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Chapter 3
1.Through what channels can we get the information of the partner?
Trade directory, chamber of commerce both at home and abroad, banks, advertisements in the newspapers or periodicals, introduction or recommendation from embassies or conculates, the internet, market investigation, introduction from other business firms or friends, self-introduction…
2.Explain the “3C” principle, and give the detailed information about it The 3”C” principle refers to capital, capacity and conduct of the future client. Capital refers to its assets, profits, liabilities, and the capital turnover. Capacity refers to its management capacity, management skill and comprehensive index. Conduct refers to its credit and reputation. II.TRANSLATION
1. 本公司有庞大的销售网点。 We have enormous sales outlets.
2. 由于贵行号与地址载于《化学药品》杂志上,我方遂致函,希望与贵方建立业务关系。
As your name and address were listed in The Chemicals, we are writing to you with a desire to establish business relationship with you.
3. 本公司是香港最大的食品贸易公司,在中国内陆有分公司与门市部。
We are the largest food trading company in HK, and have branches or retail departments on the Main Land.
4. 我们发现有些展品质量优良,设计精美。
We found some of the exhibits fine in quality and beautiful in design. 5. 本公司正在贵市寻找新的业务关系,若蒙将下列资料登载于贵刊上,将不胜感激。
We are seeking new business connections in your city and would appreciate your inserting the following information in your publication. B
6. We could like to receive your frank opinion about the financial condition of Shangyuan Canned Food Co, Ltd.
我们很想知道您们对尚源食品有限公司之财务状况的诚实看法。 7. We promised to keep your opinions in the strictest confidence and we assure you that there will be absolutely no leaks.
我们保证将您的意见作最严格的保密,而且我们担保绝对不会泄漏。 8. We have not done any business with Dayu Inc. in the last two years. 过去两年来,我们和大禹公司没有任何生意上的往来。
9. We are pleased to tell you that Haojie Inc. has sufficient credit for you to do business with.
10. Concerning payments, they are very precise without any delay and always on time.
就付款来说,他们非常准时,从来没有延误过。 Chapter 4
I.1. What is usually included in an offer?
Usually an offer includes the descriptions of the goods, the prices and all the necessary terms of sales for the buyer’s consideration and acceptance. 2. What is the difference between a firm offer and a non-firm one?
In a firm offer, the exporter often promises to supply certain quantity of goods at a fixed price within a stated period of time. Other terms such as quantity, specificaions, packing, payment must be sufficiently clear and definite as well. A firm offer is binding upon the seller: he is not allowed to revise or withdraw his offer once it is accepted by the buyer within the validity; he is obligated to enter into a contract with the buyer when his offer is accepted. A non-firm offer is an offer without engagement. Unlike a firm offer, it usually contains a reservation clause like “we offer without engagement…”, “the offer is subject to out final confirmation”, etc., which makes it possible for the offer to be revised or withdrawn at any time.
3. Why is important to answer an enquiry without dealy?
Because if you fail to provide the information needed without delay, you will lose a would-be customer who probably has written to other firms for the same products. Your competitors may send him there quotations at once.
1. 承蒙坦桑尼亚驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍得知贵公司的名称地址。
We owe your name and address to Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Tanzanian Embassy in Beijing.
2. 我们是中国家用纺织品的主要出口商。
We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of home textile products in China.
3. 现随函附上第3637号询价单并十分乐意得到贵方的报盘。
We are enclosing our No. 3637 enquiry and are only too pleased to receive your offer.
4. 我们现有800打丝绸手帕的询价单一份。
We have an enquiry for 800 dozen silk handkerchiefs.
5. 请报贵方最优惠的青岛到岸价,并告知产品详细规格。
Please quote us your best CIF Tsing Tao price, giving a full specificaiton of your product.
6. Currently we are seeking an alternative supplier of all-cotton underwear.目前我们正在寻求全棉内衣的替代供货商。
7. We are very much interested in your digital cameras advertised in the November issue of Data World.我们对贵方在11月份《数据世界》广告上介绍的数码照相机,深感兴趣。
8. We have recently received a lot of enquiries about your Snoppy stationeries and we would like to receive samples and quotation.我们最近接到许多客户对贵公司的snoppy牌文具的询问,甚盼得到样品和报价。
9. We should be grateful if you would let us have by return your lowest prices for the captioned goods.关于标题项下货物,贵方如能函复最低价,将非常感激。
10. If you are in a position to offer products of this quanlity at workable prices, we may place regular orders in the future.如贵方能以可行的价格提供此类质量的产品,以后我们将经常订货。 Chapter 5
1. Can you accept an offer beyond its validity?
No, you cannot. An offer is considered to have lapsed if not accepted within its validity. An effort to accept the offer beyond the validity is only a counter-offer and repens into a contract only if it is accepted by the original offerer.
