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文献出处:Morris D. The study on the development of Reality TV show [J]. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2015, 8(2): 246-271. 原文

The study on the development of Reality TV show


Reality is not emerged in recent years, but in recent years to fill a new form of TV programs. Either from the perspective of the number of programs or the audience ratings reflects and it has become a mainstream form of TV programs. Reality at the same time, the program concept also for many other configuration brings new elements and TV skills, frequently appear on television at present all kinds of talent show, educational programs, athletic programs, grand prix, etc., are actually in reality, techniques and consciousness. In this sense, a reality television era seems to be coming.

Keywords: reality TV show, common entertainment, true record, humanity 1 A wave of reality show

1998 U.S. companies such as Paramount co-productions, launched a cause enthusiastic reaction film \Truman Show\(the Truman Show).The hero of the movie Truman just like the English meaning of his name, is a real person, but his life is a show, a show at the same time. Starting from the date of birth, in his life in every 365 days a year, 24 hours of every day, every hour of the 60 minutes, every minute of everyday life are ubiquitous cameras recorded according to the facts, and broadcast live to the whole world. And chum door that he was watching live completely don't know, he unconsciously life was arranged in a blue sky white clouds, wind and rain lightning, family, school and society's huge studio, became a celebrity in only he did not know. In his life for almost thirty years later, he was accidentally found himself had been living for love in a program, a ubiquitous lies, he has always been a playing actor. Finally, understood from the programs of Truman desperate, he rushed out of the blind thirty years of the virtual world.

The film with a way of tragicomic metaphor humans today are surrounded by media, even in the medium of the virtual reality of survival. The story of the

Hollywood film, however, are actually become a reality. Now not only has appeared on television a lot of all kinds of reality, even Germany RTLZ television later tried to directly to \reality TV tide has been rising and spreading across the globe, continuously show will be reality on the screen, let the audience to watch, peep, consumption and entertainment. Reality has gradually deduce for worldwide television culture spectacle that nots allow to ignore.

Reality TV shows to present a prairie fire immediately after 2000.\within two years after the rise of the Netherlands, in Europe and the United States had 18 versions in different countries; “Survivor\become America's ratings for the first show, CBS hit a 13-year viewing wonders. The ratings from the bottom of the four major television networks leap in 2000 top ten title of television programs; Attic story set in France. Surprisingly, program with an average audience of 5.2 million, in most of the M6 television viewers: in Africa, more than 30 million of the audience to watch the \Africa one of the most popular TV shows in history.

Reality show glamour attracted many eyeballs, make reality TV entertainment programs to be bestowed favor on newly. This kind of programs, no writers, but under the elaborate design of producers, the plot is often surprising, dangerous. Because all of the program participants are not actors, not play, everything all want to temporary, reality and plot a more open and vivid, full of accident, all kinds of possibilities, all kinds of results. Viewers can like playing games with the participants can guess even when ruled by watching them, towards the end of the story together. Reality in this unscripted drama shows and TV play different charm. 2 Read the reality TV show

A BBC documentary filmmaker Alex, Holmes wills reality television as construction type documentary. Documentary development to the present, he thought, and is no longer a dull, preaching and lack of imagination, after going through a series of changes, there are some new program form. It proves that in real life people to the audience can also like a soap opera and the role in the TV detective magic. He

believes that the current documentary mainly include soap opera new style documentary, this documentary constructivism, found that sex documentaries and computer documentary, in the creation of sex documentary, he thinks this documentary is placed reality in man-made scene and the environment, making them how to behave and respond to. Here, Alex. Holmes wills clearly reality television as a kind of the type of the documentary. And although his induction makes sense, but it is difficult to contain reality gameplay, regularity and the characteristics of the characters of artificial action, etc.TV entertainment reality show a combination of many factors, such as educational, games, talk, competitions, drama, etc., the compatibility of television entertainment programs and richness reached unprecedented levels.

Truth is a feature of reality TV show the audience, also is the most basic features. Reality show is actually a documentary, but it is recorded by the participants in particular rules under the restriction of real performance. In reality TV audience most want to see is the activities of the native state characters, although the situation may be fictional, but the record results are fictional. This kind of pursuit for true, reflect on the shots is large with pats, candid, the use of capture.

Reality show compared with other game racing etc. program, one of the most distinctive feature is that it focuses on the richness, the depth of human nature and showing an unprecedented degree of mining. Reality TV shows as a result of the rule set, can be a social person from society, partially reverted to a natural person. But in the small society of players, also full of desire and moral, intellectual and emotional conflict, its characters relations sometimes is very delicate.

Communications for reality television provides innovative tools. Reality often through the emergence of new communication platform, such as the Internet, broadband, mobile phone short message, etc., realize the interaction, effectively, the TV networks, newspapers, publishing, even will appear new fifth media messages together. Such integration performance is in reality television production and broadcast in the entire link. To show early shooting publicity for the introduction of television, network, newspaper, program production and broadcast as the core, to later

period of text messages and published as the support, forming a powerful offensive. Therefore, reality TV shows the character and story is not external and audience, is not something that has nothing to do with the audience of the perfect tense, on the contrary, it is the interaction with the audience, the audience can participate in, impact program, the audience is part of the program.TV that passive viewing behavior, due to the increase in the interactive factors into an active behaviors of participation. 3 The development trend of reality

As the entertainment shows boom-bust, some of the new reality show of the nature of life service gradually got the attention of the audience and loved. These living service program adopts the model of reality TV show, more details will show the process of, specific and experience, the audience better understand and participate in this kind of service, have very strong practicability. Service life reality service class and ordinary life the biggest different is its experience more of the programs. With the advent of the era of experience economy, consumers in the consumer a commodity, not just spending time, money and goods of practical function, more important is spending an experience, enjoy the memories of a value, the consumer can let the consumer willing to over and over again to pay money. Experience consumption in the extension of TV media also is such, let the audience is really enjoys some experience, and learn, and is the important reason for the reality at present is popular.

