Fitness inheritance for noisy evolutionary multi-objective optimization

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The A rti?cial L ife and A daptive R obotics Laboratory

ALAR Technical Report Series

Fitness Inheritance For Noisy Evolutionary Multi-Objective


Lam T.Bui,Hussein A.Abbass,Daryl Essam


The Arti?cial Life and Adaptive Robotics Laboratory

School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

University of New South Wales

Northcott Drive,Campbell,Canberra,ACT2600



Fitness Inheritance For Noisy Evolutionary

Multi-Objective Optimization

Lam T.Bui,Hussein A.Abbass,Daryl Essam

School of ITEE,University of New South Wales@Australian Defence Force Academy

NorthCott Drive,Canberra




This paper compares the performance of anti-noise methods,particularly probabilistic and re-sampling methods, using NSGA2.It then proposes a computationally less expensive approach to counteracting noise using re-sampling and?tness inheritance.Six problems with different dif?culties are used to test the methods.The results indicate that the probabilistic approach has better convergence to the Pareto optimal front,but it looses diversity quickly.

However,methods based on re-sampling are more robust against noise but they are computationally very expensive to use.The proposed?tness inheritance approach is very competitive to re-sampling methods with much lower computational cost.

Categories and Subject Descriptors:B.X.X[Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization]:

General Terms:Algorithms,Performance.

Keywords:Evolutionary multiobjective optimization,noise,probabilistic model,?tness inheritance.


Evolutionary algorithms(EAs),particulary genetic algorithms(GA),are known to be robust in the presence of noise[1],[5].Population based methods are generally known to be robust in the single objective case against noise since the average performance of the population acts as a?lter for noise.However,in the case of evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms(EMOs),the aim is to obtain a Pareto set of non-dominated solutions, which makes it harder to?lter the noise.So far,comparisons of performance in EMO have been undertaken in the presence of many types of problem dif?culties,such as:convexity,non-convexity,or discontinuity.However, not much work has been done in the area of noisy landscapes.In real life black–box optimization problems,the existence of noise during evaluation is inevitable.Sources of noise can vary from noise in the sensors,actuators, or because of the stochasticity pertaining in some problems such as multi–agent simulations.

The research presented in this paper aims to compare a number of approaches to overcome noise during objective evaluation.In particular,we compare two re–sampling techniques and a probabilistic approach proposed by Hughes (2001).We then propose a?tness inheritance technique to reduce the calculation time.NSGA2is used as a standard EMO algorithm.

The paper is divided into six sections.A review of the EMO literature,noise,and performance metrics is given in section II.A description of the methods is given in the third section.Section four presents the speci?cations of the experiments.The results of the experiments are analyzed and discussed in the?fth section then conclusions are drawn in the last section.



Similar to other optimization algorithms,EMOs are used to?nd at least one feasible solution for a particular problem[3].In contrast to single objective optimization,they are associated with con?icting multi–objective functions,de?ning a multi–dimensional?tness landscape.With EMOs,multiple solutions are usually expected after any iteration.As a result,this is expected to ideally lead to a population of ef?cient solutions when the termination

condition is satis?ed.It thus offers decision makers more options from which to choose the best solution according to some preference information.

EMOs have to overcome two major problems[10].The?rst problem is how to get as close as possible to the Pareto optimal front(POF).Each solution of the POF is a Pareto solution,where no other feasible solution in the search space is better than the former when evaluated on all objective functions.The second problem is how to keep diversity among solutions in the obtained set.These two problems become common criteria for most current comparison measures.

To date,many EMOs have been developed.Generally speaking,they can be classi?ed into two broad categories: non–elitism and elitism.With the elitism approach,EMOs employ an external set to store the best solutions in each generation.This set will then be a part of the next generation.With this method,the best individuals in each generation are always preserved,and this helps the algorithm to get as close as possible to the POF.NSGA2[3] and SPEA2[10]are examples of this approach.In contrast,the non elitism approach has no concept of elitism when it selects individuals for reproduction[10].Examples of this approach include VEGA[8]and NSGA[3].


