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H1 I. 雅思阅读简介 i. 答题时间(包括涂答题卡)为1小时,三篇文章,每篇文章字数一般在1,000单词左右,13-14道题目,
总计40道题目,相当于要求考生每1.5分钟答完一道题目; ii. 雅思阅读文章一般来源于以下报刊杂志:New Scientist, The Economist, American Scientist, National
iv. 雅思阅读要求考生的应试能力:词汇量,英文逻辑思维能力,总结文章主旨能力,迅速定位细节能力。 II. 体裁 i. 雅思阅读文章以说明文为主,有时会有夹叙夹议的情况; ii. 科学:生物/建筑/医疗保健/自然环境/化学/其他
雅思阅读(说明文+夹叙夹议) 人文:语言文化/历史文明/城市交通/语言/教育学习/经济管理/
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III. 题型介绍 2011年出现频率排名 1 2 3 4 5 6
IV. 2011年雅思阅读总结
大陆考试47场,考查文章共计141篇,其中30%,即44篇文章为新文章,剩下的70%,即97篇为之前08,09,10年考过的旧文章,其中73篇为旧文旧题。文章内容以科技类为主,人文类为辅。 V. True/False/Not Given OR Yes/No/Not Given题型简介与解题技巧
简介: i. 题目之间具有题文同序的特点; ii. 同一套题内,True/Yes, False/No, Not Given一般都存在,按照几率统计,True/Yes情况最多,其次是
False/No, Not Given最少。 解题技巧: i. 分析题目,划出定位词;定位词:视觉上比较明显,可以利用其回到原文定位出题位置的词汇,常用的有
年代,地点,姓名等专有词汇或者特殊符号,如果没有这些视觉上明显的词汇,那么定位词首选名词,其次是动词和形容词;题目中的定位词很多时候不是原封不动出现在原文中,需要进行同义或者同类词替换。 ii. 划出考点词;考点词:即在此题型中比较容易成为考点的关系,例如:比较关系,肯否关系,时间关系,
iii. 利用定位词去原文找出题位置,在其附件检验题目的考点是否与原文一致。 iv. 没有明显定位词的题目可以利用题文同序最后完成。 v. TRUE/YES:①原文的同义表达;②根据原文的一句或多句话做出的合理推论或者总结; vi. FALSE/NO:①与原文直接相反;②原文中有多于一个并列条件,但是题目中只列出一个条件或者忽略全
部条件;③原文是人们关于事物的一种理论(theory)或者感觉(feeling), 题目变成了关于该事物的客观事实(fact);④绝对化词汇一般都是错误的,例如:all, always, perfect, unique, never, impossible, only, solely, completely, fully, absolutely以及最高级词汇;⑤对于原文中表示范围,频率,可能性的夸大也是错误的,例如:sometimes vs. often/ usually
vii. NOT GIVEN:①原文中没有提及(定位词或者考点词);②题目中出现将来时态的判断句一般为NG;③原
文是人们的目标,目的,愿望,或者誓言等,题目将其写成了事实,一般为NG;④原文中没有两个事物的比较,但是题目中出现了比较,一般为NG;⑤题目中涉及的范围要比原文的范围小,一般为NG,例如:原文为Printers in this area are cheap;题目为:Color printers in this area are cheap.
VI. 操练真题一:Cambridge 8,Test 2, Passage 1,‘Sheet Glass Manufacture: the Float Process’:Questions 9-13
题型 True/False/Not Given Multiple Choice Summary Matching List of Headings 得分 做题技巧+做题速度 定位+技巧 定位能力+同义转换能力+语法 定位能力+词汇量+同义转换能力 雅思惯用文章结构+技巧 Sentence Completion, Short-Answer Questions, 难度低,出现频率少,因此尽量Diagram Label Completion, Flow-Chart Diagram, Table 达到出现了就能答对,主要考察Completion 定位+语法
9 The metal used in the float process had to have specific properties. 10 Pilkington invested some of his own money in his float plant.
11 Pilkington’s first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.
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12 The process invented by Pilkington has now been improved. 13 Computers are better than humans at detecting faults in glass.
9 The metal used in the float process had to have specific properties. 利用metal定位到正文第三段,开始扫读,考点出现在绿色部分:
‘...Pilkington had been experimenting with improving the melting process, and in 1952 he had the idea of using a bed of molten metal to form the flat glass, eliminating altogether the need for rollers within the float bath. The metal has to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass (about 600°C), but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass (about 1500°C)...’ 题目是原文的同义改写,因此是TRUE.
