太原理工大学vb 考试试题

更新时间:2023-11-12 00:33:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



学号:s20090679____ 姓名: 冯伟___


1.Visual Basic6.0有多种类型的窗口,若要在设计时看到代码窗口,应怎样操作?










Picture属性装入图形。若已在规定的属性里装入了某个图形文件,但命令按钮还是不能显示该图形,而显示的是Caption属性设置的文字,应将Style属性设置为1 。



要将命令按钮Command1定位在窗体的中央,其事件过程代码为: Private Sub Command1_Click ()

Command1.Top = (Form1.ScaleHeight - Command1.Height) / 2 Command1.Left = (Form1.ScaleWidth - Command1.Width) / 2 End Sub











号中出现的变量名,只能是变量或数组名,用于在调用该函数时的数据传递; ②实参:即实际参数,是在调用函数过程时,在过程名后参数,其作用是将他们的数据传送给被调用过程对应的形参变量;

③值引用:即值传递,按传值方式传递参数,系统将实参的值传递给对应的形参后,实参于形参断开了联系,即使在过程体中改变形参的值,也不会影响到实参; ④地址引用:按传地址方式传递参数,要求参数必须是变量名,此时的实参于形参变量公用一个存储单元,如果在过程中改变了形参的值,对应的实参也将发生改变;




绿蓝(RGB)颜色。语法:object.Point(x, y)object:可选的参数。一个对象表达式。如果省略object,则为带有焦点的Form窗体。x, y:必要的参数。均为单精度值,指示Form或PictureBox的ScaleMode属性中该点的水平(x轴)和垂直(y轴)坐标。必须用括号括上这些值。利用Point方法逐点比较两张图片,如果每个点的值都相同,则这两张图片相同,否则不相同。





1.设计适当的界面,利用If语句、Select Case语句两种方法计算分段函数: ??? y?????x?3x?23x?21?xx2x?2010?x?200?x?10


(1) 设计程序界面及控件属性。在窗体中添加两个文本框Text1、Text2


利用if语句计算的代码如下: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x#, y#

x = Text1.Text If x > 20 Then

y = x * x + 3 * x + 2 End If

If 10 <= x <= 20 Then

y = Sqr(3 * x) - 2 End If

If 0 <= x < 10 Then

y = 1 / x + Abs(x) End If

Text2.Text = y End Sub

利用Select语句的代码如下: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x#, y#

x = Text1.Text Select Case x Case 20 To 255

y = x * x + 3 * x + 2 Case 10 To 20

y = Sqr(3 * x) - 2 Case 0 To 10

y = 1 / x + Abs(x) End Select Text2.Text = y End Sub



(1)设计程序界面及控件属性。在窗体中添加一个Command1按钮,将Command1的Caption属性设为确定(2)在代码窗口输入如下代码: Private Sub Command1_Click() Cls

Dim i As Integer, x!, max!, min!, ave! max = 50 min = 100 ave = 0

For i = 1 To 20

x = 50 + 50 * Rnd Print x

If x > max Then max = x End If

If x < min Then min = x End If

ave = ave + x Next i

ave = ave / 20

Print \最大值=\Print \最小值=\Print \平均值=\End Sub



(1) 设计程序界面及控件属性。在窗体中添加一个Command1按钮,将Command1

的Caption属性设为确定(2)在代码窗口输入如下代码: '******************* 'release time:28/6/2010 'purpose:自定义数据类型 'programmer:troy '**************** Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Cls

Dim workList() As WorkType, workTemp As WorkType Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer

n = CInt(Val(InputBox(\请输入需要记录的总人数\& Chr(10) & Chr(13) & \确定人数-troy\ If n = 0 Then

MsgBox \ Exit Sub End If

If n = 1 Then GoTo label End If

ReDim workList(1 To n) For i = 1 To n

workList(i).intNo = CInt(Val(InputBox(\第\位员工职工号输入\信息输入-troy\

workList(i).sngWage = Val(InputBox(\第\位员工工资输入\Chr(10) & Chr(13) & \信息输入-troy\

workList(i).strName = CStr(InputBox(\第\位员工名字输入\Chr(10) & Chr(13) & \信息输入-troy\ Next

For i = 1 To n - 1

For j = i + 1 To n

If workList(j).sngWage > workList(i).sngWage Then workTemp = workList(i) workList(i) = workList(j) workList(j) = workTemp End If Next Next

Print \名次\职工号\工资\名字\ For i = 1 To n Print i, workList(i).intNo, workList(i).sngWage, workList(i).strName Next

Exit Sub label:

workTemp.intNo = CInt(Val(InputBox(\第1位员工职工号输入\信息输入\

workTemp.sngWage = Val(InputBox(\第1位员工工资输入\\信息输入\ workTemp.strName = CStr(InputBox(\第1位员工名字输入\信息输入\

Print \名次\职工号\工资\名字\

Print 1, workTemp.intNo, workTemp.sngWage, workTemp.strName End Sub




添加3个标签,3个文本框,3个命令按钮, Lable1、2、3的Caption属性设为a=,x1=,x=,Txet1、2、3的text属性均设为空。Command1、2、3的Caption属性设为迭代子过程、迭代子函数、递归


