国际贸易实务与操作名词解释 中英

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1.What are the function of packing?P80

①protect the product or maintain its functional form;The protection of the product should be effective in reducing damage.

②offer the convenience that consumers often look for.

③promote a product by communicating its features,uses benefits and image.

2.我国海洋运输货物保险条款中,除外责任有哪些?P156 ①被保险人的故意行为或过失所造成的损失; ②属于发货人责任所引起的损失;

③在保险责任开始前,被保险货物已经存在品质不良或数量短少所造成的损失; ④被保险货物的自认损耗、本质缺陷、特性以及市价跌落、运输延迟所引起的损失或费用;


3.What are the functions of an air waybill? P138

①a proof acknowledging receipt of goods from the shipper by the airlines; ②a contract between the shipper and the airlines for moving the goods; ③a certificate of insurance; ④a customs declaration;

⑤an instruction sheet,guiding the carrier’s staff in handling the cargo; ⑥a bill for the freight

4.Inner Packing P81

It is not only designed as a form of protection to reduce the risk of goods being damaged in transit but also to aid marketing.

(marketing,consumer advertising,display,presentation,protection hygiene, easy handling, self-service retailing)

5.Red Clause Letter of Credit P113

It allows for a percentage of the value of the credit to be paid to the exporter up front,perhaps to cover production costs or purchases of components and raw materials needed tofulfill the contract.

补充A specific type of letter of credit in which a buyer extends an unsecured loan to a seller. Red Clause Letters of Credit permit documentary credit beneficiaries to receive funds for any merchandise outlined in the letter of credit. These letters are commonly used by beneficiaries who act as purchasing agents for buyers in another country.



7.Packing List

It is a document made out by the seller stating the detailed content of each individual shippment,such as otal of gross,legal and net weights,when a sale is effected in international trade.(It is used to make up the deficiency of an invoice.)


8.Irrevocable Credit P113

It is an issuing bank’s undertaking that it will make payment,provided the terms and conditions contained in the credit are satisfied,and this undertaking cannot be amended or canceled without the consent of all parties,including the beneficiary.

补充:不可撤销信用证是指开证行一经开出、在有效期内未经受益人或议付行等有关当事人同意,不得随意修改或撤销的信用证;只要受益人按该证规定提供 有关单据,开证行(或其指定的银行)保证付清货款。

9.Clean Bill of Lading P132

It is one where the carrier has noted that the merchandise has been received in apparent good order and condition(no apparent damage,loss,etc.)

补充:清洁提单(Clean B/L)指货物在装船时外表状况良好,承运人未加任何货损,包装不良或其他有碍结汇批注的提单 10.推定全损 P153 货物发生保险事故后,认为实际全损已经不可避免,或者为避免发生实寄全损所需要支付的费用与继续将货物运至目的地的费用之和,将超过保险价值的损失。

11.汇票 P93

(biils of exchange or draft)汇票是指出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。

12.Explain the basic documentary credit procedure.P110 Issuance---amendment---utilization---settelement

①The buyer applies for and opens a documentary credit at issuing bank. ②The issuing bank formally notes of the seller through the advising bank.

③After receiving the document credit,the seller should examine it closely to

determine if should be modified.



3.开证行开立信用证和要求位于受益人所在国家的银行去通知或保兑信用证。 4.通知行通知受益人。





9.开证行收到单据,在最多5个银行工作日内审单完毕,确定单证相符后,就向指定银行偿付。如果信用证另有偿付行,开证行不办理偿付,而只接受单据。 10.开证行接受单据后,按照它与开证申请人预先订立的偿付协议交单给开证申请人。