10 Pilkington invested some of his own money in his float plant.
‘Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 had had convinced his company to build a full-scale plant. However, it took 14 months of non-stop production, costing the company £100,000 a month, before the plant produced any usable glass.’ 原文中的£100,000是money的另一种表达形式,但是原文中没有提到Pilkington是否有没有将自己一部分钱投资到了工厂中,因此为Not Given。
11 Pilkington’s first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.
在做第10题时,考生应该同时注意到第11题的定位词first full-scale也出现在了第10题定位区间内,应此定位应该没有问题,那么接下来扫读,绿色部分为验证考点的部分。
‘Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 had had convinced his company to build a full-scale plant. However, it took 14 months of non-stop production, costing the company £100,000 a month, before the plant produced any usable glass. Furthermore, once they succeeded in making marketable flat glass, the machine was turned off for a service to prepare it for years of continuous production. When it started up again it took another four months to get the process right again. They finally succeeded in 1959 and there are now float plants all over the world, with each able to produce around 1000 tons of glass every day, non-stop for around 15 years.’ 截止到1955年Pilkington建立了大规模的工厂,但是到了1959年历经波折才取得成功,因此不是instance success, 此题为False。
13 Computers are better than humans at detecting faults in glass.
因为鉴于之前对题目的分析,第12题没有明显定位词,因此现着手做13题。带着定位词computers去原文中第11题后的区间进行定位,computers没有原词出现,但是同类词automated on-line以及technology出现,因此题目区间在倒数第2段,接下来扫读,绿色部分用来判断考点。
‘...Automated on-line inspection does two things. Firstly, it reveals process faults upstream that can be corrected. Inspection technology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see...’ 原文同义改写,虽然部分词汇变动较大,例如:computers≈ inspection technology, unaided eye≈human,因此此题为True。
12 The process invented by Pilkington has now been improved.
第11和13题分别在原文第5段和第7段找到,因此第13题出题区间应在在第6段至第7段’...Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sand grain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon.’之间的区间内。经过定位和扫读,第6段即可判断出题目正确与否。
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‘Float plants today make glass of near optical quality. Several processes-melting, refining, homogenizing-take place simultaneously in the 2000 tones of molten glass in the furnace...’ 经过判断和推断,可以得出题目中的结论,因此本题为True.
VII. 操练真题二:Cambridge 4, Test 2, Passage 2,’Alternative Medicine in Australia’ :Questions 16-23
16 Australians have been turning to alternative therapies in increasing numbers over the past
20 years.
17 Between 1983 and 1990 the numbers of patients visiting alternative therapists rose to
include a further 8% of the population.
18 The 1990 survey related to 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists. 19 In the past, Australians had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today. 20 Some Australian doctors are retraining in alternative therapists. 21 Alternative therapists earn higher salaries than doctors. 22 The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for
acupuncture treatment.
23 All the patients in the 1993 Sydney survey had long-term medical complaints.
16 Australians have been turning to alternative therapies in increasing numbers over the past
20 years. 利用past 20 years作为定位词,并定位于正文第二段:
‘Disenchantment with orthodox medicine has seen the popularity of alternative therapies in Australia climb steadily during the past 20 years.’ 题目是原文的同义转述,因此为Yes.
17 Between 1983 and 1990 the numbers of patients visiting alternative therapists rose to
include a further 8% of the population. 利用1983和1990两个年代做定位,并且从上一题出题点之后,即正文第二段第二句开始:
‘...In a 1983 national health survey, 1.9% of people said they had contacted a chiropractor, naturopath, osteopath, acupuncturist or herbalist in the two weeks prior to the survey. By 1990, this figure had risen to 2.6% of the population. The 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists reported in the 1990 survey represented about an eighth of the total number of consultations with medically qualified personnel covered by the survey, according to Dr Laver and colleagues writing in the Australian Journal of Public Health in 1993...’ 根据原文,题目将数值与后面的定语相混淆,因此为No。
18 The 1990 survey related to 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists. 虽然根据分析,related to 550,000 consultations是考点词,但550,000同时也可以被用作定位词,做过第17题后会很自然定位到正文第2段第四句话:
‘...The 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists reported in the 1990 survey....’ 题目含义与原文一致,因此为Yes。
20 Some Australian doctors are retraining in alternative therapists. 由于第19题没有明显定位词,为节约时间,直接做20题,用doctors和retraining作为定位词,扫读第18题在原文中出题之后的区间,在正文第二段结尾,和第三段可以定位本题出题位置:
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‘....The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence.’