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim a As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single a = Val(Text1) x1 = Val(Text2)

Call SubFunc(a, x1, x2) Text4 = x2 End Sub

Private Sub SubFunc(a As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single) Dim temp As Single temp = x1

Do While Abs(x2 - temp) > 0.00001 x2 = (x1 + a / x1) / 2 temp = x1 x1 = x2 Loop End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim a As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single a = Val(Text1) x1 = Val(Text2)

Text4 = Func(a, x1, x2) End Sub

Private Function Func(a As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single) As Single

Dim temp As Single temp = x1

Do While Abs(x2 - temp) > 0.00001 x2 = (x1 + a / x1) / 2 temp = x1 x1 = x2 Loop

Func = x2 End Function

Private Function Recursion(a As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single) As Single

If Abs(x2 - x1) <= 0.00001 Then Recursion = x2 Else

Recursion = Recursion(a, x2, (x1 + a / x1) / 2) End If

End Function

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Dim a As Single, x1 As Single, x2 As Single a = Val(Text1) x1 = Val(Text2)

Text4 = Recursion(a, x1, x2) End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.TabIndex = 0 End Sub

5.在数据文件score.dat中存储有若干学生某门课的成绩(用写字板或记事本自己建立该文件,数据之间用空格分隔或每行一个数据)。设计程序从文件中读数据,显示在窗体上,并求标准差。 S?(X?X)?n?1ii?11n2 其中:n是数据的个数,X是n个数据的平均值。


(1) 设计程序界面及控件属性。在窗体中添加一个Command1按钮,将Command1


'******************* 'release time:28/5/2010

'purpose:文件读取,并求标准差 'programmer:troy '****************

Option Explicit

Dim maxLine As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim myChar As String Dim myStr As String Dim myTemp() As String

Dim myArray() As Integer, i As Integer Dim result As Single, leng As Integer

Open App.Path & \ Do While Not EOF(1)

myChar = Input(1, #1) myStr = myStr & myChar Loop Close #1 Print myStr

myTemp = Split(myStr, vbLf) leng = UBound(myTemp)

ReDim myArray(UBound(myTemp)) For i = 0 To UBound(myTemp) - 1

myArray(i) = CInt(Val(myTemp(i))) Next

result = Func(myArray(), leng) Print \End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Dim myChar As String

Open App.Path & \ Do While Not EOF(1)

myChar = Input(1, #1) If myChar = vbLf Then

maxLine = maxLine + 1 End If Loop Close #1

maxLine = maxLine + 1

Label1.Caption = \共有\行\End Sub

Private Function Func(a() As Integer, length As Integer) As Single Dim sum As Long, average As Single, sumA As Single Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To length - 1 sum = sum + a(i) Next

average = CSng(sum) / length For i = 0 To (length - 1)

sumA = sumA + (a(i) - average) ^ 2 Next

Func = Sqr(sumA / (length - 1)) End Function


(1)单击窗体时产生20条随机直线,代码如下: Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Scale (-100, 100)-(100, -100) End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click() Cls

Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single

Dim i% Randomize

For i = 1 To 20

DrawWidth = 1 + 10 * Rnd x1 = (-100) * Rnd y1 = 200 * Rnd - 100 x2 = 100 * Rnd

y2 = 200 * Rnd - 100

Form1.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), RGB(255 * Rnd, 255 * Rnd, 255 * Rnd) Next i End Sub

(2)双击窗体时产生200个随机点,代码如下: Private Sub Form1_DblClick() Cls

Dim i%,x!,y! Randomize

For i = 1 To 200

DrawWidth = 3 + 30 * Rnd x = Form1.ScaleWidth * Rnd y = Form1.ScaleHeight * Rnd

Form1.Pset(x,y), RGB(255 * Rnd,255 * Rnd,255 * Rnd) Next i End Sub

7. 设计一个类似于Windows附件中的计算器,完成以下要求:①运行程序并分析代码,找出存在的问题并设法修改;②将其扩充成为Windows附件中的标准型计算器。


⑴设计程序界面及控件属性。如图所示,在窗体中添加一个文本框,将其Text属性设置为空,Enabled属性设置为False。添加包含11个按扭的命令按扭数组Command1(0)~Command1(10),将它们的Caption属性分别改为“1”、“2”…“9”、“0”和“.”。添加一个Caption属性为“=”的按扭Command2。添加包含2个按扭的命令按扭数组Command3(0)~Command3(1),将它们的Caption属性分别改为“+”和“-”。 添加一个Caption属性分别改为“清除”的按扭Command4。


Option Explicit

Dim a As Single, b As Single, c As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer) Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Command1(Index).Caption End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() b = Text1.Text Select Case index Case 0

a = a + b Case 1

a = a - b End Select

Text1.Text = a End Sub



2)程序代码如下: Dim n, c, m As Single Dim a As String

Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Index '0到9的控件数组

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If Text1.Text = \小数点 Text1.Text = \ Else