In reality at present various life service class, to the audience the most real experience is the exchange of roles reality life experience. This kind of reality through the life the role of mutual exchange, to experience them never had the living environment and condition. And the audience also followed the camera lens and the players, the same to feel, to feel the feeling of life elsewhere. The exchange of experience reality first appeared in the UK.ABC and FOX in 2004, Americans a little modification, on the two networks have launched two gears in exchange for housewives exchange such as the main content of reality TV -- the Wife Swap (in women) \into the private family life. Although the two show the name of the looks full of provocative, but the program itself is not pronate show, the two families wife will

exchange their homes, they will go to the other party with each other in the home the husband and children live a 10 days living together, during this period, the exchange of his wife's role is limited to take care of children and do household chores, as a hostess does not include the emotional life with her new husband. In 5 days before the date of the exchange wife must abide by the rules of the new home; and in the last five days, she can as housewives set their own rules for a new home. Because of this reality show your exchange life truly inside the actual details of family life and a secret, so after the broadcast is very popular with the audience.

Reality can develop by the elements from the numerous game show to show, become an important form of entertainment has its historical reason. The first is the concept of social support, the so-called postmodern proliferation. Traditional aesthetic concept of deconstruction, led to the traditional moral values, the value of human nature and human life. 译文



真人秀虽然并不是近年来的发明,但却是近年来才蔚为大观的一种电视节目形态。无论是从节目的数量或者是节目的观众收视反映来看,它都已经成为了电视节目的一种主流形态。同时,真人秀的节目理念还为许多其它节目形态带来了新的电视元素和电视技巧,目前电视上频繁出现的各种选秀节目、益智节目、竞技节目、大奖赛等等,实际上也都在借鉴真人秀的手法、技巧和意识。从这个意义上说,一个泛真人秀的电视时代似乎正在来临。 关键词:真人秀节目,娱乐平民化,真实记录,人性展现 1真人秀浪潮

1998年美国派拉蒙等公司联合出品,推出了一部引起热烈反响的影片《楚门的世界》(Truman Show)。电影的主人公楚门正如他的名字的英文原意一样,是一个真人,但他的一生同时又是一个节目、一个秀。从出生之日起,他生活中每一年的365天,每一天的24小时,每一小时的60分钟,日常生活的分分秒秒都被无所不在的摄像机如实记录下来,并向全世界进行直播。而楚门对自己被观看的生存完



真人秀节目到了2000年后立即呈现出星火燎原之势。《老大哥》在荷兰出现后不出两年,在欧美便有了18个不同国家的版本;《生存者》播出的第二周,即成为全美收视率第一的节目,让CBS创下了13年来的收视奇观。其收视率从四大电视网的最后一名,跃上2000年十佳电视节目的冠军宝座;《阁楼故事》在法国掀起.惊人狂潮,节目的平均收视人数达520万,创下M6电视台的收视之最: 在非洲,超过3000万的观众在收看《非洲老大哥》,使它成为非洲历史上最流行的电视节目。

真人秀的魅力吸引了众多眼球,使真人秀成为了电视娱乐节目的新宠。这种节目没有编剧,但在制作者的精心设计下,情节却往往出人意料,险象环生。因为节目的所有参与者不是演员,没有剧本,一切都要临时发挥,于是真人秀的剧情更加开放生动,充满各种偶然、各种可能、各种结果。观众可以和参与者们一起像玩游戏一样边看边猜甚至还可以边当裁决人,共同走向故事的结局。真人秀就用这种没有剧本的戏剧显示了与电视剧不同的魅力。 2解读电视真人秀




真人秀节目到了2000年后立即呈现出星火燎原之势。《老大哥》在荷兰出现后不出两年,在欧美便有了18个不同国家的版本;《生存者》播出的第二周,即成为全美收视率第一的节目,让CBS创下了13年来的收视奇观。其收视率从四大电视网的最后一名,跃上2000年十佳电视节目的冠军宝座;《阁楼故事》在法国掀起.惊人狂潮,节目的平均收视人数达520万,创下M6电视台的收视之最: 在非洲,超过3000万的观众在收看《非洲老大哥》,使它成为非洲历史上最流行的电视节目。

真人秀的魅力吸引了众多眼球,使真人秀成为了电视娱乐节目的新宠。这种节目没有编剧,但在制作者的精心设计下,情节却往往出人意料,险象环生。因为节目的所有参与者不是演员,没有剧本,一切都要临时发挥,于是真人秀的剧情更加开放生动,充满各种偶然、各种可能、各种结果。观众可以和参与者们一起像玩游戏一样边看边猜甚至还可以边当裁决人,共同走向故事的结局。真人秀就用这种没有剧本的戏剧显示了与电视剧不同的魅力。 2解读电视真人秀


