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In an ideal world, we usually get eight hours of sleep every night, and wake up with enough energy before work. But when we're struggling to balance the responsibilities of everyday life, cutting back on sleep seems to be the only solution. Many of us rely on coffee or energy drinks to get us through the day, instead of making sleep a priority. Sadly, as delicious as it can be, caffeine is not the solution. Being tired not only brings down our energy levels, but also makes us less productive and less motivated. There are concrete steps you can take right now to renew your energy.

Awareness comes first because you have to understand what's going on before you can do anything to change it. Most of us are too busy to notice how fatigue(疲劳) really affects our bodies and minds. What signs of trouble do you regularly display? The patterns of your signs of trouble can give you clues about the negative effects of your fatigue. In addition, it's wise to start thinking about whoever can feel the effects of your fatigue.

Reflecting on the choices you've made can provide clarity, which will help you figure out what needs to be changed. During this reflection, you will be able to understand more about yourself and why you do the things you do. You may decide to forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made. Thinking about the positive aspects of your life will make you feel refreshed and ready to move forward.

Conversing with others not only provides support, but also leads to new perspectives and feedback that can help with treatment and what you need to heal. To start with, have an open mind and an open heart. Limit complaining. Complaints may need to be aired in order to relieve pressure, but if they dominate(占上风), anger will win. Tell the truth. You do not need to tell people everything, but you do need to be honest. Listen carefully because it shows respect.

The fourth step is about renewal—getting rid of what is bringing you down and making a fresh start. It's helpful to break the process down. It is easier to make small adjustments than big ones. On occasion, the small steps alone can remove fatigue. For instance, you may not need to change your career but change emphasis. If you feel hopelessly dragged down by fatigue, self-care may be the best prescription.


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,作者对于如何恢复精力,给出了一些建议和方法。(1)考查信息提升,根据第二段中的“Awareness comes first because you have to understand what's going on before you can do anything to change it.”意识是第一位的,因为在你做任何事情去改变它之前,你必须先了解发生了什么。这一部分主要讲了意识,所以填Awareness。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“What signs of trouble do you regularly display?”可知这里填trouble。

(3)考查细心提升。根据第三段中的“Reflecting on the choices you've made can provide clarity, which will help you figure out what needs to be changed.”可知这里意思是仔细思考你所做的选择,找出需要改变的地方。need doing需要做某事,该用法是固定用法,所以填changing。

(4)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Thinking about the positive aspects of your life will make you feel refreshed and ready to move forward. ”可知这里意思是积极地思考,你会感到精神焕发,准备好继续前进。该空修饰动词Think,用副词,所以填positively。

(5)考查信息提升。根据第四段中的“Conversing with others not only provides support, but also leads to new perspectives and feedback that can help with treatment and what you need to heal.”结合表格中的内容,可知这一部分主要讲了谈话,所以填Conversation。

(6)考查信息提升。根据第四段“Limit complaining. Complaints may need to be aired in order to relieve pressure, but if they dominate(占上风), anger will win.”可知这里意思是向他人敞开心扉,但不要抱怨太多。助动词don't后,接动词原形,所以填complain。

(7)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Tell the truth. You do not need to tell people everything, but you do need to be honest.”可知这里意思是没有必要把一切都告诉别人,但是你需要通过讲真话来表现出诚实。作动词show的宾语,用名词,所以填honesty。

(8)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Listen carefully because it shows respect.”可知这里意思是认真倾听,尊重他人。介词by之后,接v+ing形式,所以填listening。

(9)考查信息提升。根据最后一段中的“The fourth step is about renewal—getting rid of what is bringing you down and making a fres h start.”可知这里意思是摆脱让你沮丧的事情,重新开始。祈使句用动词原形,所以填Rid。

(10)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“It is easier to make small adjustments than big ones. 可知这里意思是做一些小的调整或采取自我照顾的态度。作Make的宾语,用名词,所以




If you said you were suffering from "burnout" in the early 1970s, you might have raised some eyebrows.

At the time, the term was informally to describe the side effects that heavy drug users experienced.

However, in 1974, a German-American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger found the volunteers at his clinic were struggling, too: their work was tough, and many were lacking in motivation. Freudenberger defined this condition as a state of extreme tiredness caused by constant overwork-and borrowed the term "burnout" to describe it.

Late last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the problem will be recognized as a syndrome (综合征) "resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed."

Feeling the burn so how can you tell if you're almost burned out?

"A lot of the signs and symptoms of pre-burnout would be very similar to depression," says Siobhan Murray, a psychotherapist. She suggests looking out for bad habits, such as increased alcohol consumption and relying on sugar to get you through the day. Also watch out for feelings of tiredness that won't go away or not having the energy to exercise or go for a walk. As soon as you begin to feel this way, Murray advises going to see your doctor. "Depression and pre-burnout are very similar. But it is still classified as an occupational phenomenon which is still best tackled by making lifestyle changes."

And how do you know if you're really on the edge of burnout? "Stress is really important, and anxiety is what motivates us to do well," says Murray. "It's when we're continually exposed to stress and anxiety that it starts to turn into burnout."

