冀教版六年级英语下册 教案 Unit1-L6 A Famous Football Player

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Unit 1 Sports

Lesson 6

A Famous Football Player



1、学会本课中的三会词汇:something, ago, around, as, bottle, Christmas, cup, world, would, dig, famous。 2、理解并会朗读短文。


【情感目标】学生敢于开口,不怕出错误。体会球王贝利的精神,感悟有志者事竟成的道理。 【教学重难点】 重点:

【教学重点】能在老师的帮助和图片的提示下读懂故事。 难点:

【教学难点】能在图片和关键词的提示下讲述故事。 【课前准备】

Tape recorder, Multimedia 【教学过程】 Step 1:Warm-up

1. Play a game, do and guess. T: What did he/she do?

S: He / She played...

2. Talk about the picture of Yao Ming. Do you know him? Lead the students know about Pele.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Fast reading. Looking at the pictures, students go through the passage quickly, then answer this question: Who’s the boy? (His name is Pele. the world famous football player)

2. Intensive reading. Read the story on Page12 carefully. Then answer the questions. Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs?

Because he liked to play football very much, but his parents couldn't buy him a football.

Why did the coach give him a football as a gift? Because he thought that the boy would be a good player. What did the boy do for the coach at Christmas time? He dug a hole for the Christmas tree. What happened in 1958?

The boy and his team won the Football World Cup. Who is the boy?

He is Pele - the world famous football player.

3. Play the recording, read and repeat the story on page12. Step 3: Drills

1. Listen to the conversations on Page10 again and check the words you hear. bottle, coach, front, hole, around Step 4: Practise

Look at the pictures , try to retell the story. Step5: Summary and evaluation 1. Read and repeat the key words. 2. Go through the key sentences.

3. Ask the students to give themselves an evaluation. Step6: Homework 1. Retell the story.

2. Do you know other famous people?

