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根据同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一最新考试大纲,会话技能的测试部分为考试第一部分, 共设10题,每题一分。本部分包括一节或两节,共有一种或两种题型。A节为完成对话,包括5~10题, 一般为5题.每一题中, 考生将在试卷上读到一段不完整的对话和用以完成这段对话的4个备选答案. 要求考生针对对话的内容从4个备选答案中选出一个最符合对话情景和口语交际习惯用法的答案, 使整个对话能够顺利完成. B节为对话理解, 包括5~10题, 一般也为5题. 在每一题中, 考生将在试卷上读到一段对话和对话之后的问题,以及针对问题的四个备选答案。要求考生能理解对话的情景, 说话人的意图以及对话的含义, 从所给的4个备选答案中选出一个最佳答案.

会话技能部分实际上是考察考生能否用英语进行日常会话. 尤其是对于生活, 学习和工作中的常见英语会话,要求能理解其情景, 说话人意图和对话的含义. 另外, 大纲还强调, 考生应能恰当进行交际, 并能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法. 针对这些要求, 考生应在日常交际的恰当性和得体性上下工夫, 从基础上应掌握日常用语的交际原则, 尤其是针对A部分的试题. B部分除了刚才提到的要求外, 还应重点记忆日常交际中的习惯用法. 所以, 学员们除了上课做好笔记, 课外认真消化外, 还应牢记下列补充的口语交际中的常用词组。

Phrases of Spoken English

1. agree with: The sea food doesn‘t agree with me.

2. all the same: Tony‘s little brother is naughty, but I like him all the same. 3. amazing: 4. a melting pot

5. a mess: It is in a mess, messy

6. and how: Jenny‘s an excellent dancer. B: and how? (I agree) 7. any time: Call me any time.

8. rent an apartment: apartment—hunting

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9. apply for a job/ citizenship

10. be around: Somebody hasn‘t been around these days. 11. a sore feet/ throat

12. at a loss: I am at a loss for words.

13. at the scene: Policeman found a revolver at the scene. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

current issue

beat about the bush.

Before long: It wasn‘t long before. My husband will be back here before long. behind schedule: The train seems to be behind schedule. bent on/upon: Are you bent on going abroad ?

beyond compare: Her performance yesterday is beyond compare. be bound to do sth. break down: car

by and large: By and large, he is a kind man.

by no means: I am by no means pleased with him. call it a day: Let‘s call it a day

call off: I had to call our appointment off the trip.

call on: Weren‘t you nervous when the professor call on you in class? carry away: Don‘t be carried away by his praise. come out of the accident alive

come up: New designs are coming up do you have a math …? correspondence course crash into:I saw the car crash into the trunk cut out: I am not cut out to be a scientist.

doze off: The class is so boring that I can‘t help dozing off.

drop by/ in on somebody: Would you drop by the lab for a minute? extend from…to faculty members

feel free to do something: Feel free to ask questions.

figure out: I am trying to figure out how to work on the machine. find fault with somebody got a flat tyre

for one‘s own good/ benefit get one‘s promotion

get over: I am just getting over my cold give somebody a lift go on a diet

go up: The cost is going up every where. hand over: Hand over the check.

have an appointment with somebody

have done with: Have you done with the book?

have one‘s hands full: I already have my hands full with the book report. hold up: Jenny‘s car was held up in traffic. Ill at ease: You won‘t feel ill at ease any more.

Just about: I don‘t know what to get for your father, he has just about everything. Keep in good order


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55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.

Kill time Be laid off:

Leave for: The train is going to leave for Shanghai. Lose weight

In person: Face to face

Mark/ grade/ score the papers Meet one‘s needs In good mood

In full view of: She lives in a house in full view of trees. In moderation: Alcohol in moderation is good for heart. I ?d love to, but…

I don‘t imagine/ guess/ suppose: I don‘t imagine you have interest in the lecture. If I were you, I‘d …

If only: if only we hadn‘t spent so much money on our vacation this year.

I hope … as…as: These apples seem to be in season I hope they are as good as they look. In the mood to do something

It is advisable to do: It is advisable to discourage tourism at this time of the year.

It is high time sb did something: it is high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving

It is no bother to somebody: you are always staying late. B: It is no bother to me.(It doesn‘t matter to me.)

I‘ve never seen a better one than that: (That‘s the best one.) I would not have missed it for anything It won‘t make any difference to them.

Mistake/take somebody for somebody else

Never fail to do : he never fails to write a weekly letter home. Nothing but: Only. We sell nothing but the best.

Now and then: From time to time. She comes to see us now and then. Now that: Now that you are sick, you‘d better stay in bed. Optional courses

Or so : It is about a month or so. Out of question: no problem Room and board fee Run out of something. Senior citizen Shake all over

Sharp: it is nine o‘clock sharp

Slip one‘s mind: forget

Something like: somewhere/ around. 500$ So what? I am tired of working here. Take after somebody.

Take my word: believe me when I say

There‘s nothing like: Nothing is more important than. There is nothing like good relationship Want ad.

Would something do? Would a pen do?

You bet: I guess you are interested in the job. B: you bet I am.


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99. Chase after rainbow 100. Common sense

101. Cry over spilled milk

102. Cross the bridge when one comes to it.

103. Be fed up with: tired of I am fed up with my job 104. Have the final say: 105. In season 106. Lose face 107. Lose heart

108. Leave word with somebody 109. Rack one‘s brains 110. Rain cats and dogs

111. Think twice before you leap

112. Under the weather 113. Walls have ears

114. I ?am in a mess/ at sea/ in the dark/all sixes and sevens

115. Prefer…to/ far better than/ no one can parallel sb/in contrast to / can not match 116. I couldn‘t agree with you more

117. It is nothing like what I have imagined

118.young man is by no means polite (not at all) 119. You can never be too careful while crossing the street 120. Not once did I see him make a mistake 121. Under no circumstances

Model Test 1

Section A

1. A: The map shows that this street goes downtown. B: _________

A. Yes, but what we want to know is how to get to the park. B. Yes, and we are going to the park.

C. Sure, but we are going to the business district. D. Sure, and we‘ll stay home anyway.

2. A: Karen suggested going to the art gallery this weekend. B:_________

A. Why doesn‘t she buy us tickets?

B. Whatever she decides is fine with me. C. Maybe she went there yesterday. D. That depends on the weather.

3. A: Let‘s see if the baseball game has started yet. B:______

A. Sorry. I don‘t think I can help you.


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B. Really? Let‘s have a look now. C. Oh, I don‘t care about the result.

D. Started? It must be clear who‘s winning by now.

4. A: Before Sam built his house, he was living on a boat, and then in a tent. B:_____

A. Don‘t forget that just before he moved in, he stayed at the hotel. B. I know that he will live at the hotel.

C. Don‘t forget that he used to live in the hotel. D. Great, I‘ll try many places too.

5. A: I‘d like to exchange this orange shirt that I bought last week for the pink one. B:.______

A. Oh, the orange shirt is fine on you, just take it. B. Sorry, I‘m busy now.

C. Let‘s see now. The pink one is only eleven dollars, and the orange one was fifteen dollars D. However. I have no idea about the colors.

Section B

6. W: I'm taking the train down town to go shopping. M: Well, you‘d better keep an eye on your wallet. Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Not to go shopping downtown. B. Guard her money. C. Look for a new wallet. D. Not to take the train.

7. W: What seems to be the problem?

M: Well, I understand the lectures, but I get mixed up when I try to read the book. Q: What does the man mean? A. He is doing well in the class. B. The book is confusing. C. The lecture is not very clear. D. The lectures are from the book. Confusing , confused

8. W: Good to see you. You look fatter and better.

M: Thanks. I had a lot of exercise and drank vegetable juice every day. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man used to be unhealthy. B. The man is handsome.

