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Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】




1.______of the sand in that district ______ covered with trees

and grass.

A. Two fifth, is

B. Two fifth, are

C. Two fifths, is

D. Two fifths, are

2. As close friends, they used to walk to school ______.

A. step by step

B. face to face

C. side by side


little by little

3. —Yesterday I lost my pencil sharpener. I couldn’t find


—Oh, it’s a pity. You’d better buy ______ this afternoon.

A. it; it

B. one; it

C. one; one

D. it; one

4. —Will you go to Japan for travelling on time after the earthquake


A. I see, thanks

B. All right

C. I’m afraid not

D. Watch out

5. The two pictures look the same to me. It’s hard to ______

one from the other.

A. say

B. talk

C. speak

D. tell

6. We had to ______ the sports meet because of the heavy rain.

A. put away

B. put off

C. put up

D. put on

7. —Have you seen ______ pen I left one here this morning.

—Is it ______ black one I think I saw it somewhere.

A. the; the

B. the; a

C. a; a

D. a; the

8. Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they ______ the Forbidden City.

A. will be shown up

B. will show up

C. will be shown around

D. will show to

9. —I can’t go with you today. There will be a test tomorrow.—______. Maybe next time.

A. Sorry to hear that

B. It doesn’t matter

C. I don’t think so

D. My pleasure

10. At last the boy was made ______ and began to laugh.

A. stop crying

B. to stop crying

C. to stop to cry

D. stop to cry

11. Around the world more and more people are ______ dangerous sports activities, because life in modern societies has become safe and boring.

A. taking care of

B. taking out

C. taking part in

D. taking off

12. —Do you like your new T-shirt

—Yes. Not only I but also my mother ______ it.

A. like

B. likes

C. don’t like

13. Well, talking about my study, I’d like to begin with my English learning.

A. says

B. as for

C. speak

D. tell

14. For breakfast, I usually have ______ and two pieces of bread.

A. a cup of milk half

B. a half milk cup

C. half a milk cup

D. half a cup of milk

15. I don’t know the city. Where can I find ______ good restaurant

A. some

B. any

C. the

D. a

16. The computer is broken. ______ it ______ today

A. Has; been repaired

B. Has; repaired

C. Will; repair

D. Will; be repaired

17. By the end of last month, I ______ all the CDs of Justin Bieber.

A. collect

B. have collected

C. had collected

D. collected

18. In America when you’re given a present, you can open it

______. You don’t have to wait.

A. immediately

B. properly

C. quietly

D. carefully

19. The cartoon ______, Snoopy, is very popular in China.

A. writer

B. designer

C. actor

D. character

20. My best friend Alex failed in the math competition. I’d like to ______.

A. pick him up

B. wake him up

C. cheer him up

D. dress him up

21. —Your coat looks very nice. What’s it made______ —Cotton, and it is made______ Wuhan.

A. from; in

B. from; on

C. of; in

D. of; on

22. Now more and more people are______ the dangers of drinking and driving.

A. tired of

B. fond of

C. aware of

D. proud of

23. My car alarm is always ______ whenever my neighbor’s cat goes under my car.

A. going out

B. going off

C. breaking down

D. setting off

24. —Are you satisfied with the result of the exam

—Not at all. I can’t have ______.

A. the worst one

B. the best one

C. a worse one

D. a better one

25. A group of young men hope that getting this kind of job

will finally be the ticket

to success.

A. street

B. road

C. direction

D. gate


26. 我们究竟能为改善环境做些什么呢?(根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词)

What ______ ______ can we do to improve our environment

27. If the sky is c______, there’s no rain or cloud and you can see very far.

28. Frank will come up with some ways to learn more English. (改为同义句)

Frank will ______ ______ some ways to learn more English.

29. This book is of great ______ (价值) to beginners.

30. The Great Wall of China is one of the ______ (奇迹) of the world.



Some time ago, my wife and I traveled to Sydney to visit my sister. We had taken more clothes than we needed and struggled onto the train.

In front of us, in a face-to-face seat, 31 six young men in their early 20s. They were strong and 32 , and I disliked them immediately. They were laughing loudly, obviously 33 themselves and they 34 a foreign language.

As we went quickly 35 the countryside, I kept an eye

on them as they joked around. Sometimes they took a look in our direction. When two of them got 36 , I relaxed a little.

The rest of them 37 to laugh and joke in their own language.

When we finally arrived at our 38 , only one of them

was left on the train. He was obviously 39 too and as I struggled towards him with my heavy luggage(行李), he reached out and asked in English:“Want a hand with that, mate”

He 40 the heavier bag up the station steps for us. We were pleasantly surprised and very grateful.

