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Part One Manuscript Form 第一部分 文稿格式

As we are learning to write, we should have a clear idea of what is good manuscript form. We should do everything—writing the title, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing, and dividing words—according to generally accepted rules. Whenever we write something, we should work carefully, write neatly and clearly, and try to make as few mistakes as possible. Before handing in our essay or exercise, we should proofread it once or twice, because we may need to make some final corrections and changes. If we always work in this way, we are sure to make to progress.

当我们学习写作的时候,应该清楚地知道什么是好的文稿格式。我们应该做的每件事是——写标题,留页边距,缩进,首字母大写,并拆分单词——根据普遍接受的规则。每当我们写东西时,应该仔细,字迹工整清楚,尽可能少犯错误。在上交我们的文章或练习前,应该校对一或两次,因为我们可能需要一些最后的修正和变更。如果我们总是用这种方式工作,肯定能取得进步。 Ⅰ. Arrangement



Writing in correct manuscript form is very important, because it makes it easy to read what is written and prevents misunderstanding. We should follow the general practices in writing the title, leaving the margins, paragraphing, capitalizing, and dividing words.


When we write an essay to be read by the teacher, we should write on every other line so that there will be room for corrections. It is necessary to leave a margin of about two centimeters at the top and the bottom of the page, and one of a centimeter and a half on the right and left side.


We cannot make the right margin straight or neat, unless we are using a computer, but we should never write to the very edge of the page. When the space left near the end of a line is not or barely enough for the word we are going to write, we should write the word on the next line or divide the word if it is a long one. There


must be a blank space on the right side of the page.


The title or topic of the essay should be placed in the middle of the first line. Every word of the title (including words following hyphens in compound words) should be capitalized. Except articles, short prepositions, coordinating conjunctions(and, or, but, so, yet, nor, and for) and to in infinitives. But if one of these words is the first or last word of the title, it should be capitalized. Topics are generally noun phrases(nouns with their modifiers), though other forms are possible. No full stop should be used at the end of a title. A question mark is needed if the topic is a direct question(but an indirect question is not followed by a question mark). The title of a book within the topic should be underlined(italicized in printing), and the title of an article put between quotation marks.

文章的标题或主题应该在第一行居中。标题的每个单词(包括复合词中连字符后的单词)应该首字母大写。冠词、简短介词、并列连词(and, or, but, so, yet, nor和for)和不定式中的to除外,但如果是标题的第一或最后一个单词,应该首字母大写。主题一般是名词短语(名词加修饰词),不过可能有其他形式。标题结尾应该不用句点。如果主题是一个直接问句需要加问号



Below are some examples: 下面是一些例子:

My Impressions of Beijing

北京印象 The Wall Between

Where Do All the New Words Come From?


What Traditions Mean to the Chinese

什么习俗对中国人很重要 A Clean, Well-Lighted Place 一个干净、明亮的地方 Different Views on Jane Eyre


Interpretations of Robert Frost’s “Fire and Ice” 解读罗伯特〃弗罗斯特的“火与冰”

The first line of every paragraph should be indented(started after a space of four or five letters).

每段的第一行应该缩进(从四或五个字母的空格后开始) Arabic numerals are generally used for paging. They can be put either in the upper right-hand corner or in the middle below the last


line of every page.


A line is never begun with a comma, a period, a semicolon, a colon, a question mark or an exclamation mark; a line never ends with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parentheses. The hyphen that shows a word is divided is put at the end, not at the beginning, of a line.

一行从不起始于逗号、句点、分号、冒号、问号或感叹号;从不结束于上半个方括号、引号或圆括号。出现连字符的拆分词被放在行尾而不是行首。 Ⅱ. Word Division 二、拆分单词

The following hints may be helpful to us in the division of words:


One-syllable words such as count, health and thought cannot be divided. Words with two or more syllables can be divided according to the formation of syllables: re-peat-ed, in-sist, punc-tu-al, san-dal, de-cline, trans-la-tion.

单音节词例如count, health和thought不能被拆分。有两个或更多音节的单词可以根据音节的构成被拆分:re-peat-ed,


in-sist, punc-tu-al, san-dal, de-cline, trans-la-tion。

A stressed close syllable usually takes a consonant with it: ded-i-cate, grat-i-fy, la-bor-a-to-ry, fin-nish.

一个重读闭音节通常带一个辅音字母:ded-i-cate, grat-i-fy, la-bor-a-to-ry, fin-nish。

A consonant plus -le is treated as a syllable: min-gle, peo-ple, no-ble, gig-gle.

