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Learning Aims and requirements of the unit
Practise talking about belief and disbelief
Use adverbial clause of time
Use adverbial clause of reason
Write an essay about favorite newspaper or magazine
Grammar and usage
Step1: General introduction
1. Introduction of adverbial clause of time ( 时间状语从句)
Warming up
Warming up by reading. Turn to page44 and read the sentences in Ex1,2and do the Ex3
1. Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.
2. Do Ex3, try to use the correct tenses in each sentence.
Summary of the adverbial clauses of time
When we learn the adverbial clauses of time, first we must know which conjunction
can lead the clause; second we should pay attention to the tenses used in the clauses.
Now, let’s have a conclus
1. When, while and as can be used in the adverbial clauses of time. e.g.:
When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.
While I was wondering at this, our schoolmaster took his place.
He hurried home, looking behind as he went.
2. immediately, directly, the moment and the minute have the same meaning as 〝as soon as〞in the adverbial clauses. e.g.:
The moment I heard the voice, I knew father was coming.
=As soon as I heard the voice, I knew father was coming.
The boy burst into tears immediately he saw his mother.
=The boy burst into tears as soon as he saw his mother.
3. till, until also can be used in the adverbial clauses of time. in example 1and 2 you can use both till and until, but in example 3, only until can be used.
1) He remained there till/until she arrived.
2) He won’t go to bed till/until she returns.
3) Until you told me I had no idea of it.
4. before has special meanings in the adverbial clause of time, the negative form mustn’t be used in the suborning sentences l ed by 〝before〞,pay attention to the translation of the following sentences.
1) We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.
2) We hadn’t run a mile
before he felt tired.
3)Please write it down before you forget it.
4)Before I could get in a word, he had measured me.
5)It will be half a year before I come back.
5. since can be used in the adverbial clauses of time, much attention must be paid to the tenses used in the sentences. Look at the following examples:
1) I have written home four times s ince I came back.
2) It is three years since the war broke out.
The NMET test ( 相关高考题):
1) ---I am going to the post office.
(NMET 1999)---________ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?
A. As
B. While
C. Because
D. If
2) _______the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you. ( 1996 上海)
A. Your having read
B. While reading
C. If reading
D. When you read
3) It is almost five years________ we saw each other last time. (2005 北京)
A. before
B. since
C. after
D. when
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