C. The man ate a lot everyday. D. The man has become a better person.

9. M: What‘s your husband's idea for the vacation?

W: Well, my husband is a real outdoor man. He just cannot wait to get out of the city. He likes fishing, boating and bird-watching. He thinks sleeping in a tent beside a lake is great. Q: What does the woman‘s husband want to do? A. Climbing mountains. B. Camping. C. Swimming. D. Shopping.

10. M: One good thing about it is the higher salary. It's perfect for me.


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W: I‘m sure you'll be better off. But I guess you might have to work for longer hours. Q: What does the woman mean? A. The man took a wrong job.

B. The man will be richer than the woman. C. The man had better work for longer hours. D. The man may have to work harder for more money.

Model Test 1参考答案: Section A 1-5 ABDAC Section B 6-10 BBABD

Model Test 2

1. A: Is it true you can't take this medicine?

B: ________

A. No. It works well, but the side effects are really strong. B. Yes. It works well, but the side effects are really strong.

C. No. It doesn‘t work well and the side effects are really strong. D. Yes. It works well and the side effects aren‘t strong.

2. A: What time did you get home? B: _________

A. My flight will arrive a quarter past six, but maybe I will not get home until nine. B. If the weather is fine, my flight will arrive on time.

C. My plane arrived a little after six, but I didn‘t get home at nine.

D. My plane got in a little after six, but I didn't get home until nine or nine ten.

3. A: How are your German lessons going? B:________

A. I do. I enjoy them very much.

B. Don‘t worry. I can deal with it easily.

C. Very well. My teacher thinks I‘m making progress, and I find the lessons well worth the time and trouble.

D. Very good. My students like my lectures very much.

4. A: Can I help you, Ma‘am? B: ______

A. Yes, officer. I want to report a robbery. B. Yes, doctor. I want to take some medicine.

C. Yes, Professor. I want to turn in my term paper. D. Sorry. I don‘t need your help.

5. A: Hi, Tim, would you like to go swimming this afternoon? B:________


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A. Wow, that‘s a great idea, but I can‘t swim. B. Gee, I‘m going to a party.

C.I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have a ten-page paper due tomorrow.

D. I‘m fine, and I‘ll ask if Linda would like to go.

Section B

6. W: This is going too far. You've been watching the game for three hours. You never get the

washing machine down.

M: OK. I'll get it down. But I‘ll do it when I feel like it. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman is now quite satisfied.

B. The washing machine is still out of order now.

C. The man is fixing the machine now.

D. The game the man is watching will end in three hours.

7. M: Since you don‘t like your boss, why are you still hanging around him? W: I'm not. I'm going to stop hanging around and quit. Drop, stop , give up Q: What does the woman mean? A. She will fire the man. B. She will stop her boss hanging around her. C. She will leave her boss. D. She will have to stay with the firm.

8. W: Are you thinking of breaking off the relationship?

M: It‘s probably just a matter of time. I really can‘t put up with her. Q: What does the man mean? A. He is crazy about his girlfriend.

B. He will leave his girlfriend sooner or later. C. He cares about his girlfriend.

D. He does not have enough time to spend with his girlfriend.

9. M: You must have been overwhelmed with the noise at the party.

W: Worse than that. We have a new painting hanging over the fireplace, and one boy spilt his juice all over the rug when he was walking over the fireplace to look at the picture. Q: What happened at the party? A. One boy spoiled the painting. B. One boy hung the rug over the fireplace. C. One boy made a mess. D. All of the above.

10. W: Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon? M: OK, but for what?

Q: What is the woman asking for?

A. reasons B. advice C. opinions D. leave

Model Test 2参考答案: Section A1-5 BDCAC Section B6-10 BCBCD


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Model Test 3

Section A

1. A: I‘m anxious to get started on our project. Can we meet sometime before the weekend? B:____

A. Why don‘t we meet on Saturday afternoon?

B. If we meet Friday morning, I‘ll have time to go to the library that afternoon. C. Friday morning is fine, but I have to go to the library that afternoon. D. All right. Do you really need my help?

2. A: What do you think of the movie? B:___

A. I had no idea about it.

B. Oh, you‘ve already seen that movie.

C. We should go to see it together tomorrow. D. It was worth neither the time nor the money.

3. A: I want to try on that black pair. B: __________

A. Give up, they are terrible on you.

B. Sorry, I‘m afraid the blue ones are better on you.

C. Oh, I thought the red ones look very nice on you. D. Thank you, I‘m glad you like this pair.

4. A: Would you mind sending champagne and strawberries to my room at 1 a.m. please? B: ________

A. Yes, but the kitchen staff will leave at that time.

B. I‘ll try, ma‘am. But on Wednesday the kitchen staff will leave at midnight. C. Not at all. But we only have apples.

D. Sorry, I can‘t help you because it‘s too late.

5. A: How annoying! I can‘t figure out a solution to this problem. Can you help me? B: ______

A. Don‘t you see I‘m busy now? B. Sorry, it can‘t be helped.

C. Well. I'm afraid I can't at the moment. D. I‘ll try, but I don‘t think I can work it out.

Section B

6. M: Oh, boy, the question is too difficult for me. What shall I do? W: Don‘t worry. Let‘s sit down and try to figure it out. Q: What does the woman suggest? A. Leaving it alone. B. Sitting down. C. Trying to find an answer. D. Asking the teacher.


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7. M: I have a call from New York for Robert Bush.

W: Hold the line, please. Robert, quick! Someone is calling you from New York. Q: What kind of phone call is it? A. A service call. B. A long distance call. C. An emergency call. D. A local call.

8. M: I don‘t know if Steve liked the apartment or not.

W: He said he liked it, but then he didn‘t want to sign the lease. Q: What can be concluded about Steve? A. He doesn't want to live in an apartment. B. He doesn't always say what he means.

C. His taste in apartment is different from theirs. D. He thought his signature was unnecessary.

9. W: James, what are you doing with that budgetary report?

M: I keep adding and reading those numbers, but they just don‘t balance. Q: What is probably Jame‘s profession? A. A mathematician. B. A reporter. C. An accountant. D. An arithmetic teacher.

10. M: This television cost me sixty pounds.

W: Only sixty? Mine cost me a fortune.花了一大笔钱 Q: What does the woman mean? A. She paid more than the man did.

B. She had good fortune when she bought the television. C. Sixty pounds is a fortune to her. D. Sixty is too expensive for a TV set.

Model Test 3参考答案: Section A1-5 BDCBC Section B6-10 CBBCA


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Model Test 4

Section A

1. A: You are thirsty? There are some cans of coke in the fridge. B: _______

A. Forget it. Is there any coffee? B. Well, I don‘t like canned food.

C. You know something, I‘m hungry now. D. I forget. Is there any wine?

2. A: That‘s the worst painting I have ever seen. B: _____

A. Oh, yours is worse than that.

B. Take it easy. I can help you with it. C. Come on! It's not that bad.

D. What a pity! I just had the walls painted last weekend.

3. A: How long can I keep the book? B: ___________

A. Three weeks. You will be fined if it is overdue.

B. You can check it out through the computer over there.

C. Three weeks. You can renew it if you need it for a longer time. D. You can borrow it for three weeks if you have a library card here.

4. A: I don‘t know why we listen to Gorge. B: _____________

A. Oh, what a shame! He deserves it.

B. Oh, come on, Martin! Anybody can make a mistake. C. Believe it or not, anybody can make a mistake.

D. Don‘t regret. You would make the same mistake.

5. A: Look at this pink watch. It looks great, doesn‘t it? And it‘s only twenty dollars. B: __________

A. But $ 20 watch will break in no time, and besides, you already have a watch. B. But $ 20 watch will break soon, and besides, it‘s too expensive. C. It‘s nice, but I‘m broke now.

