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备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

小学英语的精读与泛读 Unit 1 What does she look like?

Period 1

一 知识目标

词汇:1) 新单词tall高的long长的round圆的short短的young年轻的old年老的2) 复习:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 语法:现在进行时态

句子: 1) A: What does she look like? B: She is tall and she has long hair. 2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.

二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。

三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心增进同学之间的友谊。 学习过程

自主学习(单词 . 8分钟) 教师复备或学生笔记栏 1 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group.(分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词) 1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 2) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的,矮的, young年轻的,old年老的, again再次,又一次 Chinese 汉语,中国人,teacher老师 Step 2. Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。) Step 3. Let Ss read the words by themselves. 展示(单词 . 3分钟) Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class. Step 2.Evaluation The teacher will make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher. 自主学习(句子 . 10分钟) Step 1. Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below. Step 2. Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below. Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese. 2 / 120

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1) Nice to see you again. 2) We have a new Chinese teacher this year. 3) What does she look like? 4) She is tall and has long hair 5) She has a round face and big eyes. 6) She is not tall, but she is beaytiful. (二)写出反义词 1. long-- 2, old-- 3, tall-- 4, young--- 展示(句子 . 2分钟) Ask St to show their answers. 一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟) 1. does是do的第三人称单数形式,只能与第三人称单数连用。 2. look like… 看起来像… … 3. 动词have的用法:汉意:“有,吃,喝”之意 两种形式:have, has.用法: has只能与第三人称连用;have与第一、二人称级复数连用。 如:He has a new pen. I have a new pen, too. 4. She is tall. 她个子高。She has short hair. 她留着短发。 5. 词组:this year 今年,long hair 长发, big eyes 大眼睛, a round face 圆圆的脸, short hair 短发 测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 ) 3 / 120

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一.请写出下列单词的反义词 1 long -- 2. new--- 3. small--- 4. tall--- 二.用have,has填空 1. His mother a beautiful long hair. 2. Lingling short hair. 3. We a new English teacher this year. 4. He two small eyes.

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Period 2

学习目标: 一 知识目标:

1) 新单词:tall高的long长round圆的 short短的young年轻的 old年老的

2) 复习:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small


句子: 1) A: What does she look like? B: She is tall and she has long hair.

2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.

二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。

三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。 学习过程

自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟) 教师复备或学生笔记栏 5 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词) 1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 2) 新单词:tall ,long ,round , short , young ,old , again Chinese ,teacher Step 2. Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the huiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论下列单词的词义) Step 3. Let Ss read the words by themselves. 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟) Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class. 自主学习( C . 7分钟) Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model.. 分组活动,仿照示范练习。 Model 1 (Chinese teacher, Mr Cheng; tall, short hair, big eyes) A:My Chinese techer is Mr Yang. B: What does he look like? A: He is tall. He has small eyes and short hair. B: That’s Mr Yang. Model 2 (math teacher, Mrs Liu; not tall, long hair, beautiful) 6 / 120

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A: My math teacher is Mrs liu. B: What does she look like? A: She is not tall. She has kong hair. She is beautiful. Step 2. Group work. Let Ss practice their concersitions. 展示( 对话 . 10分钟) Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class. 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟) 1. What’s does she/he look like? 她长的怎么样? 该句话通常用来询问一个人的外貌,其答语为: She/He is +形容词. 或:She/He has+形容词+身体部位。 也可:She/He is +形容词 and she/he has+形容词+身体部位。 如:--- What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎样? --- She is tall and she has long hair and two big eyes. 2. 复习be动词行为动词have的用法及区别 Step 1. Read the text after the teacher. Step 2. After-school summary. 教学反思:

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Period 3

学习目标 一 知识目标

词汇:1) 复习单词:tall高的long长的round圆的short短的young年轻的

old年老的look 看,like喜欢, mice愉快的, see

看见, guess猜, has有, face脸, eye眼睛, hair头发, beautiful漂亮的, big大的, small 小的


句子: 1) A: What does she look like? B: She is tall and she has long hair.

2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.

二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。

三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心增进同学之间的友谊。 学习过程

自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟) 教师复备或学生笔记栏 8 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词) 1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 2) 新单词:tall ,long ,round , short , young ,old , again Chinese ,teacher Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the huiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论下列单词的词义) Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. 展示(单词、句子 . 3分钟) Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words and Part A in front of the class. 自主学习( D . 10分钟) Step 1. Let Ss read the message in Part D by themselves. Make sure to understand each sentence. If possible, teacher may give them a hand. Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below. 1. I am a student in Sunshine School. 2. I like my math teacher. 9 / 120

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3. She is kind. 4. I study in Garden School. 5. She has a nice nose and small eyes. She likes reading 展示( Part D . 5分钟) Ask some students to read each sentence and translate them into Chinese. 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟) 1. I am a student in Sunshine School. 我是阳光学校的一名学生。 In Sunshine School 在阳光学校 2. 简单复习物主代词的用法。 3. She is tall and beautiful. 她个子高,很漂亮。 And表并列,连接同等成分。 4,She likes reading. 她喜欢读书。like +动词的-ing形式 “喜欢干某事 5. 复习名词所有格的构成及用法 小 节 (1分钟) Step 1. Read the text after the teacher. Step 2. After-school summary. 测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟) 10 / 120

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Period 2

学习目标 一 知识目标

1) 新单词:pet宠物, rabbit兔 basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然.