一个辅音字母加-le被视为一个音节:min-gle, peo-ple, no-ble, gig-gle.

A single letter cannot be put at the end or at the beginning of a line: e-voke, heart-y.

一个单独的字母不能被放在一行的结尾或开头:e-voke, heart-y.

A two-letter ending should not be put at the beginning of a line: hund-ed, hard-en.

一个双字母的末音节不应被放在行首:hund-ed, hard-en. Divisions that may mislead the reader should be avoided: re-ally, lay-man.

可能误导读者的拆分应避免:re-ally, lay-man。

Words with hyphens should be divided only at the hyphen: broad-minded, broken-hearted.




Two-syllable words with double consonants in the middle are as a rule divided between the two consonants: strug-gle, lat-ter.

双音节且中间双辅音的单词通常从两个辅音中间被拆分:strug-gle, lat-ter。

Division of proper names should be avoided: Dickens, Paris. 专有名词的拆分应避免:Dickens, Paris。

The last word of a page should not be divided. It should be written on the next page.

页面的最后一个单词不应被拆分,应写在下一页上。 Division of words at the ends of several consecutive lines should be avoided.


Division of words is not always easy. When we are not sure, we should consult a dictionary. In some dictionaries syllabication is indicated by a dot; as in the examples given above, in others by a space: to geth er, sum mer.

单词拆分不总是容易的。当我们不确定时,应该查字典。在一些字典中,音节的划分被通过一个点表示出来;照上述例子的形式,其他字典是通过一个空格来表示:to geth er, sum mer。 Ⅲ. Capitalization 三、字首大写


Capitalized words are used mainly in three places: proper names, key words in titles, and the first words of sentences.


Common words used as parts of proper names are capitalized: 常见词汇被当作专有名词的一部分要首字母大写:

Third Ring Road 三环路 Northwestern university 西北大学 Women’s Day 妇女节 the National Library of Beijing 北京国家图书馆 the Middle Ages 中世纪 the Yellow River 黄河 Words derived from proper names are usually capitalized: 从专有名词衍生出的词汇通常首字母大写:

Marxist 马克思主义者 Darwinism 达尔文主义 Freudian 弗洛伊德学说 Dickensian 狄更斯学者 Taoist 道士 Latinize 拉丁化 Some proper names or their derivatives have become common words:



mackintosh ( a raincoat; after Charles Macintosh who invented it )

橡胶雨衣(一种雨衣;以发明者查尔斯·麦金托什名义命名) quixotic(like Don Quixote, hero of the novel of the same name)

不切实际的空想(与同名小说中的男主角堂吉诃德类似) All sentences, including sentence fragments treated as sentences, should begin with capital letters. In this regard, we should pay special attention to the use of capital letters and punctuation in quoted words and sentences.


Miss Johnson said,“When you write an essay, you should pay attention to both content and language.”


“When you write an essay,” she said,“you should pay attention to both content and language.”

“当你写一篇文章时,”她说,“应该同时注重内容和语言。” “When you write an essay, you should pay attention to both


content and language,”the teacher said.

“当你写一篇文章时,应该同时注重内容和语言,”老师说。 Miss Johnson advised us to“pay attention to both content and language”when we wrote an essay.


These examples show:⑴ the subject and verb of saying before the quotation are followed by a comma;⑵ a complete sentence within quotation marks after the verb of saying begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop;⑶ if the quoted sentence is broken into two parts and put between two pairs of quotation marks, with the subject and verb of saying placed between them, the first part ends with a comma, the second part does not begin with a capital letter(unless the first word is a proper name), and the whole sentence ends with a full stop;⑷ if the quoted sentence is put before the subject and verb of saying, it ends with a comma, and the verb of saying is followed by a full stop;⑸ if the quoted words are a phrase instead of a complete sentence, the phrase is treated as part of the whole sentence.



两对引号之中,主语和说话的谓语动词被放在两部分中间,第一部分末尾加逗号,第二部分不以大写字母开头(除非第一个单词是专有名词),整句结尾加句点。⑷如果被放到主语和说话的谓语动词之前,引用句结尾加逗号,说话的谓语动词跟句点。⑸如果引用词是一个词组而不是一个完整句,词组被当作完整句的一部分。 Ⅳ. Handwriting 四、书写

There are two common ways of writing the letters: to form loops and to print(to write without joining the letters in imitation of printed words). Both are good, but we had better stick to one of the two styles.


