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课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1. To make students know how language is learned. 2.To make students learn their difficulties in learning English. 3. To have students listen to the passage and learn listening skills. 教学重点、难点: 1. To make students discuss the difficulties in learning English. 2. To have students learn their difficulties in listening. 教学方法、手段: 1.Individual,pair or group work to make every students work in class 2. Read and explain the instructions to assist students finish the tasks 3. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to complete all the tasks by using the tape recorder 综合英语 上课时间 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时 Unit 1 How is language learned? Around the topic 讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): 1. Introduce the topic of English learning and ask students to discuss the difficulties in learning English. 2. Activate students' background knowledge of English learning. 3. While doing the listening exercises, ask students to make use of the skills we mentioned before. 教学过程: 第一课时 Around the topic I. Daily report In this part, some (one or two) students are required to give a speech about some current affairs, so that they can search for some information of it from the internet or some other Medias .

II. Language Structures A. A quiz This activity is designed to help students recognize how good they are at language learning. In the progress of learning English, students should get to know their motivations, learning habits, strengths and weaknesses, which may help them set up a higher goal to work for the future. B. Discussion This activity requires students to reflect on their difficulties in learning English. The aim is to work out some solutions to these difficulties. Ask them to do it in pairs, then get some feedback. 第二课时 C. Listening and speaking 1. Read the instruction as a class. Remind students that as they listen they should take notes and write down at least three of Martin’s advice. If necessary, play the recording twice. Check their work and present all the advice Martin gives to the student according to the recording. Based on the listening material, organize a discussion. Ask students whether they agree with Martin’s opinions. 2. Organize a class discussion based on this task. Ask students to think about methods to improve their English listening skills. After students’ group discussion, get some feedback and you may stress some of the methods by explaining the importance of listening practice. 习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): 1. Listen to the Listening and speaking Part again, try to grasp the main idea clearly and take down the whole passage. 2. Make a summary of skills of learning English. 3. Preview Reading Comprehension. 4. 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1. Students have a clear view of skills of learning English. 2. Students practice their skills of listening, and at the same time, they got more information about English learning. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。


课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1. To make students have a clear view of the structure of the passage. 2. To have students learn the author’s point of view of a successful language learner. To make students master the key words and expressions in the passage. 教学重点、难点: 1. Making students have the ability to learn and grasp the main idea of the Reading I before or without the help of the teacher, and be able to make use of their own words to summarize it. 2. To train students' read ability, remind them of develop the ability of \ story, when helps them remember the plot clearly. 3. To help students master words and expressions in this article 综合英语 上课时间 Reading How to be a more successful language learner? 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时 教学方法、手段: 1. Talking to improve students' speaking ability. 2. Discussion to make every student work in class. 3. Practice to get students master what they have learnt 讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): 1. Lead students to the topic by discussing the pre-reading questions. 2. Visualize the description in the text, and connect it with students' own experience of learning English. 3. Explain the language points clearly and carefully. 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I greeting and lead-in

1. Greet the students as usual 2. Lead-in: Daily report Step II warm-up Pre-reading tasks a. Read the instructions as a class. b. Divide students into groups, ask them to discuss the questions. c. Activate their knowledge and encourage them to share with each other. d. Get some feedback when they finish. Step III Reading comprehension a. Learn the new words and expressions of this article 1. Some students are invited to read them in turn. 2. The teacher corrects students' mistakes in pronunciation. 3. The students read them together. b. Listening to the record of this article and finish exercise A of answering the following questions. 第二课时 Language points 1. factor n. something that influences or causes a situation e.g. The rise in crime is mainly due to social and economic factors. 2. process n. a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result e.g. Repetition can help the learning process. v. to make food, materials, or goods ready to be used or sold e.g. Milk can be processed in many ways. 3. determine v. a. if something determines something else, it directly influences or decides it e.g. The amount of water available determines the number of houses that can be built. b. to officially decide something e.g. The date of the court case has not yet been determined. c. be determined to do something : to decide to do something