You're pre-burnout: What's next?

"Sometimes they feel the need to be too perfect so they're having to work very hard to cover up that they're not quite as good as everyone thinks." Another therapist Walker says.

However, sometimes the work environment is the problem. According to a 2018 study of 7,500 US workers, burnout comes from unfair treatment at work, an unmanageable workload and not knowing what a person's role should involve. Workers were also stressed out by a lack of support from their manager and punreasonable time pressure.

Whatever the cause of your burnout, Murray's top tip is to be kind to yourself.

In Murray's experience, a key driver of burnout is today's culture of wanting it all. Often it's just not possible to have a healthy social life and complete a big project at the same time. She says it's vital to prioritize and not expect too much of yourself; when others seem like the perfect boss, parent and friend all at the same time, they're probably misleading us.

If you feel that you might be close to joining the burnout club, take a step back, figure out

what's going wrong-and let yourself off the hook.

lack/overuse;imperfect;provide/offer /afford;avoiding;kind



(2)原文第一段指出,在70年代burnout指的是重度吸毒者遭受的副作用,因此heavy drug users这里转换为drugabuse/addiction。故填abuse/addiction。

(3)原文第三段a state of extreme tiredness caused by constant overwork可知,是指人们因为不断超负荷工作而劳累,而本题所填空在volunteers前,应该是形容词,因此讲tiredness转换为tired/


(4)原文第四段最后一行stress that has not been successfully managed可知,是指没能处理好压力,而本题所填空应该是名词,固定搭配fail to do表示未能做成某事,此处转换为名词failure。故填failure。

(5)原文第六段第一行be very similar to depression可知,burnout和depression很相似,而所填空应该是名词,固定搭配share similaritie s with ……表示和……很类似,故填similarities。

(6)原文第六段第三行需要酒精get you through the day 和not having the energy可知,觉得自己没有精力,或者是精力被过度消耗,所填空为名词,故填lack或overuse。


(8)原文倒数第四段the work environment is the problem和后面具体的unfair treatment at work, an unmanageable workload and not knowing what a person's role should involve可知,公司没能提供有利的工作环境,所填空应该是动词,故填provide/offer /afford。

(9)由文章最后两段内容可知,要接纳自己,不要给自己过多的压力过多的期待,是在介绍避免burnout的方法,且固定搭配approach to doing,故填avoiding。

(10)原文倒数第三段Murray建议要be kind to yourself,故填kind。



Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight:

Schedule yearly exams. ________Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.

Protect against UV rays (紫外线). Long term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses. ________

Give your eyes a break. Two thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products. ________Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20second break and look at something 20 feet away.

________As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.

Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses (隐形眼镜). Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk. ________ Otherwise, you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.

A. Eat your greens.

B. Eye care should begin early in life.

C. They can properly protect your eyes.

D. Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.

E. Parents usually don't care about their own eyesight.

F. Always follow the doctor's advice for appropriate wear.

G. This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.

【答案】 B;C;G;A;F


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”Schedule yearly exams“安排每年都检查眼睛;以及空后”Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check.“可知专家建议父母亲在6-12个月的时候就带着孩子去进行眼部检查。也就说眼部检查要尽可能地早进行。故选B。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前” Long term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses.“长时间地在强烈的阳光下,都会伤害到我们的眼睛。所以不管是什么季节,我们都要佩戴太阳镜,因为太阳镜可能会保护我们的视力。故C项符合上下文串联。故选C。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”Give your eyes a break.“让眼睛休息”;以及第一段中的“三分之二的美国人花7个小时的时间使用电脑或者电子产品。没有让我们的眼睛得到休息,这样频繁地使用会增加我们眼睛疲劳的危险“。故G项符合上下文串联。故选G。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后”As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day.“可知要多吃蔬菜等绿色食品,对我们的眼睛是有好处的。故选A。(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。很多人都佩戴隐形眼镜等,但是在使用中总是没有按照使用说明,这也让他们的眼睛处于危险之中。那么我们要采纳医生的建议,合理使用这些设备。故F项符合上下文。故选F。



The Bigger Sleep

School starting times in America vary from an average of 7:48 am in go-getting Mississippi to 8:31am in late-rising Connecticut. According to a survey by the National Centre for Education Statistics in 2017-18, only in two states - Alaska and Connecticut---do schools start after 8:30 am, the earliest recommended time by a number of medical organisations.

On October 13th Gavin Newsom, California's governor, signed legislation setting a limit on starting times of half past eight for high-schoolers , in the hope that they will benefit from the extra time in bed.

There is plenty of reason to think they will. Adolescents require more sleep in the morning which will keep them energetic the whole day. A research review by scientists at the Centres for Disease Control finds that later school starting times correspond with improved attendance, less falling asleep in class, and better grades. The Rand Corporation estimates that moving to a half-past-eight start across the country would boost the economy by more than $80bn within a decade.

