
更新时间:2023-09-24 15:51:01 阅读量: IT计算机 文档下载




本试卷共10页,三部分,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:





第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Here are four famous books which are both entertaining and educational for school children. Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is probably one of the most popular school reads in the world. George Orwell wrote it as a political symbol. It has inspired the minds of not only adults but also the younger ones who start the strong feeling of justice and freedom for all humanity in their hearts. A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park

Based on a true story, this is definitely one of the must-read children’s books. It’s story of two people of the same country, but of different tribes and time, both finding themselves on this long, tiring and often dangerous walk of life.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Regarded as a masterpiece of literature, it’s no wonder that it won the Pulitzer Prize. The plot and characters are based on the author’s observations of her family and neighbors, as well as on an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936 when she was 10 years old. The novel is famous for its warmth and humor.

The Harry Potter series by J.k.Rowling

This is a series of stories showing the courage of a young boy, who is never afraid to speak his mind in the face of injustice and will always defend the helpless. In this story, a boy shows us the importance of believing in ourselves. It reminds us that the true power to defeat any enemy isn’t in others, but in each of us.

1. Which of the following best suits people who want freedom? A. Animal Farm. B. A Long Walk to Water. C. To Kill a Mockingbird. D. The Harry Potter series.


2. Which author wrote the book by observing his or her own life? A. J.k.Rowling. B. Linda Sue Park. C. George Orwell. D. Harper Le.

3. What does the Harry Potter series mainly want to convey? A. Failure is the mother of success. B. Actions speak louder than words. C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. God helps those who help themselves.


Bill Gates, the richest person in the world, banned his kids from having cell-phones until they were 14. He also forbids them at the dinner table and limits his youngest kid’s screen time before she goes to bed.

Father to three children, Gates admits, “We often set a time after which there is no screen time and it helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour. People are always looking at how cell-phones can be used in great way — homework and staying in touch with friends. We don’t have cell-phones at the table when having a meal. And we didn’t give our kids cell-phones until they were 14, but they complained other kids got them earlier.”

Which phones Gates’ kids got isn’t clear, possibly not those designed by his long-time rival — Steven Jobs.

However, Bill Gates is famous for his simple and direct approach. There may be £67 billions to his name, but there is nothing showy about the man. Wearing an £8 watch and saying he had a very nice curry(咖喱菜)last night, Bill Gates added, “I’m big on pretty mainstream American hamburgers — McDonald’s and Burger King.”

As a child, Bill Gates grew up with his lawyer father and philanthropist (慈善家)mother in Seattle. He was once sent to see a psychologist because he spent so much time in reading alone and didn’t go out. After dropping out of Harvest to found Microsoft, he transformed personal computing. And after setting up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 with his wife, he has given billions to fund worldwide aid. After quitting as Microsoft chairman in 2014, he dedicated himself to the foundation and has become the greatest philanthropist ever.

4. What can we learn from Bill Gates’ words in Paragraph2? A. Banning cell-phones helps kids sleep better. B. Setting a sleep time for kids is unnecessary. C. Cell-phones help kids develop good relationships. D. Cell-phones can greatly help kids with their homework. 5. What does the underlined word “rival” in Paragraph3 probably mean? A. Companion. B. Competitor. C. Cooperator. D. Supporter. 6. What does the author think of Bill Gates’ life?

A. Simple. B. Lonely. C. Boring. D. Exciting. 7. Why was Bill Gates taken to see a psychologist as a child? A. He wanted to drop out of school. B. He gave billions to fund worldwide aid. C. He usually read books in the room alone. D. He spent too much time playing with cell-phones.


Can animals be artistic? Some experts think so. Painting and music are part of efforts to keep animals happy


at the Smithsonian’s national Zoo. Zookeepers there believe that animals need enrichment just like people do.

A sloth bear (长毛熊) called Francois is one of the National Zoo’s artists. He began his artistic career two years ago. Francois has a very unusual way to paint. He uses his breath to paint. His zookeeper, Stacey Tabellario, says that although the technique may look strange, it is actually a very natural behavior for sloth bears. They have got big lungs and they can exhale (呼出) a huge amount of air. The zookeepers fill one of those tubes full of paint and ask them to breathe through it. And they blow all of the paint onto the canvas (帆布), making these really cool paintings.

Animal artists come in all shapes and sizes at the Zoo. They use many kinds of techniques to create their works of art. Apes use paintbrushes. Many use their paws or claws — much like a human painter would use his or her hands.

Stacey Tabellario says Francois seems to enjoy expressing himself through his art. “When I set up the materials for painting activity, he comes and sits next to them and waits until we are ready to start painting. He does that every time. I also see where his eyes go. He does see the paints come out of the tube and land on the canvas.” But not every animal wants to paint.

Music is another part of the arts enrichment program. Physically and mentally stimulating (有趣味的) activities are an important part of the daily care of the animals. Trainers have a lot of tools, from tablet computers to small toys.

