f01Introduction to Accounting and Business(公司金融会计)

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Chapter F1

Power NotesLearning Objectives

Introduction to Accounting and Business

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Nature of a Business The Role of Accounting in Business Business Ethics Profession of Accounting Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Assets, Liabilities, and Owner’s Equity Business Transactions Financial Statements Financial Analysis and Interpretation.


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Chapter F1

Power Notes

Introduction to Accounting and Business

Slide # Power Note Topics3 9 11 16 19 53 69

Accounting – An Information Process Users of Accounting Information Profession of Accounting The Accounting Equation Business Transactions Financial Statements Ratio of Liabilities to Stockholders Equity

Note: To select a topic, type the slide # and press Enter.C1 - 2

Accounting — An Information ProcessIdentification of Users

C1 - 3

Accounting — An Information ProcessIdentification of Users

User Information Needs

C1 - 4

Accounting — An Information ProcessIdentification of Users

User Information Needs

Accounting System

C1 - 5

Accounting — An Information ProcessIdentification of Users

User Information Needs

Economic Data and Activities

Accounting System

C1 - 6

Accounting — An Information ProcessIdentification of Users

User Information Needs

Economic Data and Activities

Accounting System


C1 - 7

Accounting — An Information ProcessIdentification of Users

User Information Needs

Economic Data and Activities

Accounting System


User Decisions

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Users of Accounting Information investors creditors regulators customers competitors

Financial AccountingEXTERNAL USERS

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Users of Accounting Information investors creditors regulators customers competitors

Financial AccountingEXTERNAL USERS

Managerial AccountingINTERNAL USERS

owners managers employeesC1 - 10

The Accounting ProfessionGovernment Industry CPA Firms


Staff Accountant

Junior Accountant

College GraduatesWhat are the starting rates for new graduates?C1 - 11

The Accounting ProfessionGovernment Industry CPA Firms


Chief Accountant Staff Accountant

Senior Accountant Junior Accountant


College GraduatesHow soon would I get promoted?C1 - 12

The Accounting ProfessionGovernment Industry CPA Firms

Director Supervisor

Controller Chief Accountant Staff Accountant

Manager Senior Accountant Junior Accountant


College GraduatesWhat are the top positions in each category?C1 - 13

The Accounting ProfessionGovernment Administrator Industry CPA Firms Partner

Vice President Finance


Controller Chief Accountant Staff Accountant

Manager Senior Accountant Junior Accountant



College GraduatesWhat is the fastest path to top management?C1 - 14

The Accounting ProfessionGovernment Administrator Industry Vice President Finance1 2

CPA Firms




er Chief Accountant Staff Accountant

Manager Senior Accountant Junior Accountant



College Graduates1 10 to 20 years of experience 2

6 to 8 years of experienceC1 - 15

The Accounting EquationResources

What are an organization’s resources called?

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The Accounting EquationResources = Sources


Cost of resources used in the business

What are the sources of the assets?

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The Accounting EquationResources = Sources

Liabilities Assets Stockholders’ EquityResources supplied by creditors and owners

Cost of resources used in the business

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Business Transactionsa. Chris Clark deposits $25,000 in a bank account for NetSolutions in return for shares of stock in the corporation.ASSETS LIABILITIES



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