We should always try to write neatly so that our handwriting can be read easily. We should make capital letters bigger and higher than small letters, a’s different from o’s, n’s different from u’s, and we should not forget to dot i’s and j’s, or cross t’s. A little space(about that of one letter)should be left after a comma, and a slightly bigger space(about that of two letters)after a full stop.



母写的比小写字母更大更高,a与o不同,n与u不同,不该忘记写i和 j的圆点,或让t十字交叉。逗号后应该留一个小空格(大约一个字母),句号后留更大一点的空格(大约两个字母)。

When we want to cross out a word, we should draw a thick line through it. It is be misleading to put it between brackets, because that means the word is an explanatory remark. When we want to add a word, we should write it above, not below, the line of words we have written with a clear sign showing where it is to be inserted.


Part Two Diction

第二部分 措辞

Ⅰ. Types of Words 一、单词类型

There are tens of thousands of words in the English language, and along with social and scientific progress, new words appear frequently. The total number of English words, if it could be found


out, must be surprisingly large. But we need not be worried about the impossibility of learning all of them, for only a few thousand words are used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes. These are the most useful words, or the common words, words that form the core of the English vocabulary. They are the words we must learn and remember.


Apart from the common words, there are words used by people of special professions or fields on special occasions or for special purposes. Among these are political, legal, scientific, technical, business and literary words. It would be good for us to know some very useful words in various fields, and many of the words related to the field we will work in or be associated with. These words are generally formal, and may be called formal and technical words.




There is another type of words: those used by people who are not well educated or by people of special groups, such as people of a particular region or an age group. Some of these words may not be understandable to people in general, and may disappear after a short period of time. Some of them may continue to be used, become acceptable to all people and join the common words. Among these words are slang, jargon, dialectal and obsolete words. They may be called nonstandard words. We need to understand them but should avoid using them, unless in special situations.


Here are examples of the first and second kinds of words: 如下是第一和第二种的例词:

same speech learned destroy stiff try piece identical oration erudite annihilate rigid endeavor fragment


In the first row are common words and in the second formal words. It can be seen at a glance that those common words are used in everyday conversation and in informal writing like personal letters, diaries and stories. Those in the second row are used only in formal writing like articles documents, research papers, manuals and in public speaking.


The difference between these two types of words is very important, for their presence or absence has much to do with style,

区分这两类词汇很重要,使用与否更多是和风格有关。 Compare: 比较:

I saw a ghost, and I was frightened to death. 我看到一个幽灵,被吓得要死。

I saw an apparition, and it reduced me to a condition of mortal terror.


The first sentence is informal and colloquial, and the second is much more formal, because it contains such formal words as


apparition, reduce, condition, mortal and terror. The two sentences are similar in structure and meaning, so it is the words in them that make them different in style. Of course, people seldom say anything like the second sentence in daily conversation.

第一句是非正式和口语化的,第二句更加正式,因为它包含诸如apparition(幽灵), reduce( 使…陷入某种状态中), condition(状况、状态、环境), mortal(极度的、极大的) 和terror(惊恐、恐惧)等正式词。这两个句子结构和意思相似,所含词汇使它们呈现不同的风格。当然,人们很少会在日常会话中象第二句那样说话。

As we make progress in our study of English, we certainly learn more and more words. It is a good policy to find a common word of similar meaning when we learn a formal of “big” word.


Below are examples of nonstandard words: 以下是不规范语的实例: ain’t (am not, is not, has not) jolly (very) cool (very good) hot (angry; fast)


deal (agreement) damn (very) neat (nice)

Since such words are nonstandard, we need not use them either in speech or in writing.

既然这些词不规范,我们也不必在演讲或写作时使用。 II. Choice of Words 二、单词的选择

When we write on common topics for the general audience, we may achieve accuracy and appropriateness by bearing in mind the following guidelines about the choice of words:


(1)Use common or informal words for general purposes; use formal or nonstandard words only on special occasions or for special purposes;


(2)Use specific and concrete words when giving details; use general or abstract words when making summaries;



(3)Use idiomatic expressions and words in acceptable collocations; avoid combinations that are unidiomatic;


(4)When there are synonyms, choose the word that expresses the meaning most exactly and that suits the content and style.