In response to the evidence, school districts across the country have begun to move starting times back, but California is the first state to take the leap. Parents and unions are often bitterly opposed. The California Teachers Association resisted the change, citing the financial burden on schools as they adjust to the new hours, as well as the burden on parents who work as laborers or in the service industry, and cannot start work later. Last year Mr Newsom's predecessor, Jerry Brown, vetoed similar legislation, saying the decision should be left to school districts. Supporters argue that it is appropriate for the state to set a minimum health-and-welfare standard, as it does in other areas. It will be up to school districts to decide whether to end the day later, or cut its length. Anthony Portantino, the democratic state senator who introduced the legislation, believes evidence of the change's benefits will soon win over opponents in rural areas.

"There really is no significant reason not to do this," he says, "other than an overwhelming resistance to change from adults."



(1)考查形容词。根据第一段中的“School starting times in Americ a vary from an average of 7:48 am in go-getting Mississippi to 8:31am in late-rising Connecticut.” 可知,在美国上学时间从早上7:48到早上8:31不等,美国学校有不同的上学时间,故填various/different/perse。

(2)考查动词。根据第一段中的“only in two states - Alaska and Connecticut 一do schools start after 8:30 am, the earliest recommended time by a number of medical organisations.”可知,只有两个州,阿拉斯加州和康涅狄格州的学校在早上8:30之后上学,这是很多医疗机构建议的最早上学时间,只有阿拉斯加州和康涅狄格州的学校遵守了建议的上学时间,故填obey/follow/observe。

(3)考查形容词。根据第二段中的“signed legislation setting a limit on starting times of half past eight for high-schoolers , in the hope that they will benefit from the extra time in bed.”可知,立法规定中学生八点半上学,希望他们早上能多睡一会,可推断中生上学时间不应早于8:30,故填earlier。

(4)考查形容词。根据第三段中的“Adolescents require more sleep in the morning which will

keep them energetic the who le day.”可知,青少年早上需要更多的睡眠,这将使他们一整天都精力充沛,energetic是形容词精力旺盛的,故填energetic。

(5)考查名词。根据第三段中的“0ae193e7bed126fff705cc1755270722182e5962ter school starting times correspond with improved attendance, less falling asleep in class, and better grades.”可知,早上晚些去上学与缺勤率下降、课堂睡眠减少和成绩提高有关,故填absence。

(6)考查语态。根据第三段中的“The Rand Corporation estimates that moving to a half-past-eight start across the country would boost the economy...”可知,The Rand Corporation预测,如果在全国范围八点半上学,可以给经济带来增长,填空的句子用的是表语从句“It+be+过去分词+that 从句”,所以用estimate的过去分词形式,故填estimated。

(7)考查名词。根据第四段中的“Parents and unions are often bitterly opposed.”和第三句“The California Teachers Association resisted the change, citing the financial burden on schools as they adjust to the new hours,”可知,父母和工会经常强烈反对,加州教师协会抵制这种变化,理由是学校在适应新的工作时间时承受着沉重的经济负担,这也呼应了第8空的句意“Schools ma y bear the burden of ___8___when they adjust to the new hours.” 学校在适应新的工作时间时承受着负担,这是反对者观点,故填opponents。

(8)考查名词。根据第四段中的“citing the financial burden on schools as they adjust to the new hours”可知,学校在适应新的工作时间时承受着沉重的经济负担,finance是financial 的名词在填空句中做宾语,故填finance。

(9)考查动词。根据第四段中的“...burden on parents who work as laborers or in the service industry, and cannot start work later.”可知,推迟早上上学时间对于从事劳动服务行业和不能推迟早上上班时间的家长是一个负担,会导致这些家长不能准时上班,fail to do sth.意为没能做成某事,故填fail。

(10)考查动词。根据倒数第一段最后一行“There really is no significant reason not to do this...other than an overwhelming resistance to change from adults”可知, 除了来自成年人对变革压倒性的抵制,真的没有什么重要的理由不这样做,也就是说,尽管在成年人中确实存在着压倒性的抵制,但做出改变是合理的,故填exist。


5.Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Shanghai Hengyuanxiang Drama Development Company and Netherlander Worldwide Entertainment signed a deal last November that would see Shimmer (《犹太人在上海》) become the first Chinese musical to have an open-ended run on Broadway in 2019. ________

Directed by Xu Jun, Shimmer is a musical in both English and Chinese. Shimmer, which tells a story about Jews who fled to Shanghai to escape Nazi persecution (迫害) during World War II, was first shown at the Shanghai Culture Square in 2015. ________ The musical's scheduled open-ended run in 2019 will be one of the events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. With this play being

shown on Broadway, the ties between Chinese people and Americans will be firmly strengthened. And through this drama, the audience can feel the charm of Chinese culture.

________ To deal with the problem, many production companies in Shanghai have pointed out that they should keep striving for improvement by creating more Chinese musicals and by creating more audiences. Currently, those who watch Western musicals in China are limited to a small group — people who have received a university education or have had overseas working experiences, white-collar and even gold-collar workers. There are only a handful of people who understand foreign languages and you have to find a way to motivate the public and get them into the theater.

