r%mf驶韹6 - 牛津小学英语6A知识要点Unit1 116738744

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Unit 1


cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹 question问题 public公共的 sign标志 mean意思是

bin箱子 danger危险 must必须 away(离)开 grass草 off脱离,(离)开

cage笼子 quiet安静 noise噪声 know知道 conversation对话 complete完全的

smoke吸烟 litter乱丢 cycle骑自行车 back回 suddenly突然地 note钞票,纸币

match比赛 around在周围,四面 nearby附近的 keeper看守人 point指出

fine罚款 rubbish废物,


1.禁止停车No parking 2.禁止吸烟No smoking

3.禁止吃喝No eating or drinking 4.禁止践踏keep off the grass

5.禁止乱丢杂物 No littering 6.禁止触摸Do not touch

7.安静Keep /Be quiet 8.朝他走去come up to him

9.罚款5元 FINE ¥5 10.在鸟笼上on the birds’cage

11.指向point to 12.只有四岁only four years old

13.有许多问题have a lot of questions 14.问问题 ask question

15.公共标志public signs 16.禁止骑车No cycling

17.在危险中in danger 18.制造噪音make noise

19.散步take a walk 20. 远离stay away from

21.一个公园看守员a park keeper 22.环顾look around

23.在草地上走walk on the grass 24.进去go in

25.建筑物上的标志the sign on the building


1.这个标牌是什么意思? What does this sign mean?

它意指“危险”。It means “Danger”.

2.那个标牌什么意思? What does that sign mean?

它意指你不应该在草地上走。 It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.

3.它是什么意思? What does it mean?

它意指你应该远离建筑物。It means you should stay away from the building.

4.我现在可以看电视了吗? Can I watch TV now?

不,你不可以。你应该先做你的家庭作业。No, you can’t. You should do your homework first.


Jack is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questions.


He is asking Ben some questions about public signs.

7.我可以进去吗? Can I go in?


No, you can’t. You should stay away from the building.


1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming;

如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch.

2.must, would, should (shouldn’t), can,may的区别

must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth.


must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。

Unit 2


Birthday生日 date日期 when何时 as作为 present礼物 VCD影视光碟

Aladdin阿拉丁 Let’s wait and see让我们等着瞧 doorbell门铃 candle蜡烛

costume全套服饰 blow out 吹灭

second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 twelfth第十二

twentieth第二十 twenty-first第二十一 January一月 February二月

March三月 April四月 May五月 月 August八月

September九月 October十月 December十二月


1.本的生日Ben’s birthday home together

3.十月16号 the sixteenth of October somebody( sb.)

5.谈论某事talk about something (sth.) somebody(sb.)

7.日本卡通片Japanese cartoons a birthday present

June六月 July七 November十一月 2.一起回家go 4.拜访某人visit 6.和某人谈话 talk to/with 8.作为一个生日礼物 as

9.举行生日聚会have a birthday party 10.祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you !

11.等会儿看wait and see 12.脱掉你的鞋 take off your shoes

13.吹灭蜡烛blow out the candles Ben’s birthday party

15.通过电话on the phone a big birthday cake

17.做张生日贺卡make a birthday card paper

19.在海湾in the bay 国的新年Chinese New Year

21.在日历上on the calendar 上到 come soon

23.一张纸 a piece of paper message

25.一大早early in the morning


在本的生日聚会上at 16.一个大生日蛋糕 18.一张纸a piece of 20.中 22.马 24.写信息write a 14. 1)今天几号? What date is it today?

今天是九月二十三号。It’s the twentieth-third of September.

2)你何时过生日? When’s your birthday?

我的生日是十月十八号。My birthday’s on the eighteenth of October.

3)你想要什么东西作为生日礼物? What would you like as a birthday present?

我想要一个日本卡通片的光盘。I’d like a VCD of Japanese cartoons.

5)你们经常举行生日聚会吗? Do you often have a birthday party?


Ben is talking to his family about his birthday party.

8)本吹灭了蜡烛上的蛋糕。Ben blows out the candles on the cake.

9)阿拉丁正脱掉他的戏服。Aladdin is taking off his costume.


(1)I’d like=I would like 我想要某物 === I want…

I’d like to = I would like to 我想要做某事 == I want to …

would like 想要的意思。可用于表示邀请,后面如果加动词用would like to +动词原形

例 1.I’d like some balloons. →Would you like some balloons?

=I want some balloons . → Do you want some balloons ?

