外研版初一下英语Module 9 Story time

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Module 9 Story time

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Goldilocks ___________________________________________________(在森林里走并摘了很多花). Soon she ____________(迷路了). She ____________________(四下看).________________________________(然后她注意到了一个小房子). She __________________(匆忙) the house to ask where she was. She _______________(敲门)the door. Nobody answered, so she _______________(推开门). It was open. Goldilocks ________________________(向里看) and listened. There was no one there, so she _____________________(进到房子里).

Goldilocks looked into a small room. On a table she __________(数)three bowls with some nice food in them. One bowl was small, one was big and one was very big. Goldilocks was very hungry. She __________________(拿起)the biggest bowl but she didn’t like it—it was very hot. Then she picked the big bowl, but she didn’t like it ---it was cold. The little bowl was good. She _____________________(吃完了所有的食物).

Goldilocks ____________________________________________________(想坐下因为她很累). The two big chairs were uncomfortable. She didn’t like them, so she tried the smallest chair. It was nice, but Goldilocks__________________________________________________ (她太沉了,她毁坏了这个凳子).

She was unhappy and tired. She walked in to the bedroom. There were three beds. She didn’t like the two big beds. ___________________________________________(最小的床是非常舒服的).__________________________________________(不久她就睡着了).

The three bears _____________(返回). They looked at the bowls and the chairs. Baby Bear cried, “ ______________________________________________________________________(我的碗里什么也没了,我的凳子也坏了)” He was very unhappy!

The Bears looked in their bedroom. They didn’t notice Goldilocks __________(刚开始).

Baby Bear ______________(指着) the little girl in his bed, and cried, “ Look! There is the naughty girl!”

Goldilocks opened her eyes. The three Bears were around her, so Goldilocks ______________ (跳起来)and ________________(没带她的篮子匆出了房子). She didn’t ________________(返回)the forest again.


One day, a little girl called Goldilocks ___________ some flowers in the forest. Then she was _________. She __________a house nearby. She ___________ at the door, but nobody was there. So she entered the house. She __________ three bowls of food, and three chairs. She ____________ all the food in the small bowl, and liked the chair. She tried the small chair, but she was so heavy, she __________ it.

Finally she went into the bedroom. When the three Bears __________, Goldilocks was asleep. But she woke up and __________ out of the bed. She hurried back to her house. And she didn’t return to the three Bears’ house again.


1. She tried the big chairs. 2. She counted four bowls.

3. She liked the food in the biggest bowl est. 4. She wanted to stay.


Goldilocks _______________(not live) in the forest. She ________(pick) flowers in the forest. She ________(notice) the three Bears’ house, and she ____________(knock) on the door and _________(enter) the house. On the table, she ____________(count) three bowls. She _________(pick) up the biggest bowl, but she ___________(not like) the food. She __________(finish) all the food in the little bowl. She _________(try) the chairs. Two chairs were uncomfortable. The smallest chair was comfortable, but Goldilocks was heavy and she ____________(destroy) it. Then she ___________(look) in the bedroom. The three Bears ___________(return) but Goldilocks was asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. They ______________(not notice) her at first. Baby Bear ___________(cry), “There is nothing in my bowl! My chair is in pieces.” Then he ______(point) at Goldilocks, and __________(cry), “There’s the naughty girl!” Goldilocks ________(jump) up and _________(hurry) out. She ___________(not look) back and she never ____________(return) to the forest.


1. 故事总是以“很久很久以前”开头。 2. 她决定在森林里骑马。 3. 可能他呆在房子里。 4. 她向其他的房子里看。 5. 她变成了动物。

6. 她不喜欢大碗里的食物。

7. 刚开始时,他们没有注意到Goldilocks。

8. Goldilocks 在森林里走并捡了很多花。