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & \ End If End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() n = Val(Text1.Text) Select Case a Case \ c = m / n Case \ c = m * n Case \ c = m + n Case \

c = m - n ' End Select

Text1.Text = c

If Abs(c) < 1 Then If c < 0 Then

Text1.Text = -Text1.Text

Text1.Text = \

Else: If c > 0 Then Text1.Text = \ End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

s = Len(Text1.Text) 'backspace Text1.Text = Left(Text1.Text, s - 1) End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click() Text1.Text = \End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click() m = Val(Text1.Text)

a = \Text1.Text = \End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click() m = Val(Text1.Text)

a = \Text1.Text = \End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

等号 加号 减号 m = Val(Text1.Text)

a = \乘号 Text1.Text = \End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click() m = Val(Text1.Text) a = \

Text1.Text = \除号 End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

Label1.Caption = \End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

Text1.Text = Label1.Caption 'MR End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()

Label1.Caption = Text1.Text 'MS End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()

Label1.Caption = Val(Label1.Caption) + Val(Text1.Text) 'M+ End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()

Text1.Text = Sqr(Text1.Text) '开方 End Sub

Private Sub Command15_Click()

Text1.Text = Text1.Text ^ 2 '平方 End Sub

Private Sub Command16_Click()

Text1.Text = 1 / Val(Text1.Text) '1/x If Abs(Text1.Text) < 1 Then If Text1.Text < 0 Then Text1.Text = -Text1.Text

Text1.Text = \

Else: If Text1.Text > 0 Then Text1.Text = \ End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Command17_Click()

Text1.Text = Val(Text1.Text) * 0.01 '百分号 If Abs(Text1.Text) < 1 Then

If Text1.Text < 0 Then Text1.Text = -Text1.Text

Text1.Text = \


Else: If Text1.Text > 0 Then Text1.Text = \ End If End If End Sub

8. 设计学生信息管理系统(参照第十章例题,界面自己规划设计)

主要的数据表: 学生基本情况表,学生成绩表,课程表等,表结构自己确定。 主要功能模块:

实现学生基本情况的录入、修改、删除等基本操作。 对学生基本信息提供灵活的查询方式。 完成一个班级的学期选课功能。

实现学生成绩的录入、修改、删除等基本操作。 能方便的对学生各个学期成绩进行查询。 具有成绩统计、排名等功能。


设计过程如下: Form1:


Dim i, j, n As Integer Dim sql As String

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib \ (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

Public je As Integer '记忆菜单上次数值,实现数据传送 Private Sub acg_Click() Call asPopup7_Click(False) End Sub

Private Sub addcg_Click()

Call asPopup6_Click(False) End Sub

Private Sub addstudent_Click() Call asPopup2_Click(False) End Sub

Private Sub asPopup1_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Grid1.Visible = True Grid2.Visible = False tkbase = \学生信息\fnumber = 13

sql = \学号 desc\grid1pz '执行grid1的分配空间任务 datagrid '按要求读取数据空间 End Sub

Private Sub grid1pz() '处理grid1的操作 Grid1.Cols = fnumber + 1 Grid1.Column(1).Width = 120 Grid1.Column(2).Width = 100 Grid1.Column(3).Width = 80 Grid1.Column(4).Width = 40 Grid1.Column(5).Width = 80 Grid1.Column(6).Width = 30 Grid1.Column(7).Width = 50 Grid1.Column(8).Width = 80 Grid1.Column(9).Width = 60 Grid1.Column(10).Width = 80 Grid1.Column(11).Width = 100 Grid1.Column(12).Width = 100 Grid1.Column(13).Width = 100

Grid1.Column(4).CellType = cellComboBox Grid1.ComboBox(4).Clear

Grid1.ComboBox(4).AddItem \男\Grid1.ComboBox(4).AddItem \女\

Grid1.Column(5).CellType = cellCalendar Grid1.Column(2).CellType = cellComboBox Grid1.ComboBox(2).Clear

Set qy2 = cnn.Execute(\班级名称 from 班级\Do While Not qy2.EOF

Grid1.ComboBox(2).AddItem qy2.Fields(0) qy2.MoveNext Loop

Grid1.Column(9).CellType = cellComboBox Grid1.ComboBox(9).Clear

Grid1.ComboBox(9).AddItem \团员\

Grid1.ComboBox(9).AddItem \党员\Grid1.ComboBox(9).AddItem \无\Grid1.Column(1).Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub asPopup10_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Dim fo2 As CTranslucentForm Set fo2 = New CTranslucentForm fo2.hWnd = Form6.hWnd

fo2.Alpha = 90 / 100 * 255 Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Load Form6 Form6.Show 1 End Sub

Private Sub asPopup2_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Grid1.Visible = True Grid2.Visible = False tkbase = \学生信息\fnumber = 13

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\grid1pz

For i = 1 To fnumber

Grid1.Cell(0, i).Text = qy1.Fields(i - 1).Name Next

Grid1.Column(1).Locked = False Grid1.Rows = 1 Grid1.Rows = 21

gridsave = True '允许保存 griddelete = False '拒绝删除 gridedit = False End Sub

Private Sub asPopup3_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Dim fo2 As CTranslucentForm Set fo2 = New CTranslucentForm fo2.hWnd = Form2.hWnd

fo2.Alpha = 90 / 100 * 255 Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Load Form2 Form2.Show 1 End Sub

Private Sub asPopup4_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Dim fo2 As CTranslucentForm Set fo2 = New CTranslucentForm fo2.hWnd = Form4.hWnd

fo2.Alpha = 90 / 100 * 255 Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Load Form4 Form4.Show 1 End Sub

