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为促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。所以我们建议举行两党平等会谈,实行第三次合作。大陆和台湾有不同的意识形态,实行不同的政治制度,但绝不能让这一点妨碍我们发展两岸关系,实现和平统一的大业。 52大学生

现在大学生的学习压力相当重。除了大四,他们开始找工作了,其余的学生总是忙于学习,而不愿参加校园团体和俱乐部,不愿参加体育锻炼和其他课外活动,不愿与他们的朋友玩玩,不愿关心和学习没有关系的事。总之,他们就像一个机器人。压力大,时间少,功课多。看到同寝室里的人都上图书馆去学习,到深夜闭馆才回,而自己却去看电影,他们就会有一种内疚感。一想到白天什么事都没干,心里就感到不安,会整夜因此睡不着觉。他们学习太紧张,几乎没有时间好好品尝生活,干些其他事,成为一个全面发展的人。读大学使他们失去太多的个人幸福和健康。 53孔乙已

我从此便整天的站在柜台里,专管我的职务。虽然没有什么失职,但总觉有些无聊。掌柜的是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气。教人活泼不得;只有孔乙已到店后,才可以笑几声,所以至今还记得。 培训材料 54民工潮

新年春节刚过,农村的破旧小车站就挤满了成千上万的农民。他们只有一个目的,到城市去。八十年代处,农村的改革,使得千千万万的农民从土地上解放了出来,纷纷跑到城市找工作。自那以后,这种大规模的民工潮一直使城市感到头痛。这不仅是因为对城市设施造成了极大的压力,而且他们担心会引发许多社会矛盾。所以外来民工往往补被看成二等公民,不能成为城市居民,孩子不能在城市读书。但是另一方面,城市和经济开发区的发展急切需要大批劳力到工厂和建设工地。而且政府也感到如果不让农民出来。而农民的不满加剧,会导致社会动乱。 55物质奖励




试一试,然后一边前进一边改正自已的错误。恐怕再有三十年的时间,我们才会在各方面形成一整套更加成熟,更加定型的制度,在这个的方针,政策,也将更加定型化。 57金融危机

现在的国际金融是没有国界的,当东京的股市大跌时,受影响的不只是日本,而是全世界。因此保持我们中国的经济稳定发展,就要帮助 恢复亚太地区的稳定的发展。我们中国在这次亚洲金融危机中勇敢地承担了自己的责任。


这次长江流域的水灾是44年来最严重的。官方的数字表明已有2000多人死亡,1380万人被迫离开家园。占中国总耕地面积3%的450万公顷的农作物被毁。工厂被迫停工,产量受到影响。客运的货运也被迫中断。在未来的许多岁月里,人民都会感受到洪灾对中国经济的总体影响。尽管损失如此严重,举国上下,展民与洪水的斗争是非常值得称赞的。在抗洪斗争中,中国人民显示了令人叹服的守堤防洪的能力,例如这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。事实上,差不多有数百万平民百姓参加了这一人类巨大的斗争。 60投资市场

股票市场,国库券市场和企业债券市场是上海最大和最活跃的资本市场。这些市场的日趋活跃,表明上海金融体系越来越成熟,同时也看出上海企业正设法通过直接向群众借款的办法来克服信货紧缩。它还说明,上海投资者越来越聪明。他们购买各种有价证券,从保值定期储蓄、国库券、股票、企业债券,到现在只要能使手中钱不因通货膨胀而贬值的各种其他金融债券。机构投资者和个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行的国库券,企业债券因为期限短。人们争相购买证券,往往前一天晚上就在银行外徘队,一个亿的债券几天就一售而空。 61快乐教育

快乐教育是指强调培养学生成为德,智,体,美,劳全面发展的人。它改变了我们以往唯有高分的学生才是人才的观念。因为我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要的是工程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。 62美国华人

