人教版初一(下)英语第12讲:unit 6 语法篇(学生版)

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Unit 6 语法篇

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________熟练掌握本章重点语法知识。


1. Her father is cooking the meal. (改为一般疑问句)

her father the meal?

2. My sister is washing clothes now. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

your sister clothes now?

3. She often plays soccer after school. (用now改写句子)

She soccer now.

4. The boys often play basketball after school. (对划线部分提问)

the boys often after school?

5. The teachers are watching TV in the meeting room. (对划线部分提问)

in the meeting room?



1. --- What are the kids doing?

--- They the flowers in the garden.



C.have watered

D.are watering

2. --- What's that noise?


--- Bob and his sister computer games.

A.have played

B.are playing


D.will play

3. He sometimes a picture,but now he .



C.draws;is singing

D.is drawing;sings

4. --- stories every day?

--- No. But now I .

A.Are you reading;read

B.Do you read;am reading

C.Do you read;read

D.Are you reading;am reading

5. --- Is Jack in the classroom now?

--- No,he football on the playground.



C.is playing

D.was playing


6. 史蒂夫正在通过电话交谈。

Steve .

7. 让我们出去吃吧!

Let's !

8. 我妈妈正在做汤。

My mother .

9. 李雷正在使用电脑吗?

Is Li Lei a ?


10. 汤姆晚饭后经常洗餐具。

Tom often after dinner.


11. 人们不是在工作。他们在吃午饭。

People . They lunch.

12. 你认为那个人为什么在跑?

do you think the man ?

13. 他们在谈论什么?

are they about?

14. “他正在做什么?” “他正在用电脑。”

--- he ?

--- He's the computer.

15. 明明正在刷牙吗?

Is Mingming his ?

16. Mrs. White shops with her husband. (用now改写句子)

Mrs. White with her husband now.

17. It's nine o'clock. (对划线部分提问)

is it?

18. Tina is reading some books. (改为否定句)

Tina reading books.

19. The girls are watching a movie at the cinema. (对划线部分提问)


the girls a movie?

20. There is a photo of my friend. (改为复数句子)

There some of my friends.


1. Listen! They about Harry Potter. Let's join them.

A.are talking


C.have talked


2. Look! They games over there.


B.is play

C.is playing

D.are playing

3. Be quiet,please. The students a class now.



C.are having

D.were having

4. Jim and his teacher over there.

A.is talk

B.are talk

C.is talking

D.are talking

5. are the children doing now?






Miyoko 6 from Japan. She lost her parents in 2019. Now she is

7 in Qingdao. She is 8 at No. 2 High School.

She gets up 9 six every morning. After that,she 10 Chinese. She 11 breakfast at seven o'clock.

Now it is seven o'clock in the morning. Miyoko 12 breakfast

13 her Chinese parents.


"Have another egg,Miyoko. It's just 7:15," her mother says. " 14 ,thank you,Mom. I must go now. Wang Lili is waiting for me 15 the bus stop. Today,we are having a Chinese contest. Byebye,Mom."

6. e0b57a0ab8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aff849c5es e0b57a0ab8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aff849c5e C.be D.are

7. A.be living B.live C.living D.lives

8. A.studies B.to study C.studying D.study

9. A.for B.on C.in D.at

10. A.reads B.read C.is D.reading

11. A.has B.is having C.to have D.having

12. A.has B.is having C.to have D.having

13. A.with B.and C.to D.for

14. A.Yes B.Not C.No D.Oh

15. A.for B.at C.on D.in





It is late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed and he's looking at his clock. His neighbors(邻居) are making a lot of noise and Arthur is very angry.

The people in Apartment(公寓) 2 are dancing. The man in Apartment 3 is vacuuming(吸尘) the carpet(地毯). The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin. The teenagers in Apartment 5 are listening to loud rock music (摇滚乐). The dog in Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument(争吵).


It's very late and Arthur is tired and angry. What a terrible night!

1. Arthur's neighbors are .





2. The man in Apartment 3 is .

A.painting his apartment

B.cleaning his apartment

C.fixing his apartment


3. The noisy people in Apartment 5 are .





4. The dog in Apartment 6 isn't .


B.making noise



5. The woman in Apartment 4 is .

A.playing cards

B.playing the violin

C.playing computer

D.playing ball


All students need to have good habits(习惯). When you have good study habits,you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.

Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place,like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing,and you will learn better. Before you begin to study,do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk

light(台灯) is important,too. You'll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线).

1. When you have good study habits,you will .

A.learn things quickly

B.remember things easily


C.think about one thing

D.both A and B

2. The living room is not a good place for study because it is too .





3. You'll feel tired easily if the light is .





4. You should remember to before you study.

A.clean the desk

B.tidy the room

C.turn on the light

D.go to the bedroom

5. The best title(标题) for this passage(文章) is .

A.Study in the bedroom

B.Good study habits

C.How to study

D.Desk light is important(重要的)


Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good,thick paper,old letters,for example. She doesn't like newspapers very much.

Of course,the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees,and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants,too. And we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper?

Scientists say,"All food comes in some way from plants." Well,is that true?

Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat little sea-plants. Chickens eat bits of grass and give us meat and eggs. Think for a minute,what food does not come from plants in some way?

Scientists can do wonderful things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without the help of animals. It is very good food,too. Now they have begun to say,"We


make our paper from wood. We can also make food from wood. The next thing is not very difficult." What is the next thing? Perhaps it is food from paper. Scientists say,"We can turn paper into food. It will be good,cheap food. And it may be cheaper than meat of fish or eggs."

So please keep your old books and letters. Don't feed them to your cat. One day,they will be on your plate,if what scientists say may come true.

1. The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because .

A.they are useful for reading in the future

B.they may be used to feed cats now

C.we can make food from them in the future

D.we can read them at breakfast soon

2. We can learn that .

A.scientists can make food like meat with cheese

B.babies love eating chocolate and old letters

C.now scientists can make food from wood

D.scientists can do wonderful things with food

3. What's the main idea of this passage?

A.All food comes from plants in some way.

B.It will not be long before food can be made from paper.

C.Scientists can do everything wonderful with plants.

D.Scientists can make food without the help of animals.



Today is Sunday. It is time to play games. Look! There is a child near the house. What is he doing? He is watering(浇) some flowers. Who are the man and the woman behind the house?They're workers. What are they doing? They are working. Look at the children near the river. They are Young Pioneers. Are they playing or working? Some are singing,some are playing games,and some are playing basketball. They are very happy.


1. It is Sunday today.

2. There is a child behind the house.

3. The man and the woman are playing basketball.

4. The children are at home.

5. All the children are very happy.


