Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. - SectionB(1a-1e)教案(1)

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Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)教案

1.0 Teaching objectives 教学目标

Language targets 语言目标

Key Words and Chunks For applying: manager, believe in, hope to do, in the future, become, accept, invitation, change, graduate, look forward to, win a prize For comprehending: degree

Sentence Structures

1) What do you hope to do in the future?

2) I hope to get a business degree and become a manager. 3) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. 4) To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a party.

5) They ask Mrs. Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation. 6) How have you changed since you started junior high school? 7) I remember you won a prize for science… Grammar Focus

1) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. (本句为一个宾语从句,从句的语序为陈述句语序。)

2)To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a party.(注意句首的动词不定式表示目的)

3)How have you changed since you started junior high school? (本句含有一个由since引导的时间状语从句) 1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标 鼓励学生思考将来的人生规划; 引导学生反思他们的初中生活,分享自己的成长经历。 给学生足够机会,使用目标语言完成听力任务,在听力训练过程中注

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1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标培养学生自我反思,回顾过去的相关表达的方法和习惯。 引导学生树立自信,展望未来的学习态度。 1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点 1.2.1 初中学习和生活过程中的回顾与展望。

1.2.2 掌握描述过去和展望未来的表达方式,并能理解听力中的相关表达。 1.2.3 运用这些表达进行口语输出性练习。 2.0 Student analysis学情分析 2.1 Fundamental State基本情况

通过Section A的学习,学生已经能积极交流并回顾初中三年来的在校时光,在语言上让学生回顾加深对几种时态,句式及固定搭配的理解和运用,在情感上让学生学会珍惜自己的初中阶段的美好时光。Section B在话题上由谈论过去的初中生活到展望未来;在语言上,除了进一步综合训练Section A 复习的语言项目以外,还意在加强训练学生准确描述过去并展望未来的语言能力;在技能上,则是由听、说、读转为综合性更强的听、说、读、写的训练。1a-1e活动通过听说活动来拓展单元话题,同时拓展和巩固了目标语言的综合运用。 2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储备

通过Section A的学习,学生已经重点复习了一般过去时态,现在完成时态,一般将来时态,现在进行时态,宾语从句及used to结构。为Section B第一课时引导学生回顾初中生活和展望未来及1c-1d的听力谈论的相关话题进行了语言积累和话题预热。

2.3 Class data本班实际

通过Section A的学习,因为本班学生属于中等层次的水平,学生都有很大的提升空间,乐于通过学习与交流,进行语言交流和情感沟通。教师应该抓住契机,引导学生养成积极乐观的学习和生活态度。 3.0 Teaching methods教法建议

3.1 Communicative approach交际法 3.2 Question and answer method问答法

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3.3 Exercise method练习法 4.0 教学辅助

blackboard and chalk, computer , PPT, tape recorder 5.0 Teaching procedures 教学进程

5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动 5.1.1 Discussion

To give Ss practice in writing about their future plans. Before Ss open their books, T can organize a brief class discussion on what they would like to do in the future. 5.1.2 T can provide some possible jobs:

Teacher, reporter, singer, farmer, waiter, actor, make-up artist, doctor, lawyer … 5.2 New points input 新知输入(贴标签) 5.2.1 Activity 1a-1b

T asks Ss to think about the answers for the last period “What are you looking forward to?” And T asks Ss “Do you hope to get a business degree and become a manager? What do you hope to do in the future? ”

T may tell Ss that there are all possibilities in the future. Show some pictures and ask about them.

Get some Ss to tell what statements they have checked and make sure they know the meaning of each statement. 5.2.2 Activity 1c

Show pictures of different jobs and ask Ss about what they want to be.

Predict the listening by looking at the jobs and hopes. 5.3 Listening practice 听力训练 5.3.1 Pre-listening 听前指导

Guide Ss to make a prediction before listening by looking at the picture on page 109 and asking each picture about their hopes. 5.3.2 While-listening 听中任务 Activity 1c

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Guide Ss to listen for the learning challenges and check the hopes that Ss hear. The answers:

Picture 2,3,4 and 5. Activity 1d

To give Ss practice in listening for specific items in the conversations. Guide Ss to listen for details, complete the passage by filling the blanks. The answers:

sad, great, pass, music, science, prize, astronaut, go for it, party 5.3.2 Post-listening 听后任务

Play the recording and get Ss to read and imitate after recording. 5.4 Oral output口语输出 Activity 1e

5.4.1 Get Ss to work in pairs, use the information you hear in the conversation and practice the conversation several times.

5.4.2 Get several pairs to come to the front and role play the conversation without looking at their books. 5.4.3 Get Ss to give a speech.

In groups of three, get Ss to discuss what needs to go into a graduation speech. The questions in the textbooks should give them some ideas. Have Ss think about what they agree and what things will be after graduation. Pick several students to give their own speeches in the front.

5.5 Sentence interpretation 难句理解 5.5.1

Bob hopes to pass the exam to get int o senior high school. hope在这里是指“希望,愿望”,hope to do 为“希望做某事”,而此句后还有一个动词不定式to get into senior high school是作为一个目的状语。 5.5.2

They ask Mrs. Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation.

ask表示“叫,让”,ask sb. to do sth.指 “让某人做某事”, be happy to do sth.意为“乐

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5.6 Sentence applying 好句运用

5.6.1 The students talk about what they want to do in the future. P109 【原句翻译】

_____________________________________________________________________ 【仿写造句】talk about + 宾语从句…

__________________________________________________________________ 5.6.2 Ken is good at science, and he won a prize for it. P109 【原句翻译】

_____________________________________________________________________ 【仿写造句】 be good at …, win a prize for…

__________________________________________________________________ 5.6.3 Bob hopes to pass the exam to get into senior high school. P109 【原句翻译】

_____________________________________________________________________ 【仿写造句】hope to …

__________________________________________________________________ 5.7 Summary

Help Ss to make a summary by talking and sharing in groups. T may ask questions like:

Q1:What have you learnt in this period? Q2: What do you still have problem with? Q3: How will you work out the problems?

Get the Group leader (GL) to share their summary. Put some key points on the Bd to form a clear mind map. 6.0 Homework 课后作业

After class, write about what you have gotten in the junior high school and your plan in the senior high school.

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