Kenton Kerns says the program helps the animals and the zookeepers in many ways. Every interaction between keepers and their animals creates some sort of connections. The one-of-a-kind works of art created by the animals are popular with zoo visitors. Many are sold at the zoo’s fundraising(募捐) events.

8. What is the best title for the text?

A. Art Works in the Zoo. B. Zoo Animals Show Artistic Side. C. Animals can Earn Money. D. Animals Enjoy Painting.

9. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. Francois is a two-year-old artist at the National Zoo. B. Francois’ way to paint is unusual for sloth bears. C. Francois can paint owing to its big lung. D. Francois paints with the help of his feet. 10. According to Stacey Tabellario, Francois .

A. is fond of painting B. likes to stay with other animals

C. often shows the painting to the audience

D. wants to get attention from the zookeepers by painting. A. enriches the keepers’ life B. makes the animals clever

C. intends to collect money for the zoo

D. deepens the relationship between animals and keepers


Looking out across the city and on top of the tall buildings before you are cows. Yes, you read that right. Farm animals are eating grass on high-rise urban farms on the top of high buildings in London. Elsewhere, off the coast of mainland England, against the background of the extremely beautiful White Cliffs of Dover, a wonderful


11. According to Kenon Kerns, the art program .

pot (吊舱) structure forms part of a floating city. This is how we will live 100 years from now — if a group of UK experts is to be believed.

Temporary housing pods, underwater cities and 3D-printed houses will also help reduce the burden of overpopulation and inner city living-space shortages. Buildings with their own microclimates and cities built in the skies are also among the amazing achievements of future engineering predicted by the experts.

But not only will tomorrow’s architects continue to advance towards the clouds, building higher and higher, as engineering advances allow, but we’ll also be headed deep below ground. The experts suggested future cities will feature incredible multi-level basement structures — already beginning to take effect in high-density (高密度的) areas like London — which will help ease a lack of urban space above ground.

Meanwhile, the future will feature city-spanning (跨越城市的) bridges, according to the experts. Want to travel over to Mars quickly? No problem — the experts are predicting spaceports (宇航基地) will become commonplace, so future generations will be able to head over to their local station and hitch (搭顺风车) the next ride.

The predictions were heavily focused on water-based architecture and contemporary problems such as overpopulation, global warming and rising sea levels. Using the future tech predictions, 2,000 people were then surveyed to see which of the suggestions they thought — and hoped — would become a reality by 2115. Topping the survey was super-deep basement buildings complete with hotels, restaurants, green space, swimming pools and gyms. The survey also found that one in three respondents (调查对象) considered floating sea cities — which could use solar and tidal energy — as a choice for future development.

12. What is the function of the first paragraph?

A. To present the topic. B. To make a comment. C. To make a comparison. D. To draw a conclusion.

13. The second paragraph mainly talks about . A. different kinds of building structures. B. recent development of building structures. C. means to control the increase of population.

D. future building structures helping to solve the lack of lying space. 14. The underlined phrase “local station” refers to . A. air station B. traveling agency C. spaceport D. traveling destination

15. What did people surveyed consider most practical?

A. Floating sea cities. B. Deep underground buildings. C. City-spanning bridges. D. Slightly-deep basements.

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)



Celebrating a Chinese Wedding

A wedding my country is a big event. 16 Especially the new couple will be very excited. When a couple decides to marry, the son’s family makes an appointment with the daughter’s family to get permission for the couple to marry. If the daughter’s family accepts this wedding, both of their families decide the date of the wedding ceremony. 17 They spend a lot of time shopping, decorating a new house, and preparing lots of new dresses for the wedding.

The wedding ceremony is in the morning. The bride wears a wedding gown(礼服). 18 First, the groom(新郎) will go to the bride’s house with his friends. A professional photographer takes photos of them with each of their families and friends.

19 Before the party, most of the time the new couple will stand at the front door of the restaurant or hotel. They thank everyone for coming. When almost everyone comes, the party begins. The bride and groom have to go from one table to another to thank everyone. 20

Usually, people who come to the wedding party will give the new couple some money that is called Hong Bao.

A. The groom wears a suit. B. Their parents follow them.

C. They are engaged(订婚)to be married. D. Then they prepare for their marriage. E. The important time is the wedding party. F. Both family time and friends will be very happy.

G. At the same time, they ask the guests whether the dinner is good or not.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One summer night, my friends and I stole into the Jordans’ backyard and started harvesting their sweet, juicy raspberries (树莓). We were enjoying every bite of the tasty berries when 21 , Mr Jordan came charging outside.

“What are you boy s doing out here?” he shouted as my friends 22 in all directions. He 23 to catch one or two as they rushed past him, but they were too 24 for the older gentleman to catch. Within seconds, the boys 25 into the dark of the summer evening. All except me.

However, speed was never my 26 . I took the tongue-lashing(痛骂) that Mr Jordan gave me as he marched me down the block to my house, where my mother 27 and scolded me bitterly. My friends said they cold 28 every colorful word she spoke from the darkness of our backyard, where they had gathered to