2. Why is it appropriate to use the “indirect approach” to decline an offer?
Because the indirect approach facilitates the conveying of the negative information without jeopardizing the goodwill you want to sustain. If your throw the bad news at the reader right away, you run the risk of putting the reader on the defensive, which may affect his reactions to the rest of the letter.
3. What roles does a counter-offer play?
A counter-offer plays dual roles: it is not only a rejection to the original offer, but also a new offer. The buyer can no longer accept the original offer when he has make a counter-offer, unless the seller agrees. TRANSLATION
1. 贵方7月5日关于标题所列商品的询盘收悉,谢谢。 We thank you for enquiry of July 5 for the captioned goods.
2. 现回复贵方5月6号就我方园艺工具所作询盘,寄去价格单和最新的目录单。
In reply to your enquiry of 6 May for your gardening tools, we are now sending you our price list and the latest catalogue. 3. 如惠寄定单,我方将尽快办理。
Your order will receive our immediate attention.
4. 本报价以我方最终确认为准。
The offer is subject to our final confirmation. 5. 如能尽快答复,则不胜感激。
We would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
6. we wish to thank you for your letter of 15 june, offering us 100 tons of the captioned foods at US$150 per ton CFR Shanghai.感谢贵方6月15日来信,报给我们100吨标题项下货物每吨至上海成本费加运费价150美元。
7. we are sending by separate post a copy of our catalogue and price list with sample pictures for your examination. 我们现另邮寄出产品目录和价目录各一份,连同样品图片供贵方参阅。
8. please find enclosed a full specification of our products.随函附上我方产品的详细规格,请查收。
9. this offer is valid until july 31, 2004.此报价有效期至2004年7月3日。 10. we trust you will find your prices competitive and look forward to received your order.相信你们将发现我方的价格很有竞争力。期待收到贵方的订货。 Chapter 6 QUESTIONS
1. What are the essential qualities of an order-letter?
The essential qualities of an order-letter are accuracy and clarity.
2. When do both the buyer and the seller legally bound to honour their agreement?
Both the buyer and the seller are legally bound to honout their agreement if the quotation was made as a firm offer by the seller and the buyer accepts it.
3. How can the buyer avoid misunderstanding when he places an order based on seller’s quotation?
Prices quoted should be repeated when orders are placed. 4. What should a seller consider while he rejects orders?
A seller should write rejecting letters with the utmost care and with an eye to good will and future business. TRANSLATION
1. 我方对贵方的商品价格、质量均感满意,现寄回已填好的以下货物定单。
We find both prices and quality satisfactory and are glad to return you the completed order form for the following.
2. 现去信确认我们今天早上的电话,我方订购你们商品目录所列的以上商品。
We are writing to confirm our telephone this morning ordering the
following items stated on your catalogue.
3. 除非货物在3月5日前运抵此地,否则我们将被迫取消订购。 Unless the goods arrive here before March 5, we will have to cancel our order.
4. 我们十分遗憾地通知你们,我们目前无法向贵方供应此货。
We are very sorry to inform you that we are not in a position to supply you with the items for the time being.
5. 上述订货已备妥待运,请尽快给我们装船指示。
The above order is now ready for shipment. Please five us shipping instructions as soon as possible.
6. The market at our end has become pretty competitive. In order to sell successfully there, your goods will have to be competitive in price as well.本地市场竞争很激烈。为了成功地销售,你们的价格必须具有竞争力。
7. We have the pleasure of placing an order with for 1,200 dozen blouses at JS$ 350 per dozen CIF New York, based on your catalogue No. 67 of June 12. 我们很高兴按你方6月12日的67号目录向你方订购1200打女衬衫,每打350美元,纽约到岸价。
8. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we attend to place a large order with you.如果价格有竞争力,交货日期可接受的话,我方意欲大量购货。
9. We are glad to inform you that we agree to cash payment for trial order after its delivery at the destination. 现高兴地通知你们:我们同意你们在货到后用现金支付试订货款。
10. Enclosed please find our sales confirmation No. 58 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.现随函寄去58号售货确认书一式两份,请签字并退还一份供我方备案。 Chapter8 QUESTIONS
1. Why are payment managements for international trade more
complicated than those for domestic trade?