31. A. stood B. lay C. sat D. lived

32. A. polite B. noisy C. lazy D. quiet

33. A. devoting B. enjoying C. teaching D. helping

34. A. spoke B. told C. said D. talked

35. A. above B. over C. onto D. through

36. A. off B. up C. along D. on

37. A. stopped B. started C. wanted D. continued

38. A. house B. shelter C. station D. hotel

39. A. frightened B. worried C. bored D. excited

40. A. left B. brought C. carried D. bought


I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. I just sat still and didn’t say anything.

When Jenny was old enough, I sent her to a kindergarten(幼

儿园). On the first morning, Jenny spent hours playing by herself. It seemed that she felt very 41 .

However, to my joy, Jenny’s classmates always 42

her,“You got all your spelling words right today!” In fact,

her spelling list was the 43 . Later, she faced a very

painful 44 —at the end of the term, there was a game

which had 45 to do with physical education. But Jenny was 46 in it.

My husband and I were anxious about the day. I wanted to

let my child stay home! But my heart wouldn’t let me off that easily. So I 47 a pale, unwilling Jenny onto the school bus.

At the kindergarten, I was quite worried because of her

48 action, Jenny would probably hold up her team. The game

went well until it was time for the sack(麻袋) race. Surely Jenny would find it 49 . Now each child had to climb into

a sack, jump to the finishing line, return and clim

b out of the sack. I noticed Jenny standing near the end of her line of players.

But as it was her turn to join, a change took place in her 50 . The tallest boy behind Jenny placed his hands on her

waist(腰). Two other boys 51 in front her . The moment

the player before Jenny stepped out from the sack, the two boys 52 the sack suddenly and kept it open while the tall boy

lifted Jenny and 53 her into it. A girl nearby took her hand and supported her 54 Jenny got her balance. Then she jumped forward, smiling and proud. In the cheers of the

teachers, schoolmates and parents, I silently thanked the warm, understanding people in life who made it 55 for my

disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings. Then I

finally cried.

41. A. excited B. lonely C. happy D. weak

42. A. greeted B. expected C. encouraged D. followed

43. A. easiest B. longest C. smallest D. tidiest

44. A. choice B. problem C. result D. exam

45. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

46. A. forward B. fast C. behind D. up

47. A. threw B. pushed C. knocked D. fixed

48. A. slow B. quiet C. quick D. secret

49. A. stupid B. simple C. relaxing D. difficult

50. A. school B. family C. team D. heart

51. A. ran B. lay C. walked D. stood

52. A. picked up B. gave up C. cut up D. made up

53. A. drove B. hid C. put D. hit

54. A. when B. until C. after D. unless

55. A. popular B. special C. necessary D. possible



Rubbish is a major kind of environmental pollution.Each person produces about two kilograms of rubbish in our homes a day.And this is only a small part of all the rubbish we produce.We also create waste in industry.

Have you wondered what happens to the rubbish Most of it is buried in landfills or burned. Less than 25% of our waste is recycled. A landfill is carefully designed and it is built

into or on top of the ground.Rubbish buried in landfills is cut off from the surrounding environment (groundwater,air,rain,etc.).

One problem with landfills is that they cover a lot of land space.If they are not well-built,there is a high risk of polluting the land and water.Some people also say that

landfills remove materials for ever.As a result,the materials that can be reused are wasted.

Burning rubbish in factories is another way to cut out waste.Burning reduces 95% of the waste.And if poisonous materials are removed. burning is completed at controlled temperatures, and it's possible to do so without causing too much pollution.Some factories could even produce electricity from the burning process.

Not all of the rubbish can be burned,so we have to separate(分类) it before we burn it.However, separation costs a lot of money. Another problem with burning rubbish is that what is left after burning is poisonous.How to safely deal with it is a continuing problem.

Before the mid-20th century,landfills were the main way to deal with waste.In the late 20th century,other ways like recyling have been introduced to help reduce global pollution.阅读短文,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中找出一个正确的选项填空,使短文完整、通顺。

56.What is the advantage of burying rubbish in landfills A.Reducing 95% of the waste.

B.Reusing the materials buried in landfills.

C.Producing electricity.

D.cutting off rubbish from the surrounding environment.57.What does "landfill" mean in Chinese

A. 土坝

B. 垃圾填埋场

C. 土地税

D. 垃圾堆58.Paragraph 5 is mainly about _______.

A. the separation of rubbish

B. the problems with burning rubbish

C. the safety of burning rubbish

D. the cost of burning rubbish

59.The best title of the passage is _______.