‘Rather than resisting or criticizing this trend, increasing numbers of Australian doctors, particularly younger ones, are forming group practices with alternative therapists or taking courses themselves, particularly in acupuncture and herbalism.’ 题目为原文的同义表达,因此为Yes。
19 In the past, Australians had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today.
做20题的时候,定位的第一句The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence 即与第18题相关,因此回头做18题,并且多看几句上下文,即:
‘A better educated and less accepting public has become disillusioned with the experts in general, and increasingly skeptical about science and empirically based knowledge, they said. The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence.’ 经过上下文验证,此题为Yes。
22 The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for
acupuncture treatment. 做之前的题目时,the 1993 Sydney survey就已经作为定位词用过了,因此在做此题是,借助的主要定位词是289,1993为辅,定位到文章第四段:
‘In 1993, Dr Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists’ practices in Sydney. These practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25 therapists...’ 原文的意思是289个人参加了由25位技师提供的8种治疗,而题目的意思是289人来就医的目的就是做针灸,因此为No。
23 All the patients in the 1993 Sydney survey had long-term medical complaints.
‘...Those surveyed had experienced chronic illnesses, for which orthodox medicine had been able to provide little relief...’ 虽然原文中没有出现与all对应的绝对化词汇,但是those surveyed就代表了那参与的289人,所以与原文意思一致,long-term是chronic的近义替换,因此本题为Yes。
21 Alternative therapists earn higher salaries than doctors. 按照题文同序原则,第21题定位区间应该在第20和22题之间,即:
‘Part of the incentive was financial, Dr Laver said. The bottom line is that most general practitioners are business people. If they see potential clientele going elsewhere, they might want to be able to offer a similar service.’ 此区间唯一提到钱的地方就是part of the incentive was financial,后面的文字解释了具体原因,即没有任何一处提到alternative therapists与doctors之间工资的对比,所以本题为Not Given。
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H2 I. 操练真题一:Cambridge 6,Test 2, Passage 1,’Advantages of Public Transport’:Questions 6-10 步骤一:分析题目,划出定位次(红色)和考点词(绿色);
6 The ISTP study examined public and private systems in every city of the world. 7 Efficient cities can improve the quality of life for their inhabitants. 8 An inner-city tram network is dangerous for car drivers. 9 In Melbourne, people prefer to live in the outer suburbs.
10 Cities with high levels of bicycle usage can be efficient even when public transport is only
averagely good.
6 The ISTP study examined public and private systems in every city of the world.
用专有名词ISTP作为定位词(文章中括号里文字必须不能漏掉),从文章开头定位,找到第一段第二行,即: ‘A new study conducted for the World Bank by Murdoch University’s Institute for Science and Technology Policy (ISTP) has demonstrated that public transport is more efficient than cars. The study compared the proportion of wealth poured into transport by thirty-seven cities around the world. This included both public and private costs of building, maintaining and using a transport system.’ 题目与原文有两处不符,1:题目中提到的是public and private systems但是没有说明是什么系统,而原文指名是transport system; 2:原文中说明该研究只调查了全球37个城市,而题目使用了绝对化词汇every;因此本题为False。
7 Efficient cities can improve the quality of life for their inhabitants.
用efficient cities作为定位词从第6题定位区间之后向下扫读,定位在第二段:
‘...Professor Peter Newman, ISTP Director, pointed out that these more efficient cites were able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live.’ 虽然原文用的是比较级,但是题目没有改变原文的中心思想,属于同义转述,因此为True。
8 An inner-city tram network is dangerous for car drivers. 此题中的tram是相对出现率低的词汇,因此用它来进行定位,在第三段中间部分:
‘...Melbourne’s large tram network has made car use in the inner city much lower, but the outer suburbs have the same car-based structure as most other Australian cities...’ tram在原文中只出现了一次,但是没有提过它对机动车司机是否造成威胁,因此此题为Not Given。
