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我 们 这 一 班 荣 誉 出 品

Key to Model Test (7) Band Four Part I. Writing Sample Writing:

Should the University Campus be Open to Tourists?

Thanks to the rapid development of our modern society, great changes have taken

place on the campus. On university campus, especially in some famous ones, such as Peking

University and Tsinghua University, tourists are always seen looking around everywhere.

When it comes to the problem, people’s opinions differ. Some folks harbor the idea that it not only makes some profit from the tourism, but also promotes the fame of

the university. But others hold the different belief that the university campus should not

be open to tourists. Sometimes they get into teaching buildings, libraries and so on, thus

make noises and throw rubbish everywhere. Besides that, some tourists trample grass to

take photos, and sculpture on trees to leave words. These will affect the environment of the campus badly.

In my opinion, university campus should be open to tourists. As more tourists come to visit universities, these universities can widen their influence. That is because

it is a dream for many Chinese parents and young ambitious students. But at the same

time, the university should try to set up some rules to prevent tourists from disturbing

the normal operations.

Part II. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. N 考察文章的主旨题目,根据文章的题目和小标题可知关于室内空气质量的。 2. Y 根据文章的第一段可查询到信息。

3. N 根据文章的第二段可知此选项以片面概括了全体。 4. Y 根据文章的第四个小标题的第一段可知。 5. N 选项后半句的陈述绝对化了。 6. Y 根据文章的最后一部分可知。 7. NG 文章没有提到此部分。

8. oil , gas kerosene ,coal , wood , and tobacco products. 参见第二段第二行。 9. there is always fresh air going in and out/ there is good ventilation. 参见第三段第二行。

10. show up a long time after exposure to air pollution. 参见第六段第一行。 Part III. Listening Comprehension Section A

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11-18 C C B D A B D B 19-21 B B D

220 Model Test 7 22-25 C A C A Section B

26-29 B A C D 30-32 C A B 33-35 A B A Section C

36. attached 37. ancient 38. symbol 39. revalued 40. reputation 41. politicians 42. conservative 43. currencies

44. who was captured by the still poundless English. 45. Over the next 400 years the name came and went

46. the French franc disappeared completely from the financial scene. Part IV. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A

47. The bronze medal winner tends to be happier than the silver medal winner. 参见文章的第三段第一行。

48. tends to think he or she is luckier than those who are not among the medal winners (while

the silver medal tends to regret the missing of the gold medal) 参见文章的第三段倒数第四行。

49. We should try our best and be satisfied with whatever we achieve. 参见第四段。

50. We should prefer to be satisfied with all our imperfections and call them successes rather

than fell satisfied with them. 参见最后一段第一行。 51. a report or lecture

根据文中提到的audience一词。 Section B

52. B 考察文章的主旨的题, 文章的最后一段提出作者的观点。 53. D 参考文章第二段倒数第三行。 54. C 参考文中的第四段可知。 55. D 参见文中的第三段。

56. B 考察作者观点的题目需要从所举的例子及语气可知,最后一段可看出。 57. D 参见文中第一段最后一行be described as?。 58. D 参见文中第二段第二行。 59. A 参见第二段最后一行。

60. B 参见最后一段倒数第六行。

61. B 文章的最后一段倒数第二行告诉人们,积极鼓励的态度远远比批评要好得多。

Band Four 221 Part V. Cloze

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62. A 本题目考察动词的用法。consist of ,不用作被动语态,表示整体由局部构成。constituent

of 用作被动态,表示整体由局部构成。其余两项均表示局部被由整体构成, 用作被动态。

63. B 考查动词的搭配。judge? from 表从?判断出。 64. B 考查句子之间的承接关系。if 表假设。 65. C tell 表示分辨的意思。

66. D 考查介词加定语从句的用法。belong to 表示所属。

67. D something 表示后面所指的一些东西,其余所指不明确。

68. B display 表展示,陈列某种东西。indicate 指显示出?来说明的东西。 69. C every 指每一个种族,后面跟单数名词。

70. A 本题考查时词类的搭配,be distinct to 表对?明显。be distinct from指?区别 于??

71. B 根据冠词the 可知与same搭配。 72. D vary 后面的in提示表示变化的范围。 73. D so指代前面的情况也是一样。

74. D 选择一个后置定语,表示以前被检查过的。

75. A 根据前一句话的largest 与small相对, weak与most distinguished相对。 76. A between races表两者前后提示表种族间的。 77. C given 介词表示假设“如果有??”。 78. B either?. or 固定搭配。 79. B civilization 文明

80. A 该空是that 引导的定语从句,并在从句中做主语。 81. D in the past是固定搭配。 Part VI. Translation

82. I wouldn’t have troubled him so much 83. When it comes to music

84. were in opposition to the proposed change 85. taken on greater responsibilities

86. assured all the passengers of the safety of traveling by ship 222 Model Test 7 Model Test 7

Listening Material

Part III. Listening Comprehension Scripts:

Section A: Understanding Conversations

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end

of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will

be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C

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and D, and

decide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Short Conversations.