A.Cutting Out Waste

B.Recycling Waste

C.Burning Waste

D.Burying Waste

60.After Paragraph 6,what is the writer likely to talk about next

A.Pollution B.Landfills C.Recycling D.Environment


In the modern world,advertising is everywhere!Some people think that ads 61 (be) great. But others hate ads, saying that they make our 62 (city) and countryside look ugly. It’s 63 (truly) that some ads can be very useful. For instance, they can help you 64 (compare) two different products and save money. When prices 65 (list), you can go to the store with the 66 (low) price. However some advertising can be confusing or 67 (leading). Sometimes the picture in an ad looks a lot better than the real thing. At other times, the words 68 (sound) good but don’t really

tell you anything about the quality of the product. So 69 (your) have to be careful. 70 (let) their words and

pictures fool you.

61. ______ 62. ______ 63. ______ 64. ______ 65.

______ 66. ______ 67. ______ 68. ______ 69. ______ 70. ______


Elena jogged with her dad in some empty lots (小块地) at

the edge of town. These out-of-the-way lots were good places to jog. But the lots were full of rocks and rubbish.

One day Elena saw a sign on the lots. It said ―New City Park.‖ Elena was excited. Maybe the park would have a jogging trail!

Elena told her parents about the sign.

“I read about the park in the newspaper,” said Elena’s father. “The city wants volunteers to help clean the area.

Then the city will build a soccer field and a playground.”

“Will they build a jogging trail” Elena asked.

“No, the paper didn’t mention a jogging trail.”

“Well, perhaps if I help clean up the lots, they’ll put

in a jogging trail,” said Elena.

On Saturday Elena went to the lots. Many adults were

working there. Some were picking up rubbish. Some were moving rock.

“I went to volunteer,” Elena told a man. “What can I


“This is not a job for children,” said the man. “You’d better go home.”

Elena looked around. She could carry rubbish. She could

move rocks. A lady was pulling a bag of rubbish. Elena saw a

box of rubbish bags. She took an empty bag.

“I’ll take this bag to the Dumpster,” said Elena. “Here’s a new bag.”

“Thanks,” said the lady. “Keep those new bags coming.”

Elena dragged rubbish bags. She told everyone she was glad to help build the park. She explained that she hoped the park would have a jogging trail.

Elena went to the area very week. Soon everyone knew her and she told everyone how wonderful a jogging trail would be.

Soon the volunteers cleared the lots. The city could start building. The mayor (市长) gave a speech. He showed a drawing of the new park. He told them about the soccer field and the baseball diamond. There would be picnic tables. There would be a playground. The park would even have basketball courts. There was no sign of a jogging trail.

The mayor thanked the volunteers. Then he asked if they had any suggestions. The volunteers said they wanted to build a jogging trail around the park.

They told the mayor how helpful Elena had been and how she wanted a jogging trail. The mayor said, “A jogging trail won’t be hard to build. Let’s do it!”

Everyone clapped and cheered. Elena cheered loudest of all.

71. How did Elena feel at the beginning of the story

A. Happy and proud.

B. Sad and shy.

C. Excited and hopeful.

D. Unhappy and disappointed.

72. How did Elena know the city needed volunteers to help clean the lots

A. Her father told her about it.

B. She read it in the newspaper.

C. She learned it from a sign.

D. She was told by other volunteers.

73. Why did Elena want to help clean the lots

A. She wanted to play on the playground.

B. She wanted her name in the newspaper.

C. She wanted to work with other volunteers.

D. She wanted the city to build a jogging trail.

74. Why did the volunteers tell the mayor they wanted to build

a jogging trail

A. They needed a park to jog around.

B. They wanted to thank Elena for her help.

C. They thought it was a good place for jogging.

D. They hoped the mayor could jog with them every day.

75. What can be the best title for the story

A. Elena and a Mayor

B. Elena and New City Park.

C. Elena and Some Volunteers

D. Elena and a Jogging Trail




6~10 BCCBB

11~15 CBBDD

16~20 DCADC

21~25 CCBCB


26. on earth

27. clear

28. think up

29. value

30. wonders


31~35 CBBAD

36~40 ADCDC

41~45 BCABD

46~50 CBADC

51~55 DACBD

56~60 DBABC

61. are

62. cities

63. true

64. compare

65. are listed

66. lowest

67. misleading

68. sound

69. you

70. Don’t let

71~75 CADBD