Private Sub asPopup5_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Frame2.Visible = True End Sub

Private Sub asPopup6_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Grid1.Visible = False Grid2.Visible = True tkbase = \学生与课程\fnumber = 6 gridpz2

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\For i = 1 To fnumber

Grid2.Cell(0, i).Text = qy1.Fields(i - 1).Name Next

Grid2.Rows = 1 Grid2.Rows = 21 gridsave = True gridedit = False griddel = False

Grid2.Column(1).Locked = False Grid2.Column(2).Locked = True Grid2.Column(3).Locked = False Grid2.Column(4).Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub asPopup7_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Grid1.Visible = False Grid2.Visible = True tkbase = \学生与课程\fnumber = 6

sql = \学号 asc\gridpz2 datagrid

gridsave = False gridedit = True griddel = True

Grid2.Column(1).Locked = True Grid2.Column(2).Locked = True Grid2.Column(3).Locked = True Grid2.Column(4).Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub gridpz2() Grid2.Cols = 8

Grid2.Column(1).Width = 120 Grid2.Column(3).Width = 120

Grid2.Column(1).CellType = cellComboBox

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\课程\Grid2.ComboBox(1).Clear Do While Not qy1.EOF

Grid2.ComboBox(1).AddItem qy1.Fields(0) & \qy1.MoveNext Loop

Grid2.Column(3).CellType = cellComboBox

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\学号,名字 from 学生信息\Grid2.ComboBox(3).Clear Do While Not qy1.EOF

Grid2.ComboBox(3).AddItem qy1.Fields(0) & \qy1.MoveNext Loop End Sub

Private Sub asPopup8_Click(Cancel As Boolean) Dim fo2 As CTranslucentForm Set fo2 = New CTranslucentForm fo2.hWnd = Form7.hWnd

fo2.Alpha = 85 / 100 * 255 Load Form7 Form7.Show 1 End Sub

Private Sub asPopup9_Click(Cancel As Boolean) End

End Sub

Private Sub c1_Click(Index As Integer) '提交内容到函数执行,4为当前菜单(0-4),index是按钮数组名称 cmove 4, Index End Sub

Private Sub cmove(s As Integer, i As Integer) '菜单智能移动函数代码S代表菜单的总数,i代表当前移动的是数组名称 Dim j As Integer

Dim x, y, z, x1, y1 As Integer

x = s '将x,y,z,x1赋于菜单总数,x存放frame1的固定值 y = s 'y存放的是移动后的按钮的固定值 z = s 'Z没用上 x1 = s 'X1没用上

j = 0 'j计算按钮的宽度

Do While s > 0 ' 这里是通过重复计算来计算按钮所需移动的总高度

ac4 = ac4 + 1 Case 0 To 59 ac5 = ac5 + 1 End Select qy2.MoveNext Loop

Grid1.Cols = Grid1.Cols + 5

Grid1.Cell(17, 1).Text = \比例统计\ Grid1.Cell(18, 1).Text = \优\ Grid1.Cell(18, 2).Text = \良\ Grid1.Cell(18, 3).Text = \中\ Grid1.Cell(18, 4).Text = \及格\ Grid1.Cell(18, 5).Text = \不及格\ Grid1.Cell(19, 1).Text = ac1 Grid1.Cell(19, 2).Text = ac2 Grid1.Cell(19, 3).Text = ac3 Grid1.Cell(19, 4).Text = ac4 Grid1.Cell(19, 5).Text = ac5 '设置单元格格式

Grid1.Cell(17, 1).Font.SIZE = 11 Grid1.Range(17, 1, 17, 5).Merge

Grid1.Range(17, 1, 17, 5).Alignment = cellCenterCenter Grid1.Range(18, 1, 19, 5).Alignment = cellCenterCenter Grid1.Range(18, 1, 18, 5).BackColor = vbYellow With Grid1.Range(18, 1, 18, 5)

.Borders(cellEdgeLeft) = cellThin .Borders(cellEdgeRight) = cellThin .Borders(cellEdgeTop) = cellThin .Borders(cellEdgeBottom) = cellThin

.Borders(cellInsideHorizontal) = cellThin .Borders(cellInsideVertical) = cellThin End With


With Grid1.Range(22, 1, 32, 5) .Merge

.Borders(cellEdgeLeft) = cellThin .Borders(cellEdgeRight) = cellThin .Borders(cellEdgeTop) = cellThin .Borders(cellEdgeBottom) = cellThin End With

Grid1.AddChart 22, 1 With Grid1.Chart(22, 1)

.SetDataSource 18, 1, 19, 5 .ChartType = cell3DPie

.DisplayDataLabels = True .ScaleFont = False End With

Grid1.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally = True '设置打印区域 Grid1.PageSetup.PrintRows = 37 Grid1.PageSetup.PrintColumns = 4 Grid1.AutoRedraw = True Grid1.Refresh Exit Sub finish:

MsgBox Err.Description

'MsgBox \无此对象或其它参数错误!\End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize() If Me.WindowState <> 1 Then Grid1.Left = 240