70年代以来,美国华人社会发生了重大的变化。最显著的是许多来自大陆的中国人不断涌入美国,使美国华人经济日趋繁荣。据悉,自1986年起,美国华人经济已跃居全美少数民族之首,遥遥领先于日裔、韩裔等其他后裔。美国华人家庭的年均收入已超过美国白人家庭。目前,一批华人企业家在美国经济界享有一定声望。更可喜的是,近年来美国冒出一批知名华裔科技人才。他们的科技成就引起了国际科技界的注意和钦佩。同时华人的政治地位明显提高,涉足美国政界的人越来越多。 63环境污染

过去,人们并没有充分认识到污染给环境造成的影响。只是把它看成一种会熏黑房屋,弄脏河流的令人讨厌的东西。直到不久前才认识到还会对人体健康造成威胁。而且这种威胁之大,足以影响许多生命的生存,甚至包括人类本身的生存。 64退休

不同的人对退休持不同的态度。有些人认为退休后可以好好享受晚年的生活。但真的退下来了,他们则有点失望。看到自己就要被抛到废物堆里,他们不甘认命,设法另找事干来发挥自己的于热,以继续得到收入。另一些人则对一生中这样一个重大变动早有准备。他们一生为工作操劳,现在筋疲力尽了,渴望退休后能放松拉紧的弦,好好休息。由于不再需要每天早晨去赶公共汽车了,不再要为晋级虑。就可以有足够的时间去追求童年时的梦想,如写写书、画画图、种种花、周游各地。总的来说,没有像男的一样感到可怕。 65经济发展



北京大学的前身是燕京大学。它是一所贵族学校。按理说,学生在政治上应该是保潮开始在校园蔓延。到了1953年,燕京大学竟成为学生抗议运动的策源地。由此爆发了全国抗日战争。就在这时,美国作家爱德加 斯诺来到燕京大学任教。在燕大他呆了两年,接触了中国近代青年。了解了中国大学生的思想。自那后,燕京大学这所外国教会学校发生了很大的变化,它逐渐变成了完全由中国人自己掌握的学校。今天在北京大学的湖畔到处可以听到新一代大学生的欢声笑语。 67城市的繁荣

一条一条的高架在上海城市上空编织出精致的网络。一座接着一座摩天大楼拔地而起,把天廓推向更高。在这购物者的天堂里,商店和大商场都挤满了成群结队的游客。而西装笔挺的商人穿梭在人群里,手拿移动电话谈着生意。 四十年多来,中国在发展经济的过程中,逐步改善了人民的生存条件,提高了人民的生活水平。经过多年的努力,我们国家已能用仅占世界百分之七的耕地,养活了占世界百分之二十二的人口,使十一亿人民基本解决了温饱问题。 70毕业选择


从纯理论研究领域流向实用工业。因为在那里工作要比研究领域里好找,工资也往往高。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响了教育。许多教师哀叹,现在纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。 72太湖

太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省的南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲的中心地带。这里物产丰富,气候温和,温差不大,雨量偏少,大多数时候阳光灿烂,万里晴空,是全年适合的旅游腹地。适宜的气候,尤其是优美的自然风景使她成为国家重点风景旅游城市闻名世界。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区。泛舟河上,能领略水乡的民俗风情。距市区七公里的太湖梅梁景区是太湖风景之精华。碧波万顷,鱼帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋头渚,巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩瀚的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为“太湖佳绝处。” 73学习英语


在谈话中,他涉及的是一些严肃的问题,诸如国有企业的改革,快速膨胀的政府机构,中国对亚洲邻邦承担的义务,决不使人民币贬值,整治环境和铲除腐败。自始至终,人们时而点头表示赞同,时而捧腹大笑。 76小鸡风波

退休煤矿工人张师傅今年年初买了四只小鸡。有一天发现丢了一只,气得一个劲地埋怨老伴。傍晚,有一只小鸡突然从门外进来,随后邻居王某跟进院来,抓起小鸡就走。张老太哪里肯放。双方争吵起来。原来王某年初也买了两只小鸡最近丢了一只。这时,另一个姓李的邻居过来了解情况。他将有争议的小鸡从两家中间撒出去。那只鸡不去王家,直向张家的鸡群跑去。张师傅叫了声“鸡鸡鸡”,他养的小鸡,连同有争议的那只,争先恐后地跑到他的脚下。王某无话可说,当场认错,一场小鸡风波平息了。 77伟人