When EMOs are applied to real life problems,noise in the evaluation cannot be avoided.When noise exists, it makes the evolving process slow and affects the solution’s quality.Generally,noise comes from many different sources,such as:data inputting or sampling[7].However,this paper focuses on an important form of noise:noise in the objective function evaluation.The way noise in?uences the?tness value is varied.We use additive noise. This noise can be seen as additional values randomly added to or subtracted from the real?tness value.Since the noisy?tness value is used for selection,it can mislead the algorithm to inferior results;bad solutions might be kept for the next generation,and the good ones might be excluded[1].Formally,a noisy?tness function takes the following form:

F noise=F+noise(1) where F is the noise–free?tness function and noise is a source of noise[7].The source of noise comes in any form such as normal distribution or uniform distribution.In general,the normal distribution is often used to simulate noise[1].

In the context of EMOs,there are a few techniques to deal with noise that have been introduced to date.Re-sampling or re-evaluation of objective values is thoroughly investigated in Miller’s PhD thesis[7].It is a simple, but costly,method because it requires re–evaluating a solution a number of times.

More recently,Hughes’s work introduced a probabilistic ranking process[5].The assumption of the method is that a probabilistic ranking that takes into account the standard deviation in the evaluation of each solution can be used to correct for and avoid any inaccurate judgement because of noise.The probabilistic rank of an individual is the sum of all probabilities of those dominates it.Hughes’s experiments assumed that the noise in all individuals come from the same normal distribution,while claiming that the theoretical framework will work regardless of the previous assumption.In addition,he did not estimate the variance for every individual since all individuals are assumed to have noise from the same distribution.For this,Hughes’s approach is expected to have an advantage in terms of computational cost.However,in reality we do not know if noise is coming from different normal distributions or from the same distribution.As a result,re–sampling is necessary for estimating the variance of each individual independently.The purpose of this paper is to compare Hughes approach and re–sampling techniques,then propose a method that combines the advantages of both methods.

C.Performance metrics

Performance metrics are usually used to compare algorithms in order to form an understanding of which one is better and in what aspects.However,it is hard to de?ne a concise de?nition of algorithmic performance.In general, when doing comparisons,a number of criteria are employed[10].We will look at two of these criteria.The?rst measure is the generation distance,GD,which is the average distance from the set of solutions found by evolution to the POF[9]:


= N

i =1d 2i


(2)where d i is the Euclidean distance (in objective space)from solution i to the nearest solution in the POF.If there is a large ?uctuation in the distance values,it is also necessary to calculate the variance of the metric.Finally,the objective values should be normalized before calculating the distance.

The second metric presented in this section uses the statistical comparison method.It was ?rst introduced by Fonesca and Fleming [4].For EMO experiments,which generate a large set of solutions,this metric is often the most suitable,as their data can easily be assessed by statistical methods.Knowles and Corne [6]modi?ed this metric and instead of drawing parallel lines,all lines originate from the origin.The basic idea is as follows:suppose that two algorithms (A1,A2)result in two non-dominated sets:P1and P2(as in Figure 1).The lines that join the solutions in P1and P2are called attainment surfaces.The comparison is carried out in the objective space.In order to do the comparison,a number of lines are drawn from the origin (assuming minimization problem),such that they intersect with the surfaces.The comparison is then individually done for each sampling line to determine which one outperforms the other.Each intersection line will then yield to a number of intersection points.In this case,statistical tests are necessary to determine the percentage an algorithm outperforming the other in each section.For both of these methods,the ?nal result is two numbers that show the percentage of the space where each algorithm outperforms the other.Fig.1.Sampling the non-dominated sets using lines of intersection


A.Original NSGA2

NSGA2is an elitism algorithm [3].The main feature of NSGA2lies in elitism-preservation operation.Firstly,the archive size is set equal to the initial population size.The current archive is then determined based on the combination of the current population and the previous archive.To do this,NSGA2uses dominance ranking to classify the population into a number of layers,such that the ?rst layer is the best layer in the population.The archive is created based on the order of ranking layers:the best rank being selected ?rst.If the number of individuals in the archive is smaller than the population size,the next layer will be taken into account and so forth.If adding a layer makes the number of individuals in the archive exceeds the initial population size,a truncation operator is applied to that layer based on crowding distance.