________ There has been a handful of successful musical stories in Shanghai. The Chinese editions of Broadway musicals Cats and Mamma Mia, both of which had hundreds of shows across China, are among the top box office hits.

A. What do you think we can do to prevent Chinese musicals from declining in popularity?

B. At that time, the musical was chosen as the opening show for the 17th China Shanghai International Arts Festival.

C. The box office is expected to be twice higher than that of last year, reaching $1 million in total.

D. The small audience size hasn't discouraged local artists from producing outstanding works.

E. The deal is a milestone for Shimmer in its goal to further spread its influence to the world.

F. Despite the huge success of Shimmer, the team is facing a limited market.

【答案】 E;B;F;D


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Shanghai Hengyuanxiang Drama Development Company and Netherlander Worldwide Entertainment signed a deal last November that would see Shimmer (《犹太人在上海》) become the first Chinese musical to have an open-ended run on Broadway in 2019.”可知,上海恒元翔戏剧发展公司和尼德兰全球娱乐公司去年11月签署了一项协议,将使《犹太人在上海》成为中国第一部在2019年在百老汇公开上映的音乐剧。所以小题1要说明这项协议给《犹太人在上海》带来的影响和意义。E. The deal is a milestone for Shimmer in its goal to further spread its influence to the world.“该协议是《犹太人在上海》进一步将其影响力扩大到世界的目标的一个里程碑”符合题意。故选E。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“The musical's scheduled open-ended run in 2019 will be one of the events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and United States”可知,这部音乐剧定于2019年公开上映,将是庆祝中美建交40周年的活动之一。《犹太人在上海》不是第一次上映,所以判断出小题2要说明它在2015年因为什么而上映的。B. At that time, the musical was chosen as the opening show for the 17th China Shanghai International Arts Festival.“当时,这部音乐剧被选为第十七届中国上海国际艺术节的开幕式上表演。”符合题意。故选B。


海的许多制作公司通过创作更多的中国音乐剧和吸引更多的观众来不断努力改进自己的作品,以及观众群体的局限性。这都说明尽管《犹太人在上海》取得了巨大的成功,但团队仍面临着有限的市场。所以判断出小题3是本段的标题。F. Despite the huge success of Shimmer, the team is facing a limited market.“尽管《犹太人在上海》取得了巨大的成功,但团队仍面临着有限的市场”为本段的标题。故选F。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“there has been a handful of successful musical stories in Shanghai. The Chinese editions of Broadway musicals Cats and Mamma Mia, both of which had hundreds of shows across China, are among the top box office hits. ”可知上海有一些成功的音乐故事。百老汇音乐剧《猫》和《妈妈咪呀》的中国版在中国各地都有数百场演出,都是票房冠军。所以这里具体列举了很多百老汇音乐剧的中国版都取得了不错的票房,意在说明观众人数少并没有妨碍当地艺术家创作优秀作品。所以此处要起到总说的作用,然后在进行解释说明。 D. The small audience size hasn't discouraged local artists from producing outstanding works.“观众人数少并没有妨碍当地艺术家创作优秀作品”符合句意。故选D。



Decoding the young brain

There was a funny experiment to see how a young child would answer a specific question compared to an adult. After the adult had spent some time speaking with the child, he asked the child, “What do yo u think about me?” The child answered, “You talk too much.” When the adult performed the same experiment with another adult, the reply to the same question was, “I think you're a very interesting person.” Even if the adult felt the same way as the child, h is brain allowed him to take a moment,consider the question, and come up with an answer. He could have been annoyed, but his answer didn't reflect it because he was being polite.

The secret lies in the science of the developing brain. The child's honest answer was reflected in the fact that his brain wasn't equipped to filter(过滤) information before answering the question. As a result, he was honest, but he said something that may have been hurtful. However, the child did not intentionally hurt the adult; it's just the way his brain works. As a child grows into adolescence and then into adulthood, that changes.

The human brain is made up of billions of neurons(神经元). In order for our body to execute a command, like getting up from a chair and walking to the other room, the neurons in the brain have to communicate with each other. They also help us employ our senses like taste and touch and help us remember things.

When the neurons send messages, perhaps one sensation(感觉) the person feels is excitement about eating a cookie because it is so delicious. Later, if that person smells a cookie or hears someone talking about a cookie, it can spark the electrical signals that call up the memory of eating the delicious cookie. In an adult, he or she may remember that eating too many cookies can have consequences, like weight gain. But because the younger brain is more impulsive(冲动

的), the desire to feel the pleasure of the sweet treat outweighs the consequences.

That is because when a child is young, his br ain is “wired” in such a way that he seeks pleasure and is more willing to take risks than an adult. This affects his decision-making process and it is why younger people tend to be more impulsive. Sometimes parents have to tell their children over and over again before the child remembers that something is dangerous or risky. How many times have we heard a parent say, “I tell her this all the time, but she never listens!”

To conclude, what we know about the young brain is that children are more likely than adults to be impulsive. It isn't always necessarily because they are being naughty; it may very well be because of their brains. So the next time you ask a child what he really thinks of you, be prepared for any kind of answer.