2. I’d like to watch TV . → Would you like to watch TV?

=I want to watch TV . → Do you want to watch TV?

(2)介词in. on at的用法

in表示:“段”时间,常用在年份,月份,季节前, 也用在上午,下午和晚上前。

例如:in 1997 在1997年 in spring在春季 in May在五月

in the moring在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening在晚上

on 表示具体的某一天,常用在星期,具体的一天前。

例如:on Monday 在星期一 on the first of March 在三月一日

at 用在时刻前 例如:at ten o'clock在十点钟

Unit 3


was (am,is 的过去式) excited激动的,兴奋的刻,瞬间

ago以前 were(are 的过去式) camera 照相机

CD Walkman光盘随声听 roll卷,卷状物ground 地面

exciting令人激动的,令人兴奋的 earphone耳 日记簿

monent片glasses眼镜 film 胶卷 diary 日记, remember记住,记得 weren’t = were not

mobile phone 手机,手提电话 race 比赛


1.Sports Day体育运动日 有的学生

3.watch a running race观看赛跑 奋

5.look for 寻找 的令人兴奋

7.a moment ago 一会儿前 看看

9.just now刚才 地上

11.pick them up 把它们捡起来 13.want to know 想知道 在门后面

15.a pair of glasses一副眼镜 卷

2. all the students 所4.very excited非常的兴 6. very exciting 非常 8.let me see 让我 10.on the ground 在 12. can’t find 找不到

14.behind the door 16.a roll of film 一卷胶

17.beside the copybooks on your desk在你桌子上的抄写本旁

18.try to remember试着记住


1.Where’s my diary? It’s on the desk. It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago.


2.Where are your glasses? They’re beside my pencil case. They aren’t there now.

There were there just now.你的眼镜在哪里?它在我的笔袋旁。它现在不在那里了。刚才还在的。

3.Can I have the films, please?能把胶卷给我吗?

4.Su Hai is teaching her the names of some of the things in the sitting-room.


5.Try to remember where the things are.试着记住物品所在的位置。

6.The bear was under the pear tree over there,but where is it now?




肯定句:主语+was / were + 其它

否定句:主语+wasn’t / weren’t + 其它

一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语+其它


Unit 5


holiday 假日,假期 last 最后的 early 早的,早地 national 国家的

before在…以前 did (do的过去式) taste 品尝 farm农场,农庄

film电影 carrot 胡萝卜 milk挤奶 cow母牛,奶牛 pick采,摘

funny有趣的事,娱乐 wonderful精彩的,太好 volleyball 排球,排球运动

pull 拔,拖 camp野营,营地 mountain 山, 20. activity 活动


1.the National Day holiday国庆假日 期

3.the first day of school 上学第一天 假日后

5.in the school playground在学校操场上 上课前

7.watch a film 观看一场电影 部有趣的卡通片

9.visit a farm 参观农场 场上

11.taste them 品尝它们 胡萝卜

2.last week 上星 4.after the holiday 6.before class 8.a funny cartoon 一10.on the farm 在农12.pull up carrots 拔 13.milk cows给奶牛挤牛奶 14.collect eggs 捡鸡蛋

15.plant flowers 种花 16.pick a lot of oranges 摘许多橘子

17. walk in the mountains在山上行走 18.want to go to the farm 想要去农场

19.at a camp 在一个野营营地上 20.cook a lot of food 煮很多食物

21.on the farm 在农场 22. with my family 和我的家人在一起


1.Today is the first day of school after the holiday.今天是节后上学的第一天。

2.What did you do last week? I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday.


3.What did you do on the farm? We watered trees and pulled up carrots.


4.Was there any juice in the bottle yesterday? Yes, there were.


5.Mr Green cooked a lot of delicious food at the camp last week.


6.The light on my right is not very bright tonight.今天晚上我右边的灯不是很亮。

7.What else did you do? I tasted oranges. 你还做了什么?我品尝了橘子。


1.一般过去时,表示动作或状态在过去时间里已经结束。通常在句子中会出现一些表示过去的时间状语。如:a moment ago, just now, this morning, yesterday, last week/year/night/…, two days ago, three hours ago, …等。





1)一般情况下,直接在词尾加ed. 如:wash—washed, look—looked, climb—climbed

2) 以不发音字母e结尾的,加d. 如:like—liked, dance—danced

3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i再加ed. 如:study—studied

4) 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,

如:stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped

b. 不规则动词的过去式变化没有什么规律。(应注意积累)如:

is/am—was, are—were, do—did, have/has—had, go—went, come—came, read—read, sing—sang, make—made, take—took, eat—ate, drink—drank, run—ran, draw—drew, fly—flew, give—gave, drive—drove, buy—bought, meet—met, carry—carried, put—put, write—wrote, keep—kept, stand—stood, see—saw, sit—sat,begin—began, grow—grew, tell—told, speak—spoke, let—let, find—found, teach—taught, take—took, give—gave

3. 规则动词过去式的词尾读音。

1)在清辅音后读/t/如:helped, liked, watched.