The crowding distance of a solution x is calculated as follows:the population is sorted according to each objective to ?nd adjacent solutions to x ;boundary solutions are assigned in?nite values;the average of the differences between the adjacent solutions in each objective is calculated;the truncation operator removes the individual with the smallest crowding distance.

D (x )=M m =1F I m x +1m ?F I m x ?1m F m ?F m (3)

in which F is the vector of objective values.I m x returns the sorted index of the solution x,according to objective m-th.

An offspring population of the same size as the initial population is then created from the archive by using crowded tournament selection,crossover,and mutation operators.Crowded tournament selection is a traditional tournament selection method,but when two solutions have the same rank,it uses the crowding distance to break the tie.

B.Probabilistic-based NSGA2

We use Hughes’s probabilistic model[5]and adopt it to NSGA2.In the presence of noise,the objective value of an individual A may be smaller than an individual B while the A’s noise–free value is greater.As a result,if a decision is made that A is better than B(assuming minimization),inferior solutions will be selected more often. Therefore,in a noisy environment,a probabilistic decision is more adequate.The probability in which A is better than B is estimated based on an estimate of uncertainty in the values assigned to A and B.This estimate uses the variance of the expected noise in both solutions.

Hughes proposed a probabilistic ranking model.It gives an individual a rank that is the sum of probabilities that each individual in the population dominates the individual of interest.This probability is interpreted as probability of the wrong decision made on two individuals(Equation4).So,the smaller the rank,the better the individual.






with m=μa?μb

σb s=σa


in whichμandσare the mean and standard deviation of the?tness values of A and B,


In this paper,we generated a probabilistic version of NSGA2,called NSGA2?P,using Hughes’probabilistic framework in order to deal with noise.NSGA2’s ranking and crowding distance are replaced with probabilistic ranking and crowding distance,respectively.The original NSGA2uses objective values to rank the individuals, while probabilistic–based NSGA2uses the probability that an individual dominates another.In the multi–objective optimization context,the concept of dominance needs to be generalized.Formally,suppose that there are K objectives,three types of probabilities are calculated as follows




P(A k>B k)




(1?P(A k>B k))

P(A≡B)=1?P(AB)(5) where,P(A k>B k)is the probability that A is better than B in objective k and P(A≡B)is the probability that A and B are non–dominated.

Now,the rank of an individual i is calculated as follows:

R i=



P(Ind j>Ind i)+





P(Ind j≡Ind i)?0.5(6)

where P(Ind j>Ind i)is the probability that individual j is better than i.

For the sake of simplicity of implementation,the double-valued ranks are converted equivalently to integral ranks.In NSGA2,solutions with the same rank are grouped and sorted into layers.All solutions within a layer are selected and added to the archive.When the number of solutions in a layer exceeds the number of solutions required to?ll the archive,a truncation process is undertaken.

We adapt both the selection and truncation processes to the probabilistic method as well.In the selection process,if the rank of a solution A is better than B’s,A is selected.If they have the same rank,a probabilistic tournament selection is undertaken as follows:A random number R is generated.If R

B D ),A is selected and vice versa.P (A D >B D )is calculated as in Equation 4in which m =D (A )

?D (B )σb .During the truncation process,the crowding distance,D ,is calculated for each individual.In the probabilistic

version,Equation 3is replaced with Equation 7.

R x =N

y =1P (y D >x D )?0.5(7)

N is the population size,and P (y D >x D )is the probability that an individual y has a better crowding distance than individual x .An individual with the largest value of R will be truncated ?rst until the maximum archive size is maintained.

C.Resampling–based NSGA2

In this paper,an objective value is evaluated a number of times to reduce the effect of noise.Suppose that,the objective value is evaluated N times,the re-sampled value is calculated as follows:

F = N k =1(f k )N

(8)With N times of evaluation,we can estimate the standard deviation as follows:σ= N i =1x 2i ?( N i =1x i )2N N ?1

(9)The performance of the re-sampling technique will be tested on the base of NSGA2with two different versions:One with ?tness value F called NSGA 2?R and the other with F σcalled NSGA 2?RS .The former estimates the mean,while the latter takes into account the variance as a measure of stability and con?dence in the mean.