First, longer distance and more procedures are involved in international arrangements. Second, longer time is needed in settling an international payment. Third, different regualtions and systems of law that are applied further complicate the arrangements. Fourth, the monetary and financial matters are different in different countries, and different payments are used. Fifth, international payment arrangements involve more risks and must be handled with special care.
2. What pamyment instruments are used in international trade? Please
list at least 5 of them.
They are draft, promissory notes, check, money orders, credit card and
cash. Drafts are taken as the most common instrument of payment in international trade.
3. Which method is safer and better for the seller, D/P or D/A? Why? D/P is safer and better for the seller,, because it calls for an actual payment against transfer of shipping documents, while in the case of D/A, the buyer can make a promise to pay after getting the shipping documents for a certain days. TRANSLATION
1. 随寄1500港元支票以支付于2004年7月14日发运的我方第6546598号定单。
We enclose our cheque for HK$ 1500 in payment for our Order, No 6546598, delivered 14 July, 2004.
2. 我方已收到贵公司发票,并已核实。现寄上2000港元支票以支付货款。
We have received and checked your invoice, and take pleasure in enclosing a cheque to the value of HK$ 2000 in full payment. 3. 根据我方记录,贵方仍有2000美元余款尚未付清。
Our records show that the balance of US$2000 on your account is still overdue.
4. 我方无法解释贵方为何仍未付清所欠50000港元余款,该笔款项至今已逾期30天。
We cannont understand why you have not settled your account of HK$50000, which is now 30days overdue.
5. 如果贵方无法在下周末之前结清账款,我方不得不将此事交由我公司法律部处理。
If you are unable to settle your account by the end of next week, we are afraid we will be forced to pass the matter over to our Legal Department. 6. Further to our telephone conversation this morning, we have now checked the figures that you mentioned. 现就今天上午电话中所谈事宜进行补充,我们已经就你方所提到的数额进行了核实。
7. Enclosed please find our check in the sum of US$ 12,300 in full settlement of your invoice, No.756765.
兹寄上12300美元支票,以全部结清贵方第756765号发票之款项。 8. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the sum of HK$ 5000 was due on 15 March, 2004.
9. We should be grateful if you could settle your account within the next three days. 如贵方能在三日内结清账款我方将不胜感激。
10. In the light of your present financial difficulties, we are prepared to accept an immediate payment of HK$ 2,000 with the balance being
settled over the next two months. 考虑到贵方目前财政拮据,我方准备接受贵方2000港元的即期付款,其余货款在两个月内付清。 Chapter 9 QUESTIONS
1. What’s the definition of an L/C?
2. What are the 3main parts of the contents of an L/C?
3. What are the 4 basic groupings of steps in the procedure of an L/C? 4. How many means are there in the opening of an L/C? 5. What are the characteristic of settlement by L/C?
6. The following is a diagram illustrating the utilization procedure of an irrevocable negotiation L/C at sight. Please fill in the numbered proceure. (diagram) TRANSLATEA
Terms: creditor debtor resourse beneficiary negotiating bank 开证行 指定人 保险单 信托收据 开证申请人
1. 修改通知书当于12月8日前到达我方,否则须将信用证的有效期延长至年底。
The amendment advice should reach us by December 8, otherwise you must extend the validity of the L/C to the end of the year.
2. 由于四五月份没有从上海驶往你港的直达轮,请取消“用直达轮”条件,加上“允许分批和转船”字样。
As there is no direct steamer from Shanghai to your port during April and May, please delete the clause “by direct steamer” and insert the wording “partial shipment and transshipment are allowed.”
3. 经查发现我方在装船后没有时间办理制单结汇,因为你方信用证装运期与有效期相同。故请按惯例将该证有效期展期15天。 After checking the L/C, we have found that we shall have no time to prepare and negotiate the documents after shipment as your L/C stipulates the same deadline for shipment and validity. It is, therefore, requested that you extend the validity for 15 days according to the usual practice.
4. 看来你方信用证少开了350英镑,因为你方定单CIF正确总金额合计为5850英镑,而不是5500英镑,其差额为350英镑。
It appears that your L/C is short-established, as the correct total CIF value of your order comes to 5850 pounds instead of 5500 pounds, the difference being 350 pounds. 5. 现高兴地通知,你方通过利物浦麦加利银行开出的有关我方第123号售货确认书的信用证H-15号刚刚收到。在审阅其中的条款后,我们遗憾地发现某地方与合同规定的条款不符。
We are pleased to inform you that L/C No. H-15 issued by the Charter Bank of Liverpool for our S/C No. 123 has just been received. However,
going through the clauses, we regretfully find that certain points are not in conformity with the terms stipulated in the contract.