2)在浊辅音和元音后读/d/如:lived, listened.

3)在/t/和/d/的后面读/Id/如:wanted, planted.




如:I played football with my friends last Sunday.


如:She didn’t go to school yesterday.

2) 一般疑问句:助动词Did+主语+动词原形+其他?

如:Did you read English last night?

3) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词What+助动词did+主语+动词原形+其他?

如:What did you do last week?

5. There be 句型的过去时态。

1)肯定句:There was/were a/an/some …

2)否定句:There wasn’t/weren’t a/an/any …

3)一般疑问句: Was/Were there a/an/any …?

回答:Yes, there was/were. / No, there wasn’t/weren’t.

Unit 6


Christmas 圣诞节 people 人,人们 penfriend 笔友 also 也,

festival 节日 spring 春季 lantern 灯笼 relative亲戚,亲属

delicious 美味的,可口的 favourite特别喜爱的,流行的 Easter复活节

beach海滩 race赛跑 popular多数人喜爱的,流行的 joy 喜悦

dumpling 粽子,团子,饺子 moon 月亮 1dragon 龙 project 计划

autumn 秋天 enjoy 享受,欣赏 full 满的


1.New Year’s Day 元旦 2.Children’s Day 儿童节

3.Spring Festival 春节 4.dress up in costumes 盛装打扮

5.Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 月饼

7.May Day 五一劳动节 Festival 在端午节

9.come after 随后,随之而来 去宴会

11.have a big lunch 吃一顿盛大的午 Halloween去年万圣节

13.visit their relatives and friends 拜访亲戚朋友

14.eat a lot of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物

15. give presents to your friends 把礼物给你的朋友

16.favourite festival 特别喜爱的节日 lanterns 玩花灯

6.eat moon cake 吃 8.at Dragon Boat 10.go to parties 12. last 17.play with 18.watch the moon 赏月 19. make pumpkin lanterns做南瓜灯笼

20.have a long holiday 有一个长假期 21. watch dragon boat races 观看龙舟赛

22.eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 23. in January or February 在一月或二月

24. a popular holiday in China 在中国很流行的节日

25.spend time with their family and friends 和家人朋友共渡时光


1.When’s Spring Festival? It’s in January or February.


2.What do people usually do at Spring Festival?


They usually eat a lot of delicious food.


3.Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival? Yes, I did.


4.Today, Mr Green is talking to his students about holidays.


5.My favourite holiday is Halloween. 我特别喜爱的节日是万圣节。

6.Did you have a party on Mid- Autumn Day? No, I didn’t.你中秋节开晚会了吗?没,没有。



talk to sb.与某人谈话; talk about sth.谈论某事;

talk to sb about sth.与某人谈论某事

如:Ben is talking to Jack about public signs.(本正在和杰克谈论公共标志。)


(1)在表示节日的词前,用介词at。如:at Spring Festival.

(2)在表示具体某一天的词前,用介词on。如:on New Year’s Day.

(3)在表示某月或某年的词前,用介词in。如:in April, in 2006.

3. 由last构成的词组。

last指“刚过去的” ,它可以和其他单词组成许多表示过去的时间状语。

如:last year(去年), last week(上周), last month(上个月), last Monday(上星期一),

last Spring Festival(去年春节)等。

4.watch与look, see, read 等词的区别。

(1)look是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语。强调有意识地“看” ,着重指动作。

look at相当于一个及物动词的短语,其后可以跟宾语。多用来强调“看”的动作。

(2)see是及物动词,后面可以跟宾语。意为“看到,看见” ,强调“看”的结果。



Unit 7


yours 你的(东西);你们的(东西) mine我的(东西) hers她的(东西)

