人力资源专业英语《经济管理英语》朱煜明,西北工业大学出版社 -
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专业外语(English for Special Purpose)
1. 依托教材, 精读为主, 培养并提高原文阅读与理解能力
1) 学习模仿英语的正确用法
a) The key of problem is that---? The key to problem is that---? (问题的关键是……)
b) medium and small size companies---? small and medium size companies ---?
medium and small sized companies ---? small and medium sized companies ---? middle and small sized companies ---? small and middle sized companies ----? (中小型公司)
c) high-tech industry---? higher-tech industry---?
high science & technology industry---? (高科技产业)
2) 学习新观念和方法
There is a rule in many companies that you cannot go above budget on a project. There is another rule that says you cannot come in under budget, either.
3) 正本清源,纠正译文错误或不妥, 如“半句话现象”等
理解: 原文原意
a) 避免逐字(词)对应,学会必要的 增减、引申
HR manager should act as the right arm of the top executive,
b) 英译汉符合汉语用法习惯
HR managers stay on top of such trends。
People are seen as members of herd, requiring a lead cow to guide them.
Woman and man, young and old.
2. 学习扩展英语词汇
1) 一词(字)多意,甚至词义完全不同, 视不同上下文择定。如:
a) interest 兴趣,利益,利息,关心…
there is interest today in instituting reengineering programs and …
HR manager must represent the interests of employees
b) worker
Workers of all lands, unite.
———Karl Marx
Worker benefit
c) benefit 福利,好处
providing incentive and benefit . one benefit, often unexpected, is improved attitudes.
d) “在孟买的恐怖分子,随身携带AK—47一支,手榴弹若干,补充能量的干果外加杂志(magazine)六七本。”
2) 公共词语——专业术语 前者为主
3) 鼓励“guess”或“guesstimate”, 避免见生词查字典 生词并非是妨碍正确理解的最大敌人。 Carry out an important role
In doing so, the HR manager Carry out three distinct functions:…
3. 语法问题:
只涉及简单语法回顾与复习,服从于目的。 1) 长句子重点找主—谓—宾
2) 注意从句等引导词(that, which等)的省略情形 a) Most experts agree that there are five basic functions all managers perform,
b) Perhaps it’s easier to answer this question by listing some of the personnel mistakes you don’t want to make while managing.
c) the term HR strategies refers to the specific HR courses of action the company uses to achieve its aims.
4. 英语知识——专业知识矛盾
5. speak out English
Close book exam 加平时抽查点名
“Managers at all levels and all organizations are striving to achieve results through people.”
——D.Scott Sink
Unit 1 Human Resources Management
at Work
Supplemental notes:
staff 员工(总称),职能(参谋) —— staffing 员工配备
project 预计,计划,项目,工程
superior — subordinate 上下级 authority(authorize) 职权,权力
prospective 期望中的,未来的
compensate(compensation) 付(薪)酬
counsel = advise 提建议, 劝告,忠告
morale[m?'r?l] 士气
Quota 定额
candidate 候选人,(报名)投考者
a) orienting and training new employees
为新员工(进行)工作定位和培训 incentive奖励,奖金
discipline(disciplining) 训导,惩戒
building employee commitment commitment 承诺,承担责任 ( 建立员工承诺 ?—— note 5,P 93 ) —— 树立员工责任心
Affirmative 肯定的
Affirmative action “平权行动”
grievance 委屈,怨情,不平(note 10, P93)
turnover 员工流失
(有辩识力的,有差别的?— note 6, P93) ——歧视性的
cited 引证,引用
undermine —— ?
assembly line——?
general 将军,总管
governor 州长, 主管人员(董事等)
supervisor(基层)管理者,上级,工头 1) from president down to the lower-level supervisor
2) Nancy Rickson, a secretary in a small office, was difficult for her supervisor to understand.
They may experience continual conflicts with a supervisor or peer.
knack ___??
appraise(appraising,appraisal) 评价
hold true 适用, 有效
b) I think it’s the work force and the company’s inability, to recruit and maintain a good work force that…
c) I don’t know of any major project backed by good ideas, vigor, and enthusiasm that has been stopped by a shortage of cash.
