北京仁爱版初中英语八年级下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 课文翻译

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北京仁爱版初中英语八年级下册:Unit 6 Topic 1


Miss Wang:Boys and girls, I have some exciting

news to tell you! For our spring field trip, We're going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 王老师:同学们,我有一些好消息要告诉你们!我们春游要去泰山旅游三天。 Maria:Wow, how wonderful! How shall we get there? 马丽亚:哇哦,太棒了!我们要怎么去呢? Michael:Shall we cycle there? 迈克尔:我们能骑自行车去吗?

Kangkang:Sounds exciting! But it will take us a few days to get there by bike. 康康:听起来很棒!但是骑自行车要花几天才能到。

Miss Wang:Let's make the decision together. It's too far to cycle, but we can choose proper vehicle.

王老师:我们一起来做决定。骑自行车太远了,不过我们可以选择合适的交通工具。 Jane:Yes. Let's decide. 简:是的。我们来决定吧。

Michael:Let's find out some information about the cost. 迈克尔:我们先来看看费用的事。

Miss Wang:OK. Kangkang and Michael, you two find the cost for the train. Helen, you need to find the cost for the bus.

王老师:好的。康康,迈克尔,你们两个询问火车票价。海伦,你找到公车的价格。 Jane:I'd love to go by plane. I'll ask the airline over the phone. 简:我愿意坐飞机去。我会打电话问航空公司。

Miss Wang:OK. Bring your information tomorrow and we'll decide on the best way to travel on

our field trip.



(Kangkang is booking the train tickets to Mount Tai.)(康康在订去泰山的火车票。)

Clerk:Hello, Beijing Railway Station. Can I help you? 职员:你好,北京火车站。你需要什么?

Kangkang:Yes, I'd like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th. 康康:嗯,我想订一些4.13日去泰山的火车票。

Clerk:OK. The train leaves at 11:15 a.m. and arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:17 p.m. 职员:好的。火车上午11:15出发,下午6:17到达泰山火车站。 Kangkang:Great! And what about the price? 康康:很好!火车票价格是多少?

Clerk:We have tickets at ¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper. Which kind do you want?


Kangkang:I'd like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper. 康康:我订21张硬卧。

Clerk:All right. You want 21 hard sleeper tickets. Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. May I have your name and telephone number, please?

职员:好的。你订21张硬卧。请在下午5:30前付款。能告诉我你的名字和电话号码吗? Kangkang:Sure. I'm Li Weikang and my telephone number is 8250-2448. 康康:当然。我叫李伟康,我的电话号码是8250-2448。 Clerk:Li WeiKang. Your phone number is 8250-2448. 职员:李伟康。你的电话号是8250-2448。

Kangkang:Right. Thank you. You're welcome. 康康:对的。谢谢。不客气。

SectionC-1a 短文

King or Queen for a Day做一天国王或女王

It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 在加拿大和美国学校里,筹钱是一件很常见的事情。

Students, teachers and parents have many special ways to raise money for field trips. 学生、老师和家长有很多为校外旅游筹钱的特殊方式。

Some schools think of great ideas, such as \有些学校想出了很棒的主意,例如“做一天国王或女王”。

It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw. 每位学生要花一美元买一张抽签的票。

After all the tickets are sold, one ticket is drawn. 所有票都卖完以后,有一张票会被抽到。

The student with the winning ticket will be the king or queen for the next school day. 拥有这张票的学生第二天可以在学校做一天国王或女王。

When the student arrives in the morning, the headmaster greets him or her and carries the student's books.


The student sits in the headmaster's chair for the day and even can use the headmaster's mobile phone to call home.


At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student.