e.g. We are determined to leave at once. 4. tend v. if something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again e.g. People tend to need less sleep as get older. 5. circumstance n. a. the conditions that affects a situation, action, event, etc. e.g. I can’t imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal. b. under no circumstances also in no circumstances used to emphasize that something must definitely not happen. e.g. Under no circumstances are you to go out. c. under/given the circumstances also in the circumstances: used to say that a particular situation makes an action, decision, etc. necessary, acceptance, or true when it would not normally be e.g. It’s the best result that could be expected under the circumstances. 6. take charge of : to have control of or responsibilities for a group of people or an activity e.g. Owens came in and take charge of the situation. 7. approach n. a. a method of doing something or dealing with a problem e.g. a new approach to teaching language b. the approach of a particular time or event is the fact that it is getting closer e.g. It’s a sign of the approach of middle age. c. to move towards or nearer to someone or something e.g. As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs. 8. seek v. a. to ask someone for advice or help e.g. If the symptoms persists, seek medical advice. b. to try to achieve or get something e.g. Thousands of people crossed the border ,seeking refuge from the war. 9. intuitive a. e.g. He seemed to have an intuitive awareness of how I felt. 10. abstract a. a. based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events e.g. By the age of 7, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms. b. existing only as an idea or quality rather than as something real that you can see or touch e.g. the abstract nature of beauty

习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): 1. Let students review the whole passage and have a clear view of the structure of it. 2. Master the words and expressions in the passage 3. Preview the Language in use Part 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): a. Students had a hot discussion on the pre-reading questions. b. They could connect the content of the text with their own experience of English learning. c. Some sentences in the text were difficult for students to understand, which need to be explained clearly. d. Some of the words were unfamiliar to students, examples had to be given to help them understand them. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。

课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1. Let students grasp: Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns. 综合英语 上课时间 Vocabulary and structure 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时 Language in use 2. Have students do the related exercises. 教学重点、难点: 1. Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns 2. Have students make good use of the grammar points. 教学方法、手段: 1. Explanation to assist students have a good understanding of countable and uncountable nouns. 2. Read and explain the instructions to assist students finish the corresponding exercises.

讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): 1. Give students some examples of countable and uncountable nouns, ask them to distinguish them. 2. Lead into the topic, and introduce countable and uncountable nouns. 3. Check students' master of countable and uncountable nouns by the exercises provided. 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I Greeting and lead-in a. Greet the students as usual b. Lead-in : Daily report Step II Warm-up Test your grammar a. Ask students to work in small groups and try to generate some basic rules of countable and uncountable nouns. b. Get some feedback from students and then start a discussion. c. Step III Grammar development: Countable and uncountable nouns. a. Presentation of the grammar tips of countable and uncountable nouns to students(板书): In English, countable and uncountable nouns are identical in form, but different in function. Lead students into the topic of countable and uncountable nouns. Grammar tips 可数与不可数是英语名词的最基本特征。一般说来,个体名词是可数名词;物质名词、抽象名词和专有名词是不可数名词;集体名词则有的可数,有的不可数。可数名词与不可数名词在一定条件下可以相互转化。 (1) 物质名词一般是不可数的,但用来表示具体、个别事物,或表示各种不同品种时,通常是可数的,如different coffees, various soaps. (2) 抽象名词一般是不可数的,但当它前后有修饰语表示“某一种”或“某一方面”的抽象概念时,其前可加a/an. 例如:A good map would be a help. 第二课时 Writing 1. Introduce some writing skills

2. Let students write a short passage according to the skills learned. 习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): a. Review what we learn in class about countable and uncountable nouns. b. Preview the left three sections: Language in use and Project 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1. countable and uncountable nouns are important grammar points for students, they may be confused by the use of them, teacher had to explain to them clearly, as well as give them enough exercises. 2. Let students learn the writing skills and make use of them smoothly. 备注: 1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。

课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 综合英语 上课时间 Language in use and Project 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时 教学目的、要求: 1. Have students learn part of ways of word formation clearly (such as verb, noun, and adjective). 2. Make students discuss “The best way to learn English” in groups. 教学重点、难点: 1. Let students have a general view of word formation of verb, noun, and adjective. 2. Make students have their own view of the best way to learn English through the discussion 教学方法、手段: a. Encourage students to guess and summary the rules of word formation of verb, noun, and adjective.

b. Read and explain the text to assist students finish the exercises. 讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): a. Ask students to brainstorm summary the rules of word formation of verb, noun, and adjective. b. Help students follow the steps of Project and deal with the difficulties they meet in the procedure. 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I. Greeting and lead-in a. Greet the students as usual b. Lead-in : Daily report Step II. Vocabulary building Ways of word formation 1. verb: -ate 加在形容词或名词后,表示“使,使变得,使成为”等意思 activate v. 使活跃 circulate v. 流通;环绕 appreciate v. 欣赏;感谢 -en 加在形容词或名词后,表示“使,使变得,使成为”等意思 lengthen v.(使)变长 strengthen v. (使)加强、变强 2.noun: 3.adjective: 第二课时