ours我们的(东西) bedside在…旁边;靠近 answer 回答,答复

theirs他们的(东西) his他的(东西) wallet皮夹子 teapot茶壶

calculator 计算器 skateboard 滑板 hairdryer 吹风机 comb 梳子

mirror镜子 sunny晴朗的;阳光充足的 sat (sit 的过去式) back 后部,背后

got(get 的过去式) saw (see的过去式) seat座位 nobody没有人

police 警察 station 车站


1.on Christmas Day 在圣诞节上 2.Jim’s family 杰姆的一家人

3.in his grandparents’ house 在他祖父母家里 4.after lunch 午饭后

5.under the Christmas tree 在圣诞树下 presents 那么多的礼物

7.not mine 不是我的(东西) 个漂亮的皮夹子

9.like the colour very much 非常喜欢这颜色 welcome.不用

11.Christmas presents 圣诞礼物 party 一个圣诞聚会

13.clean the sitting-room 打扫客厅 共汽车

15.at the back of the bus 在公共汽车后面 off 下车

17.under the seat 在座位底下 我前面

6.so many 8.a beautiful wallet 一 10.You’re 12.a Christmas 14.by bus 乘公 16.get 18.in front of me 在 19.the woman beside him 在他旁边的女士 20. walk to the driver 走向司机

21.ask him to take it the police station请求他把它带到警察局

22.the picture of the football足球的图片


1. This one is from Grandma. It’s yours.这个是爷爷送的。它是你的。

2. Open it for me, please. 请为我打开它。

3. Thank you very much! You’re welcome. 十分感谢。 不用谢。

4. Whose comb is it? It’s mine. 这是谁的梳子?它是我的。

5. Whose skateboards are they? They’re theirs.这些滑板是谁的? 是他们的。

6. He pointed to the woman beside him.他指着他旁边的女士。

7. Who is the present from? It’s from my Dad.这个礼物是谁送的?是我爸爸送的。

10. Look! The picture of the football in your book is good!看!你书上的足球图片很好!




如:We are doing our homework.(我们正在做家庭作业。)


如:My shirt is black, but yours is white.(我的衬衫是黑色的,但你的是白色的。)


如:Whose comb is it? It’s hers.(hers=her+comb)

2. 人称代词分为两种:主格和宾格。


如:I am a teacher. You are a student.(我是一名教师,你是一名学生。)


如:He is showing us his stamps.(他正在给我们看他的邮票。)

This card is for you.(这张贺卡是给你的。)


代词 yo

主格 I u m宾格

物主3.so 的用法。

代词 形容词性 名词性 我的 my mine 你的 your yours 他的 his his 她的 heits (1)作副词,表示程度。意为


r heits rs s rs ourour r youtheirs 它的 我们的 你们的 youtheir 他们的 e u m r yohihe e heit us you them shit we you they 你 他 她 它 们 们 我你他们

如:so lovely(如此可爱) so beautiful(如此漂亮) so fast(那么快)


一课时:be 动词



(1) am

第一人称I+am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)

例:I am a beautiful girl. I am twenty.

(2) are

第二人称you+are; 一人称复数we+are; 三人称复数they+are 其他复数名词+are (注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you)

例:You are my good friend. We are in the same class.

They are on the road. The books are on the desk.

(3 is

第三人称he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is;其他单数名词+is

例:He\\She is a good student. It is a white cat.

A dog is on that street.


肯定 否定——be动词后加not 一般疑问——be动词移到主语前 一般疑问否定 一般疑问回答 肯定和否定 I am… =I’m …. I am not…=I’m not ... Am I…? Am not I…? . Yes,I’mNo,I’m not. You are…= you’re… You are not…=You aren’t… Are you…? Are not you. ..? =Aren’t you…? Yes,you are. No,you are not. She\\He\\It is…= She\\He\\It is not… =She\\He\\It Is she\\he\\it…? Is not she\\he\\it…? =Isn’t Yes,she\\he\\It is. No,sheisn’t… she\\he\\it…? \\he\\It is not. We are=We’re We are not…=We aren’t… Are we…? Are not we…? Yes,we are. =Aren’t we…? No,we are not. They are=They’re They are not…=They aren’t Are they…? Are not they…? Yes,they are. =Aren’t they…? No,they are not. 例:I am(not) from London. My eyes are(not) small. My hair is(not) long.

Am I a Chniese? 回答: 肯定:Yes, you are. 否定: No, you aren’t.

Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it is. 否定: No, it isn’t.



例:What is your name? My name is GaoBuHan.

Where are you? I’m in the classroom. 3.总结:Be的用法口诀

I用am;you、we、they 都 用are;is连着he,she,it; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 。

Where are you? I’m in the classroom. 3.总结:Be的用法口诀

I用am;you、we、they 都 用are;is连着he,she,it; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 。