9 In Melbourne, people prefer to live in the outer suburbs.
‘According to Professor Newman, the larger Australian city of Melbourne is a rather unusual city in this sort of comparison. He describes it as two cities: A European city surrounded by a car-dependent one. Melbourne’s large tram network has made car use in the inner city much lower, but the outer suburbs have the same car-based structure as most other Australian cities The explosion in demand for accommodation in the inner suburbs of Melbourne suggests a recent change in many people’s preferences as to where they live.’ 原文首先说墨尔本与其他城市不同,更像是两个城市,内城被一个依赖私家车的外城环绕,内城的私家车使用量低的原因是因为有了tram network,既然人们对内城的交通设施需求如此大,反应了他们更喜欢住在内城的需求,因此题目与原文相悖,False。
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10 Cities with high levels of bicycle usage can be efficient even when public transport is only
averagely good. 利用bicycle进行定位到文章第五段:
‘Bicycle use was not included in the study but Newman noted that the two most bicycle friendly cities considered-Amsterdam and Copenhagen-were every efficient, even though their public transport systems were reasonable but not special.’ 题目为原文同义改写,因此为True。
II. 操练真题二:Cambridge 4,Test 4, Passage 1,’How Much Higher? How Much Faster?’:Questions 1-6
1 Modern official athletic records date from about 1900.
2 There was little improvement in athletic performance before the twentieth century.
3 Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy. 4 Improvements in athletic performance can be fully explained by genetics. 5 The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves.
6 The growing international importance of athletics means that gifted athletes can be
recognized at a younger age.
1 Modern official athletic records date from about 1900.
同时利用records和1900进行定位,records在文章第一段第4行出现,1900没有在附近出现,但是题目中说的是about 1900, 因此在时间上与原文正文第一句的early years of the twentieth century相吻合; ‘Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, though space.’ 题目为原文的同义转述,因此为True。
2 There was little improvement in athletic performance before the twentieth century. 通过做第1题可判断第2题的出题位置与第1题基本一致,第1题限制的时间是在二十世纪之后,扫读下文发现时间上没有出现二十世纪之前的时间,因此无法判断出二十世纪之前的一切论述,故Not Given。
3 Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy. 从第2题之后开始利用events和burst of energy进行定位,出现在第一段第三句和第四句:
‘...For the so-called power events-that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump-times and distances have improved ten to twenty per cent. In the endurance events the results have been more dramatic...’ 既然endurance events的进步比power events的进步更加明显,即可证明most greatly是错误的,因此为False。
4 Improvements in athletic performance can be fully explained by genetics.
‘No one theory can explain improvements in performance, but the most important factor has been genetics...’ 原文只说genetics是最重要的因素,而非唯一的,因此题目中的fully是与原文意思相悖的,故False.
5 The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves. 用parents作为定位词定位到:
‘...The athlete must choose his parents carefully, says Jesus Dapena, a sports scientist at Indiana
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University, invoking an oft-cited adage...’ 全文唯一提到parents的地方,没有涉及运动员父母本身的职业,因此为Not Given。
6 The growing international importance of athletics means that gifted athletes can be
recognized at a younger age. 在定位时,此题的定位词原封不动出现在原文中的情况较少,基本为近义词同义替换,如:growing≈increasing, international≈global, gifted≈the unique complement of genes for athletic performance, 定位区间即为第5题后一句:
‘...Over the past century, the composition of the human gene pool has not changed appreciably, but with increasing global participation in athletics-and greater rewards to tempt athletes-it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early...’ 题目为原文的同义转述,故True。
III. 操练真题二:Cambridge 7,Test 3, Passage 3,’Forest Policy Making’:Questions 27-33
27 Forest problems of Mediterranean countries are to be discussed at the next meeting of
28 Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European
Economic Community.
29 Forests are a renewable source of raw material.
30 The biological functions of forests were recognized only in the twentieth century. 31 Natural forests still exist in parts of Europe.
32 Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries.
33 The Strasbourg conference decided that a forest policy must allow for the possibility of
change. 步骤二:开始按照题目顺序做题,第31题由于定位词不明显,因此利用题文同序的原则,做完30题直接做32题,然后在回头在30和32题之间的区间搜索31题答案:
27 Forest problems of Mediterranean countries are to be discussed at the next meeting of
28 Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European
Economic Community. 第27题和28题的定位词Mediterranean和Nordic距离很近,因此在做27题时一定会看到28题,定位至第一段倒数第二句话:
‘...Those confined to particular geographical areas, such as countries bordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded...’ 原文明确说明会议没有讨论Mediterranean和Nordic国际是因为地理原因,并说本次会议没有讨论这些地区不意味今后还会忽视它们,因此第27题为Not Given,第28题为False。
29 Forests are a renewable source of raw material. 带着定位词raw material在原文中定位至第二段中间部分:
‘...At the same time, forests provide raw materials for human activities through their constantly renewed production of wood...’ 题目是原文的同义转述,因此是True。
