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课题 Unit8 SectionA 总课N 课型 时 主备人 审核人 主讲人 刘爱琴 许、王 授课日期 知识目标:. whose attend valuable; pink;must be :at the picnic ;belong to ; attend a concert ;the rest of my friends ;pick up 能力目标:学生能够运用情态动词must,can’t,might和could来推断物品的所属。 情感目标:学生通过学习本课能够形成乐于助人,相互帮助的良好品质。 教学重点难点: ---Whose book is this? --It must be Mary’s . J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer. The hair band must belong to Linda. 教学流程及教学内容 Step 1 情景导入 老师上课前先准备一个大纸袋,上课时让四位同学头向后,不能看到你在做什么;然后,从四位同学的桌上分拿几样不同的东西入你的袋子里;然后让他们回头看着老师,你从袋子里取出一样东西,然后提问: Questions: Teacher: Whose (pencil) is this? Students: _____________________. ① Anna’s. ② No, it isn’t ?? Step 2 完成教材1a-1c的任务 【操作案例】 1. 要求学生翻开课本P57,迅速浏览所给的图片,然后把图片中所给的物品填入到所给的栏目中。 2. 检查答案,先要求全班一起给出答案并检查讨论。 然后要求2-3名同学就图片中所给的物品,使用“Whose volley is this?”句型,给出各自的答案,并把收集的答案列举在黑板上。参考案例 Teacher: Whose volley is this? Students: It must / can’t be Carla’s ___________. ①She loves volleyball. ②She doesn’t play volleyball at all. ?? 3. 要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务。 Jane's little brother—toy car—He was the only little kid at the picnic. Mary—book—Wanda Wilbur is her favorite author. Carla—volleyball—She loves volleyball. Deng Wen—magazine—He loves cats. Grace—CD—She always listens to classical music. 个案补充 4. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。 5. 完成教材1c的任务,要求学生根据上面所给的图片,使用1b表格中的信息编写对话进行练习,然后要求2-3位学生上台表演。 6. 小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时解决纠正。 Step 3 完成教材2a-2d的任务 1. 要求学生翻开课本P58。播放录音一遍,完成2a,2b的听力任务。 2a: 1.T-shirt 2.hair band 3.tennis balls 2b:1.The person must go to our school. 2.The person can't be a boy. 3.It could be Mei's hair band. 4.The hair band might belong to Linda. 5.It must be Linda's backpack. 2. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。 3. 听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。 4. 大声朗读听力材料。 5. 放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用2a,2b的信息分角色练习对话练习。然后邀请2-3对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。 6. 要求学生模仿2c方框的对话,利用2a,2b提供的信息,编造自己的对话,然后演练。 7. 播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。 作业设计:根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. We are planning to have a picnic (野餐)on the island next week. 2. To our surprise, the dog ran back with a rabbit (野兔)in his mouth. 3. Tom’s father decided to drive his truck (卡车) to travel around the world. 4. The thief didn’t find anything valuable (贵重的) in the bag and threw it away. 5. Jane’s mother bought her a pink (粉红色的) sweat as her birthday gift. 板书设计 ---Whose book is this? --It must be Mary’s . J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer. The hair band must belong to Linda. 教学反思:

课题 Unit8 SectionA 总课N 课型 时 主备人 审核人 主讲人 刘爱琴 许、王 授课日期 知识目标:noise ;policeman n. wolf n. something unusual. next-door neighbor. feel uneasy ;go away. make fear. make noise .My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. 能力目标:学生会用情态动词must,can’t,might和could来推断事物的发生。 情感目标:学会正确处理日常生活中遇到的不平常的事件。 教学重点难点: My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 教学流程及教学内容 Step 1情景导入 让学生带着问题读文章。问题: 1. What happened in Bell Tower neighborhood? 2. What might it be? 3. How does everyone feel? Step 2完成教材3a 的任务 1. 要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,从3a右边方框中选出一个最适合的短文标题. 然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起学习讨论。 