11. W: Your sister Jane didn’t recognize me at first.

M: I’m not surprised. Why on earth don’t you lose some weight? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

12. M: What was the weather like during your holidays?

W: Not bad, but it would be better if it had been a little bit warmer. Q: What was the weather like during the woman’s holidays? 13. W: Hi, John, how’s your project going?

M: Oh, just so so, You know, it seems much more difficult to get financial support than we expected.

Q: What do we know about the man’s project?

14. M: How did you enjoy your three-day holiday in Europe? W: I just loved every minute of it.

Q: What do you know about the woman?

15. M: What’s wrong with your new MP3 player? Let me see if I can fix it. W: Oh, I had the shop replace it with a new one this morning. Q: What did the woman do this morning?

16. W: Do you know that Mark turned down that job offer by an advertising company?

M: Yeah, the hours were convenient, but he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.

Q: Why did Mark refuse to take the job?

17. W: Hi, John. Haven’t seen you for quite a few days. I heard you’ve been sick.

How are you feeling now?

M: They must have made me for my brother Jack. Anyway, he’s feeling better now.

Q: What do we know from the conversation?

18. W: The new film on space exploration is pretty interesting. M: Pretty interesting? It makes me doze off at times. Q: What does the man think about the film? Band Four 223

Now you will hear two long conversations. Conversation one

M: What kind of movies do you like best, Carol?

W: Comedy is my favorite. But I like drama and romance too. M: Don’t you like suspense and horror?

W: Suspense is Ok with me, but certainly not horror.

M: I don’t fancy horror either. But suspense stories are exciting.

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W: Yeah, they are really good, especially the ones directed by Hitchcock. M: They are terrific.

W: What type of movies do you like best, Alan?

M: As a matter of fact, I like action and adventure best. W: I like them as well.

M: Have you seen Mission Impossible, starring Tom Cruise? W: No. He is certainly popular. M: Shall we go and see it? W: Why not?

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What kind of movies does the woman like best? 20. What kind of movies does the man like best? 21. What types of film appeal to both the speakers? Conversation two

M: Hi, Jenny, you don’t look happy. What’s wrong? W: Well, Roger, I’ve got a problem. M: What is it?

W: You know my daughter Jane is 16 years old now. And we’ve begun talking about

college. She says she wants to go, but she’s let her grades slip and no matter how

I urge her to study, all she seems interested in are clothes and boys. We’re not

wealthy, you know. And it won’t be easy for us to afford the tuition if she can’t get

a scholarship. Is going to college the best choice for her right now? M: Do you mean that she doesn’t seem ready for college? W: You’re right.

M: Then you’d better have a serious talk with Jane about college. W: A serious talk with her? M: Yes, in my mind it’s quite normal for girls of her age to be wrapped up in (倾注全

部注意力于?) fashion and dating, but as a mother you have a right to expect her

to pay attention to her studies too. W: Yes, but how?

M: Ask her how serious she is about college and how hard she’s willing to work for

it. Jane may be more committed(坚定的) than you realize. But if not, tell her she

should think about putting college off for a while. That could give her the push she needs to take her education seriously. W: Sounds like a good idea. 224 Model Test 7

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Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. What was the woman’s daughter interested in? 23. What does the woman expect her daughter to do??

24. What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers? 25. What does Roger suggest the woman do according to the passage? Section B: Understanding Passages

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear

some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be spoken only once. After you

hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C

and D. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet 2. Passage One

In Hong Kong these days, you will often see people riding skatescooters in the streets.

Depending on which way you look at them, they can be great for performing tricks or are

just the latest fashionable commodity. Fung is one of the more experienced skatescooter riders,

as he has been practicing his technique for about a year. His curly hair and baggy jeans

show his devotion to street fashion and being comfortable. He has a deep passion for and

understanding of this sport.