2) 复习: cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck鸭子

bird鸟 elephant大象


句子: 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can. 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t. 3) It’s lovely.

二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,并能用英语表达。

三 情感目标:爱护动物,保护动物,热爱大自然。 学习过程

自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟) 教师复备或学生笔记栏 46 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning b plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词) 1) 旧单词:cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck 鸭子bird鸟 elephant大象 2) 新单词: pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然. 3) 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can. 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t. 3) It’s lovely. Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义) Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher. 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟) Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class. 自主学习( C . 7分钟) Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model.. 分组活动,仿照示范练习。 Model 47 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

A:Can I have a duck? B: Yes, you can./No, you can’t. Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice them. 展示( 对话 . 10分钟) Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class. 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟) 1. A: Can I have a pet? 我可以有个宠物吗? B: Yes, you can./Np, you can’t. (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且无人称和数的变化 如:I can swim. She can swim, too. (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。 He can draw a line.---Can he draw a line? (3) 回答:肯定回答:Yes, … can. 否定回答:No,… can’t. (4) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:can’t. He can draw a line.---He can’t draw a line. 小 节 (1分钟) Step 1. Read the text after the teacher. Step 2. After-school summary.

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Period 3

学习目标 一 知识目标

新单词:pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然.

2) 复习: cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck鸭子

bird鸟 elephant大象


句子: 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can. 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t. 3) It’s lovely.

二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,并能用英语表达。

三 情感目标:爱护动物,保护动物,热爱大自然。 学习过程

自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟) 教师复备或学生 49 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

笔记栏 St Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词) 1) 旧单词:cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck 鸭子bird鸟 elephant大象 2) 新单词:pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然. 3) 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can. 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t. 3) It’s lovely. Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义) Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher. 展示(单词、句子 . 3分钟) Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words and Part A in front of the class. 50 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

Unit 3 Do you want some rice? Period One 教学目标 (含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1. Knowledge aims Learning the new words and sentences just like water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt/ Do you want some soup? /Yes, please./No, thank you. 2. Ability aims:Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of food. Let the students can make communication with each other. 3. Moral aims We must attend the class seriously. 教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) New words Expressions and sentences 教法提示 Task teaching method. Audio- linguistic method. 教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects. 教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1. Revision 1. Greetings. Would you like to say “hello” to you friends? 2. What food do you like? 21 / 120

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Step 2. Presentation 1. Have a match between boys and girls, to see who can say out more fruits/drink/food words. Learn the new words and phrases: water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt T take an apple and ask: Do you want an apple? Help Ss answer the question in this way: Yes, please/ No, thank you. Ask Ss practice the dialogue with other things. Step 3. Drills 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Read after the tape. 3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer. Check up the result. Act the text. Step 4. Exercise 1. Remember the words. 2. Read Part A after class. 22 / 120

备课时间( )周星期( )上课时间( )周星期( )总第( )课时

Unit 3 Do you want some rice? Period Two 教学目标 (含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1. Knowledge aims Learning the new words and sentences just like water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt/ Do you want some soup? /Yes, please./No, thank you. 2. Ability aims:Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of food. Let the students can make communication with each other. 3. Moral aims We must attend the class seriously. 教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) New words Expressions and sentences 教法提示 Task teaching method. Audio- linguistic method. 教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects. 教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1. Revision 1. Greetings. Good morning. /Afternoon everyone. / How are you? /Who is on duty today? 23 / 120

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2. Go over the words and sentences in part A and B. Step 2.Presetation 1. Show some cards of food and fruits and ask Ss look and say out the words quickly. make sentences according to the pictures giving. Can use the sentences learnt last class. learn to say the sentence pattern: Do you want some salt? Yes, please. No ,thank you. Step 3. Practice: 1. Draw and make the cards. Play the cards game. Ask and find the cards, who can collect the whole cards of one thing, who can win the game. 3. Read out the words and sentences according to the computer. 4. Check up the result. Step 4. Exercise 1. Remember the words. 2. Read Part A after class. 24 / 120

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Unit 3 Do you want some rice? Period Three 教学目标 (含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1. Knowledge aims Learning the new words and sentences just like water / soup/ vegetables/ breakfast/supper/lunch/pepper/salt/ Do you want some soup? /Yes, please./No, thank you. 2. Ability aims: Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of food. Let the students can make communication with each other. 3. Moral aims We must attend the class seriously. 教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) New words Expressions and sentences 教法提示 Task teaching method. Audio- linguistic method. 教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects. 教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1. Greetings and Revision T: Class begins. S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher. T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please. 25 / 120