D. Sorry, I don‘t think I need a watch. Thanks anyway.

Section B

6. M: Will this take very long? I have to get back to work in an hour. W: Well, you need to have your teeth cleaned and a cavity filled. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? A. at a but stop B. at dry cleaner‘s

C. in a dentist‘s office D. at the man‘s friend‘s place


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7. W: I‘m sorry. The computer lab is closing in ten minutes. We open again at nine a.m. M: But my paper is due at eight! Q: What is the man‘s problem? A. He must do eight more pages. B. He must finish his paper before morning. C. He cannot come back the next morning. D. He must stop to eat dinner.

8. M: Here are your tickets, miss. The train will depart from Platform Five at one o‘clock. W: Thank you. Could you please tell me if there is a snack bar on the train? Q: What will the woman probably do?

A. buy something to eat on the train B. take the five o‘clock train C. wait to catch a later train D. take the train to the airport

9. W: Carol needs a ride downtown, and I said you‘d take her. M: Oh no. Please say you didn‘t!

Q: What can be inferred about the man?

A. He does not want to give Carol a ride. B. He does not have a car. C. He cannot hear well. D. He does not know Carol.

10. M: What do you think of Professor Chen‘s philosophy class?

W: I enjoy his lectures, but I have a hard time keeping up with the rest of his class. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She would rather listen to lectures than do homework. B. She keeps losing her lecture notes.

C. She understands most of the assignments in this class. D. She has difficulty doing work at the level of this class.

Model Test 4参考答案: Section A1-5 ACCBA Section B6-10 CBAAD


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Model Test 5

Section A

1. A: Have you decided what to get your wife for Christmas yet? B: ________________

A. As a matter of fact, I don‘t mind it at all.

B. It‘s up to her, we are going to take trip to Florida. C. I don‘t have to buy her a gift, don‘t you think?

D. No, not yet. I know she likes video cameras, but that‘s too expensive.

2. A: I was thinking of staying in for tonight to surf the Internet. Do you want to join me? B: ___________

A. You bet. I worked on computer all day at work. I need a break.

B. Absolutely. I worked on computer all day at work. I need a rest from a computer screen. C. Not really. I worked on computer all day at work. I need a break from a computer screen. D. I doubt it. I worked on computer all day at work. I need a break.

3. A: Sam offered to give me a ride to the train station tomorrow. I hope he won't forget. B: _______

A. Oh. Don‘t worry. If Sam says he will do something, he does it. B. Don‘t take it seriously. You can ride a bike there by yourself.

C. He meant it. I‘ll take you there.

D. If he turns it down, you can give him a call.

4. A: Everyone seems to be on a diet. Have you noticed that? B: _________

A. Oh, no. It‘s not on my diet.

B. Yes, a neighbor of mine is on a banana diet, yet she doesn't look any thinner. C. Oh dear, I‘ve almost forgot. What‘s the diet? D. No, I don‘t think I need it.

5. A: Hello, Barbara. How are you? Have you got over that cold you had? B: __________

A. Oh, yes, fortunately. I couldn't have survived another day of it. It makes you feel so miserable, doesn't it?

B. Oh, no, unfortunately. I couldn‘t feel better now. C. Oh, yes, definitely. But I could feel better.

D. Oh, yes, of course, and I will see the doctor earlier.

Section B

6. W: Roger, come on! What‘s taking you so long to get ready? M: Bear with me. I‘m a little tired today. Q: What does the man mean? A. He wants to take a nap. B. He asks the woman to help him carry something.


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C. He asks the woman to come with him. D. He asks the woman to be patient.

7. W: What have you been reading all afternoon?

M: A book for my class. It‘s a biography of a famous senator.

Q: What do you know from the conversation? A. The man is taking a biology class.

B. The man is writing a paper about a famous senator.

C. The man is reading about the life of a well-known politician. D. The man is reading a book about sanitation.

8. M: Why are you so happy today?

W: I was in the bookstore and came across my best friend from middle school. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She met her friend by chance at the bookstore. B. She went to the bookstore with her friend. C. She saw her friend across from the bookstore. D. She arranged to meet her friend in the bookstore. Run into, bump into

9. M: This paper isn‘t due until next week.

W: Yes, I know. But I wanted to turn it in ahead of time if that‘s all right. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She wants to submit her paper early. B. The answers on the paper are all correct. C. The deadline has passed for the paper. D. The paper is not quite finished.

10. M: It doesn‘t make any sense for us to go home for spring vacation now. W: Especially since we‘ll be graduating in May. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She will not go home for spring vacation. B. She has not taken a vacation for a long time. C. She does not plan to graduate.

D. She does not want to go home after graduation in May.

Model Test 5参考答案: Section A1-5 DCABA Section B6-10 DCAAA


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Model Test 6

1. A: Mum, I got a part-time job at the supermarket. Three hours a day weekdays and all day

Saturday. B: ______

A. How dare you? What about your school work? B. Really? Are you going to drop your courses?

C. Congratulations. But are you sure you can handle it? What about homework? D. Are you kidding? It will ruin your study.

2. A: Please, sit down. Let‘s see, you are Mr. Wash. Is that right? B: Right.

A: And are you looking for a job?

B: _________

A. Yes and all the information is on my resume. B. Oh, yeah, I hope you could hire me.

C. Yes. I‘ll graduate from a college soon, but I have little working experience. D: Yes, I‘m. I‘ll graduate from a college next June. I‘m majoring in architecture.

3. A: Is there anything I can do for you, Madam? B: ________

A. I‘d like to see some bed linen, please. B. Sorry. I want to have a look by myself. C. Sure. Please do me a favor.

D. All right. My name is Henry Smith and I want to know the way to the bank.

4. A: Oh, dear. I wonder where I have left my notebook. B: Is it at home? A: _______ _

A. Maybe l left it on my desk. I forget where I put it. B. Sorry, I don‘t think you can help me.

C. I‘ve looked everywhere. If only I could remember where I left it. D. I‘ve looked everywhere. Only if I could remember where left it.

5. A: Did everything come out as exactly as you planned? B: _______

A. Exactly. And things came out better than I‘d planned.

B. Not exactly. As a mater of fact, things came out rather better than I‘d planned. C. Fortunately, things could have been better. D. Come on, I have no idea about it.

Section B

6. W: If I were you, I‘d be more careful about locking the back door at night. M: Don‘t worry. No one will break in. Q: What did the woman imply?


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A. That the man will not be able to sleep.

B. That someone will enter the back door while the man is sleeping. C. That the lock on the door will break.

D. That the man will not be able to come back.

7. W: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to quit his job. M: Don‘t be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house. Q: What does the man mean?

A. He believes that Jack will not be able to sell his house. B. He believes that Jack was joking. C. He agrees with the woman.

D. He believes that Jack will quit his job.

8. M: That was Dale on the phone. His car broke down on the way here, so he won‘t be able to make


W: He‘d better trade that car in.

Q: What does the woman suggest that Dale do? A. Get his car repaired. B. Buy a different car. C. Borrow a car. D. Bring the car in.

9. M: If you don‘t have an account here, I can‘t cash your check. I‘m sorry, but that‘s the way it is. W: Well, thanks a lot! You‘re a big help! Q: What does the woman mean? A. It is the policy of the bank. B. The man was not helpful at all. C. Her account at the bank is in order. D. The check should be cashed.

10. M: Dr. Clark is the only one teaching statistics this term.

W: You mean we have to put up with her for another semester? Q: What does the woman mean? A. Dr. Clark is a good teacher. C. Two semesters of statistics are required.