30 The biological functions of forests were recognized only in the twentieth century.
带着twentieth century从第29题出题点接下去扫读,定位至:
‘As a whole, European countries see forests as performing a triple function: biological, economic and
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recreational....Finally, they offer those condemned to spend five days a week in an urban environment an unrivalled area of freedom to unwind and take part in a range of leisure activities, such as hunting, riding and hiking. The economic importance of forests has been understood since the dawn of man-wood was the first fuel. The other aspects have been recognized only for a few centuries but they are becoming more and more important...’ 本段开头便指出森林资源的三个功能:生物,经济和休闲。后面说经济价值是人类自从懂得木材可以当作燃料被认可的,而其他方面都是最近几个世纪人们开始认识到的,其他方面因此可以推论出包括生物和休闲,因此本题为False。
32 Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries. Policy作为定位词出现在文章第三段第三句话:
‘...This means that a forest policy is vital, that it must transcend national frontiers and generations of people, and that it must allow for the inevitable changes that take place in the forests, in needs, and hence in policy...’ 题目是与原文思想相悖的,因此为False。
33 The Strasbourg conference decided that a forest policy must allow for the possibility of
change. 利用Strasbourg Conference定位至第32题出题点后一句,但是读到such,便可知是指代前面的内容,因此两题出题位置部分重合;
‘...This means that a forest policy is vital, that it must transcend national frontiers and generations of people, and that it must allow for the inevitable changes that take place in the forests, in needs, and hence in policy. The Strasbourg conference was one of the first events on such a scale to reach this conclusion...’ 题目为原文的同义转述,因此为True。
31 Natural forests still exist in parts of Europe.
‘...Hence, there is a real concern throughout Europe about the damage to the forest environment which threatens these three basic roles.
The myth of the natural forest has survived, yet there are effectively no remaining primary forests in Europe. All European forests are artificial, having been adapted and exploited by man for thousands of years...’ 因此题目与原文思想相悖,为False。
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H3 I. Matching题型简介与解题技巧 简介: i. Matching题型包括以下几个subtypes: 人名与观点/发现,属性与特点,段落信息搭配,长句子搭配; ii. Matching题目在原文中的出题点均是乱序的,与之前的True/False/Not Given题文同序的特点相反; iii. 其中,长句子搭配出题率较低,段落信息搭配是相对最难的。 ‘人名与观点’解题技巧: i. 在原文中划出所有提到的人名以及相关代词(he, she, they); ii. 划出这些人名以及代词前后表达观点的内容(直接引语以及间接引语); iii. 分析题目中的观点或发现,划出定位词回到原文中已经划出的观点中一一比对,找出正确答案。 ‘属性与特点’解题技巧: i. 选择利用选项集合还是题目集合回到原文定位(以Non-Paraphrase项来定位); ii. 处理剩余集合中的每一项; iii. 带着核心词到原文中寻找对应属性并选择正确的选项。
II. 操练真题一:Cambridge 4,Test 2, Passage 3,’Play is a Serious Business’:Questions 36-40 步骤一:在原文中划出所有提到的人名以及相关代词以及这些人名以及代词前后表达观点的内容: 段落 A B 出现的人名及其观点 ...’Even two or three per cent is huge,’ says John Byers of Idaho University. ‘You just don’t find animals wasting energy like that,’ he adds... NA ... [38-E] But Byers points out that the benefits of increased exercise disappear rapidly after training stops, so any improvement in endurance resulting from juvenile play would be lost by adulthood. ‘If the function of play was to get into shape,’ says Byers, ‘the optimum time for playing would depend on when it was most advantageous for the young of a particular species to do so. But it doesn’t work like that.’... ...In one study, behavioral ecologist Tim Caro...He found that the way the cats played had no significant effect on their hunting prowess in later life. [39-D] Earlier this year, Sergio Pellis of Lethbridge University, Canada, reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in general. Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal, he and his team found larger brains (for a given body size) are linked to greater playfulness. [36-B] The converse was also found to be true. Robert Barton of Durham University believes that, they require more play to help mound them for adulthood. ‘I concluded it’s to do with learning, and with the importance of environmental data to the brain during development,’ he says. According to Byers, the timing of the playful stage in young animals provides an important clue to what’s going on... ‘People have not paid enough attention to the amount of the brain activated by play,’ says Marc Bekoff, from Colorado University. Bekoff studies coyote pups at play and found that the kind of behavior involved was markedly more variable and unpredictable than that of adults. Such behavior activates many different parts of the brain, he reasons. [37-G] Bekoff likens it to a behavioral kaleidoscope, with animals at play jumping rapidly between activities. ‘They use behavior from a lot of different contexts-predation, aggression, reproduction,’ he says. ‘Their developing brain is getting all sorts of stimulation.’ 15 | Page
H10 I. Sentence Completion题型解题技巧 i. 可以看作是小型的summary题型,做法与summary基本一致,题目之间有顺序性,先划出定位词,然
后预测空格的答案,回原文定位并找出答案; ii. 选择式Sentence Completion题型,在讲解的时候教师可提醒学员之前学过的Matching题型中长句子
搭配题型的做法,两者不要把解题方法记混了,matching题目之间是无顺序的而sentence completion是有顺序的;
iii. 补充信息:①题目要求所填写的字数一般不超过4个;②从概率上说,所填写的部分多为名词性短语,少
数是形容词以及副词短语;③此题型一般为一篇文章的第二或者第三道大题,与前面的题型一般也也构成顺序性,即:sentence completion题型的第一题在原文的位置很可能是上一大题最后一题之后.
