外研版七年级英语下册教学设计 Module 3 Unit 1 教案

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编号: 课课题 it 1 what are you going to do at the weekend? Un型 Listening and speaking 课时 The first period 知识与技能 To learn some words and expressions To understand the dialogue in activity 3 To talk about weekend plans with the given information To be able to talk about plans with new words and sentences The unit is focused on practicing the students’ listening and speaking ability, the vocabulary as well as the sentence structure is hard for the students to grasp. 通过谈论周末计划,了解不同国家、不同民族的不同休闲安排和生活。 养成良好的,有计划的生活和学习习惯。 三维目标 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 Lead-in the vocabulary, especially the key points: 教学 go over lessons, help with the housework, see a move, check my email , have a piano lesson, 重点 have a picnic, at the weekend, alone Enable the students to get familiar with the structure of “be going to do ” 教学 Ss master the sentence sturcture “be going to ” and use it to make ask and answer with partners 难点 Ss know how to make and change sentences with “be goingto ” Communicative approach. Bottom-up approach, pictures 教学 手段 教学 准备 教学 方法 PPT and teaching CD 教学过程 教学 环节 1. 情 景 导 入

教师活动 学生活动 备注 T let Ss watch a short movie about “be going to ” Individual work: and talk about the title of this unit 1. Ss watch the 1.T asks Ss to say what they are going to do at the short movie weekend and list on the board 教学 环节 2. 知 识 新 授 3. 情 景 操 练

教师活动 2. T shows some pictures and teaches the new phrases in activity1 and finish the exercise in activity 1 3.Play the tape and let Ss finish the Activity2. 1. T asks Ss with the new sentence structure --------What are you going to do on Saturday morning? --------I’m going to do my homework. T asks Ss one by one and let Ss be familiar with the new sentences. Then T explains the sentences. 2.Ask students to work in pairs to make a dailogue with the sentence structure about their plans at the weekend. Then write down the answers in the form of activity 6 3.T let some pairs to act out the dailogue in front of the whole class. Then T corrects the mistakes. 1.let students listen to the tape carefully and ask them finish the form and exercises in Activity3 and 4 2.Play the tape again and check the answers with the Ss 学生活动 2.Talk about.the plans at the weekend 3. Match the words with the pictures in Activity 1. 4. Listen and match these words in Activity2. 1. Ss anwser the questions from the teacher in new sentence structure 2. Students work in pairs to practice the sentence structure. -------What are you going to …………? --------I’m going to do …… 3.Then some students act the dailogue out and master the structure. 1.Ss listen to the tape carefully and finish the form and exercises in Activity3 and 4 2.Individual work Ss listen again and check the answers with teacher . 备注 教学 环节 4. 教师活动 3. Text explanation: Vocabulary:at the weekend 介词on, in, at help with sth who else 不定代词+形容词 stay at home alone/ lonely fantastic 1. let Ss practice pronunciation and speaking skills. 2. let Ss practise the dailogue with their partners 3. T repeats what they learned in this lesson 4. T gives the homework 学生活动 3.Ss read the dailogue in Acitivity4 with partner and try to act it out. 4. Ss make some notes 5. Individual work: Make sentences using the vocabulary and sentence structure. 备注 1. Whole-class work: Read the dialogue together with the tape recorder. Then read the pronunciation and words of Activity5 with the tape recorder. 2. Pair work: Students work in pairs to try to recite the whole dailogue. 3.Pair work: Read the words to let the partner check if the words are pronounced in a correct way. 4.Ss write down the homework. 情 景 回 归

板 书 设 计 Module 3 Making plans Unit 1 what are you going to do at the weekend? Key points: go over lessons help with the housework see a move check my email have a piano lesson have a picnic at the weekend alone Key structure: --what are you going to do on Saturday morning? --I’m going to check my email and do my homework. 教 学 反 思 反复使用修订记录说明