Project a. Read the instructions as a whole b. Ask students to design posters for animals by following the steps given. c. Give students enough time to present their ideas and products. 习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): a. Review what we learn this class. b. Preview Part Extension 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1. Students can learn a lot through learning some learning skills, such as: word formation 2. Learning some learning skills can also enhance students’ interest of learning English. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。

课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1. Make students have a more clear view of how to be a better reader. 2. Have students learn the meaning of the gestures and have a clear mind of the difference between the Chinese ones. 教学重点、难点: 1. Let students try to comprehend the passage by themselves 2. Have students find the difference between foreign gestures and Chinese ones and make a summary. 综合英语 上课时间 Extension and Cultural tips 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时

教学方法、手段: 1. let students try to find the way of analyze the passage by themselves 2. have students find the material related before class 讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): Make the students have awareness of self-learning 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I. Greeting and lead-in a. Greet the students as usual b. Lead-in : Daily report Step II Extension a. Introduce students to take a look at the questions before doing exercise 1. b. Invite some students to read the passage. c. Check the answers when they finish. d. Read and explain the language points in the passage. e. Finish exercise 2 and 3,and check answers. 第二课时 Step IV Culture tips a. Introduce different cultural connotations for gestures b. Read and explain the introductions to students. c. Ask students to search the library or the Internet to find more examples and share their research results with the classmates. Step V Learning to learn Tips for attitudes of language learning

习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): a. Review what we learn this class. b. Prepare for the dictation of Unit 1. c. Preview Unit 2 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1. Students can learn some learning skills after this unit 2. Learning skills can help students learn English easier. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。


课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1. Make students learn how to describe the body parts 2. Have students learn to talk about the functions of the body parts 教学重点、难点: 1. To make students have a clear view of the words and expressions of the body parts. 2. To have students try to take down long sentences while listening 教学方法、手段: a. Individual, pair or group work to make every students work in class b. Read and explain the instructions to assist students finish the tasks 综合英语 上课时间 Unit 2 Knowing our body 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时 c. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to complete all the tasks

讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): 1. Have students practice the words and expressions of the body parts by pointing out on their partners. 2. Teach students some skills of dictation 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I. Greeting and lead-in a. Greet the students as usual b. Lead-in : Daily report Step II . Warm-up a. Introduction of the topic of the body parts In this unit, students will learn to adopt an objective attitude towards which is the most important body part. They should learn to distinguish by themselves. b. Divide students into group of four, ask them to discuss the questions. c. Step II Vocabulary a. Let students learn some words and expressions related to wars. Some of them may be difficult for students. Allow them Invite some students to share their findings with the whole class when they finish. to use dictionaries for reference. b. Check their answers when they finish. 第二课时 Step III Listening and speaking a. Before playing the record, remind students to preview the questions firstly. b. Play the recording twice. The first time is for general understanding and the second time for some specific information. c. Check their answers when they finish. Summary Give a short summary of all the important points we have learnt this class:

a. Some functions of the body parts. b. Words and expressions that are related to the body parts. 习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): a. Review words and expressions related to the body parts. b. Preview Reading part 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1. Students learn most of the expressions of the body parts while there are still some they haven’t grasped. 2. Students aren’t used to the dictation. More practice is needed. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。


课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1.To make students have a clear view of the structure of the passage. 2.To have students learn the author’s point of view of the most important body part 3.To make students master the key words and expressions in the passage. 教学重点、难点: 1. Making students have the ability to learn and grasp the main idea of the Reading I before or without the help of the teacher, and be able to make use of their own words to summarize it. 2. To train students' read ability, remind them of develop the ability of \ story, when helps them remember the plot clearly. 3. To help students master words and expressions in this article 综合英语 上课时间 Reading The most important body part 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时

教学方法、手段: 1. Talking to improve students' speaking ability. 2. Discussion to make every student work in class. 3. Practice to get students master what they have learnt 讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): 1. Lead students to the topic by discussing the pre-reading questions. 2. Visualize the description in the text, and connect it with students' own experience of learning English. 3. Explain the language points clearly and carefully. 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I greeting and lead-in 1. Greet the students as usual 2. Lead-in: Daily report Step II warm-up Pre-reading tasks e. f. Read the instructions as a class. Divide students into groups, ask them to discuss the questions. g. Activate their knowledge and encourage them to share with each other. h. Get some feedback when they finish. Step III Reading comprehension b. Learn the new words and expressions of this article 4. Some students are invited to read them in turn. 5. The teacher corrects students' mistakes in pronunciation. 6. The students read them together. b. Listening to the record of this article and finish exercise A of answering the following questions.

