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- 公共自行车客服电话推荐度:
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自2008年 我国首次引进公共自行车截止2014年,公共自行车系统已遍布我国安徽、江苏、山东、山西、四川、浙江、湖南、广东、陕西、甘肃等多个省份。大多数拥有公共自行车的城市都确定了相应的公共自行车人身意外伤害保险理赔的内容,如(1)杭州市公共自行车在投保了骑车人人身意外伤害险、租赁第三者责任险后,市民在使用城市公共自行车期间,如果发生了道路交通意外事故,本人受伤的,经相关人员实地勘察并提供相关的证明可获相应的保险赔偿。同时,市民在使用公共自行车的时候,不慎造成了他人(第三者)财产损失或者人身伤害时,保险公司将对第三者进行赔偿给付,据了解,两者的最高保额均为10000元。(2)宁波市推荐中国人民财产保险股份有限公司宁波市分公司为成交单位,骑车人人身意外伤害成交单价为人民币2元/辆?年,第三者责任险成交单价为人民币2元/辆?年,暂定成交总价为人民币168000元。(3)瑞安市,保单有效年度为2014年,主要的保障责任是承担依法应由公共自行车服务中心承担的“三者人身赔偿责任”,累计责任限额为人民币300万元,每一次事故责任限额为人民币10万元,每人人身伤亡赔偿限额为人民币1万元,医疗赔偿参照社保标准扣除200元绝对免赔额后赔付,每人医疗赔偿限额2000元。(4)武汉市公共自行车系统自2009年5月启动以来,市民可在130个农行门点、各区特约租车点申领诚信租车卡。一旦在骑车途中出现意外伤害,可按租车卡背面的提示进行理赔。为了给骑车市民提供保障,中英人寿赠送了这批意外伤害保险,每位持卡市民可免费享有1万元的意外伤害险和1千元的意外伤害医疗险。
虽然上述城市都确定了相应的公共自行车人身意外伤害保险理赔的内容,但有关公共自行车人身意外伤害保险理赔的信息相对来说还是比较少的。大多拥有公用自行车的城市并未在相应的渠道上发布相关的内容。以致出现了以下一些问题: (一)信息不对称问题
At present, in the green environmental protection of transportation, subways and buses will undoubtedly become the people preferred, but whether it is the subway or the bus, can not completely solve the traffic problems in the end, people in the subway and bus ride, still need to walk to their final destination. Development of public bicycle transport not only can effectively make up for the defects, to solve the "last kilometer" problem of the bus system, can also realize the transfer function, to solve the problem of traffic node, so as to improve the mobility and
accessibility of public transport; at the same time, the development of public bicycle transport, compared to the bus, subway has the advantages of low cost, remarkable results and save road resources, alleviate the pressure of the parking, advantageously alleviated the "driving and parking is difficult problem of urban areas have become increasingly prominent. In the mitigation of air pollution and national fitness has played an indispensable role, so more and more people in the choice of public bicycle travel has become a trend. As the saying goes, "Woe Fu Fu, Fu Xi disaster", every kind of things will have two sides, the public bicycle in the actual use of the process, but also brought a lot of problems. For example, in the course of the public in the ride of accidental injury, how to make claims? There is still a lack of relevant research, based on the above problems, in this paper, the people of public bicycle accident claims related matters were investigation analysis and look forward to in the future, the public bicycle system more reasonable operation and development to provide the beneficial reference.
One, the concept of public bicycle accident insurance claims
Public bicycles in existence in public bike system service site. The site is according to the planning of urban public traffic across a certain distance from the layout in the subway exit, the community gate, tourist attractions, such as people concentrated regional rental site, each site configuration 20 to 50 vehicles per public bicycle, through public bicycle system can service public bicycle rental management station. Every public bicycles individually configurable lock car and card reader, citizens by handling by car card public bicycle rental service, each site interoperability, the convenience of the public on loan at the same time is also convenient return service.
Accidental injury is an event that causes the body to be injured by accident, often used in the insurance industry. In accordance with the common definition of the insurance industry, accidental injury refers to external, unexpected, non - intended, non - disease causes the body to be hurt by the objective events.
It is generally believed that no matter the reason or the result, the accident is an accident. Life-insurance company in our country are often defined as "accidental injury" in the policy as "alien, sudden, non - original, non - disease - the objective fact that the insured" s body is suffering". Accident is accident injury insurance underwriting risk, only very clearly divided into what is accidental injury, in order to ensure insurer in business integrity, favorable and advantages, but also beneficial to the growth and development of accident injury insurance system.
In the person accident injury insurance, insurance usually will hurt is not insurable and accident harm, special insurance accident and general insurable and accident damage these three. If the insured in the insurance within the period of validity, because of suffer involuntary, exotic, accidents happen suddenly, causes the body to suffer harm or death and disability, the insurance company will be in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract that pays insurance gold of insurance. Therefore accident must meet the following conditions: (1) external factors caused, that is the insurance people outside of the body caused by the accident, such as gunmen, car accidents, food poisoning, drowning and other (2) burst, refers to accidents resulting in a moment, no longer, such as electric shock, drowning, and dropping. Occupational disease is due to the gradual formation of damage, it can be predicted and prevented, so it is not an accident. (3) the accident happened, refers to be insurance of people did not expect and unintended accidents, such as the
crash of a plane, and so on. In addition, there are some accidents although can predict or avoid, but because they can not resist or perform their duties which is unable to avoid, should also be included in the scope of "accident", such as ship fire and forced to jump into the sea to escape, courageous fight with criminals and wounded. (4) non disease, disease caused by injury, although not what I can expect in advance, but this is the result of the human body itself, does not belong to an accident. For example, cerebral haemorrhage attack and become unconscious. (5) the body is injured, the object of accident injury must be the body of the insured person's part, and the fact that the injury was established (such as: electric shock but did not hurt the body, it is a fact that the injury was not established).
Two, public bicycle accident insurance claims the existence of the problem
Since 2008, China's first introduced public bicycle by the end of 2014, public bike system has spread all over the China's Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Gansu and other several provinces. Most of the city with a public bicycle are identified with the corresponding public bicycle accident injury insurance claims, such as (1) Hangzhou public bicycle after the insured cycling all personal accident injury insurance, leasing a third party liability insurance, members of the public during the use of urban public bicycle, if there is a road traffic accident, I injured, by the relevant personnel field survey and provide relevant proof can obtain the corresponding insurance compensation. At the same time, people in the use of public bicycles, accidentally caused by others.
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