
更新时间:2023-09-03 01:41:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





旁白:Hello,everyone!I will tell you a very beautiful story.Now let me introduce the members of this story.Beauty’s father,the beast,playboy,the beauty of the elder sister,the beauty of the second sister,ourleading character in the story—the

beauty.Now,our beautiful story is beginning. (一个一个指着说)大家好!我将告诉你们一个非常美丽的故事。现在让我介绍这个故事的成员。美女的父亲,野兽,花花公子,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,我们的故事的主角——美女。现在,我们美丽的故事开始了。



美女的父亲(依依不舍的):My dear daughters,I must go.我亲爱的女儿,我必须走了。

三姐妹(很担心的):Where will you go,father?Don’t leave us!你要去哪里?不要离开我们!

美女的父亲:I must go to a far place,to make a big business.If I talk succeed,then I will make very much money.我必须去一个遥远的地方,谈一笔大生意。如果成功,我将赚很多钱。

美女的姐姐们:What?Oh yeah!Father,if you succeed,please bring us some pretty thing!什么?太好了!爸爸,如果你成功了,请给我们带一些漂亮的东西!

美女的父亲:What pretty thing do you want,my dear daughters?你想要什么漂亮的东西,我亲爱的女儿?

美女的大姐:I just want a diamond,my dear father!我只是想要一颗钻石,我亲爱的父亲。

美女的二姐:I just want askirt and a perfume,my dear father!我只是想要一条裙子和一瓶香水,我亲爱的父亲。

美女的父亲:OK, I will bring them to you.And you,(对着美女)my dear little daughter,what do you want?好的,我会把它们给你们。你呢?我亲爱的小女儿,你想要什么?

美女:I want a pretty flower,daddy.I will miss you.我想要朵漂亮的花,爸爸,我会想你的。

美女的父亲:I'll miss you too.But I have to leave.(转身离去)我也会想念你,但是我不得不离开了。

美女的姐姐们:Good bye, father,remember to bring us a diamond,a skirt and a perfume!再见,爸爸,记得要带给我们一颗钻石,一条裙子和香水!

美女:Good bye, father.再见,爸爸。



旁白:One day,beauty’s fatherfind he was lost his way.But a big castle appeared in his eyes.一天,美女的父亲发现他迷路了,但在他的眼前出现了一座大城堡。

美女的父亲:(上前敲门)Hello!你好!(发现门是开着的,走了进去)Is someone there? I don’t mean to intrude.But I’ve lost my horse.And I need a place to stay for the night.(小心翼翼的说)So delicious dishes.I’m so hungry now.I think the master of this castle is generous man.Let me eat something.有人在吗?我不是有意闯进来的。我的马跑了。我想借住一晚。这么多美味的佳肴,我现在很饿了,我吃点东西。(吃了起来,吃到一半,突然发现前面的花园有许多美丽的鲜花)Such a beautiful flower! Should I bring my little daughter flowers.这么漂亮的花!我应该给我的小女儿带朵。(走过去采花)

野兽:You!美女的父亲:(吃惊的)Oh no…

野兽:How dare you! I have given you eating But I dont think you are so greedy! I will kill you!你怎么敢!我给你吃,但我不认为你是那么贪婪!我要杀了你!

美女的父亲:No! Pleasedon’t! I have three daughters. If I die, they will very sad.不!请不要!我有三个女儿。如果我死了,她们会很难过。

野兽:You have daughters?你有女儿?


野兽:OK. I won’t kill you. But you must take your daughter here.好的。我不会杀了你,你必须把你的女儿在这里。



旁白:Beauty’s father was going home and told his daughters what happened.美女的父亲回家,告诉女儿发生了什么事。

美女:(伤心的)Daddy, we can’t afford to lose you. I must see it.爸爸,我们不能失去你。我去见他。

美女的父亲:No! You don’t know how strong and frightened it i.e. don’t agree with you.不,你不知道他有多么强大和可怕。


美女的大姐:(面对父亲)Daddy, let her go. It’s her mistake. If not she want the flowers, nothingwill happen!爸爸,让她去,


美女的二姐:(面对美女激动地说)Why you want a flowers? Do you want to kill daddy?为什么要花?你想害死爸爸吗?

美女:NO! I don’t! I'm going to find it; I won't let you die for me!不!我没有!我要去找它,我不会让您为了我而去死!

美女的父亲:No! I can’t leave you. Maybe I can think another way to…不!我不能离开你。也许我能想到另一种方法……

美女:Please believe me! I will be back, trust me! (转身离去)请相信我!我会回来的,相信我!


美女的姐姐们:(悄悄地离开房间后)She must be eaten by the beast.她一定会被野兽吃掉的。(两人一起笑着走远了)



旁白:When the beauty was on the road, she was become aim by someone.美女在路上的时候,成为了目标人物。

花花公子:Woo! What a beauty girl! Here is a present for you!(拿起一枚戒指)I love beautiful gril!And some boy should marry

a beauty girl.哇哦!多么美丽的女孩!这是给你的礼物!我爱美女!就像一些男孩应该娶一个美女一样。

美女:I’m sorry. I can’t receive i.e. must to see the beast.(转身准备离开)对不起。我不能接受它。我必须去见野兽。

花花公子:(一边说,一边上前挡住她的去路)Please wait a moment!(吃惊)Beast?!What happened?请等一下!野兽?

旁白:The beauties to the playboy tell what had happened. 美女向花花公子述说事情的经过。

花花公子:Don’t worry about it.I will help you to save your father. Then you… (奸笑着,上前动手动脚)

美女:(一边后退,一边挣扎,同时大叫)Stop it.Don’t touch me!Help me!停下!别碰我!救救我!

野兽:(打花花公子)What are you doing!你在做什么!花花公子:啊!(晕倒)

野兽:(看向美女)You must be the merchant's daughter.你一定是那个商人的女儿。

美女:Yes, I am.野兽:Coming with me.跟我来。(美女跟着野兽离开)


出场人物: 野兽,美女

野兽:You must be his daughter. (美女点点头) 野兽:Please come with me.

美女:Woo~~~It’s so nice a castle.旁白:The beast took beauty to his castle.

野兽:This is my home. Do you like it?美女:Yes, it’s so pretty.

野兽:This is your bedroom; you can sleep here at night.美女:En ~~~~and where do you sleep?

野兽:I sleep in my room. 美女:o~~~~(松了一口气)

旁白:Two week later. 野兽:Do you feel happy living here?

美女:Yes, I do. But I want to go home. I want to see my daddy! 野兽(突然认真的):Now, tell me, do you love me?

美女:En~~~~~what? 野兽:Do you love me? 美女:~~~~ Love you? No, But I do like you, I like you a lot.

野兽(伤心的): Never mind! (转身离去) 旁白:Two hours later 野兽:Do you want to go home? Just go, never come back.

美女:Thank you. I think you are a kind man.野兽:Thanks. But I am nothing. 美女:bye~~~(转身离去)


出场人物: 美女家人,美女

美女姐姐:How did you come back? The beast did’t kill you ? 美女妹妹:My dear sister, I’m glad to see you again.

美女:So do I.I love you 美女父亲:I miss you.

美女:I won’t go back. 美女父亲:No.You have promised to stay there.

美女:Daddy, I don't know.

美女父亲:I am still very weak, and it will be winter soon. You can return to the Beast in spring.美女:Ok, dad.

旁白:One night the beauty had a dream, she dreamed that the beast lied on his garden, and he will die soon.

美女:NO! (从梦中惊醒,飞快地奔向野兽城堡)

美女:Hoo no! Don’t pass away,pleases!Pleases don’t .Please.

野兽(躺着有气无力地):You have come.Didn’t I tell you never come back here again? I will die soon.Just let me die. Leave me 美女:No~~~I can’t leave you, I love you~~~~ 野兽:What?美女:I love you!

(野兽突然变成了王子) 王子:I love you too!美女(吃惊地):Your face, how handsome you are!

王子:I was maken magic by an old witch, only a beautiful girl's ture love could break the Magic, now,

I have freedom and I find you .Thank you, I love you!

美女:OH~~~I love you, too. I won’t leave you! (,抱在一起) (音乐响起)They lived a happy life forever.