(1)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第一段“‘What do you think about m e?’ The child answered, ‘You talk too much.’”可知,对于提出的问题,孩子的回答总是答非所问,脱离话题。故填off“脱离;离开”。

(2)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第一段中的“his brain allowed him to take a moment,consider the question, and come up with an answer”可知孩子得出答案前总是会考虑再三。且实验已经发生在过去,故填一般过去时thought。


(4)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第二段“As a result, he was honest, but he said something that may have been hurtful. However, the child did not intentionally hurt the adult;”可知虽然孩子会说一些伤人的话,但是他们并不是有意的。故第四题填连词although/though“虽然;尽管”。

(5)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第三段中的“The human brain is made up of billions of neurons”可知数十亿的神经元组成了人类的大脑。本句已经存在非谓语动词have,故make 做非谓语与逻辑主语构成主谓关系,故填making。

(6)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第三段中的“They also help us employ our senses like taste and touch and help us remember things.”可知神经元通过味觉或者触觉帮助我们记住事物,故一个人可能会把饼干的味道和吃饼干的记忆联系起来。故填associate。(7)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第五段中的“That is because when a child is young, his brain is ‘wired’ in such a way that he seeks pleasure and is more willing to take risks than an adult.”孩子的大脑就会以一种“连线”的方式来寻找快乐,并且比成年人更愿意冒险。故可知一个年幼的孩子有一种寻求快乐和冒险的自然倾向,这是由他幼小的大脑决定的。故填tendency“倾向;趋势”。(8)考查信息归纳的能力。根据第五段“Sometimes parents have to tell their children over and over again before the child remembers that something is dangerous or risky. How many times have we heard a parent say, “I tell her thi s all the time, but she never listens!”可知即使父母警告过多次,孩子还是会去尝试危险和冒险的食物。故填dangerous。

(9)考查信息归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“what we know about the young brain is that children are more likely than adults to be impulsive.”可知成年人比小孩子控制冲动的能力更强、更好。故填stronger或greater。

(10)考查信息归纳的能力。根据最后一段“It isn't always necessarily because they are being naughty; it may very well be because of their brains.”可知因为大脑构造的关系,小孩子说一些伤人的、冒犯性的语言并不一定总是因为淘气。故填necessarily。



How do you prove you really are who you say you are? Maybe you have many ways to prove your identity: a birth certificate, a driver's license, a Social Security card, or a passport.

But imagine that you are one of the one billion people in the world-most of them among the poorest-who have no official identification. No birth certificates. No official ID documents. Nothing. Without a way to prove who you are, you would face huge problems: going to school, seeing a doctor, getting a bank account...

For the last decade, NandanNilekani has been working to make the world's invisible people visible by giving them access to official identification. One of India's leading technology experts, Nandan joined the government to lead the launch of India's national biometric ID system, which uses fingerprints and other biological characteristics to check the identities of the country's more than 1.3 billion residents. This ID system, known as Aadhaar (Hindi for "foundation"), is the world's largest biometric identification system and has become a valuable government platform for delivering social welfare programs and other government services.

Now, Aadhaar has enrolled nearly all residents of India. With a trustworthy system to check identities of beneficiaries for everything from pensions to food moneies, the government has been able to save billions of dollars because of reduced cheating and dishonesty.

Of course, India's ID system has not been without controversy. There were many privacy concerns, including criticism that the Aadhaar system was a mass monitoring tool and that personal data would be misused. Last year, a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of India found that the program did not violate the privacy rights of the country's residents. But in order to prevent misuse of personal data, the court placed tight limits on how the ID system could be used and shared.

According to the latest data by the World Bank, there are one billion people in the world without an official proof of identity, including 45 percent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa and 17 percent of South Asia's population.

Thanks to the work Nandan is doing, the world is moving closer to the day when everyone will have access to an official ID. The sooner we can achieve this goal, the sooner the world's poorest residents will not only be able to prove who they are, but also realize their dreams for better lives.(1)How does India's ID system check the identities of the residents? (不多于7个单词) (2)What is the function of Aadhaar as a valuable government platform? (不多于8个单词) (3)As for India's ID system, what are many people concerned about? (不多于1个单词) (4)What is the passage mainly about? (不多于6个单词)

【答案】(1)By using fingerprints and other biological characteristics.

(2)Delivering social welfare programs and other government services.


(4)Making the world's invisible people visible.


(1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“…lead the launch of India's national biometric ID system, which uses fingerprints and other biological characteristics to check the identities…”可知印度的身份识别系统通过指纹和其他生物特征来检查居民的身份。因此答案为By using fingerprints and other biological characteristics.

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的'his ID system, known as Aadhaar (Hindi for "foundation"),is the world's largest biometric identification system and has become a valuable government platform for delivering social welfare programs and other government services.’可知Aadhaar作为一个有价值的政府平台,其功能是提供社会福利项目和其他政府服务。因此答案为Delivering social welfare programs and other government services.