Grid1.Width = Me.Width - 480 Grid1.Top = 240

Grid1.Height = Me.Height - 960 End If End Sub Form6:

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib \ (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer Private Sub Form_Load()

Grid1.SetRegisterInformation \进行注册 With Grid1

.AllowUserResizing = True .DisplayFocusRect = False .ExtendLastCol = True .Appearance = Flat

.FixedRowColStyle = Flat .ScrollBarStyle = Flat

.DefaultFont.Name = \ .DefaultFont.SIZE = 8

.BackColorFixed = RGB(90, 158, 214)

.BackColorFixedSel = RGB(110, 180, 230) .BackColorBkg = RGB(90, 158, 214)

.BackColorScrollBar = RGB(231, 235, 247) .BackColor1 = RGB(231, 235, 247) .BackColor2 = RGB(239, 243, 255)

\ .GridColor = RGB(148, 190, 231) .Column(0).Width = 0 .Column(1).Width = 100 .Column(2).Width = 100 .Column(3).Width = 100 End With

Call callmain End Sub

Private Sub callmain() gridsave = False gridedit = True griddelete = True

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\班级\Grid1.Rows = 1 '清除所有记录 i = 3

Grid1.Cols = i + 1 '必须+2,因为实际上为11行,但第一行是隐藏的 For i = 0 To 2 '显示数据的字段名

Grid1.Cell(0, i + 1).Text = qy1.Fields(i).Name '读取表中的各字段名 Next i = 1

Do While Not qy1.EOF

Grid1.Rows = Grid1.Rows + 1 For j = 1 To 3 '设定读取列

If qy1.Fields(j - 1) = Null Then '空值的处理 Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = \ Else

Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) End If Next

i = i + 1

qy1.MoveNext '读取下一记录 Loop

Grid1.Column(1).Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Call XPButton5_Click End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 2 Then PopupMenu cz

End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_RowColChange(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long) hang = Row End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean) '设定TAB键切换 Dim nActiveRow As Long, nActiveCol As Long Const VK_TAB = 9

If GetKeyState(VK_TAB) < 0 Then

nActiveRow = Grid1.ActiveCell.Row nActiveCol = Grid1.ActiveCell.Col If nActiveCol < Grid1.Cols - 1 Then

Grid1.Range(nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1, _

nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1).Selected End If

Cancel = True End If End Sub

Private Sub renovate_Click() Call callmain End Sub

Private Sub XPButton1_Click() gridsave = True gridedit = False griddelete = False

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\班级\Grid1.Rows = 1 '清除所有记录 Grid1.Rows = 2 '默认为2行 i = 3

Grid1.Cols = i + 1 '必须+2,因为实际上为11行,但第一行是隐藏的 For i = 0 To 2 '显示数据的字段名

Grid1.Cell(0, i + 1).Text = qy1.Fields(i).Name '读取表中的各字段名 Next

Grid1.Column(1).Locked = False Grid1.Cell(1, 1).SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub XPButton2_Click() If gridsave = False Then

MsgBox \不支持保存操作!\当前不支持\Exit Sub End If

If Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text <> \

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\* from 班级 where 班级名称='\& Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text & \ If qy1.EOF = True Then

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\into 班级 values('\& Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text & \& Grid1.Cell(1, 2).Text & \& Grid1.Cell(1, 3).Text & \

MsgBox \提交成功!\ Call callmain Else

MsgBox \该班级名己存在!\不可重名\ Exit Sub End If Else

MsgBox \用户名不可以是空格\错误提示\End If End Sub

Private Sub XPButton3_Click() If gridedit = False Then

MsgBox \当前修改操作不被允许!\非使用对象\Exit Sub End If

For i = 1 To Grid1.Rows - 1

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\班级 set 班级辅导员='\Grid1.Cell(i, 2).Text & \所属系别='\where 班级名称='\ Next

MsgBox \修改的数据己经完成\完成操作\ Call callmain End Sub

Private Sub XPButton4_Click() If griddelete = False Then

MsgBox \当前删除操作不被允许!\非使用对象\Exit Sub End If

If hang = 0 Then Exit Sub End If

If Grid1.Cell(hang, 1).Text = \Exit Sub End If

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\from 班级 where 班级名称='\& Grid1.Cell(hang, 1).Text & \

If je > i Then Do While x > i Do While y >= x

j = j + 360 '360是每个按钮的高度 y = y - 1 Loop

c1(x).Top = Fre1.Height - j x = x - 1 Loop Else

'-----------------向上代码 For x = 0 To i For y = 0 To x j = j + 360 Next

c1(x).Top = j - 360 j = 0 Next End If s = s - 1

For y1 = 0 To x1 If y1 = i Then

Fre2(y1).Visible = True

Fre2(y1).Top = c1(y1).Top + c1(y1).Height If y1 <> z Then

Fre2(y1).Height = c1(y1 + 1).Top - Fre2(y1).Top Else

Fre2(y1).Height = Fre1.Height - c1(y1).Top - c1(y1).Height End If Else

Fre2(y1).Visible = False End If Next Loop

je = i '这里是记忆上次移动的按钮数组编号 End Sub

Private Sub cgdel_Click() Call XPButton6_Click End Sub

Private Sub cgedit_Click() Call XPButton4_Click End Sub

Private Sub delstudent_Click() Call XPButton6_Click

End Sub

Private Sub editstudent_Click() Call XPButton4_Click End Sub

Private Sub findcg_Click() If hang = 0 Then Exit Sub End If

Grid1.Visible = False Grid2.Visible = True tkbase = \学生与课程\fnumber = 5

sql = \学生与课程 where 学号='\1).Text & \gridpz2 datagrid

gridsave = False gridedit = True griddel = True

Grid2.Column(1).Locked = True Grid2.Column(2).Locked = True Grid2.Column(3).Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 2 Then

