英语口译笔记 - 图文

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What’s interpretation?

“Interpretation is a communication process, designed to reveal meanings and relationships of our cultural and natural heritage- Interpretation Canada

It should be stressed that interpretive communication is not simply presenting information, but a specific communication strategy that is used to translate that information for people, from the technical language of the expert, to the everyday language of the visitor.

The classification of interpretation 1. Working characteristics:

Consecutive interpretation 即席翻译 Simultaneous interpretation 同声传译

2. Different domains: politics、social、law、culture、diplomatic etc.

The basic requirements of interpretation 1. Listening&speaking competence

2. Translation competence (vocabulary, grammar, sentence, pattern, etc.) 3. Connection: smart response ability through hard training

The process of interpretation

Input ( immediate memory & note taking)

Interpret (processing of information) 解译

Output (processed language)

The standards of interpretation

1. “accuracy” is the cornerstone of interpretation 2. “smoothness” is the life of interpretation 3. “Fluency” is the sign of good quality

Professional codes of conduct for interpretation

Each profession has its generally accepted codes of conduct and professional ethics, and so do interpreters.

The interpreter must know his professional ethics well and abide by them for the fulfillment of a successful career in interpreting.

The highest standards of international interpreting mean that the interpreter is always professional, keeps confident, is objective, does not interfere with the exchange of information, and has the respect and trust of both parties in the dialogue. The highest praise for the personal

international figures is that nobody has notices their presence.

1.Professional confidence

The interpreter has the obligation never to release any secret which he/she has come to know through the performance of his work. This is extremely important. 2.Sufficient preparation

As early as possible before an assignment, the interpreter should acquire a very complete file of the documents which will come up for discussion both in the source language and in the target language.

1) Advanced preparation

Before the meeting, the interpreter should ask the conference organizer to provide a full set of documents, which include the conference programmer, list of participants, background information about the conference, and most important, documents on the content of the conference (including drafts of papers to be read or presented, abstracts, etc.)

Briefings are potentially a very useful part of advanced preparation. They are meetings organized for the interpreter, with the participation of the organizer and experts in the field. At the briefing, general information is given to the interpreter, who can ask specific questions, generally on concepts and terminology.

2) Last minute preparation

For organizational reasons, the conference documents are not always available before the conference.

Sometimes, many documents are only available at the very last moment, yet a acquisition may revolve around them. The interpreter should be ready to deal with the situation.

3) In-conference preparation

Much information is gained during the conference itself, partly through documents which are only handed out after the meeting has started, partly through conversation with participants during break, and partly through the content of presentations and discussions.

3. Conference-room manner

In meetings, the interpreter should match the general average in dress an thus be inconspicuous.

4. Personal qualifications and assignments

It is the responsibility of the interpreter to find out about the exact character of an assignment before accepting it. 5. Doubts and mistakes

On some occasions, particularly in technical discussion, the interpreter will come across words for which he/she does not know the right translation. In this situation, he/she should try

to give a clear paraphrase to explain it. If this cannot be done, he/she should be frank to admit his/she ignorance and try to seek help from whatever source available.

If the interpreter makes a mistake, he/she should correct it immediately without feeling shy or worrying about losing face. If the speaker or a listener corrects a mistake made by the interpreter, the interpreter should always be ready to accept the correction, apologize and thank briefly. Even when the corrections are wrong, the interpreter should remain polite and explain later instead of embarking on a discussion.

6. Maintain professional confidentiality

The interpreter’s work often makes him/her the unwanted and unavoidable sharer of secrets belongings to groups or individuals in international gatherings. Not only should the interpreter never intentionally discuss or volunteer information about sensitive material that he/she has had access to in work, but the interpreter should also take the greatest care to leak out apparently harmless which might be highly sensitive in some quarters.

第一讲:口译技能训练之公共场合讲话 Public Speaking

In interpreting, the interpreter transmits the message through spoken language, which is spontaneous, instantaneous, and ephemeral. Spontaneity arises from the need to interpret as one hears the source message, and the interpretation is instantaneous in the sense that there is little time to prepare. Everything which is said is ephemeral: there is little possibility of a playback or analysis. Therefore clarity is essential so that the listeners have the maximum chance of understanding what the interpreter says.

The interpreter should make a point of making his voice carry well so that the audience-even those sitting at the back of a large meeting room-can hear clearly.

Voice Projection (some tips)

1) Speak with a clear, firm voice, the first few sentences are especially important to convey assurance to your audience;

2) Be clearly intelligible at all times; pronounce proper names and titles especially carefully; 3) Don’t “orate”, but do sound natural and sincere; 4) Use the first person singular;

5) Talk to your audience”personally” and keep contact with them at all times; 6) Watch the reaction of the audience to what you say;

7) Be friendly toward your audience, be interested in your subject; 8) Don’t frown;

9) Don’t grimace, even if you make mistakes.

Speed of delivery

Public speaking for an interpreter means that you have to maintain the interest of the audience,who are hearing a text twice, once in a version which they cannot understand. You must engage their attention, and one method is to vary your speed of delivery.

More tips:

1) Don’t talk faster than 160 words a minute or slower than 90 words a minute; 2) Keep your rate of delivery constantly changing; 3) Don’t be monotonous in your delivery;

4) Change your pace or speed in response to the audience’s reactions; 5) Allow space for applause, laughter, or interruptions; 6) Keep eye contact with the audience.