(3)考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“There were many privacy concerns, including criticism that the Aadhaar system was a mass monitoring tool and that personal data would be misused.”可知有很多隐私问题,包括批评Aadhaar系统是一个大规模的监控工具,个人数据会被滥用。所以许多人们关注的问题是隐私。故填Privacy.

(4)考查主旨大意。通读全文和第二段中的“NandanNilekani has been working to make the world's invisible people visible by giving them access to official identification.以及最后一段中的“the world is moving closer to the day when everyone will have access to an official ID. ”可知本文主要讲述的是世界上有10亿人没有官方身份证明,NandanNilekani一直致力于通过让世界上的"隐形人"获得官方身份证明,从而让他们变得"可见"。故可知Making the world's invisible people visible可以概括问文章主要内容,故答案为Making the world's invisible people visible.


8.Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentences can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Can just one person make a difference? You bet! In a community every person counts, and getting involved is not difficult. Take stock of your own talents and interests. ________ Don't wait for someone else to act first. Take the initiative! Once you see what you can accomplish, you'll want to keep going.

Here are just a few ways to make a difference in your community. How many more ways can you come up with?

Clean up the community. People often throw litter in places where there is already litter. And the problem only becomes worse until someone gets fed up and does something. Could your neighborhood use a cleanup? Neighborhood cleanups are often sponsored by local businesses or schools. But if your community doesn't have a cleanup program, get together with friends to organize one. You could pick up garbage in a larger area twice a year, or you could clean a smaller area every few months. ________

Include the isolated. Do you know anyone who is housebound? Almost all neighborhoods have a few people who have to stay at their homes. These people are often elderly and unable to leave their homes to perform simple tasks. ________ By letting them "borrow" your legs and eyes, you can make them feel included. You can run errands for them like shopping or paying bills. They might like you to read to them if their eyesight is failing. Governments provide some of the services these people need, but programs cannot give them friendship; that's what communities are for!

________ Reading clubs are popular all over Europe and North America. Members might read

at home to prepare for discussion, or they might read aloud to each other and talk about what they just read. Either way, a book or article can spark lively discussion and this often challenges people to take action.

A. Cleaning your community will have a positive effect on others in society.

B. They find a need or an issue you really care about.

C. But they belong to the community, too.

D. Living in a clean neighborhood will be its own reward.

E. Don't hesitate to take part in the community's activity.

F. Round up some readers.

【答案】 B;D;C;F


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ In a community every person counts, and getting involved is not difficult. Take stock of your own talents and interests.”在一个社区里,每个人都很重要,参与其中并不难。评估你自己的才能和兴趣;以及空后“ Don't wait for someone else to act first. Take the initiative!”不要等别人先行动。该句承上启下,应该提到要根据自己的才能和兴趣去做自己关心的活动。B. They find a need or an issue you really care about.“它们(你的兴趣和才能)可以使你找到你需要做的事情。”承接上下文,符合语境,故选B。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ But if your community doesn't have a cleanup program, get together with friends to organize one. You could pick up garbage in a larger area twice a year, or you could clean a smaller area every few months.”但是如果你的社区没有一个清理计划,那就和朋友们一起组织一个。你可以一年两次在更大的地方捡垃圾,或者每隔几个月就清理一次小面积的垃圾。该句承接上文,应该提到清理社区活动对社区的作用。 D. Living in a clean neighborhood will be its own reward.“这样做(清理社区)可以使人们生活在一个干净的社区里。”承接上文,符合语境,选D。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ These people are often elderly and unable to leave their homes to perform simple tasks.”这些人往往年迈,不能离家去做简单的工作;以及空后“ By letting them ‘borrow’your legs and eyes, you can make them feel included.”通过让他们"借用"你的腿和眼睛,你可以让他们感觉自己也是社区的一员。那么该空要提到和这些年迈的老人有关的话题, C. But they belong to the community, too.“但是他们也属于这个社区。”承接上下文,符合语境,故选C。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。该空是本段小标题。该段介绍了通过读书俱乐部,开展互动,促进人们去行动。由此可知,F. Round up some readers.“聚拢一些读者。”符合语境,选F。



Habits to Be a Highly Effective Student

Some students are able to get straight A's and at the same time serve as the president of three clubs. However, some students struggle to keep their GPA (Grade-Point Average) above a 3.0________Although it's true that everyone's IQ is different, good study habits are very important. Here5re several habits you should adopt to get good grades.

________ If you haven't had a planner (规划薄), get one. Many people use their computers and smartphones to make a schedule. The problem with that approach is that they are major distractions (分心的事物). Instead, get an old-fashioned paper and pen planner.

Create a weekly schedule________Include time that will be spent eating, sleeping and doing anything not related to school work. That way you know exactly how much you can accomplish each day.

Take frequent, short breaks. Taking a break from studying for 15 minutes every hour will help keep you refreshed________ If you don't take a break, you may find yourself daydreaming or even falling asleep. Take some time for some water, a snack or a quick chat with a friend.