If gridsave = True Then

savestudent.Enabled = True Else

savestudent.Enabled = False End If

If gridedit = True Then

editstudent.Enabled = True Else

editstudent.Enabled = False End If

If griddel = True Then

delstudent.Enabled = True Else

delstudent.Enabled = False End If

If admin = False Then

addstudent.Enabled = False savestudent.Enabled = False

editstudent.Enabled = False delstudent.Enabled = False End If

PopupMenu student End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_RowColChange(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long) hang = Row

If gridsave = True And Col = 5 Then '确认默认年龄在20岁左右 If Row <> 0 Then

Grid1.Cell(Row, 5).Text = Date - 7300 End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean) '设定TAB键切换 Dim nActiveRow As Long, nActiveCol As Long Const VK_TAB = 9

If GetKeyState(VK_TAB) < 0 Then

nActiveRow = Grid1.ActiveCell.Row nActiveCol = Grid1.ActiveCell.Col If nActiveCol < Grid1.Cols - 1 Then

Grid1.Range(nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1, _

nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1).Selected End If

Cancel = True End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo finish

Grid1.SetRegisterInformation \\进行注册 Grid2.SetRegisterInformation \\进行注册

Label2.Caption = \今天是\年\月\Day(Date) & \日,欢迎您进入!\Frame2.Visible = False

form1.BackColor = RGB(167, 111, 177) '-------------管理员验证 If admin = False Then c1(3).Enabled = False

asPopup2.Enabled = False '增加学生 asPopup4.Enabled = False '课程管理 asPopup6.Enabled = False '输入成绩 XPButton4.Enabled = False

XPButton5.Enabled = False XPButton6.Enabled = False End If

With Grid1

.AllowUserResizing = True .DisplayFocusRect = False .ExtendLastCol = True .Appearance = Flat

.FixedRowColStyle = Flat .ScrollBarStyle = Flat

.DefaultFont.Name = \ .DefaultFont.SIZE = 8

.BackColorFixed = RGB(84, 201, 134)

.BackColorFixedSel = RGB(167, 111, 177) .BackColorBkg = RGB(198, 229, 211)

.BackColorScrollBar = RGB(167, 111, 177) .BackColor1 = RGB(231, 235, 247) .BackColor2 = RGB(198, 229, 211) .GridColor = RGB(148, 190, 231) .Column(0).Width = 0 End With With Grid2

.AllowUserResizing = True .DisplayFocusRect = False .ExtendLastCol = True .Appearance = Flat

.FixedRowColStyle = Flat .ScrollBarStyle = Flat .AllowUserResizing = True .DisplayFocusRect = False .ExtendLastCol = True .Appearance = Flat

.FixedRowColStyle = Flat .ScrollBarStyle = Flat

.DefaultFont.Name = \ .DefaultFont.SIZE = 8

.BackColorFixed = RGB(84, 201, 134)

.BackColorFixedSel = RGB(167, 111, 177) .BackColorBkg = RGB(198, 229, 211)

.BackColorScrollBar = RGB(167, 111, 177) .BackColor1 = RGB(231, 235, 247) .BackColor2 = RGB(198, 229, 211) .GridColor = RGB(148, 190, 231) .Column(0).Width = 0

End With je = 4

Dim fr As Integer

Fre1.BackColor = RGB(168, 217, 189) For fr = 0 To 4

Fre2(fr).Visible = False

Fre2(fr).BackColor = RGB(106, 137, 188) Next

Grid2.Visible = False Call c1_Click(0) Exit Sub finish:

MsgBox Err.Description End Sub

Private Sub Grid2_CellChange(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long) '使用智能输入

If Grid2.Cell(Row, 1).Text <> \ Dim length1, length2 As Integer

length1 = Len(Grid2.Cell(Row, 1).Text) Do While length2 < length1 length2 = length2 + 1

If Right(Left(Grid2.Cell(Row, 1).Text, length2), 1) = \ Grid2.Cell(Row, 2).Text = Mid(Grid2.Cell(Row, 1).Text, length2 + 1, length1)

Grid2.Cell(Row, 1).Text = Mid(Grid2.Cell(Row, 1).Text, 1, length2 - 1) Exit Do End If Loop End If

If Grid2.Cell(Row, 3).Text <> \ Dim length3, length4 As Integer

length3 = Len(Grid2.Cell(Row, 3).Text) Do While length4 < length3 length4 = length4 + 1

If Right(Left(Grid2.Cell(Row, 3).Text, length4), 1) = \ Grid2.Cell(Row, 4).Text = Mid(Grid2.Cell(Row, 3).Text, length4 + 1, length4)