2. 先邀请几位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),教师要注意学生的语音,给予必要的朗读指导。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。 3. 短文内容巩固练习。教师可给出一篇改写了的短文,将一些重点的表达方式空出。让学生在规定的时间内补全短文。然后邀请若干同学给出自己的答案。 Our neighborhood used to be very quiet. However, these days, strange things are happening. Every night, we hear strange noise outside our window. Someone think it could be a wolf, but some thinks that it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the policed. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so. Every one in our town is feeling uneasy, there must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away,. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood 4. 完成教材3b的任务,要求学生再次阅读短文,找出与3b方框中所给的短语相匹配的单词。 答案:1. uneasy 2. kids 3. neighbor 4. neighborhood 5. wolf 6. noise-maker 5. 让学生再次阅读短文并且在3c表格中写出人们对这个奇怪的声音是怎么看的。 Step 3. 畅通Grammar Focus回顾语法重点. 要求学生分角色问答并翻译表格中的句子。出说情态动词表推测的用法。并能个案补充 造出相仿的句子。 Step 4完成教材4a-4c的任务 1. 要求学生翻开课本P60,选择4a所给句子中括号所给单词的最佳形式完成对话。.给出5分钟的时限,然后请5组同学朗读对话,全班集体核对答案。 1.might be 2. must be 3. could be 4. can’t be 5. must be 2.根据提示,完成4b所给对话的答语。给出5分钟的时限,并请另个四位同学朗读所写的对话,全班集体核对答案。 3.引导学生观察 4c的图片,让学生们猜测这是男孩的还是女孩的房间?并用4c方框中所给的对话进行讨论。 A: It could be a girls room because it’s very tidy. B: I guess so. But it might be a boy’s room because the clothes look like boy’s clothes 4. 小结训练 要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时解决纠正。 作业设计: 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. I can’t fall asleep at all because there is too much noise(噪声)outside. 2. The old man found a wolf(狼)lying in the snow. 3. Alice is proud that both his father and brother are policemen (警察). 4. Lily asked his neighbor (邻居) to help her look after her pet dog while she was away. 5. The bad boy often has fun creating fear (恐惧) in the neighborhood. 板书设计 noise ;policeman n. wolf n. something unusual. next-door neighbor. feel uneasy ;go away. make fear. make noise .My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 教学反思:

课题 Unit8 SectionB 总课N 课型 时 主备人 审核人 主讲人 刘爱琴 许、王 授课日期 知识目标:. run after something strange run for exercise . wear a suit catch a bus to work in the sky a woman with a camera ---Why do you think the man is running? ---He could be running for exercise. ---No, he is wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work. It can’t be a helicopter. It’s too big. It must be a UFO They must be making a movie. 能力目标:会用情态动词must,can’t,might和could来推断发生了什么事件。 情感目标:学会正确处理日常生活中遇到的不平常的事件。 教学重点难点: It can’t be a helicopter. It’s too big. It must be a UFO They must be making a movie. 教学流程及教学内容 Step 1情景导入 上课前,教师可以要求学生准备一些他们亲戚或者同班学生的一些照片,然后上课时,要求学生去猜他们都是谁。教师可以邀请2名学生在讲台上利用下面的对话进行猜测。 A: Who is he/ she? B: He/ She can’t be ______, because _______. / He/ she could/ might be ________, because ________. / He/ She must be _________, because _______. Step 2完成教材1a-1d的任务 1.要求学生翻开课本P61,迅速浏览1a中的图片。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。然后要求5-8名同学给出自己的答案,教师可把这些问题在黑板上列举出来,看哪个同学对图片把握的更好。 参考案例 The UFO is landing The alien is chasing the man The man is running 2 1 2 个案补充 2.听第一遍录音,完成课本上1b部分的任务。 3.听第二遍录音,完成课本上1c部分的任务。 4. 听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列对话。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。 — He’s wearing a suit. — He might be late for work. — There’s something in the sky.

