雅思口语连接词Useful phrases
更新时间:2023-08-15 15:50:01 阅读量: 人文社科 文档下载
- 雅思口语连接词的使用推荐度:
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organisationLet's start by (V +ing) To begin with, Let's look at . . . Shall we move on to the issue of ....? Going on the next point, Before we move on...
initiationAny ideas? What do you think about ...? How do you feel about . . ? Does anybody have any views on that? As far as I’m concerned...
interruptionCan I add something here? Do you mind if I jump in here? Sorry to interrupt,
clarificationIn other words, ….. Are you saying that ….? So, if I’ve got this right….. Could I just go back over that?
checkingHave you got that? Are you with me (so far)? Is that all right/ clear?
paraphrasingWhat I mean is ... What I meant to say was... In other words.... To put it another way.... What I’m trying to say is...
speculationIt appears that . . . It seems that ... The important thing (here) is . . . It could be the case that...
agreementYou have a point there I see what you mean I couldn’t agree more Absolutely
disagreementI’m not sure about that The problem with that is . . I’m not sure I go along with that... I don’t see it that way
expressing uncertaintyI agree up to a point I partially agree It’s hard to say I’m not sure about that
supporting opinionsLet me illustrate, For instance, Let me give you an example, To elaborate,
returning to the topicNow, where was I? Where were we? What were you saying? You were saying . . . To get back to . . .
summarisingSo we’ve agreed that... All in all, we can say that...
conceding to make a pointYou might be right, but . . . Correct me if I'm wrong, but . . . That may be true, but . . . You have a good point, but
asking to repeatSorry, what was that again? I didn’t follow what you said about X Could you say that again? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that Could you go over that again?
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