Take care of yourself. During final exam week, it is common for students to fall behind on sleep and meals. Make sure you get a good night's sleep and have regular meals. Studying while hungry or sleepy is ineffective and will slow you down in the long run. Also try to make time for friends and family________

A. Keep things organized.

B. Keep away from your computers.

C. Of course, not everyone needs breaks.

D. Our brains are not meant to work for hours nonstop.

E. Having a good support system will help with all the stress.

F. And they seem to spend all of their time in studying.

G. Then under each day, make a list of things to do each hour.



(1)根据第一段Some students are able to get straight A's and at the same time serve as the president of three clubs. However, some students struggle to keep their GPA.第一句一些学生能够得A。而一些学生则挣扎着只能得到平均分,他们似乎花很多时间在学习。此处是接前句,表明的平均分的人其实也很努力,接下来引出主题,好的学习习惯很重要。故答案为E。

(2)根据空后的句子If you haven't had a planner (规划薄), get one.可知,作者强调要有规划,所以让一切组织好。故答案为A。







Why doesn't the conductor face the audience?________As the only person with his back to the audience, the conductor is a figure who is bathed in the spotlight, but his complex work requires a high degree of musical skill, as well as an ability to extract what he desires out of the group of artists he leads--his orchestra.

________A person may become a conductor without graduating from the conducting department of a music school or studying in any kind of conductor's training program. However, becoming the conductor of a famous orchestra requires a great deal more than what is needed merely to join an orchestra.

________These naturally examine a conductor's technique and musical interpretation while he conducts an orchestra through a prepared piece of music, but they also involve a sight-reading element________The conductor then has to sit in a room and memorize the piece before coming out and leading the orchestra through the piece by memory. Not only does the conductor have to make his arm and hand motion properly, and signal all the entrances of each instrument, he has to point out intentional mistakes made by the orchestra members on the spot.

The least capabilities a conductor must have are: The ability to memorize an entire score. A good ear for distinguishing correct notes among the music of the entire orchestra.________

Of the conductors that meet these requirements, those with better musical insight and a higher level of charisma(魅力) will succeed.

A. The need for a common musical standard becomes necessary

B. The ability to lead a group of professional musicians

C. There are many conducting competitions

D. For this, the score of music is given to the conductor on site

E. This is how the role of the conductor came to be established

F. The role of the conductor is in fact not well understood

G. There are no examinations for becoming a conductor



(1)根据前面的“Why doesn't the conductor face the audience”可知,人们对乐队指挥这一工作不甚了解,再根据本空后的内容推断应选F项。故答案为F。

(2)根据本空后面的“A person may become a conductor without graduating from the conducting department of a music school or studying in any kind of conductor's training program”可知,乐队的指挥不需要毕业于专业的音乐学校或经过相关的训练,与G项的“不用考试”一致。故答案为G。

(3)根据空格后面的“These naturally examine a conductor's technique and musical interpretation

while he conducts an orchestra through a prepared piece of music”,这里的These指的是C项中的competitions。故答案为C。

(4)根据后面的“The conductor then has to sit in a room and memorize the piece”,即把音乐的总谱现场给乐队指挥,然后指挥需要现场记忆。故答案为D。

(5)与前面的“The ability to memorize an entire score”中的ability是并列的。故答案为B。【点评】此类文体的文章的行文需要通过一定的衔接手段来实现,文章的衔接手段有:重复使用某一词语或子范畴词语,使用同义词表达,用总称指代指代具体事物或用具体事物指代整体。使用代词避免重复等。


Choosing the right college for you is not so easy. You should have a general idea of what you want and don't want. The idea can guide you to find what fits your needs best.________

Think about what major you want to study in college. If you know that, just look at colleges that have your major________So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one.

Where the college is located matters. Anyone who tells you the location isn't important is lying________If you look forward to working in the publishing industry, New York may be your best bet. If your parents want you to stay close to home, please don't consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to.

Think about how much you can afford. Are your parents paying for your education? If so, how much are they willing to spend? Do you have to contribute anything? Financial aid and scholarships exist, but don't count on anything.________These are all things to consider before you fall in love with a college.

Make sure you're going to spend time with the right people. The cool thing about college is that each different one attracts different kinds of people. For the first thing in your life, you get to choose where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with.________Make sure that the people you're with for four years are your kind of people.

A. College is about learning what you love.

B. You'd better choose a major that is popular.

C. Go to the college with some people you like.

D. Remember, above all, it is the people that make the place.

E. Are you willing to go into major debt over a school?

F. If you don't like cold weather, stay away from northern schools.

G. These guidelines will help figure out what college you want to go to.






(4)根据本段都是讲钱的事,上句“经济援助和奖学金存在,但不要指望任何东西。”,下句“在你爱上一所大学之前,这些都是需要考虑的事情。”,与钱有关的只有E项Are you willing to go into major debt over a school?(你愿意为学校负债吗?)符合语境,故答案为E。




Old-fashioned carpooling (拼车) where a group of people take turns driving each other to work has always faced a resistance. In a study by ABC News, 84%of those who drive to work say that they still do it alone.________ For example, sometimes they simply cannot find anyone to share a ride with.