II. 真题操练一:Cambridge 7, Test 4, Passage 2, ‘Endless Harvest’, Questions 21-26
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-K, below. Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 21-26 on your answer sheet. 21. In Alaska, biologists keep a check on adult fish 22. Biologists have the authority
23. In-Season Abundance-Based Management has allowed the Alaska salmon fisheries 24. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) was established
25. As a result of the collapse of the salmon runs in 1999, the state decided 26. In September 2000, the MSC allowed seven Alaska salmon companies
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. to recognize fisheries that care for the environment. to be successful. to stop fish from spawning. to set up environmental protection laws. to stop people fishing for sport. to label their products using the MSC logo. to ensure that fish numbers are sufficient to permit fishing. to assist the subsistence communities in the region. to freeze a huge number of salmon eggs. to deny certification to the Alaska fisheries. to close down all fisheries. 步骤 i. 审题,此题为选择式完成句子题型,由于该题目有顺序性,因此利用题目定位,划出题目定位词;处理选项; ii. 根据雅思一贯的出题风格,此题型的第一题很可能是在上一题型最后一题之后,因此从倒数第五段开始搜索,
同时观察题目,可以先从23题开始做,因为它的定位词In-Season Abundance Based Management要比21,22题更醒目,因此先从23题开始做,定位至倒数第五段开头;
iii. 做完第23题之后,可以初步确定整个题型的覆盖面积,可以依次往后做,最后回头做21,22题。 解析
23. 定位至倒数第五段,仔细阅读至倒数第三行:...It is this management mechanism that has allowed Alaska
salmon stocks-and, accordingly, Alaska salmon fisheries-to prospect, even as salmon population in
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the rest of the United States are increasingly considered threatened or even endangered. 因此选择B,to prospect即为选项中的to be successful的同义转述。 24. 定位至倒数第四段开头:...In 1999, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) commissioned a review of the
Alaska salmon fishery. The Council, which was founded in 1996, certifies fisheries that meet high environmental standards, enabling them to use a label that recognizes their environmental responsibility...因此选择A,recognize是certifies的同义转述,care for the environment是meet high environmental standards的同义转述。
25. 做完24题后,知道倒数第四段虽然时间是1999但去没有涉及25题,因此继续向下定位至倒数第二
段:...However, the state reacted quickly, closing down all fisheries, even those necessary for subsistence purposes. 因此选择K。
26. 定位至最后一段:In September 2000, MSC announced that the Alaska salmon fisheries qualified for
certification. Seven companies producing Alaska salmon were immediately granted permission to display the MSC logo on the products...因此选择F。
21 & 22:两道题都是问biologists的行为的,而且做完第23题后,可以判断答案应该在倒数第五段的中上部分,
进行仔细阅读,...There are biologists throughout the state constantly monitoring adult fish as they show up to spawn...其中monitor相当于题目中的keep a check,因此21题答案是G,ensure that fish numbers are sufficient即为monitoring adult fish as they show up to spawn。
...The fishermen known the approximate time of year when they will be allowed to fish, but on any given day, one or more biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing. Even sport fishing can
be brought to a halt...此句是描述biologists有权停止捕鱼行为的,哪怕是体育赛事。因此选择E。
III. 真题操练二:Cambridge 8, Test 3, Passage 1, ‘Striking Back at Lightning With Lasers’, Questions 4-6
Questions 4-6 Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 4-6 on your answer sheet. 4. 5. 6. 步骤 i. ii. iii.