Grid2.Cell(Row, 3).Text = Mid(Grid2.Cell(Row, 3).Text, 1, length4 - 1) Exit Do End If Loop

End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 2 Then

If admin = False Then cgedit.Enabled = False cgdel.Enabled = False addcg.Enabled = False End If

PopupMenu cg End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid2_RowColChange(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long) hang = Row End Sub

Private Sub datagrid()

griddelete = True '允许删除 gridedit = True

If tkbase = \学生信息\

If qy1.State = adStateOpen Then '表状态 qy1.Close End If

qy1.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText For i = 1 To fnumber

Grid1.Cell(0, i).Text = qy1.Fields(i - 1).Name Next

qy1.PageSize = 20 nnum = qy1.PageCount

If qy1.PageCount = 0 Then nnum = 1 End If

numpage = 1

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\Grid1.Rows = 1 Grid1.Rows = 21

If qy1.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub End If

qy1.AbsolutePage = numpage

For i = 1 To qy1.PageSize '设定读取行 For j = 1 To fnumber '设定读取列 If qy1.EOF = True Then Exit Sub

End If

If Not qy1.Fields(j - 1) Is Nothing Then '空值的处理 Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) Else

Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = \ End If Next

If qy1.EOF = False Then qy1.MoveNext '读取下一记录 Else

Exit Sub End If Next

ElseIf tkbase = \学生与课程\

If qy1.State = adStateOpen Then '表状态 qy1.Close End If

qy1.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText For i = 1 To fnumber

Grid2.Cell(0, i).Text = qy1.Fields(i - 1).Name Next

qy1.PageSize = 20 nnum = qy1.PageCount

If qy1.PageCount = 0 Then nnum = 1 End If

numpage = 1

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\Grid2.Rows = 1 Grid2.Rows = 21

If qy1.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub End If

qy1.AbsolutePage = numpage

For i = 1 To qy1.PageSize '设定读取行 For j = 1 To fnumber '设定读取列 If qy1.EOF = True Then Exit Sub End If

If Not qy1.Fields(j - 1) Is Nothing Then '空值的处理 Grid2.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) Else

Grid2.Cell(i, j).Text = \ End If


If qy1.EOF = False Then qy1.MoveNext '读取下一记录 Else

Exit Sub End If Next End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid2_Validate(Cancel As Boolean) Dim nActiveRow As Long, nActiveCol As Long Const VK_TAB = 9

If GetKeyState(VK_TAB) < 0 Then

nActiveRow = Grid1.ActiveCell.Row nActiveCol = Grid1.ActiveCell.Col If nActiveCol < Grid1.Cols - 1 Then

Grid1.Range(nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1, _

nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1).Selected End If

Cancel = True End If End Sub

Private Sub Label7_Click() If tkbase = \学生信息\If numpage > 1 Then numpage = numpage - 1

qy1.AbsolutePage = numpage Grid1.Rows = 1 Grid1.Rows = 21

For i = 1 To 20 '设定读取行

For j = 1 To fnumber '设定读取列

If qy1.Fields(j - 1) = Null Then '空值的处理 Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = \ Else

Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) End If Next

qy1.MoveNext '读取上一记录 Next End If

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\ElseIf tkbase = \学生与课程\If numpage > 1 Then numpage = numpage - 1

qy1.AbsolutePage = numpage Grid2.Rows = 1 Grid2.Rows = 21

For i = 1 To 20 '设定读取行

For j = 1 To fnumber '设定读取列

If qy1.Fields(j - 1) = Null Then '空值的处理 Grid2.Cell(i, j).Text = \ Else

Grid2.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) End If Next

qy1.MoveNext '读取上一记录 Next End If

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\End If End Sub

Private Sub Label8_Click() If tkbase = \学生信息\If numpage < nnum Then numpage = numpage + 1

qy1.AbsolutePage = numpage Grid1.Rows = 1 Grid1.Rows = 21

For i = 1 To 20 '设定读取行

For j = 1 To fnumber '设定读取列 If qy1.EOF = True Then

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\ Exit Sub End If

If qy1.Fields(j - 1) = Null Then '空值的处理 Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = \ Else

Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) End If Next

If qy1.EOF = False Then

qy1.MoveNext '读取下一记录 Else

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\ Exit Sub End If Next

End If

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\ElseIf tkbase = \学生与课程\If numpage < nnum Then numpage = numpage + 1

qy1.AbsolutePage = numpage Grid2.Rows = 1 Grid2.Rows = 21

For i = 1 To 20 '设定读取行

For j = 1 To fnumber '设定读取列 If qy1.EOF = True Then

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\ Exit Sub End If

If qy1.Fields(j - 1) = Null Then '空值的处理 Grid2.Cell(i, j).Text = \ Else

Grid2.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) End If Next

If qy1.EOF = False Then

qy1.MoveNext '读取下一记录 Else

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\ Exit Sub End If Next End If

Label1.Caption = \共\页 第\页\End If End Sub

Private Sub pcg_Click() If hang <> 0 Then

If Grid2.Cell(hang, 2).Text <> \

sql = \sum(成绩)/count(成绩) from 学生与课程 where 学号='\& Grid2.Cell(hang, 3).Text & \ Set qy2 = cnn.Execute(sql)

