人教版Book 2 Unit 3基础训练
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Book 2 Unit 3 Computers
说明:1. 标注的页码为本单元词汇在第11 版《新高中英语词汇》中的页码;
2. 带*词为课标外词汇。 calculator *laptop calculate universal simplify sum operator logical technology technological revolution artificial intelligence intelligent *solve reality designer personal personally tube *chip as a result total totally so … that … network web
P69 P248 P69 P461 P398 P425 P307 P261 P435 P435 P370 P32 P238 P238 P405 P356 P128 P322 P323 P456 P83 P368 P449 P449 P404 P293 P475 application finance mobile rocket explore anyhow goal happiness human race download programmer virus signal type in a way coach arise with the help of electronic appearance character mop deal with watch over naughty niece spoil P28 P179 P282 P372 P165 P25 P205 P213 P352 P140 P341 P469 P397 P485 P474 P89 P31 P149 P28 P283 P121 P473 P290 P294 P411 P219 P80
班级 ___________ 姓名 ___________
Book 2 Unit 3 Computers基础训练
1. They’re _____________ (聪明的), hard-working and lively students. 2. This is not imagination, but _____________ (现实). 3. The novel is written from _____________ (个人的) experience. 4. I found the information on the _____________ (网站).
5. Once, a passenger next to me talked out loud on his _____________ (移动的) phone. 6. I’m happy that my 80-year-old grandma has learned how to _____________ (下载) from the Internet.
7. Never waste your pocket money just eating or playing _____________ (电子的) games. 8. Some people care much about their _____________ (外表) and always ask if they look fine. 9. He always stayed after school to straighten chairs and _____________ (擦) the floor. 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 _____________ _____________ 3. People are born to pursue (追求 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 8. Alan Turing wrote a book about how I could be made to solve any difficult problem. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
13. I think it’s a good idea to study _____________ _____________ ’s resources (资源). _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ 三、选出能替换画线部分的单词或短语。
simple. (make … confusing / make … simple)
(However / Anyway) 6. If you eat sweets just before a meal, you’ll just 胃口). (ruin / lose)
四、在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
1. I was programmed by _______________ operator who used cards with holes.
2. With the _______________ (technology) developments, we could know more about outer space.
3. I hope I’ll work in a computer company as a program _______________ (design). 4. _______________ (personal), I think the team that won first place cheated. 5. Money doesn’t always bring _______________ (happy). 6. There was a lot of _______________ (support) evidence.
7. We need to encourage our _______________ (program) to improve our intelligence too.
8. There are many different _______________ (virus), for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus.
1. I’m trying to __________________________ (解决问题), but I can’t find the right solution. 2. Alice overslept this morning. __________________________ (结果), she was late for work. 3. __________________________ (在某种程度上), I’m glad you made that mistake, for it’ll serve as a warning to you.
4. We discussed different ways of __________________________ (处理) the problem. 5. Could you __________________________ (照看) my clothes while I have a swim? 六、根据汉语提示,将下列句子译成英语。
1. 为实现目标,我必须努力通过高考,进入一所好大学。(goal)
______________________________________, I must try my best to pass the college entrance examination and enter a good university.
2. 在高科技的帮助下,在过去这些年中,越来越多的新物质已被发现。(with the help of) ______________________________________, more and more new substances have been discovered in the past years.
3. 从那时起,我为进入大学努力学习。(from … on)
______________________________________ I worked hard to get into university. 4. 她病得很严重,不得不停止工作。(so … that)
She ______________________________________ she has had to stop work. 5. 不要以貌取人——外貌可能靠不住。
______________________________________ — appearances can be misleading.
Book 2 Unit 3 Computers基础训练答案
1. intelligent 2. reality 3. personal 4. Web [the Web = the World Wide Web 万维网] 5. mobile 6. download 7. electronic 8. appearance 9. mop 二、
1. 计算器 2. 便携式电脑 / 手提电脑 3. 普遍的 [a universal truth 普遍真理] 4. 算术 [do a sum in one’s head 心算] 5. 合逻辑的 / 合情理的 6. 革命 [the Industrial Revolution 工业革命] 7. 人工智能 8. 数学的 9. 试管 10. 芯片 11. 电视网 12. 应用 / 运用 13. 金融 14. 探测 / 探索 15. 人类 16. 示意;组员 / 队友 17. 出现 / 产生 18. 特色 / 特点 19. 淘气的侄女 三、
1. worked out 2. make … simple 3. completely 4. Anyway [anyway和anyhow此处都用作句子副词] 5. kind 6. ruin 7. trainer 四、
1. an / the 2. technological 3. designer 4. Personally [此处personally为句子副词,意为“就个人而言”] 5. happiness 6. supporting 7. programmer 8. viruses 五、
1. solve the problem 2. As a result 3. In a way 4. dealing with 5. watch over 六、
1. To reach / achieve the goal
2. With the help of high technology 3. From then on
4. has been so ill that
5. Don’t judge by appearances
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