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【奥鹏】[福建师范大学]福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,She didn't fancy ___ out alone. A、go B、to go C、of going D、going

第2题,He is very____.He often comes first in shot putting. A、simple B、strong C、strict D、small

第3题,____the teacher____at this college last year? Yes, he did. A、Did, taught B、Does, teach C、Did, teach D、Is, teaching

第4题,We look ____ to receiving a prompt reply to our letter. A、round B、through C、after D、forward

第5题,The news you told me_______ surprising. A、is B、are C、will D、should


第6题,____________, the rivers were open and navigable. A、Being summer B、Been summer C、To be summer D、It was summer

第7题,Never hesitate to ask about ____________. A、that you don't understand B、what you don't understand C、which you don't understand D、what don't you understand

第8题,-Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? -_______.

A、Don't ask that

B、Sorry, I'm a stranger here C、No, I can't say that

D、No, you're driving too fast

第9题,Large quantities of water ____________cooling purposes. A、are needed for B、is needed to C、are need to D、is need for

第10题,Of the two cups, he bought____________one. A、the smaller B、the smallest C、small D、smaller

第11题,Students in his class cannot understand ____________.


A、what does the sentence mean B、what means this sentence C、what this sentence means

D、what is the meaning of the sentence

第12题,The Smith's family, which____________rather a large one,____________very fond of their old house. A、were ... were B、was ... were C、were ... was D、was ... was

第13题,She divided the cake into three pieces and gave her three children ___ a peice. A、every B、all C、both D、each

第14题,I'd rather you____________make any comment on the issue for the time being. A、don't B、wouldn't C、shouldn't D、didn't

第15题,All examination paper____________, the teacher let the students leave. A、handing in

B、having handed in C、to be handed in

D、having been handed in

第16题,-Are you getting a new flat this year?

-____ I can't afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.


A、Without question. B、You must be joking. C、Good idea! D、Are you sure?

第17题,There are many sheep____their farm. A、at B、in C、on D、within

第18题,Copper as well as most metals ____________. A、is a good conductor B、is a good insulator C、are good conductors D、are good insulators

第19题,That tree looked as if it____________for a long time. A、hasn't watered

B、hadn't been watered C、didn't water D、wasn't watered

第20题,The company official ____________ I thought would be fired received a raise. A、whom B、whoever C、who D、which

第21题,Cattle____________to graze on the village common. A、are allowed B、is allowed


C、allows D、allow

第22题,We all know knowledge begins ___ practice. A、at B、from C、in D、with

第23题,I recognized her____________I saw her. A、the instant (that) B、after C、if not D、unless

第24题,The speech____________, a lively discussion started. A、to be delivered B、was delivered C、be delivered

D、having been delivered

第25题,Rather than ____________to see the film he would prefer____________stay at home.

A、go ... to B、to go ... to C、went ... to D、would go ... to

第26题,-Do you mind my smoking here? -_________. A、No, thanks. B、Yes, I do.


C、Yes. I'd rather not. D、Good idea.

第27题,After her husband died, she ___ another man in 1964. A、married

B、married with C、married to D、was married to

第28题,I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful. A、Except for B、But for C、Apart from D、In spite of

第29题,-Do you mind telling me where you're from? -_________. A、Certainly. I'm from London B、Sure. I was born in London C、Not really, you can do it

D、Certainly not. I'm from London

第30题,Either John or his friends ____________to blame for the bad results. A、are B、is C、was

D、has been

第31题,Mathematics as well as other subjects____________a science. A、was B、is C、are


D、belong to

第32题,The country is faced with great problems, starvation____________the top of them.

A、has been B、is C、being D、is being

第33题,We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education. A、condition B、basis C、principle D、theory

第34题,Please don't ___ Bobby when he ___ you. A、turn down, turns to

B、turn away from, turns into C、turn off, turns up D、turn out, turns over

第35题,He dropped the ______ and broke it. A、cup of tea B、tea's cup C、cup for tea D、tea cup

第36题,____________the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday.

A、In spite of B、But for C、Because of


D、As for

第37题,This new clue _______ the policemen and they were more confused by the murder. A、puzzled B、surprised C、trapped D、discouraged

第38题,My friend ____ to visit the Great Wall, too. A、does not plan B、plan not C、not plans D、plans

第39题,Either Mr. Lee or the students______ to clean the blackboard. A、had B、has C、have D、having

第40题,While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family. A、comment B、complain C、communicate D、comprehend

第41题,Whenever she asks____help , he is always ready to help. A、with B、for C、in D、to


第42题,The little girl prefers singing____. A、to dance B、to dancing C、than to dance D、than dancing

第43题,The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he____________a job immediately and____________out of trouble for six months. A、found ... stayed B、finds ... stay C、find ... stays D、find ... stay

第44题,All things____________, the planned trip will have to be called off. A、considering B、be considered C、considered

D、having considered

第45题,Can you find out ____________her pen? A、where Alice had put B、where had Alice put C、where Alice has put D、where has Alice put

第46题,Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didn't make any__ to me. A、meaning B、importance C、sense



第47题,If you have made a decision, please stick _______ what you want. A、to B、up C、of D、for

第48题,We have come to a critical moment. You must take immediate ___. A、act B、action C、activity D、doings

第49题,If you ever have the ___ to go abroad to study, you should take it. A、chance

B、possibility C、offer D、luck

第50题,I have not found my book yet. In fact, I'm not sure ____________ I could have done with it. A、if

B、whether C、how D、what