根据雅思一贯的出题风格,此题型的第一题很可能是在上一题型最后一题之后,因此从上一题型Multiple Choice的最后一题在原文的出题处开始搜索,即第3段的倒数第7行; 根据题文同序的特点,依次做后面的题目。
EPRI receives financial support from.................... .
The advantage of the technique being developed by Diels is that it can be used.................... . The main difficulty associated with using the laser equipment is related to its .................... .
4. 带着定位词EPRI和回到原文第3段倒数第7行开始搜定定位至:...EPRI, which is funded by power
companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States’ power grid from lightning strikes...其中,EPRI没有发生同义替换,题目中的financial support被替换成了be funded by,预测该空格应该是某个人或者机构,名词,因此可以找到原文中的power companies为此题答案;
5. 利用定位词advantage和Diels从第四题在原文的出题点后开始搜索定位至第5段第2行:...Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use
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lasers to discharge lightning safely-and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive equipment at risk...题目要寻找的是Diels开发出的技术优势,根据语法可以预测为一个副词,因此safely为答案。
6. 带着main difficulty和laser equipment进行定位,两个词组其实定位意义不大,因为都不是低频率词汇,但是如果学员能够注意到文章中是被分为三个部分,其中第二部分和第三部分被赋予两个小标题,分别是Bad Behavior和A Stumbling Block,结合小标题的提示,学员应该在第三部分开始搜索第6题的答案,定位至倒数第四段第一行:However, there is still a big stumbling block. The laser is no nifty portable: it’s a monster that takes up a whole room. Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser around the size of a small table is in the offing...因此由原文可知目前最重要的问题是size问题,空格内预测为名词,因此size 为正确答案。
IV. Short-Answer Questions解题技巧
Short-Answer Questions可以看作是在出题形式上更加象主观题的Sentence Completion题型,均以特殊疑问词开始,因此学员需要根据特殊疑问词以及其他信息预测答案,此题型在其他方面,例如:题文同序特点,与Sentence Completion区别不大,因此做法可依照Sentence Completion。
V. 真题操练一:Cambridge 4, Test 1, Passage 2, ‘What Do Whales Feel?’, Questions 22-26
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 步骤 i. ii.
审题确认题型以及限制的字数,划出特殊疑问词(红色部分)并预测答案,划出定位词(绿色部分); 根据题文同序的特点,开始着手做题。
Which of the senses is described there as being involved in mating? Which species swims upside down while eating?
What can bottlenose dolphins follow from under the water? Which type of habitat is related to good visual ability? Which of senses is best developed in cetaceans?
22. 根据特殊疑问词Which...senses可以预测,本题的答案为文中讨论的感官中的一种,利用mating回到原文中
进行定位至第二段第六行:...This contact may help to maintain order within a group, and stroking or touching are part of the courtship ritual in most species...其中的courtship即为mating的同义转换,而这里的this contact即为此段开头论述的the sense of touch, 因此答案填写touch或sense of touch均可; 23. 根据特殊疑问词What species,因此答案预测为一种鲸鱼的名称或种类,利用upside down和while eating
回到原文中定位,遵循题文同序规则,定位至第四段第三行:...Eye position in freshwater dolphins, which often swim on their side or upside down while feeding, suggests that ...原文中的while feeding被题目同义替换成了while eating, upside down没有进行任何同义替换,因此答案为freshwater dolphin(s)或the freshwater dolphin(s)均可;
24. 利用特殊疑问词What...follow可以预测答案是bottlenose dolphins在水下跟随的东西或其他生物,利用
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bottlenose和under the water同时遵循题文同序的特点定位至第四段第五行:...By comparison, the bottlenose dolphin has extremely keen vision in water. Judging from the way it watches and tracks airborne flying fish, it can apparently...其中原文中的in water相当于题目中的under the water,而tracks相当于题目中的follow,因此题目答案为airborne flying fish;
25. 根据特殊疑问词What...habitat可以预测答案为栖息地的类型名称,带着habitat和visual ability遵循题文
同序的特点定位至第五段:...Such variation can no doubt be explained with reference to the habitats in which individual species have developed. For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rives and flooded plains...题目中的habitat没有任何同义替换,visual ability相当于vision,因此通过分析比较级,本题答案为clear open water(s)或open water(s);
26. 本题与22题一样,答案应该是讨论的感官中的一种,带着定位词best和cetaceans回到原文定位至最后一
段第三行:...Although the senses of taste and smell appear to have deteriorated, and vision in water appears to be uncertain, such weakness are more than compensated for by cetaceans’
well-developed acoustic sense...题目中的best需要分析原文才能得出是acoustic sense,既然sense of taste和smell都是deteriorated的,而vision又不确定,因此在这几种senses中,自然是acoustic sense是最好的,因为只有它是well-developed的,因此答案为acoustic sense或the acoustic sense。
VI. 真题操练二:Cambridge 6, Test 1, Passage 1, ‘Australia’s Sporting Success’, Questions 12 & 13
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet. 12. 13. 步骤 i.