We have given examples of common, formal and nonstandard words. Here are examples of general and specific words:


General Specific

animal tiger, horse, fox, cat, mouse, bird, butterfly, insect laugh chuckle, guffaw, giggle, roar, smile, grin, beam big huge, great, large, vast, immense, enormous, tremendous scientist physicist, chemist, biologist, astronomer, geologist,


Words are general or specific by comparison. Animal is general when compared with tiger, horse, etc, but horse is more general than steed, stallion, etc.



Both general and specific words are useful in writing. When we describe or explain things, or when we give details, we should try to use specific or concrete words wherever possible, for they are vivid, exact and interesting; when we summarize or generalize, we may find general or abstract words useful.


When we are trying to enlarge our vocabulary and learn to use effective words, we need to pay special attention to concrete and specific words. We usually think of general words first when we write, but we should remember that there are many specific words which are similar in meaning but are more colorful and impressive. They are the words we should make an effort to learn and use.


Idiomatic expressions are those habitually used by native


speakers. Foreign learners of English often have difficulty in telling what is not idiomatic from what is, because they have not been brought up in the language, and also because they are likely to use English words in the way they use words of their mother tongue. Word-for-word translation from Chinese into English generally results in unidiomatic expressions. That is something we should be on guard against.


Take for instance the Chinese expression meiyou guilv. If literally translated, the English equivalent might be “to have no law” But this phrase would be very unidiomatic if it is used to describe a person’s daily life or habits, though the above Chinese expression can be used. Instead, the word regular is much better:“ he does not live a regular life;” or “he is not a man of regular habits.”

以中文表达没有规律为例。如果照字面意思翻译,相应的英文或许为“to have no law”。但如果这个短语被用来形容一个人的日常生活或习惯,可能很不地道,尽管上述表达在汉语中是


可以的。而单词regular(有规律的)要好得多:“he does not live a regular life(他过着没有规律的生活);”或“he is not a man of regular habits(他不是一个生活习惯规律的人).”

Another thing we should learn is what words can be used together, or collocations. Again, collocations in English are often different from collocations in Chinese. We say in Chinese, for instance, da xue, while in English the word snow is modified not by big but by heavy.


It is said that English grammar is not too complicated, but the idiomatic use of English words and expressions is quite difficult for foreign learners. We must give special attention to the study of idiomatic English if we want to improve our writing.

有人说英语语法不太复杂,但对外国学习者来说,英语词汇和表达的习惯用法是相当难的。如果想提高写作,必须格外专注于英语习惯用法的学习。 Ⅲ. Synonyms 三、同义词

The English language is very rich in synonyms. This is partly


due to the fact that English has over the centuries borrowed or absorbed tens of thousands of words from other languages, mainly Greek, Latin and French. Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are generally colloquial or informal, and they form a great part of the vocabulary that people use daily. Many of the words of Greek, Latin and French origin are formal, learned or “big;”and are mainly used in formal writing or speech.


We should remember that words are only roughly or approximately synonymous. It is difficult to find two words that have exactly the same meaning, carry the same implication, are used in the same collocation, or have the same stylistic value.


Little and small are both common words, and can be called synonyms. But they are slightly different in implication: little may


imply a feeling of fondness, while small is objective. Small is often used to modify amount, mistake, number, etc, but little is seldom used with these words.

Little和small都是常用词汇,可称为同义词。但它们在蕴涵上稍有不同。Little 可能暗示一种宠爱之情,而small是不带感情的。Small常用于修饰数量、错误、数字等等,但little很少用来修饰这些词。

Similarly, big, large, huge and great are not the same in the degree of emphasis and collocation. Large is more emphatic than big; huge is the most emphatic of the three words. Great can be used to modify abstract nouns like courage and wisdom, and persons with special qualities, such as a great leader, a great strategist and a great composer, while the other three words are not used in this way.

类似地,big, large, huge 和 great强调的程度和词语搭配也有所不同。Large 比big更有力;huge与其他三个词相比最有力。Great可用来修饰抽象词,象勇气、智慧;人的特殊品质,如a great leader(一位伟大的领袖), a great strategist (一位卓越的军事家)和a great composer(一位杰出的作曲家),而其他三个词没有这种用法。

Suitable and appropriate, lucky and fortunate, dangerous and hazardous, many and myriad, have similar meanings, but are


different in style: of each pair the second word is more literary than the first.