“I started riding skatescooters a year ago, but at that time there was no one to share

the experience with or learn new tricks from,” he explained. “Now that it has caught on and

more people take part in it, it is more enjoyable.”

Most of the best brands of skatescooters are made in Switzerland and began to be

imported to Hong Kong in 1999. No one took much notice of them, however until they

became popular in Japan. When people saw skatescooters in Japanese magazines they were

soon trying to buy them in Hong Kong. Very quickly Hong Kong had its own group of skatescooter

riders and the number is still growing.

However, not all who enjoy skatescooters regard riding them as a sport. For some people

they are simply a quick way to get from home to the underground or from a bus stop to

the office. As they can be folded up without difficulty and are easy to carry

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about, they have

become popular with a variety of people from school students to business executives.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. Where are the best brands of skatescooters made? 27. When were the skatescooters imported to Hong Kong?

28. The skate scooter can be used in the following cases except________. 29. The following are advantages of skate scooters except_______? Passage Two

Child labor — the employment of children in industry, often against their will, — has

been a problem for many years. Over a hundred years ago, Charles Dickens shocked

many of his readers when he described the conditions under which young children

Band Four 225

worked in British factories. The condition Dickens described continue almost unchanged

today in many parts of the world. The only difference is that today employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses, such as hotels, restaurants

and particularly farms, rather than large factories.

Girls suffer more from child labor practices than boys. Many of them are forced to start work when they are only ten years old. Although the work they are given to do

is often light, it is often harmful to the health. Recently, children as young as six years

were found to be working in Asian factories, and the children were working from eight

to fourteen hours a day in overcrowded and unhealthy working conditions. Sometimes

a whole family group is employed, with the payment going to a parent or older relative.

The children not only receive nothing or very little for their long hours of work, but

also they are prevented from attending school. Therefore, when they become older they

are unable to do any other kind of work.

Solutions to the problem of child labor are better laws to protect young children,

greater supervision of industry and heavier fines for those who break the laws. Only in

these ways can young boys and girls be allowed to enjoy the most valuable time of their

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lives — childhood.

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 30. What are the conditions under which young children work? 31. What seems to be the reason that young children go to work ? 32. What does the writer suggest to solve the problem of child labor? Passage Three

A few years ago my landlord, a seventy-five year-old woman, asked me to walk her

to the store. I agreed, and off we went.

On the way we ran into a teacher that I had a fond feeling toward in high school a few years back. To my surprise he recognized me and stopped to say hello. He must

have thought my landlord was my mother, and he said hello to her and reached out to

shake her hand. She was about to grab his hand and say hello, when all of a sudden her teeth fell out!

Yes, all of them ? the whole works! She had a bridge with false teeth and they

always moved when she talked. When they slipped out, they almost fell into my exteacher’s extended hand.

And to add to my horror, she could not bend down to pick them up, so she asked

me to get them for her. I was so grossed out, I just couldn’t bring myself to touch them.

When my ex-teacher saw I hesitated, he picked up her teeth and handed them back

to her! I looked at her, looked at him, and just wanted to run away. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. How old was my landlord?

34. Whom did my teacher make my landlord out to be? 35. What happened to my landlord when she was talking? 226 Model Test 7

Section C: Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time,

you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,

you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have

just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.

For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or

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write down

the main points in you own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you

should check what you have written.

For a country much (36) attached to national symbols, France took the imminent

death of the franc calmly. It was as if an (37) ancient great-great uncle were about to

pass away: a time for nostalgia (怀旧) and regret, rather than grief.

Unlike the German mark, the franc had never been a (38) symbol of national rebirth

or glory. Its recent history was relatively stable but it had to be (39) revalued as recently as 1960. In the 1950s, its value and (40) reputation were so weak that French (41)

politicians considered abolishing it and replacing it with something else, based on the

value of the pound.

But money is money after all. It is with us everyday. It was surprising that such a

(42) conservative people did not express a sense of aesthetic(美的) loss, for the franc had

always been one of the world’s most beautiful (43) currencies.

The name franc was first used in 1360, to celebrate and help to pay for release of

King Jean, (44) who was captured by the still poundless English. He created the “franc”

or “free” to celebrate the occasion. (45) Over the next 400 years the name came and

went but was finally restored by the Revolution in 1795. On February 17th, 2002, (46)

the French franc disappeared completely from the financial scene.

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