我从未见过由良好创意、活力与激情所支撑的任何重要项目最终因资金短缺而停顿下来,…… hamper 妨碍,阻碍
de- 去,否
de- regulation取消监管,监管缺失 ( Financial deregulation ) de-centralize
(Let alone)thrive 兴旺,繁荣
Line vs staff authority____
d) Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)
interpret ——?
e) This implied authority carries even more weight with supervisors troubled by human resource /personnel problems
executive ____?
“bread and butter” 份内的事,常规性工作 reward 报答,报酬,奖励
comply with 遵守
reengineering program工程再造计划 mechanism机制
contest 辩驳,反驳,反对
framework 框架, 架构
oboligation to 服从于…
across the board普遍适用(地) qualification 资格
to screen out 筛分,审查
- oriented 以…为导向,面向…
f) and to institute various
promation-from-within activities… 建立各种在活动内部使人员晋升的制度,
crafted 精心实施
competency(competent) 能力,才能
g) HR’s long history as a staff or advisory function has left it with a
somewhat impoversished reputation some still tend to view it as less than it is .
在长期历史上, HR承担参谋或劝告职能给人留下了有些萦弱无力 ( Impoverished ) 的名声,如今仍然有人总是低估其应有的价值(作用)。
h) According to this line of reasoning, HR activities simply, “involve putting out small fires ensuring that…
按照这种推断, HR活动只是解决一般性应急事务, 确保……
sack (sacking) = fire (firing)
rep 恶人
matching(match) 相匹配的
forge into 打造,使形成
differentiate from___?
i) most of these manager were “more intimately involved with the implementation of strategic change and with the recruitment and development of key staff, notably manager” than with actually formulating the firm’s strategic plans. notably 著名地,显要地,能干地, notably (notable ) managers
put a premium on促进, 助长
outplace (替将被辞退的)安排工作, 为…谋新职
go on to + 动词原形 接着(做)
j) In merging two “wildly divergent cultures and in dealing with the uncertainty and initial shock that rippled through both organizations when the merger was announced.
merge 合并 wildly 杂乱地,无秩序地 divergent 分歧的,发散的 ripple 起波动,涟漪
在两个企业文化差异极大的公司进行合并的过程中, 在应对合并宣告后两个企业涌动(rippled)的不确定性和最初的震惊时,
k) There appears to be no best practice magic bullet. (note 20, P93—?)
initiatives 首创精神,积极性 indiscriminately____discriminately
consisitent with 符合,使一致
corollary [k?’r?l?ri] (数)推论,必然的结果
Unit 2 Emplyee Attitudes and Their
Effects 员工态度及其影响 Supplemental Notes: negative___ positive
deteriorate 恶(劣)化,损坏
slowdowns 怠工
absence(absent, absenteeism)___?
a) Its rate of casual absenteeism failure of employees to report to work as scheduled is 5 percent.
(failure of …to,failure to 不能,未能,)
schedule 日程(进度)安排
staggering = shocking
favorable有利的,良好的 favorable balance顺差 favorable winds顺风
hallmark 检验印记,标志
perceive(perception) 感觉,理解,知道
Administrator(administration, administrative) —?
b) The job satisfaction of the tool (and the ?) department is at an all-time high (空前最高记录)。
(参照as in the tool department or among those over the age of forty —— 第3行,P101)
take a cue from 从…获得暗示(提示)
predispose [pri:d?’sp??z] 使人倾向于,使偏爱
c) the studies may also divide their attention between ……
d) File ( ? ) result is that there is a spillover effect that occurs in both directions between job and life satisfaction (spillover 溢出, 过剩)
distracted 精力不集中,分心的
probe 探求,探索, 彻底调查
clue 线索
pour out 倾诉,诉说
heart-wrenching 心痛的 tale = story
Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio ——某中国古典名著
delinquency懈怠, 过失
recreational pursuit娱乐追求
“golden rule” ——为人准则(指导原则)
e) resign themselves to their work situations… (resign oneself to 听命(顺从)于)
f) larger organizations tend to overwhelm people
overwhelm 打翻,压倒
overwhelming 势不可挡的,压倒之势的
disrupt 打断,中断
ambiguity = unclear meaning
immerse …..into 浸入,埋头于,专心于 traumatic [tr?:’m?t?k] 损害性的, 外伤的 esteem___?
tardy = to be late
Organizational commitment 组织承诺 ?
