
更新时间:2023-04-01 20:41:01 阅读量: 高考作文 文档下载











这就要求我们要学习相关知识,适应它;它可以为生活增加乐趣,提高相关技能,应用它;通过它学到更多的知识技能得到更多的乐趣,提高自制能力,不沉迷于它。 我们要理智看待网络互动,全面发展。


徐曼《网络对人际关系的影响》 河南社会科学2001年9月第九卷第五期

李强 《社会交换论视角下的大学生人际交往模式研究》 法治与社会 2009(3)

姚静仪 《网络对大学生人际交往的影响》 中国青年研究 2010(4) 郑杭生 社会学概论新修 第四版 第七章第二节



The impact of the Internet on our life

It comes as no secret that the number of people around the world who use the Internet has increased rapidly. It seems like no matter how hard we try, it is simply too difficult to tear ourselves away from a computer screen.

Communication between the continents from all over the world has become easier. Instead of phoning overseas, now one can talk with his relatives abroad through the use of the Internet and its software, such as messengers. Not only can one talk but to see the other person has also become a possibility. Instead of sending letters to their relatives, one might just send an e-mail and in one minute, it is received everywhere imaginable(可想象的) all over the globe. Letters which used to need at least three days to arrive at the desired destination (目的地) now come faster.

Apart from communication, more and more people are shopping via the Internet. Nowadays, one can shop from any part of the world and the products are received within a few days. In some countries, it is even possible to enter the website of a supermarket, send the shopping list and they will deliver the items for free. Besides, the Internet has also become a source of trouble-free job for some people because they can easily work at home and send their work via e-mail.

Besides, one can be updated about all the recent news or also chat with their friends instead of meeting and going to watch a film together. Forming of new groups is also a possibility. Those who share hobbies and ideas can form their group and discuss ideas and events they wish to plan. In addition, the Internet has become an easy way to advertise your products because each website which one enters contains millions of promotions.

On the other hand, there is also the negative side of the Internet. People who love gaming may spend hours playing with friends from different countries. That is not a problem, but if one becomes an addict(瘾君子) of online gaming, a huge crisis might follow. One might become careless in the job, and problems with one's family might follow. So, one must be disciplined.

According to this passage, try to find out the answers of the following questions.

1.What are the advantages of surfing the Internet?

2.What are the disadvantages of surfing the Internet?

3. what’s your opinion about the use of the Internet?

We can send e-mails,download music,search for information and so on,which can make our life interesting and delightful.

some people are addicted to the computer games and a huge crisis might follow.

If we know what we need clearly and how to take advantages of internet responsibly. I am sure it will affect our modern life in a positive way and make our life more wonderful and splendid.




第1段:Recently we've had a discussion about whether we should...(导入话题)

Our opinions are pided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

Here are the reasons. First,...Second,...Finally,...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点)

Their reasons are as follows. In the first place,...What's more,... In addition,...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the

disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)



We have a discussion about...

②We've had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.

③We have had a survey on...

④We've had a survey on whether students should be allowed to carry mobile phones to schools.


Opinions are pided on the question.

②Opinions are mainly pided into two groups.

③Others have different opinions.

④Sixty percent of the students are for the idea, while forty percent of the students think otherwise.

⑤Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to...,but forty percent of the students don't think so.

On the one hand,...On the other hand,...


What's more,...



(5)进行相似的比较用in comparison,likewise,similarly,in the same manner等。

(6)进行相反的比较时用on the other hand, whereas, while, instead, on the contrary, compared with...


My own experience tells me that...

②In my opinion, we should attach more importance to...

③As for my own idea about...I believe...

④As far as I am concerned, I plan to...

⑤Personally, I prefer...

⑥In my view, both sides are partly right in that...

⑦But for me, I would rather...

⑧My own point of view is that...

⑨In conclusion, I support the statement that...

⑩As regards to me, I tend to choose...


你班最近就“中学生课余时间上网的利弊”召开了一次主题班会,同学们各抒己见,畅所欲言,对上网的利弊争论不休,意见不一。请你根据下列信息,作总结性发言。一部分同学的观点 另一部分同学的


1.时间是自己的,提倡上网 1.上网可以,但必须限时 2.网络使我们交流方便,获得国内外新知识及最新信息 2.多数人


注意:词数120左右。 上网是玩游戏、聊天而不是学习 活 3.个别同学因上网而荒废了学业








Attention, please!I'm going to give you a summary of today's discussion about whether we should go online in our spare time.







【答案】 go online/surf the Internet spare time/free time disagree with/be against be absent from school/run away from school concentrate on/focus on


自从家里买了电脑起,我不知不觉的迷上了网络。你看了在这个题目一定会以为我是迷上了电脑游戏吧!如果你是这么想的,那你就错了。我迷上的是快乐学堂。 快乐学堂是通过一系列的游戏让你做题。 我的迷可不是一般的迷,是相当的迷哦,你不信?那就随我来看看吧! 只有一放学,我就把作业囫囵吞枣的那么一做,算完事了。又跑到房间里开电脑、玩快乐学堂了。大约过了两个小时,该吃饭了,可我正在快乐学堂里玩游戏,压根没听见,直到妈妈打开房门教训挠痒痒了一顿才极不情愿的下楼吃晚饭。吃完了,又用每秒30米的速度跑进了房间&& 还有一次,是端午节。因为要到外婆家,所以我早早得起床开电脑,到了中午,姐姐来叫我,说楠,去外婆家了。我说我不去了,你和爸爸妈妈去吧!姐姐一声不吭地走了。才过了十五分钟,我的肚子叫了可是妈妈爸爸到外婆家了,我只能饿着肚子等了。 我是快乐学堂的铁定粉丝,虽然它让我受过教训让我挨过饿,但是他让我知道了以前不知道的知识。怎么样,我的迷够迷吧!浙江金华金东区鞋塘中心小学五年级:庄俊楠

