
更新时间:2023-08-08 14:56:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1. 是在1921年爱因斯坦被授予诺贝尔物理奖。( award )

2. 他说话的方式让人感到轻松。( ease )

3. 不要对他抱太高的期望,不然你会失望的。( expect )

4. 你要记住,通常来说,考试的时候你越仔细,犯的错误就越少。(bear )

5. 晚秋这部电影是上个月发行的。(release )

6. 我匆忙间只是看了一下书的封面。(cast a glance at )

7. 他把英镑兑换成等值的美元。(equivalent )

8. 这项工作对于刚刚毕业的学生们来说太难了。(be fresh from )

9. 令我们非常失望的是这一新的研究结果只是证实了我们已经知道的东西。(confirm )

10. 众所周知,发电厂每天向大气排放有害气体。(release )

11. 他应该受到惩罚因为他考试作弊了。(deserve )

12. 香港回归已经有15年了。( since ) 13. 两年后澳门就回归了。( before )

14. 没多久你就会再见到他。( before )

15. 他离家已经有5年了。( since ) 16. 他已经两年没学英语了。( since )

17. 当你赞同他们的观点时,他们整个脸都亮起快乐的喜悦。(light up )

18. 微笑能开启大门,化解矛盾。{ tear …down}

19. 他的病和医生建议他吃大量的药有关。(be related to )

20. 他总是牢记,应尊老爱幼。(respect )

21. 他的演讲给观众留下了很深的印象。(impression )

22. 为了健康,他决定搬到乡下去住。(sake )

23. 新的测量显示,地球比原来我们认为的要小些。( reveal )

24. 在学习的过程中,相关问题有待讨论。(remain )

25. 我们可以在百科全书里查阅这个问题的有关资料。



1. It was in 1921 that Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.

2. His manner of speaking makes others feel at ease.

3. Don’t expect too much of him, or you will be disappointed.

4. Please bear in mind that the more careful you are in the exam, the fewwe mistakes you will


5. The film “Late Autum” was released last month.

6. I just cast a glance at the cover of the book in a hurry.

7. He exchanged his pounds for the equivalent amout in dollars.

8. This is too difficult a job for those who are fresh from college.

9. Much to our disappointment, the new results only confirmed what most of us had known


10. It is well known that power plants release harmful gases into the atmosphere every day.

11. He deserved to be punished ( punishing /punishment ) because he cheated in the exam.

12. It is 15 years since Hongkong returned to China.

13. It was two years before Macao returned to China.

14. It won’t be long before you see him again.

15. It has been five years since he left home.

16. It is two years since he studied English.

17. Their faces light up with joy when you approve of their ideas.

18. A smile can open doors and tear down walls.

19. His illness is related to the fact that the doctor advised him to take a lot of medicine.

20. He always keep in mind that he should show respect for the old and take care of the young.

21. His speech made /left a strong /deep impression on the audience.

22. For sake of health,he decided to move to the countryside.( for health’s sake )

23. New measurements reveal that Earth is smaller than was previously thought.

24. Related problems remain to be discussed in learning process.

25. We can refer to an encyclopedia for information about this subject.

