.

A.Fertilizing the Soil

B.How Earthworms Improve the Soil

C.Working Underground

D.How Earthworms Carry Topsoil.

12.Which of the following is NOT the use of earthworm’s digging tunnels?

A.The soil gets loosened

B.Air and water can reach the roots of the plants.

C.The soil is kept drained.

D.The weeds are destroyed.

13.The plant material carried underground by earthworms makes soi l_.

A.well drained

B.more fertile

C.easier to plow

D. uneven

14.The amount of topsoil that one worm may bring to the surface is abou t_.

A.three pounds

B. three quarters of a pound

C.a quarter of a pound

D.eighteen tons

15.The passage says tha t_.

A.good crops will grow where there are earthworms

B.worms sometimes harm the soil

C.wormsdo more to improve the soil than any other animals

D.wormsare most useful as food for other animals









适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题


Once there was a little girl in a village. She spent summers on her grandfather’s farm. The year she was four, she knew some ducks. The ducks were white with orange feet. They lived in a little wooden house near the road. The little girl liked these ducks very much.

Every day they walked down the road to the pond(池塘). The ducks went into the water. The little girl sat on the bank(岸)and saw them swimming in the pond. The little talked to the ducks and they quacked(嘎嘎叫)back.

Then one day the ducks were gone. No one would say anything about them. The little girl was afraid to ask where they were. One night everyone sat down for dinner. The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didn’t want to eat. Can you guess why?

16. The story is mainly about _______.

A. eating chicken

B. sitting by the pond

C. living on a farm

D. ducks and a little girl

17. The ducks were _____________.

A. yellow and orange

B. yellow and white

C. white and orange feet

D. white and black

18. First the little girl _________.

A. didn’t eat

B. sat on the bank

C. walked to the pond

D. talked to the ducks

19. At the end of the story, the ducks were probably ______

A. under the water

B. on the plate

C. in the wooden house

D. swimming in the pond

20. The little girl didn’t eat because ______

A. she wanted nice cakes

B. the food was ducks

C. the food was too hot

D. the plate was empty

答案:DC C BB

解析:16:细节理解题,由文中语句“Once there was a little girl in a village. She spent summers on her grandfather’s farm. The year she was four, she knew some ducks.”理解可知。

17:细节理解题,由文中语句“The ducks were white with orange feet.”理解可知。

18:细节理解题,由文中语句“The little girl talked to the ducks and they quacked(嘎嘎叫)back.”理解可知。

19:细节理解题,由文中语句“The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didn’t want to eat.”理解可知。

20:细节理解题,由文中语句“The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didn’t want to eat.”理解可知


适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题



A review is a survey of what you have learned. The best time to review is when you have just finished studying something. Don’t wait until just before an examination to begin the review process. Before an examination,do a final review. If you manage your time, the final review can be thought of as a “fine-turing” of your knowledge of the material.



适用于前景英语1 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校高职英语期末复习题