D.Fitness inheritance in NSGA2

Since all of the previous three algorithms works by re-evaluating each individual a number of times,it is usually a computationally expensive task.Fitness inheritance works by assigning a child a weighted sum of the parents’?tness values [2].However,one of the main challenges in ?tness inheritance is to decide when and when not to inherit.We propose a variation of the re-sampling technique based on ?tness inheritance.

In the proposed algorithm,the child inherits the mean ?tness of the two parents.The child is then evaluated only once to generate a single objective value for each noisy objective function.If this value falls within a con?dence interval based on the inherited ?tness,the inherited ?tness is accepted and the algorithm continues;otherwise,the child is re-evaluated a number of time and a mean and a standard deviation are estimated.Formally,suppose that two parents A and B are selected to generate a child C ,and the sampling size N ,the proposed ?tness inheritance process takes place as follows:1.De?ne μ=μ1+μ22and σ=σ1+σ222.Evaluate C ’s objective value f

3.If (μ?3?σ≤f ≤μ+3?σ)Assign μas C ’s objective value and σas C ’s standard deviation.


Evaluate C for another N -1times to estimate the objective values and the standard deviation.

The re-sampling and probabilistic versions of the ?tness inheritance technique are referred to as NSGA2-RH and NSGA2-PH respectively.


We have compared the algorithms with all six Zitler’s problems[10].Each case is tested with thirty different random seeds.The POF of these problems takes different forms such as convex,non-convex and discontinuous. All the problems have two objectives,f1(x)and f2(x),that must be minimized.For each problem,f2(x)= g(x)?h(f1(x),g(x)),while functions f1,g and h are uniquely de?ned for each.

We assume that the noise associated with each individual is coming from Normal distributions with the same mean,but with different variances.However,all variances are sampled from a hyper-Normal distribution with?xed parameter values.Our conjecture is that this setup is a challenge for those methods that work only when the source of noise in all individuals is the same.Also,this setup is more suitable for many real life applications such as applications in control or signal processing,where the variance in the noise can change under different experimental setups.

We use a Gaussian distribution N(0,σ)with zero mean to simulate noise.σis sampled from a hyper–Gaussian distribution with0.12mean and0.025variance.When calculating the objective values for each individual in the population,noise will be added as follows:

F real=F+N(0,σ),σ=N(0.12,0.025)

For the statistical comparison,we use500lines to divide the objective space.We introduce the concept of NETgain instead.Each algorithm is compared against the original NSGA2ran without noise in the?tness evaluations.At each generation,the NETgain of an algorithm is determined as follows:

NET gain=100?(X?Y)

where X is the percentage that the original NSGA2ran without noise outperforms the corresponding algorithm ran with noise,while Y is the percentage that the algorithm ran with noise outperforms the original NSGA2ran without noise.The NETgain shows how good the performance of an algorithm is in comparison to the original NSGA2in a noiseless environment.This measure would have a maximum value of100when X=Y;that is, when the algorithm running with noisy?tness is either performing equivalent to the original NSGA2ran without noise(i.e.X=Y=0)or that the two algorithms outperformed each others equally.Ideally,we want this measure to be as close as possible to100.However,practically,this is not possible unless we are able to?lter the noise in the evaluation.

We also use the number of individuals in the non-dominated set and the generation distance as supportive metrics. The population size is set to100,the number of generations to1000,and each individual is evaluated10different times.


To understand the dynamics of each method,we calculated the comparison metrics in each generation.The NETgains over time for each algorithm including NSGA2-P,NSGA2-R,NSGA2-RS,NSGA2-RH,NSGA2-PH and the original NSGA2in each problem are generated.

The results show that NSGA2-P takes over in the?rst100generations for all problems except in the case of ZDT4and ZDT5(Figure2).In later generations,the NETgain for all algorithms is zero,which means that all algorithms are overtaken by NSGA2using noise–free evaluations.This is perfectly expected since NSGA2without noise should be the ceil for the performance.What is important in these?gures is that NSGA2-P seems to perform worse because of its initial fast convergence.Obviously,NSGA2-R makes a considerable improvement over the original NSGA2in the presence of noise.

For ZDT4,algorithms are constrained by multi layers of local optima.In early generations,NSGA2-P is still the winner.However,the resampling-based approaches shows a better capacity of?ltering noise over time.For ZDT5, all algorithms converge to a deceptive local optimal front.It is clear that the resampling once more is better.