中国有过许多伟大的领导人。每个人似乎都是顺时应势而生。是毛主席结束了一个世纪来的外来压迫,创立了新中国,又是社会主义市场经济的总设计师邓小平领导中国走向成熟。今天,中国进入了百年来发展最快的历史时期。 78中国妇女






目前在中国正进行着一场意义深远的社会和经济改革。这个伟大的改革封闭的计划经济变成了以市场为基础的开放经济。千百万人为此脱了贫,经济得到史无前例的发展。人均收入翻了倍,大多数人过着二十年前不可想象的生活。 86成功的诀窍

当然,在成功和失败中,运气占了很大的成分。但我认为成功是没有什么决窍的。有一点我发现和我生意上的成功有很大关系,这就是我来到美国之前所接受的价值观。这些价值观和孔子宣扬的一些思想有很多相同之处。孔子的思想强调的是中庸适度。但是我尊重孔子的思想,并不是要把他的思想搬到现代社会。因为出除了适度外还有一些东西对成功是至关重要的,这就是耐心,应变,果断,信心,创新思维,社会责任,最后还有运气。重要的是,这些因素相辅相成,不可缺一。虽然它们有的是有矛盾的,如耐心和果断经常矛盾,但很难想像我的任何决定中可以离开得了它们其中一个。 84香港



1) Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language2) One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field. 3) Sometimes the details are so overwhelming and endless they sap the spirit and depress the mind4) Often at the end of a hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the

beater on the subway presents less threat of life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes.4) The most immediately and measurable dangerous scofflawry however also happens to be the most visible.5) The culprit is the American driver whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance.6) The hazards range from routine double parking that jams city streets to the drunk driving that kills thousands of people yearly.7) Red-light running has always been ranked as a minor wrong and so it may bi in individual instances.8) When the violation becomes habitual widespread and incessant however a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved.9) The violation of basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood

16. American Study

1) The scientific interest of American history centered in national character and in the workings of a society destined to become bast in which individuals were imp0rtant chiefly as types.2) Although this kind of interest was different from that of European history it was at least as important to the world.3) Should history ever become a true science it must expect to establish its laws not from the complicated story of rival European nationalities but from the economical evolution of a great democracy.4) North America was the most favorable field on the globe for the spread of a society so large uniform and isolated as to answer the purposes of science.5) There a single homogeneous society could easily attain proportions of three or four hundred million persons under conditions of undisturbed growth.6) In Europe or Asia undisturbed social evolution had been unknown.7) Without disturbance evolution seemed to cease.8) Wherever disturbance occurred permanence was impossible.9) Every people in turn adapted itself to the law of necessity. 17.Jack London

1) Life itself led London to reject this approach in his writing.2) He knew what it meant to be one of the disinherited to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.3) Consequently he swept aside not only the literature that pretended that ours is a society of sweetness and light but also that which contended that the inculcation of the spirit of Christian fellowship would put an end to class controversy.4) He did not oppose labor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather he took his heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within their struggles.5) He poured into his writings all the pain of his life the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him and the conviction it had brought to him that world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands of the exploiters.

18. Standardized Tests

1) Standardized tests have been the target of recent attacks in the daily press.2) The target is wrong for in attacking the tests critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill—informed or incompetent users.3) All informed predictions of future performance are based upon some knowledge of relevant past performance.4) How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount reliability and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is isnterpreted.5) In general the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted can not be well defined.6) They identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized but there are many things they do not do.7) For example they do not compensate for gross social inequality and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been gad he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

19. President Carter

1) President Carter has been calling his closest advisers together for what is called as a hard reappraisal of his administration’s troubles but who will tell him the truth? 2) You can almost put it down as a general rule in this town that presidents often invite ―honest criticism‖ from their aides but seldom get it and usually don’t follow it when they do.3) The reasons for this are not obscure.4) The Oval Office is the most frightening room in America.5) It imposes a kind of respect on most visitors and even those legislative lions who roar against the president on Capital Hill tend to usually lower their voices and follow their prepared speeches when they walk through the White House door.6) Few While House aides dare to say anything against the president without betraying their fears.7) Even Henry Kissinger who is not an excessively modest or silent man hesitated to face President Nixon with the disaster he knew lay ahead.