6. 关于你方第001号信用证,请在“吨”字前删掉“长”字,加上“公”字。
With reference to your L/C No.001, please delete the word “long” and insert “metric” before “ton”.
7. 由于最近工厂发生火灾烧毁了全部库存,已不能按原来的安排装货。请将信用证的装效期分别展至5月6日和5月21日。
Because of the recent fire in the factory, all the stocks were destroyed. In this case, we are unable to make shipment as arranged before. Please extend the shipment date and validity of the L/C to May 6 and May 21 respectively.
8. 由于008号合同项下的打斗不能按精确的数量交货,请在你方信用证中加上“数量和金额允许有5%的溢短装”字样。
As the soybean under Contract No,008 cannnot be delivered in exact quantitiy, please insert the wording :”5% more or less for both quantity and amount allowed ” in your L/C.
9. All credits must clearly indicate whether they are available by sight payment, by deferred payment, by acceptance or by negotiation. 所有的信用证必须明确表示其是即期付款、延期付款、承兑还是议付。 10. The draft should be honored on its maturity when it becomes due. 当汇票到期时应及时付款。 11. Please note that according to the terms and conditions of contract No. B05, your L/C should reach us at least one month before the latest date of shipment.
请注意:根据AB05号合同条款的规定,你方信用证至少应在最迟装运期前一个月抵达我方。 12. We regret to inform you that we can not ship the Glassware you ordered within the time limit due to your delay in amending the relevant L/C. Please rush the amendment to the L/C so that we can execute the contract smoothly. 我们遗憾地通知你方:用于你方延误修改相关的信用证,我方不能再规定的时限内发运你方所订购的玻璃器皿。请尽快修改信用证以便我方能够顺利地执行合同。
13. For this transaction, we wish to adopt payment by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by sight draft against presentation of a full set of shipping documents that are in conformity with the L/C stipulations.
14. If you fail to establish the L/C under Contract No. 01covering 100
Forever Brand Bicycles one month before shipment, any loss incurred by the delay shall be borne by you.
15. Owing to the late arrival opf the vessel on which we have booked shipping space, we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and validity of your L/C NO. AC01 to Octorber 25, 2003 respectively. 由于我方预订舱位的船只迟期抵达,你方如能将AC01号信用证的装运期和有效期分别展至2003年10月10日和2003年10月25日,我方将不胜感激。
16. As there is no direct steamer form Dalian to your port in December, 2003, please delete the clause “by direct steamer “ and insert the wording “Transshipment is allowed “ in your L/C.
Chapter 10 QUESTIONS
1. What are the characteristics of liners shipping?
First, the liner has regular line, ports, sailing schedule and relatively fixed freight. Second, it is suitable for cargoes of small quantity. Third, loading and unloading charges are included in the freight. 2. State the functions of Ocean B/L.
It is a receipt of the goods given to the shipper by the shipping company or its agent. Second, it is evidence of the contract of carriage between the shipping company and the shipper. Third, it is a document of title to the goods, entitling the consignee or holder of the B/Lto take delivery of the goods when they arrive at the destination. TRANSLATION
Terms: voyage charter dispatch money lump sum freight 运输合同 班轮提单 滞期费 指示提单 运费
1. 请告诉我方你方何时能发运123号合同项下的玻璃器皿。
Please inform us when you can ship the Glassware under Contract No.123.
2. 请尽早发运我方订购的自行车零件,因为我方想赶上11月份在法兰克福举行的国际博览会。
Please try your best to ship the Bicycle Spare Parts we ordered as early as possible because we want to take part in the International Fair to be held in Frankfurt in November.
3. 我方的库存越来越少,所以要求你方根据合同规定按时发运500箱茶蜡。
Our stock is running lower and lower, therefore, we ask you to effect shipment of the 500 cartons of Tea Candles punctually according to the contract stipulations.
4. 如果我方不能在11月底收到08号定单下的货物,我们将拒收货物。
If we cannot receive the goods under Order No,08 by the end of November, we will have to refuse the goods.
5. 关于5000千克中国东北大豆,我方很高兴地通知你方我们已订上了“华盛”轮093航次的舱位。
Referring to 5000 kg of China Northeast Soybean, we are pleased to inform you that we have booked shipping space on the vessel Hua Sheng V. 093.