In all problems,the?tness inheritance approach is consistent with its variant;that is,the?tness inheritance with probabilistic model is as bad as the probabilistic model while the?tness inheritance with resampling is as good as the resampling method(see Fig.2).

Fig.2.The NET–gains of the?ve derived algorithms for ZDT4,ZDT5.The x-axis represents the number of generation and the y-axis represents the NET–gain by each algorithm.

We take a look further at generation distances(See Fig.3-4).Once more,NSGA2-P is slightly better than the others in early generations.However,NSGA2-R and NSGA2-RS are better than NSGA2-P on ZDT1-ZDT3and ZDT6,and competitive on ZDT4and ZDT5as time progresses.It seems that ZDT4and ZDT5with deceptive and multi-modal dif?culties cause problems for the resampling-based methods,while the mistakes occurring in NSGA2-P helps it to escape the problem dif?culties.This is normal since small noise can help an algorithm to escape local optima.Still,over time the generation distance for NSGA2-P gets slightly smaller.

The improvement in generation distance for NSGA2-P and the deterioration of the statistical measure may seem contradictory.However,on a closer look at the visualization of the Pareto front,it becomes evidenced that the deterioration of the statistical measure for NSGA2-P is because of loss of diversity in its non-dominated set (Figures5–6).

The?ndings are clearer when looking further to all snapshots of the Pareto set found by evolution over time. NSGA2-P is inferior in all problems.Its non-dominated sets heavily loose diversity.This lack of diversity makes it hard for NSGA2-P to search for suitable solutions in order to converge to the POF.One possible reason is the possible loss of extreme solutions with NSGA2-P when it builds the archive while resampling-based methods do not to some extent.We also found out that NSGA2-P’s exploration capability is substantially limited when we looked at the convergence of the non-dominated set over time.The algorithm was not able to recover from genetic drift.

We also calculated the number of non-dominated solutions,but could not visualize it for the space limitation. Except for ZDT5,the number of non-dominated solutions of NSGA2-P is many times smaller than NSGA2-R and NSGA2-RS.For ZDT5,the number of non-dominated set of NSGA2-P is quite high but with very small spread, which implies that NSGA2-P suffers substantially from genetic-drift.

To discover the underlying reason for the inferior performance of NSGA2-P,we undertook further experiments in which the algorithm is tested with two alternatives:using NSGA2-R niching plus probabilistic selection,and probabilistic niching plus the NSGA2-R selection.We could not?nd any improvement in terms of performance. These results came surprising because they imply that the employed niching mechanisms have no effect on NSGA2-P’s performance.This explains the loss of diversity.The slight difference is just because of selection

ZDT3. techniques.When we veri?ed this,we found out that the niching module was not called.The individuals were taken one by one to the archive until it is full.These results also pose a question about the correctness of integrating probabilistic model with population-based model in which probabilistic model assumes that the solutions represent an independent sample,meanwhile solutions in a population are somewhat correlated as a result of the evolutionary operators.

Lastly,we looked at the amount of savings resultant from using the?tness inheritance approach.Table I lists the percentage of computations saved when using?tness inheritance.It is clear that there is a substantial amount of savings without deteriorating the performance.




Test Savings by

Function NSGA2?RH







Fig.5.A snapshot of non-dominated sets of the original NSGA2and?ve derived algorithms on ZDT1,ZDT2,and ZDT3.


In this paper,we scrutinized the performance of anti-noise methods on the six ZDT problems.Re-sampling and probabilistic methods are compared in the context of NSGA2.The noisy environment is established by adding a random amount of noise to each individual.The variance of each noise level was generated from a hyper-normal distribution.The results show that the diversity of the probabilistic approach is inferior in comparison to resampling. In order to reduce the computational cost of these algorithms,we also used?tness inheritance.The performance of different methods was maintained while a substantial amount of reduction in the computational cost was achieved. For future work,we believe that the probabilistic approach still has merit if we improve its selection procedure.

Fig.6.A snapshot of non-dominated sets of The original NSGA2and?ve derived algorithms on ZDT4,ZDT5,and ZDT6.


This work is supported by the University of New South Wales grant PS04411and the Australian Research Council (ARC)Centre on Complex Systems grant number CEO0348249.The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments.


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