Model Test 6参考答案: Section A1-5 CDACB Section B6-10 BDBDB

B. Statistics is a boring class.

D. The students do not like Dr. Clark.


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Model Test 7

Section A

1. A: Why didn‘t your aunt fly? B: ________

A. I don‘t know. Maybe she isn‘t going to Washington. B. It would have cost $ 44. The bus fare is only $ 14. C. Guess what? She used to be a stewardess. D. How come? She‘s crazy about flying.

2. A: What's the matter with your appetite? B: ____________

A. Oh, I could eat a horse.

B. Wow, this apple pie couldn‘t be better.

C. I‘m not used to eating in the middle of a night. D. I used to eat during the day time.

3. A: What a waste of money just for a new Arts‘ Center. Why couldn't the money be spent on

something more important? B: _________ _

A. Nonsense. Anything is more important than the art. B. You said it. Nothing is more important than the art.

C. I can‘t agree more. Anything is less important than the art. D. Nonsense. Nothing is more important than the art.

4. A: Your library books are due on November 14th. If you haven‘t finished using them by then ,

you may renew them once. B: ____________

A. That‘s good. I won‘t need them until text week.

B. Thank you very much. I only need them for a few days. C. That‘s ridiculous. I have no time to renew them. D. Oh, come on, can you allow me a few more days?

5. A: You must take some rest. You‘ve been working too hard. B: __________

A. But for what? I can finish it on Friday.

B. But you know something? I would be fired without a break.

C. But how can I? I have to finish it by Friday. D. No, never. I can‘t bear with it.

Section B

6. M: I suppose we should look for a bigger house, but I don‘t see how we can afford one right now. W: If only we hadn‘t spent so much money on our vacation this year. Q: What does the woman mean?


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A. She does not agree with the man. B. She needs a larger home. C. She regrets the cost of their vacation. D. She thinks that houses are very expensive.

7. W: Can you get a baby-sitter for tonight? I thought we could go out for dinner and then go to a

movie afterward. M: Well, I can call Debbie and see if she‘s available. She usually doesn‘t like to sit during the week, but she might make an exception. Q: What do the speakers expect?

A. They want her to go out with them together though it‘s not the weekend. B. They expect that she can stay at their house until weekend. C. They hope that she is taking care of her baby at home.

D. They expect that she can manage to take care of their baby tonight.

8. M: I‘m starting training tomorrow for the basketball season.

W: Should you be playing right away after you just got over that leg injury? Q: What does the woman imply?

A. The man should see the game afterward. B. The man shouldn‘t be playing so soon. C. The man should step over the basketball.

D. The man shouldn‘t be leaving by train tomorrow.

9. W: I wish Mary would put on a different record. She has played that song a thousand times. M: At least. It used to be one of my favorites before I had to hear it so often. Q: What did the man and the woman say about Mary's record? A. They‘ve got used to listening to it. B. They‘re happy she‘s playing it at last. C. It‘s one of their favorite songs. D. They‘re both very tired of it.

10. M: Is there anything you‘d like to ask about the job?

W: Yes, I‘d like to know if the company provides opportunities for further education.

M: Yes, our employees are allowed to take up to six hours a week at full pay, to attend college courses.

Q: What can we learn about the company from the conversation? A. All its employees are at least college graduates

B. It allows its employees six paid hours a week for further education. C. It pays for its employees‘ further education.

D. It offers its employees six-hour college courses a week.

Model Test 7参考答案: Section A1-5 BCDBC Section B6-10 CDBDC


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Model Test 8

Section A

1. A: Would you care for a biscuit? B: ______

A. Thank you, but I don‘t care about a biscuit at all. B. Sorry, I dislike biscuits.

C. Not just at the moment, thank you. I‘d rather have another piece of cake if I may. D. Oh, thanks a lot, I can‘t wait to have a taste.

2. A: Hi, Alice, would you like to go to a movie tonight? B:_______ _

A. Thanks, I‘d love to. I haven‘t been to a movie for a long time.

B. Oh, thank you and let me treat you. C. Oh, I am glad. Is it on you?

D. Sorry, I would die to see a movie.

3. A: Sam, what a surprise to see you at the supermarket! I thought you always ate in restaurants. B: ________

A. I‘m used to eating in the restaurants. I eat at home. B. I often eat in the restaurants. I rarely eat at home. C. Do you believe I‘m fed up with cooking? D. The restaurants cost too much. I eat at home.

4. A: Aren‘t you ready? The Brown's lunch is for one o‘clock. We‘d better leave right away or we‘ll arrive late. They‘ll think we have bad manners. B: ___________

A. To be honest, they don‘t have manners in France.

B. Take it easy. It‘s impolite to be late for the Brown‘s lunch. C. It isn‘t bad manners to be late. In France everybody is late. D. That‘s too bad. I‘ll take you there soon.

5. A: Could you lend me $ 240? B: _________ _

A. My pleasure. But when can you return it? B. God! Are you broke again. C. Sorry. I only have $ 100.

D. Oh, I have to discuss it with my wife.

Section B

6. M: Excuse me, are there any bookstores around here on campus? W: What kind of book do you want to buy?

M: Nothing in particular. I just want to kill time.

A. He is interested in detective stories. B. He is wandering on campus.

C. He is not engaged at the moment. D. He is going to meet someone in the bookstore.


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7. M: Your city is worth its name— tourist attraction. I like it here.

W: Well, you said that. But none of the people in your group would agree with you. Q: What can we learn from the conversation about the city? A. The man lives in the city. B. The city has a special name.

C. The other tourists dislike the city. D. The people in the city are attractive.

8. M: Mary, I‘m sorry. They‘ve just said they couldn‘t supply the tickets for the show this


W: Oh, no! I was really looking forward to that. What a shame! I hope we can go there sometime next month.

Q: How did the lady feel?

A. Very happy. B. Greatly surprised. C. Rather disappointed. D. Very angry.

9. W: I suppose Tom has a hard time now. By the way, when can he finish writing that paper? M: I don‘t know. But he‘s been working on it day in and day out. I hope he‘ll get through it soon. Q: What does the man say about Tom?

A. He‘ll probably never finish writing that paper. B. He‘ll finish it the day after tomorrow. C. He works only during the day. D. He is working hard. 10. M: My classmates are looking forward to this summer. They all want to go home. They have

been very busy with their study this semester. W: I understand. Perhaps they are counting the days. Q: What can be inferred about the man‘s classmates? A. They are counting the number of vacation days. B. They are excited about going home. C. They are anxious to go back school. D. They are going over their accounts.

Model Test 8参考答案: Section A1-5 CADCC Section B6-10 CCCBD


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Model Test 9

Section A

1. A: Did you meet our new teacher Professor Bright yesterday? B: _________

A. I‘ve been sick of him for three days. be sick of B. I‘ve been sick for three days. C. I didn‘t meet him very often.

D. I don‘t want to meet the new teacher.

2. A: Do you mind if I smoke? B: ________ A. Please don‘t.

B. Yes, go ahead. C. No, please don‘t D. My pleasure.

3. A: Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the nearest post office? B: ______

A. No problem. It‘s my pleasure to head the way. head the way, B. Kidding me. It‘s just next to the bank. Kidding me

C. Frankly speaking, your guess is better than mine. D. Sorry. I'm a stranger here.

4. A: I‘m exhausted today. I‘ve been here in the classroom all day reading and doing my homework. What about you? B: _____

A. Not too bad. But I'm hungry now. Let's go to the restaurant, shall we? B. You look tired. Let‘s have dinner together. C. I can‘t believe it. It‘s only three o‘clock. D. Oh, I hope you aren‘t worn out. Worn out

5. A: Help yourself to some more chicken. B: __________

A. Sorry, I‘ve had enough.

B. Oh, I‘m happy to have more. C. Thank you, I‘m full. D. I will if you don‘t mind.

Section B

6. W: Come on! Get up and shave those whiskers off.

M: Five minutes more. Let me know when you are through with the bathroom. Q: What does the man mean?

