新视野大学英语听说教程第二版第三册(郑树堂)oral - report

更新时间:2024-06-19 00:36:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Cherish the love from others

L: Good afternoon, everyone. this is Lynn show,welcome to join us,let‘s discuss today‘s topic about “Cherish the love from others”.we all kown,people can get plenty of love through ones life,but the ways of showing love and the ways of being love are quite different through different people.let’s have a talk about it,what’s your opinion,amy?

A:Treasure is not always a friend,But a friend is always a treasure.the people around us always give us strong power when we are in trouble.what we should do is Cherish the love from others,expecially our parents.

J:I couldn’t agree with you any more.the parent's love is the greatest, the selfless,some of them would like to be loved by letting them do whatever they want,no objections,however,sometimes it will lead to spoiled love,which have a bad effect on children’s grow-up and they might be depended on that,thus they have less ability to do their things themselves,everything must be done by the omnipotent [?m'nip?t?nt]全能的 parents

C:on the other hand ,some of parents would like to show their love to their children by protected them secretly,a parent’s love is something that no one can explain,it is made of deep devotion,and of sacrifice and pain;it is endless and unselfish,and enduring come what may,for nothing can destroy it or take that love away.

L: If you want to know about somebody's personality,then just look how she or he behaves with his or her own parents. There is nothing can replace your parents,without them we will lost our own being. They are, that's why, we are. Our being is created from their being so that we have to take every measure to make our parents happy.what we can do to our parents? Let's listen to the opinions of others.

A:first and foremost,being a family member must be honest and be brave enough to show love to the others family members.because communication is the best way to deal with relationships between others.if the children found that one day they are treated,they might be hurt,deeply hurt.

J:In the second place, say love loudly to your parents.if you don’t tell parents how treasure they are ,how could they know?no matter what status they are being in,even they are mistake your kind-hearted help.don’t forget say love.just because they are your parents.

J:in the third place, being a family member must be united,to fight against the bad things facing in life together,other than manage them alone.as a matter of fact,working together with your families,and it really charming and happy.life is limited,so being together is a kind of happiness,isn’t it?seize the day and be happy with your loved people. L:in conclusion ,all parents love their children.with the development of

society.more and more people have less and less time to company their parents.now,I appeal to everyone to cherish the love from others. Today's program will be over, thanks for you watch.bay ,see you next time

How I learn to love

Knowing how to love is a fundamental part of being human. In most cases, we learn how to love by experiencing how we are loved and see how others love while growing up. If you come from a healthy, loving family, this might be all you need to know how to love. On the other hand, if there were dysfunctional examples of love around you, you may need clarification on exactly how to love in a healthy way.

First, understand that there are different types of love — the love between friends, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and of course romantic partners. There are common elements of love between these relationships and there are differences.

Here are the general principles of how to love:

Principle 1

Place the wellbeing of your loved one on an equal or higher level than yourself. What exactly is meant by this? It means that you consider the feelings, needs, desires, etc. of the other person as important or more so than your own. This doesn?t mean that you become their slave or accept their abuse. You simply want the best for them.

Principle 2

Give your love without expectation of anything in return. Love is not about keep score or track of what they do for you in return for what you do for them. Don?t expect their expressions of love or any love at all, to match what you want or give in return.

Principle 3

Express your love. In order to really love someone, it needs to be expressed. Can you love in secret? Yes, but it won?t really blossom until/unless it is expressed. There are dozens of ways to express it. Start by telling them you love them. Continue with any of the following:

Do thoughtful unexpected things for them.

Find out what is important to them—get to know their dreams. Make future plans together.

Found out how you can support them in their goals. urprise them with gifts.

Principle 4

As with everything, know that one day your love may be lost. Knowing this will help you balance your love and expression of love with the appreciation of what you have today. Celebrate and cherish you love now, for tomorrow it may not be there. Don?t hang onto the loved one in fear of loss, but focus on the joyful experience of it today.

This principle will also help with feelings of jealousy which comes from fear of losing the partner. Work on your own feelings of self-esteem and fear when you are feeling jealous.

Principle 5

If someone doesn?t share their love for you, you cannot force them, or even love them into compliance to reciprocate your love. Love them enough to know that they must freely choose to love you in return without bribing, guilt, or any other manipulation.

Principle 6

You can love more than one person at a time in the same way. A mother loves all her children. Many people in romantic relationships prefer to limit their romantic involvement to monogamous relationships. Openly discuss your preferences with your partners to know if you have the same preferences.


Love is the most important lesson of all

Without doubt, love is the most important lesson of all, no matter who living in the society must learn it well .

From birth to death , everyone should always learn the theme of love: when we are young . As time goes by , we should learn thanksgiving just as now . Again a bit older, when we have the ability to make the contribution and return society, it?s time for us to learn giving love . Love is sunshine, letting the world full of warmth ; Love is the spring breeze , bringing harmony to society ; Love is a drizzle , moistening people?s hearts .Love can close the distance and eliminate barriers between people. In front of flowers and applause , there is the love behind as a support , in trouble , there is the love encourages us strong and growing. Love including Amor ,kinship ,friendship and so on . Different love give us different experiences and feelings ,teach us different understanding . Human will be a dead empty shell without love as an emotional creature. Everything in the world , only love can forever ! Learning how to love and express it truly can obtain more love .


Love is the most important lesson of all

Love is the most important lesson of all.??Love is an essential component of our life. We need to know how to love our parents, our friends.

Firstly , as a child of my parents , I can learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other from my parents . They tell us to love others , pick up the habit of providing myself help to others whenever one need . Besides , as a student , I can learn from our

teachers ,because they not only tell us how to love others , but tell us how to show appreciation to people who give us love and so on .

I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.??


Love is the most important lesson of all.

Love is an essential component of our life. We need to know how to love our parents, our friends, our partners and our kids. Hence learning to love is probably one of the most important life lesson that follows us throughout our whole life. It allows us to view this world with a happier perspective, and ensures that we also bring this happiness to whom we love. We give out love to people and also receive them from others. We know that love may not be mutual. Millions of

people love Jay Chou or Jacky Chan but they do not even know those people personally. Love is a way to share your passion; to convey your care; and to confess your strong affection. Love, is the lesson we ought to learn, it is the ode that we cannot live without.


Love is the most important lesson of all ?

A:Among all the subjects you are learning ,which do you think is the most important ? B:Um,it's hard to say.But I think one thing is far more important than these subjects we are learning.

A:What's that ?

B:It's love!Love is the most important lesson of all.Though there is no subjects called \school,but we can feel it in our daily life.We benefit from love given by our parents,our friends,and even strangers.We are happy because we feel the warmth of love.

A:I agree with you.When we are receiving other's love,we should also giving love to those who need it at the same time.

B:Yes!We should learn to love with our own heart and learn from people around us who are full of love.

Live your life and love it!

The opening sentence of Henry David Thoreau?s poem “love your life”says that However mean your life is, meet it and live it; Love your life, poor as it is. As a postgraduate student, we are liveing an ideal life which are colorful, passionate, fully and of course filled with academic atmosphere. So we have every reason to say live your life and love your it.

Colorful and interesting life help us get ride of tiredness and look with fresh eyes on life. Passionate life can make us vibrant, and then we work hard with the wholehearted enthusiasm. Finally, when we are full of passion, in the colorful environment, surrounded by the academic atmosphere to work hard, our lives will be fulfilling.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone,but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Please hug those people who mean something to you, to those who have touched your life in one way or another, to those who make you smile when you really need it, to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down, to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

So,love your life and enjoy it!