Suitable和appropriate,lucky和fortunate,dangerous和 hazardous,many和myriad,分别具有相似的含义,却风格迥异:每对词中,第二个词比第一个词更适于写作。

Laugh, smile, chuckle and giggle are verbs and nouns with similar meanings, but they denote different ways of laughing. To laugh is to smile with sounds of the voice, and to smile is to show amusement with an expression of the face without producing any sound of the voice, to chuckle is to laugh quietly with a closed mouth, and to giggle is to laugh repeatedly in an uncontrolled way, especially when one is amused, nervous or embarrassed. To describe a certain person’s smile or laugh on a certain occasion perhaps only one of these words is most suitable.

Laugh、smile、chuckle和giggle是意思相近的动词和名词,但它们意味着不同的笑法。laugh是指 smile(微笑)并笑出声来。smile是脸上露出快乐的表情,没有发出任何笑声。chuckle是抿嘴轻声笑。giggle是止不住地反复笑,特别用在一个人被逗笑、神经质或尴尬的时候,在某个特殊场合形容某个人的smile 或 laugh时,这些词中或许只有这个是最恰当的。

All this shows that it is important to study useful synonyms and their minute differences, so that we may choose the best word


to express an idea. A good dictionary with explanations of synonyms may be helpful.


In understanding the meaning of words we should avoid equating an English word with a Chinese one. It is hardly possible to find an English word which has exactly the same meaning and implication as a Chinese word. Book and shu, strike and da, land and tudi, family and jia, are synonymous only in one of their many senses, and are different in others. Take family for instance. The word refers to people who are closely related, especially father, mother and their children. It does not refer to the house where a family lives, while the Chinese word jia has this meaning. We have to be careful when we use those English words which we think are equivalent to certain Chinese words.



3. 拟人

Personification is a figure of speech in which human beings are compared to inanimate things or vice versa. Being new, original and impressive, personification can make an abstract truth more vivid and expressive.


In the following sentences human attributes are given to abstract qualities, to objects or to animals:

下列句子中人的特征被描写成抽象的品质、物体或动物: Action speaks louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

a walking dictionary(cf. a living dictionary; know-it-all) 活字典(比较a living dictionary:活字典; know-it-all:万事通)

an old stick-in-the mud(cf. old diehard; old fogey)

一个老顽固(比较old diehard老顽固;old fogey老顽固)


A rolling stone gathers no moss. (cf. constant change of one’s profession accumulates no wealth.)

滚石不生苔(比较constant change of one’s profession accumulates no wealth.转业不聚财)

The autumn wind is sighing. 秋风在叹息。

Spring awakened, and all nature smiled. 春天苏醒了,万物笑逐颜开。 Clothes can make the man. 人要衣装。 Dusk came stealthily. 黄昏悄悄地来了。

This time fate was smiling to him. 这次命运朝他微笑了。

Thunder roared and a pouring rain started. 雷声轰鸣,下起倾盆大雨。

A lie goes halfway around the world before truth has time to get its trousers on.

真相还来不及穿上裤子,谎言已经传遍了半个世界。 The match will soon be over and defeat is staring us in the face.



Money won’t buy time. 寸金难买寸光阴。

Fortune smiled on me; I got the scholarship. 命运之神对我微笑;我得到了奖学金。

Flu/SARS stalked about, touching one here and there with his evil finger.


In poetry personification is very common: 诗歌中拟人很常见: Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me. Small and white, Clean and bright,

You look happy to meet me. 雪绒花,雪绒花, 每天清晨迎接我 小而白, 洁又亮,

见到我你面露喜色。 Youth is hot and bold, Age is weak and cold;


Youth is wild, and Age is tame. 青春热烈鲁莽, 年老软弱冷漠; 青春狂野,年老温顺。

(cf. The old man is like the setting sun;

the young man, the morning sun.

The old man is like a lean ox;

the young man, a cub tiger.

The old man is like a monk; the young man, a knight. The old man is like a dictionary;

the young man, the text of a play.)

——William Shakespeare


青年如晨光。 老人如瘦牛; 青年如幼虎。 老人如僧侣; 青年如骑士。 老人如字典; 青年如剧本。 ——威廉?莎士比亚)


4. Metonymy 4. 转喻

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is substituted for another associated with or suggested by it. The thing spoken of and the thing meant may be wholly unlike, but the relation between them is such that the mention of one suggests the other,


e.g. “The drunkard likes his bottle.” Here there is no resemblance, but very close relation.


In writing when metonymy is well employed, brevity and vividness may be achieved:

恰当使用转喻,体现作品的简洁生动: The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 Rats desert a sinking ship. 船沉鼠先逃(树倒猢狲散)

Any ox that can pull the plough is a good ox, whether it’s red