A. He wants another five minutes to finish his work. B. He wants to keep his whiskers from being cut off.


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C. He wants to sleep a little longer. D. He wants five more mints.

7. M: Why didn‘t you tell me the soup was so hot?

W: Don‘t blame me if you are too sleepy to see it steaming.

And for heaven‘s sake, don‘t wake the whole neighborhood! Q: What does the woman imply? A. The man is speaking too loud. B. The man has slept too much.

C. The man should not blame her for everything. D. The man should be more careful.

8. W: Joe's in a real bad mood today. What's wrong with him? M: His job was taken over by a fellow worker. Q: What happened to Joe? A. He fainted. B. He got a pay raise. C. He got sick at work. D. He lost some of his responsibility.

9. M: Could you run me over to the school? I'm late. Our clocks must be slow.

W: Are they? I set them by the radio last night, but perhaps I misunderstood the time the announcer gave. Anyway, I'm going downtown and I'll be glad to drop you off on my way there.

Q: What does the man want the woman to do? A. To explain to the teacher why he is late. B. To reset the clocks.

C. To give him a ride to school. D. To drop in on him on her way downtown.

10. W: Why! I see you are an early bird this morning.

M: Yes. I don't want to waste so much time standing in line and waiting. Q: What does the man mean?

A. He wants to see the early bird in the morning. B. He doesn‘t want to wait in line for a long time. C. He can‘t stand her any more.

D. He can‘t wait for the woman to come.

Model Test 9参考答案: Section A1-5 BADAC Section B6-10 CADCB


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Model Test 10

Section A

1. A: I can‘t believe that it‘s raining again today. B: __________

A. Sorry, it‘s my favorite weather.

B. Three weeks without a change is pretty boring. C. But it‘s really cool here.

D. So you never listen to the forecast, do you?

2. A: Check in here?

B: Yes. Can I see your ticket, please? A: _________

A. Of course. But did I do something wrong? B. Sorry, I haven‘t got one yet. C. Oh, dear! I lost it on the train.

D. Here it is. I‘m going to Los Angeles.

3. A: You were driving too fast, weren‘t you? May I see your driver‘s licence? B: __________

A. Sorry, don‘t write me a ticket.

B. I‘m terribly sorry I didn‘t realize. I was trying to get to the station. C. But I was driving at 70 miles per hour. D. Ok. But I‘m a new driver.

4. A: May I have the key to Room 214, please? B: Your name, please? A: King. John King. B: ________

A. Do you want a double room or single room? B. Have you got a reservation?

C. Just one second. Yes, here you are, Mr. King. D. Oh, I don‘t think I know you before.

5. A: The bookstore is out of the texts for English literature. And the exam is on next Monday. B: ____________

A. You should have bought one earlier. But you didn‘t listen to me. B. What a shame. Why do you wait until the last minute?

C. You‘d better borrow one from the library, because the new order won‘t arrive by then. D. Is the exam so important to you?

Section B

6. M: Tell me, can a man of my modest means find a decent place to live in this town at a reasonable


W: What's the matter, Harry? Getting fed up with the old homestead?


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M: I guess I do sort of have a longing for independence. Q: What does the man mean?

A. He doesn‘t have enough money to pay for his old house. B. He has been fed up with his homework. C. He doesn‘t want to live in suburb any more.

D. He wants to live by himself.

7. W: Oh, you're back from the England conference. M: Yes, I'm very exhausted. It's only three days.

W: Well, have you got what you needed from the conference? M: I'm not sure if I got anything out of it.

Q: What did the man say about the England conference? A. He has got what he wanted from it. B. It‘s worth it. C. He does not think much of it. D. It is too far away.

8. W: I heard you got your first job offer. Congratulations! Tell me what the job looks like.

M: Well. It's just temporary for the time being, but thanks anyway. Q: What does the man mean?

A. He is very glad to have got the new job. B. He is very busy at his new job. C. His new position is not permanent. D. He is unhappy about the new job.

9. M: I truly don't feel like cleaning the house today. I had an awful sleep last night.

W: Let me give you a hand and we'll get it over quickly. I don't think it will take us long. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. It would be best to hire someone to do the work. B. They should forget about the work. C. They should put it off till tomorrow. D. They should do the job together. 10. M: I just bought a new sound card for my computer. It was a big bargain. I got it for only $50.

W: Are you trying to impress me? I don't care much about it. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She is well interested in the sound card. B. She has got the sound card already. C. She thinks the card sounds impressive.

D. She doesn't have much interest in the sound card.

Model Test 10参考答案: Section A1-5 BDBCC Section B6-10 DCCDD


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Model Test 11

1. A: Do you have the time? B: ________

A. Sorry, I don‘t have a watch. B. Sorry, I have no time. C. Oh, the time is up.

D. You know, my watch is slow.

2. A: I just can‘t get the answer to this problem! I‘ve been working on it for three hours. B: _________

A. Oh, dear, I feel sorry for you.

B. Just drop it if it‘s beyond your ability.

C. Are you sure you‘ve tried your best.

D. Maybe you should get some rest and try it again later.

3. A: Would you like to join us for a stroll by the lake? B: _________

A. Gee, I really like a picnic by water. B. Come on, don‘t you know I can‘t swim. C. What a nice way to spend the evening!

D. Sure. Let‘s get our stroller first.

4. A: Were you able to find everything that you were looking for? B: _______________

A. What a pity. I lost my way. Can you show me how to get there?

B. Not really. You‘ve moved things around since the last time I was here, and I had trouble finding the washing powder.

C. Of course. I can find them out wherever you put them. D. Not yet. You shouldn‘t put them away yesterday.

5. A: My roommate and I are going hiking this weekend. B: ___________

A. That‘s great. Can I go with you together? B. I‘d like to have a quiet morning.

C. I hope you have a good time. Look out for each other, OK? D. I don‘t think it‘s as exciting as mountain-climbing.

Section B

6. M: I heard you have got a wonderful job in a post office. How‘s your new job going?

W: Not so well, I‘m afraid. I just feel like a fish out of water. People there are rather strange to me.

Q: What does the woman mean? A. She doesn‘t like fishing. B. She feels uncomfortable at work. C. She loves the present job. D. She can‘t do the job well.


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7. W: What happened to the picture that used to be on that wall?

M: It fell down this morning and the glass broke. So I have to have it reframed. Q: Where is the picture now?

A. at the picture-framing shop B. at home

C. on the floor D. on a different wall

8. M: From what you've told me, I see that what everyone wants in a job is a nice fat salary.

W: No, not everyone. Personally, I'd much rather have interesting and stimulating jobs with average wages.

Q: What kind of job does the woman prefer?

A. any job with a high salary B. an average job with an average salary C. a boring job with a high salary D. an exciting job with an average salary

9. M: Hi, Linda, are you going to teach after you graduate from that university? W: Where did you get an idea like that? Q: What can be concluded about Linda? A. She has no desire to teach. B. she likes teaching very much.

C. She doesn‘t know what she will do after graduation. D. She is already a teacher.

10. W: Is Tim aware of the consequences of smoking?

M: Yes, he is, but he‘s afraid that he‘ll gain weight if he quits. Q: Why does Tim smoke?

A. He isn‘t aware of the consequences of smoking. B. He believes that smoking helps to keep his figure. C. He‘s afraid of losing weight if he quits smoking. D. He thinks smoking can make him handsome.