________ NuRide, a company providing online carpooling service, offers daily travelers not just a web-based list of would-be carpoolers but also a way to arrange a trip online. Here's how it works: rider seekers enter the positions where their trip will begin and end, the time they want to leave and if they're willing to drive or just ride in someone else's car. The website's search engine then looks for matches and makes lists of the names of traveling companions, along with the car model and the exact time and place to meet for each trip.________ Then they meet their car mates when it's time to go.

________ They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail address. Both need to be checked before being listed on the website.

So far, NuRide has arranged more man 50,000 rides on the website.________

A. NuRide users aren't riding with total strangers.

B. It has resulted in 1.4 million fewer miles driven.

C. They insisted that carpooling is just too inconvenient.

D. Now technology makes carpooling easier and more fun.

E. It is an environmentally friendly and economical way to travel.

F. Carpooling reduces travel cost, such as fuel cost and stress of driving.

G. People who want to share the ride can show their interest in joining in online.


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了现在的网络技术使得拼车更容易和更有趣。NuRide公司,提供网上拼车服务,在线安排,满足所需,并且是实名制,安全放心。(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上文”In a study by ABC News, 84%of those

who drive to work say that they still do it alone.“ 84%的开车上班的人说他们仍然独自开车;以及下文” For example, sometimes t hey simply cannot find anyone to share a ride with.“比如有时他们根本找不到人拼车。再分析七个选项可以推断出拼车因为不方面,故C项符合。(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据第二段的内容可知,NuRide的公司,提供网上拼车服务,在线安排,方便拼车又有趣。分析七个选项可推断现代的技术让拼车很方便,故D符合题意。


(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下文“They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail address, Both need to be checked before being listed on the website.”可知要求提供雇主的名字和工作电子邮件地址并接受检查,可知都是经过登记检查的,而不能让陌生人搭乘,故A符合本空。故选A。

(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上文”So far, NuRide has arranged more man 50,000 rides on the website.“到目前为止,NuRide users已经有更多的人搭乘超过50.000次。通过分析剩下的三个选项,可知B. It has resulted in 1.4 million fewer miles driven”减少了140万英里的行驶。“更为合适。故选B。


13.Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Reading the world in 195 books

In 2012, I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country of all 195 UN-recognized states in a year. ________. I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.

The response was amazing. Before I knew it, people all over the planet were getting in touch with ideas and offers of help. Some posted me books. Others did hours of research on my behalf. ________. Even with such an extraordinary team behind me, however, sourcing books was no easy task.

But the effort was worth it. As I made my way through the planet's literary landscapes, extraordinary things started to happen. Far from simply armchair travelling, I found I was inhabiting the mental space of the storytellers. I discovered, bookpacking offered something that a physical traveller could hope to experience only rarely: it took me inside the thoughts of inpiduals living far away and showed me the world through their eyes. More powerful than a thousand news reports, these stories not only opened my mind to basic information of life in other places, but opened my heart to the way people there might feel. ________. Through reading the stories shared with me by bookish strangers around the globe, I realized I was not an isolated person, but part of a network that stretched all over the planet.

One by one, the country names on the list that had begun as an intellectual exercise transformed into places filled with laughter, love, anger, hope and fear. ________. At its best, I

learned, fiction makes the world real.


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ In 2012, I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country of all 195 UN-recognized states in a year. ”2012年,我给自己设定了一个挑战,要在一年内读完来自195个联合国承认的国家的书;再根据空后“I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.”我创建了一个名为“阅读世界的一年”的博客,呼吁大家推荐我可以用英语阅读的书籍。”承接上下文,C.With no idea how to find publications, I decided to ask the planet's readers for help.“由于不知道如何找到出版物,我决定向《星球》的读者寻求帮助。”切题。故选C。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Some posted me books. Others did hours of research on my behalf.”有人把书寄给我。其他人为我做了几个小时的研究。承接上文,F. In addition, several writers, like Turkmenistan's Ak Welsapar, sent me unpublished translations of their novels.“此外,还有几位作家,比如土库曼斯坦的Ak Welsapar,把他们小说的未出版译本寄给了我。”切题。故选F。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“More powerful than a thousand news reports, these stories not only opened my mind to basic information of life in other places, but opened my heart to the way people there might feel. ”这些故事比一千篇新闻报道更有力量,它们不仅让我了解了其他地方的基本生活信息,也让我了解了那里的人们的感受。承接上文,B.And that in turn changed my thinking.“这反过来又改变了我的想法。”切题。故选B。(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“One by one, the country names on the list that had begun as an intellectual exercise transformed into places filled with laughter, love, anger, hope and fear. ”名单上的国家名字一个接一个地变成了充满欢笑、爱、愤怒、希望和恐惧的地方。承接上文,0ae193e7bed126fff705cc1755270722182e5962nds that had once seemed foreign and remote became close and familiar to me.“曾经似乎陌生而遥远的土地对我来说变得亲近而熟悉。”切题。故选A。



Whether in your life or work, the following things are not the reasons for you to feel