MsgBox \学号为\& Grid2.Cell(hang, 3).Text & \的成绩平均为\& qy2.Fields(0) & \分\End If End If End Sub

Private Sub renovate_Click() Call asPopup1_Click(False)

End Sub

Private Sub callmain() gridsave = False gridedit = True griddelete = True

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\登陆\Grid1.Rows = 1 '清除所有记录 i = 3

Grid1.Cols = i + 1 '必须+2,因为实际上为11行,但第一行是隐藏的 For i = 0 To 2 '显示数据的字段名

Grid1.Cell(0, i + 1).Text = qy1.Fields(i).Name '读取表中的各字段名 Next i = 1

Do While Not qy1.EOF

Grid1.Rows = Grid1.Rows + 1 For j = 1 To 3 '设定读取列

If qy1.Fields(j - 1) = Null Then '空值的处理 Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = \ Else

Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = qy1.Fields(j - 1) End If Next

i = i + 1

qy1.MoveNext '读取下一记录 Loop

Grid1.Column(1).Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Call XPButton5_Click End Su

Private Sub Grid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 2 Then PopupMenu cz End If End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_RowColChange(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long) hang = Row End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean) '设定TAB键切换 Dim nActiveRow As Long, nActiveCol As Long Const VK_TAB = 9

If GetKeyState(VK_TAB) < 0 Then

nActiveRow = Grid1.ActiveCell.Row

nActiveCol = Grid1.ActiveCell.Col If nActiveCol < Grid1.Cols - 1 Then

Grid1.Range(nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1, _

nActiveRow, nActiveCol + 1).Selected End If

Cancel = True End If End Sub

Private Sub renovate_Click() Call callmain End Sub

Private Sub XPButton1_Click() gridsave = True gridedit = False griddelete = False

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\登陆\Grid1.Rows = 1 '清除所有记录 Grid1.Rows = 2 '默认为2行 i = 3

Grid1.Cols = i + 1 '必须+2,因为实际上为11行,但第一行是隐藏的 For i = 0 To 2 '显示数据的字段名

Grid1.Cell(0, i + 1).Text = qy1.Fields(i).Name '读取表中的各字段名 Next

Grid1.Column(1).Locked = False Grid1.Cell(1, 1).SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub XPButton2_Click() If gridsave = False Then

MsgBox \不支持保存操作!\当前不支持\Exit Sub End If

If Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text <> \

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\* from 登陆 where 用户名='\& Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text & \ If qy1.EOF = True Then

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\into 登陆 values('\& Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text & \& Grid1.Cell(1, 2).Text & \& Grid1.Cell(1, 3).Text & \

MsgBox \提交成功!\ Call callmain Else

MsgBox \该管理员己存在!\不可重名\ Exit Sub End If


MsgBox \用户名不可以是空格\错误提示\End If End Sub

Private Sub XPButton3_Click() If gridedit = False Then

MsgBox \当前修改操作不被允许!\非使用对象\Exit Sub End If

For i = 1 To Grid1.Rows - 1

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\登陆 set 密码='\& Grid1.Cell(i, 2).Text & \权限='\& Grid1.Cell(i, 3).Text & \where 用户名='\ Next

MsgBox \修改的数据己经完成\完成操作\ Call callmain End Sub

Private Sub XPButton4_Click() If griddelete = False Then

MsgBox \当前删除操作不被允许!\非使用对象\Exit Sub End If

If hang = 0 Then Exit Sub End If

If Grid1.Cell(hang, 1).Text = \Exit Sub End If

Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\from 登陆 where 用户名='\& Grid1.Cell(hang, 1).Text & \

MsgBox \目标己删除,请刷新数据!\删除成功\Call callmain End Sub

Private Sub XPButton5_Click() Unload Me

form1.WindowState = 0 End Sub Form3:

Private backFile As String Private qs As String Private buff As String Dim pnum As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.BackColor = RGB(98, 162, 207) Text2.BackColor = RGB(98, 162, 207) End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo finish Set qy1 = cnn.Execute(\* from 登陆 where 用户名='\& Text1.Text & \密码='\If qy1.EOF = True Then If pnum < 2 Then pnum = pnum + 1

MsgBox \用户名或密码错误!\错误次数:\ Text1.Text = \ Text2.Text = \ Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub Else

MsgBox \用户名或密码错误超过三次,系统会自动退出\提示\ End End If Else

If qy1.Fields(2) = \超级管理员\ admin = True Else

admin = False

End If Unload Me form1.Show End If Exit Sub finish:

MsgBox Err.Description End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() End

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call Command1_Click End If End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call Command1_Click End If End Sub Form4:

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib \ (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()


\进行注册 With Grid1

.AllowUserResizing = True .DisplayFocusRect = False .ExtendLastCol = True .Appearance = Flat

.FixedRowColStyle = Flat .ScrollBarStyle = Flat

.DefaultFont.Name = \ .DefaultFont.SIZE = 8

.BackColorFixed = RGB(90, 158, 214)

.BackColorFixedSel = RGB(110, 180, 230) .BackColorBkg = RGB(90, 158, 214)

.BackColorScrollBar = RGB(231, 235, 247) .BackColor1 = RGB(231, 235, 247) .BackColor2 = RGB(239, 243, 255)