Model Test 11参考答案: Section A1-5 ADCBC Section B6-10 BADAB


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Model Test 12

1. A: Shall I bring you your coffee now or would you rather have it with your lunch, Sir? B: ___________

A. Thank you. But I have no idea about it. B. Oh, did I order coffee? C. I‘d like it now, please. D. Uh, it‘s up to you.

2. A: Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith?

B: ___________

A. So you didn‘t listen to me in the lecture?

B. Certainly. Read the next chapter in your textbook and come to class prepared to discuss what you‘ve read.

C. Why not come to see me in the office hour tomorrow afternoon. D. I wrote it on the blackboard. Have a look by yourself.

3. A: Did you buy a birthday present for your brother? B: ____________

A. Do you think he really needs anything? B. Give me a break. I‘m out of money. C. If I were him, I would like a new camera.

D. I‘ve been thinking about getting him a CD. He likes classical music.

4. A: I was hoping that you‘d wear your new dress. It‘s much prettier. B: __________

A. But this one is more comfortable for hot weather. B. But I like this one and it‘s none of your business. C. Forget it. It cost me a fortune.

D. But I don‘t care about my appearance.

5. A: Good morning. I‘d like to speak to Mr. Adams, please. This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley

Health Center. B: __________

A. Mr. Miller, my husband isn‘t at home. I can give you his business phone if you‘d like to call him at work, though.

B. My husband is not in. What‘s the matter? C. Oh, I‘m his wife. May I take a message?

D. This is Mrs. Adams, my husband is out, and you can talk to me.

Section B

6. M: I hope you can understand my reasons for deciding to leave, Mrs. Harrison.

W: Do I have to remind you that we have invested a lot of time and money in your career here?


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Q: How did Mrs. Harrison respond?

A. She was annoyed. B. She was apologetic. C. She was sympathetic. D. She was careless.

7. W: Mr. Scott came back from L.A. very late yesterday.

M: So, even if he had been able to attend the party, he would have arrived late. Q: What do we learn about Mr. Scott? A. Mr. Scott was late for the party. B. Mr. Scott didn‘t attend the party at all. C. Mr. Scott attended the late party. D. Mr. Scott did not like attending parties.

8. M: How did Eddy do in the interview?

W: Very well. He left the room with only one question unanswered. Q: How well did Eddy do in the interview? A. He answered all the questions very well. B. He left as soon as he heard the last question. C. He left after he asked only one question.

D. He answered all the questions but one very well.

9. M: I have received a letter from Harry this afternoon. He said he wanted to know if he could get a

job in your office for the summer.

W: I rather think it would be better for him to get a job somewhere else to learn to stand on his

own feet instead of depending on his family to help him. Q: What is the probable relationship between Harry and the man? A. Friends. B. Relatives. C. A real estate agent and a client. D. A boss and an employee.

10. W: Mr. Crane always grabs the bread in one hand and his briefcase in the other, and hurries in

time to get to the office.

M: That‘s probably because the shorter distance people have to take to go to work, the less time they allow themselves.

Q: What does the man imply?

A. Mr. Crane doesn‘t live far from his office building. B. Mr. Crane is usually late for his work. C. People tend to get a job in nearby areas.

D. Most people hate working early in the morning.

Model Test 12参考答案: Section A1-5 CBDAA Section B6-10 ABDBA


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Model Test 13

Section A

1. A: I can‘t stand this class! B: ___________

A. Well, you might as well get used to it. You have to take it in order to graduate. B. Oh, you deserve it! C. Come on! Just drop it. D. Why can‘t you stand it?

2. A: I need an advisor‘s signature on my course request form. Could I make an appointment,


B: _________

A. Oh, where did you get the form?

B. Oh, well, you don‘t need to make an appointment. Just wait here. I‘ll get a pen. C. Well, I can‘t help you. D. Who is the advisor?

3. A: This copy looks good. Why don‘t you just hand it in? B: _________

A. I‘d better keep them longer.

B. I‘d better make one more draft.

C. I‘m not sure of the grade of the paper. D. Do you really think so?

4. A: I think that the game starts at eight. B: __________

A. Oh, why do you push me? B. Do you think it‘s late?

C. Good. We have just enough time to get there. D. May I pick you up?

5. A: What did you do after you lost your passport? B: __________

A. Oh, I have no idea.

B. Can you give me any suggestion?

C. Oh, how do you know I lost my passport?

D. I went to see the foreign student advisor, and he reported it to the Passport Office in


Section B

6. W: I like your jam very much.

M: Well, there are plenty of them, so take all them home. I put up thirty jelly glasses last summer, and we still have a half left.

Q: How many jelly glasses can the man take home with him? B


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A. Ten. B. Fifteen. C. Twenty. D. Thirty.

7. W: Don't talk down to me, Frank! Whether you like it or not, I know just as much about the

subject as you do, if not more.

M: But, Nancy, I really think my experience has been much more relevant. Q: What does the woman object to? A. Frank‘s choice of subject. B. Frank‘s negligence. C. Frank‘s irrelevant response. D. Frank‘s arrogance.

8. M. I was on the call-in show last Saturday. W: What was that?

M: People meet on the air and chat, and the host plays match-maker. Q: What is the call-in show? A

A. A radio program. B. A TV program. C. A game played in the air. D. A face to face talk show.

9. M: You came home just to lie on the couch and fix your eye on the TV set.

W: You said it. For years it‘s been everyone‘s little dirty secret about TV watching. But I‘ll ―come out of the closet,‖ and claim it loud that I am a ―tuber and proud.‖ Q: What can we learn from this conversation? A. Watching TV does harm to people‘s health.

B. Everyone likes watching TV and likes to confess to it. C. People claim openly that they like watching TV.

D. The woman claims openly that she likes watching TV.

10. W: I heard you have helped a lot in the management of the East branch.

M: Yeah. If they'd stuck to their original pushing policy, they wouldn't have made so much money.

Q: What do we learn about the East Branch? A. Their original pushing policy was bad. C. They failed to earn a profit.

Model Test 13参考答案: Section A1-5 ABBCD Section B6-10 BDADA


B. They kept their original pushing policy. D. They didn‘t think highly of the man‘s help.

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Model Test 14

Section A

1. A: I‘m not sure what Dr. Tyler wants us to do. B: _______

A. So you didn‘t come to the class yesterday? B. I‘ll make a call to him if you don‘t mind. C. Oh, you‘d better guess it out by yourself.

D. If l were you, I‘d write a rough draft and ask Dr. Tyler to look at it.

2. A: Do you think that you can have these shirts finished by Friday morning? B: __________

A. Sorry, we haven‘t finished yet.

B. Why do you need them so early?

C. I‘m sorry. I couldn‘t possibly get them done by then. Saturday afternoon would be the earliest

that you could have them.

D. Don‘t you see we‘re short-handed?

3. A: Hello, Anne. This is Larry at the office. Is Fred at home? B: _________

A. Hi, this is Anne, his wife. I‘ll take a message.

B. No, Larry. He‘s in class now. He‘ll be home for lunch though. C. Why don‘t you call him at lunch time? D. Oh, I‘m not sure when he‘ll be back.

4. A: Did we have an assignment for Monday? I don‘t have anything written down. B: ____________

A. Oh, why are you so careless? B. But what is an assignment?

C. Nothing to read in the textbook, but we have to see a movie and write a paragraph about it. D. Sure, but I‘ll finish this letter first.

5. A: I can‘t find my pen. It was right here on the desk yesterday and now it‘s gone. Have you seen


B: ________

A. Why, what do mean by that? B. Any time. I‘ll look for it. C. Forget it. It‘s cheap, isn‘t it? D. Yes. I put it in the desk drawer.

Section B

6. W: I can‘t get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table.

M: I was irritated at something else. I said I was sorry. Do we have to go through all that again? Question: What happened to the woman the other day? A. She was hurt by the man. B. She lost her temper.


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C. She didn‘t speak to her husband. D. She missed the dinner party.