—— note 11, P102
g) Organizational commitment is the degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and wants to continue actively participating in it.
员工(对组织的) 责任感
persistent 持久的,
subsequent = following cling to信守,坚持
instill 灌输
peer —?
h) or they may have reached a personal plateau in their career. As a result they are more likely to seek greener pastures elsewhere
plateau [pl?t?u] 高原,(心)(发展后的)停滞时期 pastures牧场
或者他们可能已达到了个人职业发展的停滞阶段, 因此更容易寻求另外更有吸引力的领域。
lay off ——?
resignation (resign) 辞职
de-moralize——? (moralize ----morale)
legitimate 合法的,合理的,正当的,
i) dissatisfied employees do not……
voluntary 故意的,任意的
cluster 类别 four-pronged 四(方面)分支的
j) The division removed the financial incentives that previously rewarded casual absence,…
(按字面直译)该划分法取消了以前对随意缺勤进行金钱奖励的做法, …??
该划分法取消了以前对随意缺勤不作出经济处罚的做法, …
withdraw from (工作)不投入
impede [im’pi:d] 妨碍
extraordinary[iks'tr?:dnri] 不寻常的,特殊的 revenge for 报复
k) Employees may justify this ……..。
l) They aren’t worth that much
pepper onion sticks 意大利辣味香肠 monotonous [m?’n?t?n?s] 单调的
rationalize 使合(有)理
utility 公用事业公司
bottled up抑制,妨碍 agitated [’?d??te?t?d] 焦虑,不安
welfare 福利
generous丰富的,大量的 “Sun belt”阳光地带——美国南部各州
solicit 征求,请求
merit 长处,优点
Unit 3
Establishing Pay Plays
Supplemental Notes: commission佣金
increment——? secretarial(job) 秘书工作 clerical(job) 事务性工作
a) Other employees especially ……salaried.
其他员工, 尤其是……定期获得固定薪水(报酬)。
b) A worker’s hourly wage is divided by the standard number of units he or she is expected to produce in one hour, …
将员工的小时工资除以其每小时预定生产的标准件数得出每件工资额, ……
affiliation归属,隶属 job enrichment工作丰富化
c) The most evangelical human relationist insists… (mainspring 主要动力
miasma [mi:’?zm?,] 瘴气,有害气氛)
的,同时断言(protesing)其他也同样重要(按他的观点, 或许成为高尚的人). 如今,若不是金钱驱动在其他价值观和做法的有害影响下(miasma)趋于失去其应有的中心位置, 就没有必要痛斥(Belabor)这种(两者同样重要的)观点了.
wage rate = pay rate 工资水平(标准)
d) “Other importat policies include…….
其他重要的付酬政策有:涨工资和晋升,加班费,试用期报酬, 离开企业服兵役时待遇, 承担应急任务的报酬, 以及带薪休假等。
anchor [‘??k?] 抛锚, 定基准
e) First,survey data are……
首先, 利用调查数据确定(anchoe)业主工资系列中基准工作的报酬,其他工作的报酬根据对企业的相对价值以此上下变动
f) Such as when a bank’ HR director……
hierarchy ['hai?rɑ:ki] 层级, 层次,等级 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
be well on the way to 在…取得很大进展
g) however, most use factors…
impending 即将来临的
bring to bear 支持,具有
be composed of —?
with suspicion 怀疑地
serve on (有权)发挥作用
on the grounds that由于,因为
h) the union’s position is that it is ……
工会的立场是, 只把它当成最初的决策技术而认可工作评价, 并保留权力呼吁(appeal)通过冤情申诉或谈判渠道决定实际的工资水平。
i) Job sepcifications which list the …for instance are not…
Pros and cons ——??
j) Some of its drawbacks…
guesstimates (美俚) 瞎猜, 瞎估计
k) The groups are called classes if they contain similar jobs……
人力资源专业英语《经济管理英语》朱煜明,西北工业大学出版社 -03-18
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