2020版新学优高中英语同步外研必修3 精练习题:Module 1 1.1

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Module 1Europe

Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and






(1)The room south belongs to her.


(2)The designer is faced with a hard task.


(1)I saw the landmark at the mouth of the river.


(2)Harbin,the Ice City,is situated on the Songhua River.


3.because of

’s being there,I said nothing about it.


.work on ’clock last night.

5.ever since

’ve been afraid of them ever since. 二、阅读词汇检测


The ancient 1. city lies on the coast of continental 2. Africa.Its

population ranges 3. between 3 and 3.5 million.It has a great civilisation 4. of 4,000 years.Known for its sculptures 5. produced by some great artists,it attracts many visitors every year.

古代的 2.大陆的 3.在某范围内变化 4.文明




The mountain peak snow all the year round.


The capital the west bank of the river.


The city attracts many tourists its gorgeous climate.


They’ll till sunset.


She a writer and her short stories.


She moved to London ten years ago,and has lived there .


1.(face) with so many difficulties,he decided to ask his boss for advice.

2.These books cover a variety of subjects (range) from sports to current affairs.

3.The beautiful city of Qingdao, (situate) on the east coast of China,attracts a lot of tourists every year.

4.You cannot accept an opinion offered to you unless it (base) on facts.

5.I’d like my bedroom(design) according to the fashionable style of Europe and America.

6.There is a (continent) climate in that place.

7.Three fifths of the houses in the town (destroy) since the earthquake happened.

8.His first novel(receive) good reviews since it came out last month.



VENICE,a small waterside city in northeast Italy,boils with happiness and excitement once every year.Between February 21 and March 4,carnival(狂欢节) hits the streets.

For most people,carnival means large parties and feasts(盛宴).But in Venice,it also means traditional masks and clothes.

These costumes were first meant to hide personal identities.Then,different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness.

Along the waterways,people greeted each other with“Good morning,Mrs./Mr.Mask!”

Today,people in Venice still dress up in the strangest ways as armed soldiers,butchers and fishermen,for example.

Bars and cafes are filled with party-goers who come to show off their beautiful clothes.Their designs and creations are made by special studios.Ready-made costumes are not acceptable.

“In the months before the carnival,we work overtime to meet the demand,”said a mask-maker.“Many kilometres of silk and lace(花边) are made into costumes.For shopkeepers,carnival is the best time of a year.”

The Venice carnival dates back to the Middle Ages.At that time,the city was one of the wealthiest in Europe.

The tradition of celebrating with masks and costumes is thought to have been started by the“Stocking Companies”.These were groups of young men who organised parties and festivals and wore colourful stockings to distinguish(区分) themselves.

By the 18th century,the carnival had reached its top.It all came to an end when Napoleon controlled Venice in 1797.But in 1979,local people brought the old traditions back to life.

Now the Venice carnival attracts huge crowds from all over the world.This year,about 700,000 people are taking part.Hotels were fully booked months in advance,and bars and restaurants overflow every day.

The city certainly benefits—a whole industry has been built up around the carnival’s masks and clothes.

“The Venice carnival is a magical time!It’s such a great experience,”said one French tourist.

1.What might you infer from the article?

A.People in Venice like parties.

B.Venice was a happy city.

C.There used to be strong feelings of social classes in Venice.

D.Venice was a city of silk and lace.


2.When was the biggest carnival?

A.In the Middle Ages.

B.In the 18th century.

C.In 1797.

D.In 1979.

,到18世纪时,狂欢节达到其全盛时期,即最盛大(the biggest)时期。

3.Why do the shopkeepers like the carnival time?

A.Because they can make many different kinds of masks.

B.Because the city is a “sea of happiness ”.

C.Because many people from all over the world come to Venice.

D.Because they can make a lot of money during this time.


4.What is the main idea of the article?

A.How the carnival is celebrated in Venice.

B.The story of how the carnival began in Venice.

C.The history of the carnival in Venice.

D.What to see and do during the carnival time in Venice.

,文章主要讲述了在威尼斯人们是怎样庆祝狂欢节的。B 、C 、D 三项的内容都很片面,并非主要内容,故选A 项。


Florence ,Italy

Who should go:Art lovers;Renaissance historians;leather handbag shoppers with high credit limits. When to go:Spring or autumn.Travellers usually avoid summer in Florence.

Paris ,France

Who should go:Starving artists;Henry Miller fans;traditional food lovers.

When to go:Spring is the best time.That ’s what they all say,anyway.Autumn isn ’t bad,either,and I ’d rather be rooting around the south of France in search of truffles(松露) in autumn.Summer in Paris isn ’t bad,really.

Amsterdam ,Holland

Who should go:Lovers of Dutch Masters(artists I mean,like Rembrandt);bicyclists —it ’s a bike city in a flat land.