7. M: Let‘s stop this silly argument.

W: I agree. Anyhow, it‘s time to go home, so none of this argument really matters, does it? M: Not a bit.

Question: What is the attitude of the woman?

A. She insists that it is not the right time to go home. B. She would like to stop the argument right away. C. She thinks it does matter whether he is in or out. D. She wants to leave him because he is rude.

8. M: I‘ll pick up a turkey the day before Thanksgiving. W: Did you order one ahead of time?

M: No.

W: Then I wouldn‘t count on it.

Question: What does the man want to do? A. To open a bank account. B. To buy a turkey for the Thanksgiving. C. To order a meal on Thanksgiving. D. To invite the woman to a meal.

9. W: I‘m looking forward to the long weekend, David. It‘s been such a hectic week! We‘ve been

running here, running there, always on the go.

M: Well, Ana, I don‘t think we need to think twice about how we'd like to spend our time off. W: That‘s for sure. After taking care of a few odds and ends, let‘s head up to the mountains and take it easy.

M: Away from the rat race of city life!

Question: What are they looking forward to? A. Buying a new car. B. Participating a running race. C. Having a big house of their own. D. Going to the mountains at the weekend.

10. W: I have a turkey. You‘ll stay while I cook it.

M: No, that‘d take a long time. You just have it when you want it. Sunday, whenever.

W: It wouldn‘t take too long to cook. A few hours are all. Are you going to run off so soon after being away so long? M: I‘m not running off.

W: Good. Then let me get it into the oven right now. Question: What is the woman going to do? A. She‘s going to cook the turkey. B. She‘s ready to go to the market. C. She‘s leaving with the man.

Model Test 14参考答案: Section A1-5 DCBCD Section B6-10 ABBDA


D. She‘s going to buy Sunday papers.

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Model Test 15

Section A

1. A: Can I cash these traveler‘s checks here, please? B: _______

A. Certainly. Please sign your name on each of these checks. Can you show me your driver‘s license?

B. Sure, but I can‘t help you unless you have a driver‘s license. C. No problem. Do you need the cash right now? D. Oh dear, you‘ve got the wrong counter.

2. A: I wish you had told me your vacation plans. B: ________

A. I‘m sorry. I thought you knew I go to my parents‘ beach house each August. B. Of course, I will tell you. C. Why did I tell you? D. Oh, it‘s my privacy.

3. A: Why are you just standing outside the room instead of going in? B: ___________

A. I‘m glad you came back.

B. I don‘t want to stand, but I have to because I lost my key.

C. I tried all my keys in the lock, but it won‘t open. D. Oh, you came home too late.

4. A: Our friends will be here at any time and this house is a mess. B: _____________

A. Guess what? Theirs is even worse. B. What? Theirs is even worse. C. But what? Theirs is even worse. D. So what? Theirs is even worse.

5. A: I have too many courses this semester. I'm going to drop one of them. B: ___________

A. Oh, it‘s up in the air.

B. When are you going to drop them off?

C. In order to do that, you‘ll have to go through the proper channels. D. Are you really sure you dislike them?

Section B

6. M: You‘ll have to buy your own ticket, though. W: Are you broke again? Let me treat you. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. The man is broken. B. She will buy the tickets.

C. She will give the man a treatment. D. She dislikes the movie.


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7. M: Jack failed to take part in our 5th graduate anniversary get-together as his flight was delayed. W: Oh, he must be upset. He loves get-together and it was a lot of fun. Q: What does the conversation tell us?

A. Jack managed to come to the party though he was late. B. Jack didn‘t come to the party because his flight was late.

C. Jack came to the party but he felt unhappy about it.

D. Jack didn‘t come to the party because he thought it must be ridiculous.

8. M: Jane, do you know what the faculty members are doing among pizza boxes and soda cans? W: They are making time for the economic and management seminar. Q: What conclusion can we draw from this conversation? A. The faculty members are having a party.

B. The faculty members have no time to study economics and management.

C. The faculty members are very busy and have no time for the regular meal. D. The faculty members are making time to do some physical exercises.

9. M: I have called you several times, but you were not home. What have you been up to?

W: I have joined a weight-loss support group, and now I feel great to be able to shop in the regular women‘s department.

Q: What is the woman‘s aim to join the group? A. To support her family. B. To shop in the regular women‘s department. C. To slim down. D. To keep herself busy.

10. M: I need some advice as have an important interview tomorrow.

W: Why don't you go ask Nick? He has been a headhunter for 5 years. He has interviewed a lot of people.

M: You are right. He is sure to be able to tell me what a company is looking for. Q: What is the job of a head hunter according to the conversation? A. Someone who is in charge of hunting. B. A boss of a company. C. A job-seeking advisor.

D. Someone who is in charge of looking for talents for his company.

Model Test 15参考答案: Section A1-5 AACDC Section B6-10 BBCCC


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Model Test 16

Section A

1. A: I got such a bad start in the last race; it was hard to catch up. I tired myself out trying too hard.

All I could see was the backs of the others‘ heads. B: __________

A. Oh, that‘s too bad. You have to give up. B. What were you doing then?

C. We‘ll work on your start. The most important thing is concentration. D. You should play hard next time.

2. A: Your dormitory room isn‘t very large, is it? B: ___________

A. What about yours?

B. I can hardly afford too much. C. I can hardly turn around in it.

D. Oh, my roommate is very considerate.

3. A: Well, Mrs. Anderson, I‘ve completed my examination and I‘m happy to say that there‘s

nothing serious. B: ___________

A. Well, is the examination difficult for you? B. Don‘t you think I should have X-rays? C. Oh, I don‘t believe it.

D. Are you sure that your examination is correct?

4. A: My watch stopped again and I‘ve just got a new battery. B: __________

A. You should take it to the supermarket. B. I‘ve told you that you shouldn‘t buy it. C. Oh, what‘s wrong with your battery?

D. Why don‘t you take it to Smith Jewelry? They can check it for you and it‘s pretty reasonable.

5. A: Is anything wrong? You look pale.

B: ______________

A. My daughter is in hospital. I must ask for leave to take care of her. B. Oh, I get up late this morning.

C. Thank you. Nothing is wrong with me. D. Oh, I got a promotion finally.

Section B

6. W: What can I do for you?

M: I would like to get my money to work for me.


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W: There are two kinds. One is relatively safe but offers a low return on your money, the other

promises high profits but that involves considerable speculation. Which one do you prefer? Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. An investment consultant and her client. B. A bank teller and her customer. C. An insurance agent and her client. D. A stock-holder and his trustee.

7. W: I‘m really fed up with living in this neighborhood. You've got to watch yourself and you

cannot walk alone here.

M: I agree. So I was just thinking of moving out of this tough place. Q: Why do they want to move?

A. They don‘t like their next-door neighbor. B. They don‘t feel safe in this neighborhood. C. They find the life here tough. D. They feel lonely here.

8. W: John, how was your talk with the manager? M: It seemed to be a mess. W: Why?

M: Just as I was starting to talk about the business, he seemed to be very impatient. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? A. The room where they had the talk was a mess. B. John was afraid of talking with the manager. C. John was not interested in the business. D. The manager was impatient with John.

9. W: How was the lecture yesterday? M: Well…. It was a complete drag.

W: How come? Many students seem to be interested in Johnson‘s lecture. M. But the one yesterday was the pits. It bored me to tears. Q: How does the man think about the lecture yesterday?

A. It was interesting. B. It was moving. C. It was boring. D. It was an empty talk.

10. M: It seems to me that you're getting on so well with your neighbors.

W: Yes. We really hit it off. Our neighbors are incredibly outgoing and hospitable. Q: What do we learn about the relationship between the woman and her neighbors? A. She thinks that her neighbors are very friendly. B. She thinks that her neighbors are trustworthy. C. She often goes outing with her neighbors. D. She has much in common with her neighbors.