审题确认题型以及限制的字数,划出特殊疑问词(红色部分)并预测答案,划出定位词(绿色部分); 鉴于此题中的两个题目,第13题目的定位比12要明显因此可以建议学员先做13然后按照题文同序再向上寻找12题的答案;
What is produced to help an athlete plan their performance in an event?
By how much did some cyclists’ performance improve at the 1996 Olympic Games?
ii. 解析
13. 特殊疑问词By how much暗示答案为数字增长值,因为是此篇文章的最后一组题目,因此可以从文章末尾向
上搜索,利用1996 Olympic Games回到原文定位至F段第二行:...At the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, these sliced as much as two percent off cyclists’ and rowers’ times...因此(by) 2 percent或(by) 2%均为正确答案;
12. 带着plan和event向上搜索至E段第一行:...Well before a championship, sports scientists and coaches
start to prepare the athlete by developing a ‘competition model’, based on what they expect will be
the winning times...原文中表示预期,计划的prepare和expect实际是题目中的plan的同义替换,因此正确答案为(a)competition model。
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H11 I. 复习雅思阅读文章常见结构 科学:生物/建筑/医疗保健/自然环境/化学/其他 现象
雅思阅读(说明文+夹叙夹议) 人文:语言文化/历史文明/城市交通/语言/教育学习/经济管理/
实验 现象类文章典型的结构:
引入要说明或探讨的现象(注意:通常会提到人们对此现象之前的认识或者局限展开批驳和分析); 开始分析现象,按照一定的逻辑展开文章 ? 时间顺序 ? 并列顺序 ? 递进顺序 ? 其他逻辑顺序 结论或对未来的展望
背景介绍(实验或者项目的原因) 实验或项目的细节 ? 设计或参与人员 ? 实验对象
? 实验器材,原理,步骤
实验结构(注意:在陈述实际结果前可能会先交代预期结果,然后将预期和实际结果做比较和分析) 未来的启示和展望
II. List of Headings解题技巧 i. 审题:观察题目中是否已经提供了例子,如果有需要在选项中将该答案划去并且在相应段落做记号,以免
重复做题; ii. 处理剩余选项,简化信息;需要划出的必要信息有:①如果选项中有重复成分,则着眼于差异部分;②时
间,地点,程度等限定性形容词和副词,例如: first, local, best; always, never;③因果,对比。时间关系的动词,例如: cause, compare, remain; ④各种否定意义表达,例如objection; ⑤大写/专有名词以及生僻词汇;⑥如果没有以上词汇,划出定位词(介词后名词为先);
iii. 利用’中心句法’和’简易法’做题: Short Cuts 中心句法 简易法 中心句法的核心就是在每一个段落中找出3句备选中心句,从这些句子中提取核心信息和词组,再回到选项中选择出与之相匹配的答案。 首先,哪些句子可能是备选中心句呢? ? 首句(50%) ? 第二句(20%) ? 末句(20%) 因此在做题时,首先阅读段落首句第二句和末句,一般来说中心句肯定是这三句中的一句;但是如果难度使用该方法的两种情况: 1. 没有中心句的段落; 2. 确定中心句后仍无法与选项相对应,利用简易法阅读剩余部分; 3. 反复出现的单词的概念是段落的1. 反复出现的是标题; 2. 同义词替换的是标题; 3. 转折后面是中心句; 4. 定义句型是中心句。 5. 出现problem, effects/impacts,以及changes的句子基本上是中心句,而且标题中会出现这些词汇或者他们的同义词。 如果在一篇文章的末尾部分,这三个或40 | Page
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