
更新时间:2024-01-09 21:58:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、 请写出26个英语字母大小写。(13分)

二、从II栏中找出1栏的正确答语,用直线连接起来。(20分) I II

1.How old are you? A. I’m fine, thank you. 2.How are you? B. How do you do? 3. How do you do ? C. I’m twelve .

4. How tall are you? D.My name is Chen Ling. 5.What’s your name? E. I am 134 centimeters tall.


6. Merry Christmas! A. Thank you! 7. Happy birthday to you! B. Good afternoon! 8. Good afternoon! C. You are welcome. 9.Can I help you? D. Merry Christmas!

10. Thank you! E. Yes ,Please, I want a cup of tea.

二、 从A,B C 中选出最恰当的答案。(30分) 11. His dog is looking the children. A. with B. at C. in 12. An old man is sitting a bench. A. in B. to C on

13.He is interested the film. A. in B. at C. to

14. Mr Tang is good drawing. A. in B. at C. on

15. Let’s to the Underwater World. A. went B goes C go 16. Ther are going to .

A. shop B. shopping C. shops 17. He playing basketball. A. like B. liks C. likes

18.Tom wants to swim, so he can go to a . A . restaurant B.swimming pool C. café 19. She likes .

A. sing B. singing C. sings 20. Dongdong home yesterday. A. walked B. walks C. walk 21. Katie always up early every day. A. get B. got C. gets 22.I want to like you.

A. skate B. skating C. skates 23. She makes her bed 6:15 am.

A. on B. at C. in

24 Tom has butter than Jim. A. little B. fewer C. less

25. Look the tigers . They are strong. A. at B. with C. on

三、连词成句(注意大小写及标点符号)(14分) 25. are, in , park, The, playing, children, the (.)

26.early, up, Katie always ,gets (.)

27. always, her, at ,She, washes, face, 6:05am, (.)

28.go, the, World, Underwater, Let’s , to (.)

29. noisily, are, The, playing, children (.)

30.yours, My , than, is singing, louder (.)

31.going, do , What , is, to, Dongdong (?)

四、 情景对话,根据上下文从方框中选出最佳选项组成对话。(18分) (A)

Peter: Good morning, Anne! Anne: ① ,Peter! Peter: How are you?

Anne: ② .

Peter: I am sorry. You can go to the hospital. Anne: ③

Peter: Let me take you to the hospital. Please follow me. Anne: Thank you! Peter: ④ (B)

Peter looked weak.

Now he is talking to Doctor Wang.

Doctor Wang: Hi, little boy! ⑤ Peter: I’m tired.

Doctor Wang: How old are you? Peter: ⑥ Doctor Wang: ⑦ Peter: I am 132 centimeters tall.

Doctor Wang: How heavy are you? Peter: ⑧

Doctor Wang:You are not very strong. Eat a lot. Sleep a lot. Peter: OK. See you, Doctor Wang. Doctor Wang: ⑨ Peter. 五、作文(5分)

请介绍一位同学, 他叫李雷(Li Lei), 今年十二岁。他每天坐公共汽车去学校。他不擅长画画,但他非常喜欢画画。 他擅长于唱歌。