20. AIDS

1) But AIDS deprives us of our roles in the customary death scene intervenes in any comfortable transaction we might have negotiated with Death.2) It is epidemic and so can never be quite individual.3) It comes unjustly before its time sparing or striking arbitrarily and so can never be wholly inevitable.4) Because of its arbitrary choices too one can never quite call it a consequence of one’s own actions never entirely take responsibility for it as the hero of a tragic drama ought to be able to do 5) It simply is there scattering fates this way and that truncating some lives and leaving others mysteriously carefree prolonging some torments hideously and cutting off others with the gentle snap of a leaf falling in autumn.6) Its combination of caprice and control

carried out on so large a scale undercuts almost any response we can summon. 7) We react to it with a puzzled inhibited caution fearing simultaneously for our lives—a set of nervous supporting players in a show whose volatile star has unexpectedly come onstage drunk with a loaded gun 21. On Incorruptibility

1) This reputation for incorruptibility is the greatest of our advantages in administering the Empire.2) Its rarity among nearly all the other peoples I have known raises our officials almost to the level of divine superiority and without it we could not hold the Empire together nor would it be worth the pains.3) A business man who has worked long under the system of concessions in Russia tells me that it is mow impossible to bribe the Commissar or other high officials there.4) That is an immense advance for under Tsarism one had only to signify the chance of a good bribe and one got what one wanted But nowadays on the suspicion of bribery both parties are shot off-hand.5) It is a drastic way of teaching what we have somehow learnt so smoothly that we are scarcely conscious of the lesson or of our need of it.6) Yet there was need.7) The change is remarkable and I think it may be traced to an unconscious sense of honor somehow instilled among the boys. 22. On ―Mein Kampf‖

1) Mein Kampf’s theme song recurring again and again is race race purity race supremacy though nowhere did Hitler attempt to define race.2) It was never intended by Nature Hitler claims that all races should be equal any more than individuals are equal.3) Some are created superior to others.4) The Germans as the world’s strongest race should rule over the inferior through having the habitat of the highest race extended and scattered Germanic peoples united under one rule.6) The vast expansion visualized by Hitler would take place principally at the expense of other races.7) To attain the objectives set by his soaring ambition Hitler proposes three methods: propaganda diplomacy and force. 8) Nowhere in Mein Kampf is the author more revealing of himself and his tactics than in his discussion of propaganda techniques—correctly believed by him to be one of the Nazis’ most effective and formidable weapons.

23. A Jew’s Journey

1) It is a very long time since I attended a Mass.2) In this pilgrimage town you get the real thing with a crowd of real worshippers—those who come include the paralyzed the crippled the blind the deformed the dying a terrible parade a parade of God’s cruel jokes or inept mistakes if you seriously maintain that he heeds the sparrow’s fall.3) Cold as it was in the church the air was warm as May compared to the chill in my heart as the Mass proceeded.4) It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time as all did since I had voluntarily come: but for all the

disapproving glances I the stiff—necked Jew would not kneel.5) I remember the first break with my own religion as though it were yesterday.6) I can still feel my cheek stinging from the slap of the mashiakh the study hall supervisor as I trudge in the snow on the town square in the purple evening having been ordered out of the hall for impudent heresy.7) Perhaps in a larger city the mashiakh would have had the sense to smile at my effrontery and pass it off.8) Then the whole course of my life might have been different.

24. Extraterrestrial Life

1) Hand in hand with the recent spectacular advances in radio technology there has been a dramatic increase in the scientific and public respectability of the entire subject of extraterrestrial life.2) A clear sign of the new attitude is the Viking missions to Mars which are to a significant extent dedicated to the search for life on another planet.3) But along with the burgeoning dedication to a serious search a slightly negative note has emerged which is nevertheless very interesting.4) A few scientists have lately asked a curious question: if extraterrestrial intelligence is abundant why have we not already seen its manifestations?5) Think of the advances by our own technological civilization in the past ten thousand years and imagine such advances continued over millions or billions of years more.6) If only a tiny fraction of advanced civilizations are millions or billions or billions of years more advanced then ours why have they not produced artifacts devices or even industrial pollution of such magnitude that we would have detected it ?