Model Test 16参考答案: Section A1-5 CCBDA Section B6-10 ABDCA


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Model Test 17

Section A

1. A: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert. B: _______

A. Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out. B. But I didn‘t expect to see you. C. Oh, I‘m going to a movie theatre. D. Guess what? It slipped my mind.

2. A: Have you finished with your report? B: __________

A. Finally. I‘ve done nothing else this whole week but revise it. B. Fortunately. I will try my best to finish it.

C. Finally. I am waiting for some important materials. D. Fortunately. Can you help me with it?

3. A: You‘re going to give us a ride to the game tonight, aren‘t you? B: _________

A. Sorry, riding isn‘t my cup of tea. B. Wow, is the game exciting?

C. If the weather is fine. D. If my car‘s running OK.

4. A: This is ridiculous. I‘ve been waiting for my meal for more than half an hour. B: _________

A. Sorry, but you have to wait longer.

B. Sorry, I know, but you see the restaurant is full and we‘re shorthanded today. C. You can see the manager if you want to complain. D. Sorry, but you can go to another restaurant.

5. A: No mail for me today? They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right at

home. B: _______

A. But I think there is something wrong.

B. No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days. C. Two heads are better than one. You‘d better be patient. D. No pains, no gains. Why don‘t you write to them first?

Section B

6. W: Wow! This is a marvelous room! Whose idea was it to decorate the room like this? M: It was Jane‘s.

W: I never knew she was good at this. She must be very art-conscious. Q. What does the woman think about Jane now? A. Jane has changed a lot. B. Jane‘s idea is not good enough.


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C. Jane is conscientious. D. Jane is artistic.

7. W: Hey, John. Shall we change the curtains?

M: Change the curtains? Didn't you say you liked them?

W: In the shop I did like them. But their color obviously clashes with the color of the walls. Q: Why does the woman want to change the curtains? A. She didn‘t like them from the very beginning. B. She doesn‘t like their color.

C. Their color doesn‘t match that of the walls. D. Their color is too close to that of the walls.

8. M: Jenny, why do you often watch talk shows?

W: They make me laugh and sometimes crack me up, and I have learned a lot from their talks. Q: Why does the woman like watching talk shows? A. They are popular and interesting. B. They are amusing and instructive. C. They are ridiculous and boring. D. They are uninteresting and outdated.

9. W: John says that he is confident that he can win the game. M: He'll succeed when pigs fly.

W: How can you be so sure that he can‘t?

M: He's never won a game like this before. Besides, all the competitors are first class. He's no match.

Q: Why is the man so sure that John can't win the game? A. Because John is not as competitive as other players. B. Because John has never played a game like this. C. Because John is as clumsy as a pig.

D. Because John has no confidence in himself.

10. M: I forgot all about the two o‘clock meeting! Tom‘s going to kill me.

W: Oh, God – I can see why you‘re upset. It can really be annoying when something important

slips your mind.

Q: What‘s the woman‘s attitude toward the man‘s forgetfulness?

A. She‘s scornful. B. She‘s sympathetic. C. She‘s angry. D. She‘s worried.

Model Test 17参考答案: Section A1-5 AADBD Section B6-10 DCBAB


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Model Test 18

Section A

1. A: Did you mind coming back by coach instead of by train? B: _________

A. Oh, yes, of course. I‘ll get back by train. B. But which one is better?

C. No, we didn‘t mind at all. It took a lot longer, but it was very comfortable and it was much cheaper.

D. No, not at all. We came back by air.

2. A: The guests are leaving for New York today on the one o‘clock flight. I‘d like you to send them

to the airport in your car. B: _________

A. Of course, but I have no money for the gas. B. Yes, I‘m glad to take them to New York.

C. Originally, I‘d be happy to, but now my car is in the garage near the bus-stop. I‘ll hire a taxi, instead.

D. You bet. I‘ll take them everywhere.

3. A: Here we are. Could you fill out these forms, please?

B: ________

A. I‘ll take care of it.

B. Sorry, I couldn‘t finish them. C. Where did you get these forms? D. Oh, I‘ll look after it.

4. A: Beach Motel. May I help you? B: _______

A. Thank you. I‘d like to make a long distance call to New York. B. Yes. We need a double room for this weekend.

C. Sorry. I don‘t think you can help us. Thank you any way.

D. All right. My name is David Jones and my room number is 332.

5. A: May I see your driver‘s license and vehicle registration card, please? B: _________

A. Sorry, don‘t write me a ticket.

B. Ok. But I was driving at 65 miles per hour.

C. Sure. Did I do anything wrong?

D. Yes. But I don‘t think I‘m a bad driver.

Section B

6. W: The strike at the port has held up our export orders for two weeks. Do you think it will end


M: So far as I know, the management side has made an improved pay offer but the union is holding


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out for its original demands.

Q: What does the man think of the strike?

A. It will last for two weeks. B. It will end before long. C. It has come to a halt. D. It will probably continue.

7. M: Friday is a public holiday. Shall we spend the long weekend in New York? We could leave

Thurs- day night.

W: I‘d rather go on Friday. My uncle will drop in on Thursday evening. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She‘ll go to her uncle‘s. B. She has an appointment with her friend. C. she‘ll attend a meeting. D. She‘ll have a visitor.

8. W: Are you going to attend Mr. Green‘s lecture? M: Oh, that will be the last choice I make. Q: What does the man decide to do?

A. attend the lecture B. go to the restaurant

C. not to attend the lecture D. used to attend the lecture

9. M: Did you tell Sally she has failed the exam again? W: No. I didn‘t have the heart to tell her. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She doesn‘t like a heart talk with Sally. B. She thinks the topic is too serous for her. C. She thinks the news is too bad for Sally. D. She dares not to tell Sally the bad news.

10. M: I had a quarrel with Mary. She said that she hated me coming back home late. W: You need to put your cards on the table. Q: What does the woman mean?

A. The man shouldn‘t quarrel with Mary. B. The man should go home earlier.

C. The man shouldn‘t play cards in the evening. D. The man should talk about the problem openly.

Model Test 18参考答案: Section A1-5 CCABA Section B6-10 DDCCD


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Model Test 19

Section A

1. A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway station? B: _______

A. Any time. It‘s next to the post office.

B. All right. Do you want me to go with you?

C. No problem. Go down this street and turn right. D. Of course. Go down this street and turn right.

2. A: Hi Anita, long time no see. B: ______ _

A. Hi John. Nice meeting you.

B. Yeah, I‘ve been in Chicago working on the new project. C. Oh, I see. I‘ve had lots of work to do here.

D. Yes. Do you know I‘ve moved to a new apartment?

3. A: Are you Ms. Kelsey, the office manager? B: _________

A. Yes. I am. What can I do for you? B. Oh, yes. What‘s your name, please?

C. Yes. It‘s nice to have here with us. D. Oh, yes. But I‘m very busy now.

4. A: Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday? B: __________

A. As a matter of fact, I don‘t mind it at all. B. I do. I‘ve been excited about it now.

C. However. My parents and I are going to take trip to Hawaii.

D. You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too.

5. A: Did you know that Whitney Houston was giving a concert last night in the town? B: _______

A. Why don‘t you get some tickets for us?

B. I like her, but I didn‘t have time for the concert. C. Why didn‘t you tell me about it earlier?

D. Maybe we can go to her concert some other time.

Section B

6. M: What did Professor Clark think about my presentation? W: He said your presentation was right on target.

Q: What did Professor Clark think about the man‘s presentation? A. The man didn‘t see eye to eye with Professor Clark. B. The man caught the most important point of the topic. C. The man‘s presentation had a right purpose.