6. 根据你方要求,我们已将全套副本装运单据航邮你方,供你方办理进口报关之用。
In complaice with your request, we have sent you a full set of non-negotiable shipping documents by airmail for you to clear the goods through customs for the import.
7. 我们很遗憾地通知你方:由于此地工人的罢工,我方不能按时发运货物。
We regret our inability to ship the goods punctually due to the workers’ strike here.
8. 由于本月没有直达你方港口的船只,所以请将信用证条款改为“允许转船”。
Please amend the L/C stipulations to read “transshipment is allowed”, as there is no direct steamer sailing for your port this month.
9. The extension of the L/C will not be considered because the import license cannot be extended according to our import regulations. 我们不能考虑对装期予以延展,因为我们的进口规章规定进口许可证不能展期。
10. We have agreed to extend the time of delivery as requested by you. However, you must ensure punctual shipment in accordance with the extended time of delivery.
11. Because our end-users are in urgent need of this consignment, please effect shipment as soon as possible to ensure repeat orders.
12. We regret our inability to effect delivery by the end this month, since our manufacturer is fully booked with orders.
13. Since the shipment is to be effected within 30 days after receipt of the relevant L/C, you must make sure that the L/C is opened in due time so that we can fulfill our obligation to deliver.
14. We regret to imform you that we cannot postpone shipment, since our contract with our end-users can not be changed. Besides, any delay im shipment will put us in a rather difficult position. 我们很遗憾地通知你方我们不能接受推迟装运,因为我们与我方最终客户的合同是无法更改的。货物的迟交将使我们处于十分被动的境地。
15. Please make your best efforts to dispatch the goods we ordered with the least possible delay.
16. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under Contract No.A02 have been ready for shipment. As soon as the shipment is made, we will send you the shipping advice without any delay.
我们很高兴地通知你方A02号合同项下的货物已经备妥待运。一经发运,我们便向你方发装运通知。 Chapter12 QUESTIONS
1. What is the purpose of insurance?
The purpose of insurance is to provide compensation for a person or a group of persons or a company who suffer from loss or damage.
2. As far as foreigh trade is concerned, what risks are usually covered under an insurance policy according to CIC by the PICC? Namely FPA, WPA and All Risks.
3. Does “All Risks” cover all the risks? What is not included?
No, it doesn’t. Damage caused by special additional risks, such as SPCC (罢工民变险)or War Risk are excluded. TRANSLATION
1. 请告诉你们的价格是否包括偷窃、提货不着险。 Please inform us if TPNDis included in your price.
2. 我们的价格没有把任何附加险计算在内。我们只保水渍险,包
Our prices were calculated without insurance against any additional risks, we cover only WPA including Warehouse to Warehouse Clause.
3. 如果贵方希望将货物投保一切险,我们可以代为投保,但保费
If you desire to cover your goods against All Risks, we can provide such coverage, but at a slightly higher premium, the difference of which will
be for your account.
4. 在没有得到你方明确的保险要求情况下,我们按惯例把你所订
In the absence of your definite instructions regarding insurance, we have covered your ordered goods against FPA for 110% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.
5. 在今后3个月中,我们将向阿联酉迪拜港运送数批水泥,我们
We shall have several shipments of Cement over next 3 months to Port Dubai U.A.E. and shall be glad to know your lowest rate of FPA. The average quantity of each shipment will be about 1000m/t, valued US$ 150000(one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars).
6. 请务必将上述货物按发票金额的120%投保一切险,我们知道按
Please see to it that the above mentioned shipment should be covered for 120% of invoice value against All Risks. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only for 10% above invoice value, therefore the extra premium will be for our account.
7. We adopt the “warehouse to warehouse clause ” which is
commonly used in international insurance. 我们采用国际保险业务中“仓至仓责任条款”。
8. The goods under contract No.49 are ready for shipment. Will you
please let us know immediately the details of the insurance you wish to cover for the consignment?
9. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra
premium is for buyer’s account, should additional risks be covered. 保险费率随保险范围而定,如果增保险别,额外保险费由买方承担。 10. We thank you for your instructions to arrange the shipment of our
order. We take it that you wish us to insure this cargo against the usual risks for the value of the goods plus freightage. Unless we hear from you to the contrary, we shall arrange this. 感谢贵公司关于我方订货装运安排的通知,我们推定贵方要求我方按货价加运费投保通常险别,除非另有建议,我们将照此办理。
11. We had to have the goods warehoused for your account insuring
against usual risks, pending your further instructions. 在接到贵方进一步指示以前,我们只好将此货存仓并投保通常使用的险别,费用由贵方负担。
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