25. The Importance of being Interested

1) Now I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Franklin Darwin and Mozart because they strikingly illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of which can scarcely be overestimated.2) It is a truth to e sure that has long been partially recognized.3) But its full meaning has not been—and could not be—appreciated until quite recently.4) Only within the past few years has scientific research effected various discoveries which make its complete recognition possible and of supreme importance—of such importance that practical application of the principles involved would make for

an immediate and stupendous increase in human happiness efficiency and welfare.5) Stated briefly the truth in question is that success in life meaning thereby the accomplishment of results of real value to the individual and to society depends chiefly on sustained endeavor springing out of a deep and ardent interest in the tasks of one’s chosen occupation.

26. How to Write Clearly

1) I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an

effort to understand their meaning.2) You have only to go to great philosophers to see that it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections.3) One cause of obscurity is that many writers think not before but as they write.4) The pen originates the thought.5) The disadvantages of this and indeed it is a danger against which the author must be always on his guard is that there is a sort of magic in the written word.6) The idea acquires substance by taking on a visible nature and then stands in the way of its own clarification.7) But this sort of obscurity merges very easily into the willful.8) Some writers who do not think clearly are inclined to suppose that their thoughts have a significance greater than at first sight appears.9) It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read and very naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reis with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection. 27. The Normandy Landings

1) The landings were very chancy and might have ended disastrously.2) A pyramiding of mistakes and bad luck on German side gave Roosevelt success in his one audacious military move.3) The mounting of the invasion armada was certainly a fine technological achievement; as was the production of the huge air fleets with crews to man them.4) General Marshall’s raising equipping and training of the land armies that poured into Normandy showed him to be an American Scharnhorst.5) The U. S infantryman while requiring far too luxurious logistical support put up a nice fight in France; he was fresh well—fed and unscarred by battle.6) But essentially what happened in Normandy was that Franklin Roosevelt beat Adolf Hitler as surely as Wellington beat Napoleon at Waterloo. 7) In Normandy the two men at last clashed in head—on armed shock.8) Hitler’s mistakes gave Roosevelt the victory; just as at Waterloo it was less Wellington who won than Napoleon who lost. 28. A New Hunger

1) There was a huge library near the riverfront but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks of the city.2) But I managed to get some books there.3) I grew silent wondering about the life around.4) It would gave been impossible for me to have told anyone what I derived from these novels for it was nothing less than a sense of life itself.5) All my life had shaped me for the realism the naturalism of the modern novel and I could not read enough of them.6) Steeped in new moods and ideas I began to write; but nothing would come or what did come was flat beyond telling.7) I discovered that more than desire and feeling were necessary to write and I dropped the idea.8) Yet I still wondered how it was possible to know people sufficiently to write about them? 9) I now knew what being a Negro meant.10) I could endure the hunger.11) I had learned to live with

hate.12) But to feel that there were feelings denied me that the very breath of life itself was beyond my reach that more than anything else hurt wounded me.13) I had a new hunger. 29. Sunset

1) But owing to the constant presence of air currents arranging both the dust and

vapor in strata of varying extent and density and of high or low clouds which both absorb and reflect the light in varying degree we see produced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-changing colors which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature’s kaleidoscopic color painting.2) With every change in the altitude of the sun the display changes its character; and most of all when it has sunk below the horizon and owing to the more favorable angle a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us.3) These as long as the sun was above the horizon intercepts much of the light and color ; but when the great luminary has passed away from our direct vision its light shines more directly on the under sides of all the clouds and air strata of different densities.

30. Tragedy

1) Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it.2) There are no longer problems of the spirit.3) There is only the question:4) When will I be blown up? 5) Because of this the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about worth the agony and the sweat.6) He must learn them again.7) He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and teaching himself that forget it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed—love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.8) Until he does so he labors under a curse.9) He writes not of love but of lust of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value of victories without hope and worst of all without pity or compassion.