When to go:It can rain at any time in Amsterdam,but that ’s not a reason for not visiting this

fascinating city.Off-season tourists will be rewarded with good enough weather to stick around.Summer is good for sun lovers.

Madrid ,Spain

Who should go:Night owls —Madrid never sleeps;art lovers —the Prado is second only to the Louvre in presenting serious art;partygoers.

When to go:Spring,when days are warm and the nights are pleasantly cool.Demand for outside eating and drinking starts becoming stronger in March or April.Street life peaks(达到高峰) in June,and then slows in July and August as the temperature peaks.Autumn is also good,although you ’ll risk some rain.

Venice ,Italy

Who should go:Romantic dreamers who like walking through automobile-free streets;your

mother(she ’ll want you to take her there —trust me);almost anyone who wants to see something really different and romantic.

When to go:February is the time when the famous Venice Carnival is held and the weather is usually cold and foggy —perfect weather for Venice.Summer?A large number of tourists in shorts and whiny children ruin the atmosphere.You ’ll greatly enjoy yourself there in spring and early fall.

5.What do the cities Florence,Paris,Amsterdam and Madrid have in common?

A.They are all great cities for female shoppers.

B.They are all famous for their traditional food.

C.They are all great cities for art lovers.

D.They are all famous for cigars.

“Who should go ”部分可知,这四座城市都适合热爱艺术的人(art lovers)去游历,故选C 项。

6.If you are interested in looking for truffles in the south of France,you should go there in .

A.early spring



f82393ea0a4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79c3ate spring

Paris 这一部分的“...I ’d rather be rooting around the south of France in search of truffles in autumn .”可知应选B 项。


.What advice would the author probably give you if you go to visit Amsterdam?

A.To avoid going there in summer.

B.To avoid going around there by bike.

C.To take some credit cards with high credit limits.

D.To take an umbrella with you whenever you go out.

Amsterdam 这一部分的“It can rain at any time in Amsterdam ...”可推断,作者最有可能建议去那里旅游的人出门随身带伞。 六、七选五

Whether you are a native English speaker or are learning English as a second language,you can

benefit from learning how to improve English language skills.This article delivers the top five methods of improving your English language skills in the shortest amount of time. 1

Get a dictionary

A dictionary can be a great way to improve your vocabulary—after all,it is filled with words.2 Wherever you find yourself with a few extra free moments,take out your pocket dictionary and learn a new word.


Two quick examples are Elements of Grammar by Strunk & White and Essentials of English by Hopper,Gale & Foote.Grammar books typically help with not only grammar,but also with the correct usage of punctuation and even tips to improve the clarity of your speech or writing.

Learn to use words in the correct order

Words are used in different orders in different languages in the world when trying to express the same meaning.In order to speak English fluently as a native would speak,you are going to have to learn the proper order of words in English sentences.4

Speak English with native English speakers

Probably the single best technique for learning a new language is immersing yourself in the language. 5

Take an English course

These days,you can find a course tailored specifically to how you learn best—a visual course,an audible course or even an interactive instructor-led course.You can take any of these types of courses live or on the Internet.

A.Improve your grammar

B.How to learn English

C.Get a book on grammar

D.Practise often,and you will significantly improve.

E.If you force yourself to speak the language,you will no doubt improve.

F.The best way to learn is to study and pick apart English sentences.

G.You should pick up a pocket dictionary that you can carry around with you.



Rome is on the shortlist of cities to see for many tourists heading for Europe.It is a city 1.

you don’t need much money to enjoy the city’s sights.At least four of the major 2.

(attract) won’t cost you a cent.

See Saint Peter’s Basilica(圣彼得大教堂).

Like many of Rome’s churches,Saint Peter’s Basilica has no admission charge(门票费).The crowds might require some of your patience,3. you will not be 4.

(disappoint).A chance 5.(see)Michelangelo’s Pieta is the greatest recompense(补偿). Climb the Spanish Steps.

The Spanish Steps are one of Rome ’s most famous landmarks.If you visit in spring,don ’t miss the

6.(excite) display of flowers which line the steps.

Speak the Truth.

Stick a hand in the Bocca della Verita and you must tell the truth.It ’s said that if you tell a

lie,you ’ll risk 7.

(lose) the hand.Either way,you won ’t lose any money;there ’s no

charge.Continue your low-cost trip with 8. walk along the river Tiber.The Bocca della Verita is a perfect starting point.

Visit the Pantheon (万神庙).

The Pantheon,with its beginnings as an ancient Roman temple(寺庙),9. (be) now a church.Often it 10. (consider) to be the world ’s only perfect building in terms of architecture. It ’s free to enjoy the beautiful ceiling and watch the sunlight pass across the room.




5.to see




9.is 10. is considered