第二讲:口译技能训练之记忆训练 Memory training The importance of a good memory in interpreting

The ability to process information is an essential part of successful interpreting. The ability to listen, comprehend, and retain information is necessary for processing information.


As Wolfgang Zoelke pointed out in his popular work, Conditioning your memory, “Memory is no local function in the brain and definitely not a type of container. Memory is rather the entire body of thought which you retain,” and “memory is the lasting functioning of many mechanical, sensory, mental and physical moments.”

Short-term Memory:

The duration of STM is very short. It is up 6 to 30 seconds. Memory in interpreting only lasts for a short time. Once the interpreting assignment is over, the interpreter moves on to another one, often with different context, subject and speakers.

Long-term Memory:

Long-term Memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ideas and information which can then be recalled weeks, months, or even years later. To create these pathways, you must make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way you intend to recall it later. Long-term memory is a learning process. And it is essentially an important part of the interpreter’s acquisition of knowledge, because information stored in LTM may last for minutes to weeks, months, or even an entire life.

Short-term memory training Shadowing 影子练习 Simultaneous shadowing Parroting Lagging shadowing Chinese Whispers Multi-tasking

Long-term memory training Information-Visualization

This is to visualize what the speaker is saying in interpretation. It is applicable to the retaining of information in such speech types as narration, description and introduction.

Encoding, storage and retrieval

Categorization, generalization and comparison





Active Listening

Main reasons for failure to remember what has been heard: 1. Insufficient attention is paid to the speaker. 2. Unfamiliarity with the topic under discussion. 3. Incompetence in the foreign languages

第三讲:口译技能训练之笔记 Note-taking in Interpreting The importance of taking notes in interpreting

Our short-term memory alone can not retain the amount of information the speaker gives in the act of interpreting. We need to employ other means to help with our retaining and retrieval of information. Notes are an aid to enhance the work of understanding, analysis and re-expression, the three activities of consecutive interpreting.

Note-taking tips:

Keep a dynamic balance between memory andnotesand try to be less dependent on your notes.

Basic guidelines for note-taking in CI

1. Use a 15cm×20cm stenographer’s notepad; avoid loose sheets. 2. Write only on one side of the sheets; use a good old lead pencil.

3. Notes should be easily readable, be well spread on the page, written in large characters, and one single sentence can even occupy one sheet.

4. Notes must be very clear: for instance, an arrow pointing upward must be always used to represent one idea.

5. Avoid inventing symbols or abbreviations in the course of a conference. 6. Write your notes vertically 7. Use abbreviations

8. Use whatever language that comes to your mind 9. Use as many symbols as you feel comfortable with

What to note

Take down the main points of the speech, together with any amount of minor details your could manage (口译笔记的对象:概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系)

Some suggested symbols used in note-taking + good, strong ∨ victory - bad, weak ∵ because < smaller than ∴ so > bigger than Y agree ≤ smaller or equal N disagree ≥ bigger or equal □ country = equal . / on one side ≠ not equal / . on the other side ≈ approximately equal . / . relation × wrong, negative @ about


Eg; etc; ie; cf (compare); esp; min; max; usu; ref; co; std (standard); re(subject); asap; rgds; B2B,B2C,BTW(by the way); F2F(face to face); POV(point of view); CHN中国;FR法国;PR公共关系;GNP国民生产总值;re&op改革开放; SEZ经济特区(special economic zone);m eco 市场经济; sc&tech科技;agri农业;ind工业;edu教育;trav旅游

The use of left-hand margin

The left-hand margin is all-important, since in this section of the sheet the subjects of and the links between the sentences are to be noted. Some interpreters may choose to leave a left-hand margin of one to two centimeters for links only.

Distribution of the concentration Note 20%

100 brain cells Understanding 30% Listening 50%

Note-taking: What to note

1. Note down the main ideas. (not words)

2. Systematically note down the links between different ideas.

3. Pay attention to conjunctions, verb tenses, conditional forms, and modal verb. 4. Note down accurately the numbers, dates and proper names. Tip: Digest before taking notes!!

Guidelines for Note-taking

Tip: Notes are essentially individual in character. Try to develop your own personalized note-taking methods.

College class notes

Taken down in details, in source language with understanding. They are useful after class.

Shorthand notes 速记笔记

Taken automatically/mechanically in the source language without any analysis/thinking.

Interpretation notes

They helpful for the interpretation but its help is only secondary. Great attention is paid to understanding. Note down key points and most of the message is in your mind. Notes are there to trigger passive memory in your mind. It is useless after interpretation.

Words and expressions A rubber ball 橡皮球 Drop 失手落下 Nick 刻痕 Shatter 砸碎 Strive for 努力

A journey to be savored each step of the way


Symposium (on) 研讨会


Extend warm welcome to

Express one’s sincere thanks to Generous help

Popularize the use of

Deserves reference and study

I wish the symposium a complete success


total industrial output value/gross industrial output

国有工业: state-owned industry 集体工业: collective industry

个体工业: private industry

中外合资企业: Sino-Foreign joint venture 合作企业: cooperative enterprise 独资企业:

individual proprietorship/enterprise


↑increasing/lifting/up/develop ↓ drop/crash/diminish → forward/develop ← last year Yr

? emphasis, e.g. → next year Yr