—It could be a helicopter. —What’s that? — It’s woman with a camera. —She could be form the TV news. —Look at all those other people. They’re actors. —They must be making a movie. 5. 听第三遍录音,并打开听力材料,全班逐句进行跟读。 6. 放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用1b,1c的信息分角色练习对话练习。然后邀请2-3对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。 7.完成任务1d。这一部分主要是分角色练习对话,借助1b 1c的信息,运用must be, could be, might be。掌握do you think作插入语用陈述语序,并掌握对正在发生事情的推测。 环节说明:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。 作业设计: 根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 1. You should wear a suit(西服)when you attend a concert. 2. My father bought me a camera (照相机)as a birthday gift last year. 3. We can see lots of stars in the sky at night. 4. The plane finally landed on the airport safely after ten minutes. 5. He got up so early that he caught the early bus this morning. 板书设计 ---Why do you think the man is running? ---He could be running for exercise. ---No, he is wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work. It can’t be a helicopter. It’s too big. It must be a UFO They must be making a movie. 教学反思:

课题 Unit8 SectionB 总课N 课型 时 主备人 审核人 主讲人 刘爱琴 许、王 授课日期 知识目标:express a result .give a choice add information the historical place . the greatest mystery .communicate with. point out . in a certain way. prevent illness.honor ancestors. celebrate a victory. over a long period of time However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this can’t be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. 能力目标:通过学习本文学生能够知道关于巨石阵的知识。 情感目标:拓展学生的世界视野,了解世界上的人类的未解之谜。 教学重点难点: However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this can’t be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. Most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Most historians believe it must be almost 5.000 years old. Perhaps we might never know, but we do know they must have been hardworking—and great planners! 教学流程及教学内容 Step 1 2a 情景导入(参考案例) 1. 情景导入: 本文是一篇说明文,在学习短文之前教师可参照2a准备几个与短文内容相关的问题,然后邀请几位同学就提出的问题给出自己的答案或见解。 Question: 1.How many mysteries do you know in China? _____________________________ 2. How many mysteries do you know in the world? ____________________________ Step 2 1. 要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并找出各段的主题大意。 然后邀 请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。 2. 先邀请几位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。 Step 3 完成教材2c-2e的任务 1.让学生再细读短文, 回答2c的表格. 2. 在2a表格中选择恰当的连词完成2d所给的句子。给出5分钟的时限,并请5位同学朗读自己的句子,全班集体核对答案。 1. when 2, because 3. not only, but also 4. or 5. however 4. 让学生分组先讨论2e的问题: ①Can you think of any other mysteries, either in China or another part of the world, that are similar to Stonehenge? 个案补充 ②What do you know about these mysteries? ③What is mysterious about them? Step 4完成教材3a-ab部分的任务。 1. 要求学生再细读课文59页3a的短文,你认为这个奇怪的声音会是什么?和你的同伴进行讨论,把所有的可能想到的可能性填入3a的表格中。 2.根据3a 写的提要以及3b方框中所给的的一篇报刊的标题,完成这则报道。 学生完成后评出优秀的作文在班上展示。 环节说明:本节主要是将读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的写作及对语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、综合运用。 Step 5完成教材self check 1-2部分的任务。 1. 选用must, might, can’t 填空完成句子。 给出5分钟的时限,并请5位同学朗读自己的句子,核对答案。 1. can’t. 2. may. 3. must 4. might 5. can’t 2. 根据表格中的信息及例句提示写出关于表格下面各样品的句子。 环节说明:本节主要是针对本单元的主要目标语言进行加强巩固训练,巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。 作业设计: 1. We plant some grass on the ground to prevent the rain to wash the earth away. 2. It’s still a great mystery that how old Chinese people built the Great Wall. 3. The teenagers are active and always full of energy. 4. It’s a great honor for me to have dinner with the President Li Keqiang. 5. Don’t give up! Your biggest enemy is yourself. I am sure you can make it. 板书设计 However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this can’t be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. Most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Most historians believe it must be almost 5.000 years old. Perhaps we might never know, but we do know they must have been hardworking—and great planners 教学反思:

