英语演讲稿The Magic Of Music

更新时间:2024-02-29 11:24:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


The magic of music

Good morning everyone,I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech,today my topic is “the magic of music”.

As we all know,music is indispensable(不可缺少的) to our life.Mothers sing simple rhythm to construct a bedroom environment that promotes(促进) sleep to their lovely baby;Soldiers sing passionate(激昂的) songs when they are marching(行军) so that they are able to gain confidence.Also,in our daily life,music always be everywhere.In the morning,we may awake because of a song which used to be an alarm.During the day,the ring of our classes remind us that it is time to begin class and it is time to finish class. When we get back to dormitory,we turn on QQ music or Kugou music, choosing the songs we like and enjoy it.In the evening,when we go to bed,in the warm quilt,we listen to soft music with earphone and fall asleep.Consequently ,as far as I’m concerned,where there is life,there is music,if there were no music in our life,the life won’t be complete,the magic of music influences our life silently.

In life,some people like fast music, and others like soft music.The kinds of music we like are related to our character.In addition,the kinds of music we usually listen can reflect our emotion.

The magic of music is far beyond description,music convinces us that it is not only a body or brain,but expression of the soul,music can boost(提高) brain and stimulate(使兴奋) emotions.When we are exhausted(疲惫的),music enable us to feel relaxed;When we are disappointed,music calm us down;When we are doing chores

(杂务),music makes us more effective.Music leads us into a realm(王国) of peace and pleasure.

My friend ever told me that “when I feel tired,disappointed,or in low spirits,I usually turn to music,there is nothing but music can has such excellent an effect on my pond of feeling.Of course I have the same feeling,when I was boring,when I am failed to do something,when I was annoyed,music can always calm me down,cheer me up and bring me a good mood.I think everyone of you don’t want to wash clothes,neither do I,but if you take on a earphone when you wash clothes,play songs you like,the tired thing will become an enjoyment.

Music reminds us of events in the past and gives us the power of imagination.I’m sure that you must have this feeling,when you listen to a song,it leads you to a period of memorable time .When you listen a song, somebody may occur you .You listen to its words,listen to its rhythm,then the song comes in the deep of your heart and tells your true feeling.

As it was said by Congrave “Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast,the soften rocks,or bend a knotted oak”.(音乐有魔力去抚慰凶悍的胸怀,软化岩石,曲折那盘根错节的橡树)We can’t measure how much music brings us,music is a spiritual sustenance(精神食粮) that can help us escape from sorrow.Its magic is sufficient(足够的) to attract people generation after generation.So,let’s reach out to embrace music and enjoy it through our lives,love music and love life.

This all,thank you.

