
更新时间:2023-06-10 06:10:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




( 1)W: Hello, Thomas Brothers. M: Hello, this is Mike Landon here. Is Jack Cooper there by any chance? W: I am afraid not, he is away for a day or two, back on, let’s see, Monday morning. M: Oh, well, perhaps I can leave a message for him. W: Yes, of course, just a minute. Now, let’s see, to Jack Cooper from Mike London. M: No, Landon, L-a-n-d-o-n. W: Sorry, yes, got (get) that, and what’s the message? it is just this: could he come to a meeting on Monday M: Well afternoon at 5:00 pm? W: That’s this coming (come) Monday, October 12th ? M: Right, it’s to discuss (discuss) the new factory in France. W: Fine, I’ve got that. I will come (see) that he gets it as soon as he comes in on Monday. M: Good, thank you, goodbye.

(2)M: The service is really slow here. I have been trying to get the waiter’s attention for the last ten minutes. W: I hope he takes our order soon. Otherwise I’ll be late for my class at two o’clock. well M: Me,too. I have a class at 2 as . W: I’ve noticed you have a math book. Do you like the summer school here? M: It’s pretty good. I think I’ve learned a lot. W: Yeah, I only wish the class were (be) a little smaller (small), but I like my teachers a lot. They are very kind and patient. M: I see. By the way, may I ask where you come from? W: I’m from Boston. How about you? M: I’m from Washington DC. I’m only staying (stay) here for three more weeks. Then I’ll go to Columbia University in New York. it W: Oh, here comes the waiter. seems we are going to get served (serve) after all. M: Good, I’m starving.

(3)W: David, we all know you took up skateboarding at ten, but did your parents support you? M: Yeah, my parents even let me skate in the house. W: Did they? M: Yeah! They were pretty cool. W: How about your school work? M: That was fine. I was able to get my school work done (do) with good so grades.My only problem was that I had much physical energy that I could not sit still in class. Then some teachers started taking my skateboard away. W: That couldn’t stop you from skating (skate)? M: No way! The cool thing was that my parents managed to find me a different school. The headmaster there was wonderful. He let us plan our own PE classes. So guess what class I created (create)? W: Skateboarding … it M: You got . That was my PE class. By that time I was turning professional and started showing off some techniques at competitions. W: Is that when your new style became famous? M: Yeah. Other skaters had this smooth flowing style, but I was kind of like a robot,always coming (come) up with new tricks.

M: Hi, mom. (4) W: There you are. I’m getting worried. It’s so late. M: Yes. I ran (run) into Linda and we went to a pub. She told me a funny thing. W: Oh? What was that? after work, and she suddenly saw an old lady M: Well, she was driving home on her hands and knees in the middle of the road. W: Rea

lly? M: Yes, Linda was so shocked (shock) that she stopped suddenly and the car hers . Behind crashed (crash) into W: was (be) she hurt? M: No. W: And what was the old lady doing? M: I am just coming to that. So Linda got out of her car and saw the old lady pick up something and walk (walk) away. W: Lucky indeed. Linda didn’t run her over. M: Then a policeman came.But he didn’t believe what Linda said. W: Well… M: luckily there was a witness, a man waiting (wait) for a bus. He saw it all. Guess what the old lady was doing? W: I haven’t the slightest (slight) idea. M: She was looking for her gold tooth. W: A gold tooth? M: Yes, it fell out as she was crossing the road. The witness heard her saying, “Oh, my gold tooth…”

(5)shall we do this weekend? M: What W: Did you have something special in mind? M: No, not really. I just thought (think) that it might be fun to do something new. W: Do something for a change, you mean? M: Yes, something different. W: I usually go shopping (shop) and have my hair done (do) during the weekend. And you usually watch the _ football game on TV. M: Yes. You often have tea with your friends and I sometimes play cards when with my friends. We seldom do anything together. It’s quite unlike _____ we were first married. W: Now, I’ve got an idea! Autumn is the best (good) season in Beijing. Why don’t we go for a picnic this weekend? You’ll invite your friends and I’ll invite mine . We’ll go together. but M: Good idea! I will see about the car and you will prepare the food. _______ are you sure you really want all our friends to come along?


the time, Alfred? W: Do you have M: It’s 7:20. W: We are earlier (early) than expected. The film starts at 7: 30. Let’s have something to drink. M: That’s a good idea. W: Something smells (smell) good. M: Right, that’s popcorn. would you like some popcorn? W: Yes, I’d love some. Do you know who invented popcorn? It M: is said that popcorn is a delicacy that was developed by the Indians of North America. W: When did they invent it? M: It has been dated back thousands of years. W: I see. M: Do you know that the Indians were not only eating popcorn, but they also used popcorn in head-dresses, necklaces and in religious ceremonies (ceremony)? W: Yes, we have seen these in some films and according to most sources, a deerskin bag full of popcorn was served at the first Thanksgiving dinner at Plymouth Rock in 1621. M: You know popcorn’s popularity grew (grow) during the Depression of the 1930s, when people realized that a little popcorn could go a long way. But its success was clinched when movie theatres across the continent started serving the snack. by 1947, 85 percent of movie houses were selling popcorn at their concession stands. W: Oh, movie’s about to start, let’s go.

(7)W: Excuse me, have you seen a dog on this path? I’ve lost my dog and I wondered you’d seen him running (run). if M: You’ve lost your dog? Oh, what a shame! N

o, I’m sorry I haven’t seen a/any dog, but I’ll look for him. What does he look like ? W: He’s a black-and-white dog. He looks a bit like a sheepdog his name’s Jack. I always take a run around this lake at this time and I bring Jack with me. He loves (love) the exercise Of course he goes ahead disappeared sometimes, but he always waits for me. Today he’s ___________ (disappear). I can’t find him anywhere . M: Do you always walk along the same path around the lake? W: Yes, I go north this way around the lake and then I go back from the south way. The dog knows the path very well. M: He must be here somewhere. I’ll look out for him. I hope you can find him. W: Thank you.