第二课时 Language points 1.attempt n. an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult e.g. She passed her driving test at the first attempt. v. to try to do something, especially something difficult e.g. He attempted to open the door. 2. stump v. a. if you are stumped by a question or problem, you are unable to find an answer to it. e.g. The doctors were stumped and had to call in a specialist. b. to walk with heavy steps stumped angrily up the stairs. e.g. He stumped angrily up the stairs. 3. quest n. a long search for something that is difficult to find. e.g. World leaders are now united in their quest for peace. 4.smart adj. a. intelligent or sensible; clever e.g. The smart kids get good grades and go off to college. b. a smart person is wearing neat attractive clothes and has a generally tidy appearance e.g. You’re looking very smart. 5. confusion n. when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear e.g. There was some confusion as to whether we had won or lost. 6. lesson n. a. something that provides experience or information that you can learn from and use e.g. The government has failed to learn the lessons of history. b. a period of time in which school students are taught a particular subject e.g. Lessons start at 9 o’clock. 7. selfish adj. caring only about yourself and not about other people e.g. She is a very selfish girl. She never helps other people. 8. sympathetic adj. a. caring and feeling sorry about someone’s problems e.g. a sympathetic friend/ attitude b. sympathetic to/ towards: willing to give approval and support to an aim or plan e.g. Senator Dale is very sympathetic to environmental issues.

习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): 1.Let students review the whole passage and have a clear view of the structure of it. 2.Master the words and expressions in the passage 3.Preview the Language in use Part 教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1.Students had a hot discussion on the pre-reading questions. 2.They could connect the content of the text with their own experience of English learning. 3.Some sentences in the text were difficult for students to understand, which need to be explained clearly. 4.Some of the words were unfamiliar to students, examples had to be given to help them understand them. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。


课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1. Let students grasp: Grammar: comparatives and superlatives. 综合英语 上课时间 Vocabulary and structure 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时 Language in use 2. Have students do the related exercises. 教学重点、难点: 1. Grammar: comparatives and superlatives. 2. Have students make good use of the grammar points. 教学方法、手段: 1. Explanation to assist students have a good understanding of comparatives and superlatives. 2. Read and explain the instructions to assist students finish the corresponding exercises.

讲课思路(如何组织课堂教学及重、难点的处理): 1. Give students some examples of comparatives and superlatives, ask them to distinguish them. 2. Lead into the topic, and introduce comparatives and superlatives. 3. Check students' master of comparatives and superlatives by the exercises provided. 教学过程: 第一课时 Step I Greeting and lead-in c. Greet the students as usual d. Lead-in : Daily report Step II Warm-up Test your grammar d. Ask students to work in small groups and try to generate some basic rules of comparatives and superlatives. e. f. Get some feedback from students and then start a discussion. Lead students into the topic of comparatives and superlatives. Step III Grammar Development: Comparatives and superlatives 大学英语四六级及A、B级考试对形容词和副词比较级用法的考查涉及到了多个方面。为了便于同学们掌握,下面就其用法的一些重要结构作一归纳并附以练习。 1. “as+adj/adv+as或not so(as)+adj/adv+as.”句型。 例如:My computer is not so(as) expensive as yours. 我的电脑不如你的贵重。 2. “as many/few+可数名词复数+as”或“as much/little (少的)+不可数名词+as”。例如:You may borrow as many books as you can. 你能借多少书就借多少。 “Drink as much water as you can.” the doctor said to him. 医生对他说到:“你要尽可能的多喝些水。” 3.“主语+比较级+than any other…”结 构,例如:Li Ming is much cleverer than any other student in their class. 李明是他们班中最聪明的学生。 注意:若比较范围不同,than后应用“any+可数名词的复数形式+其他”。例如: China is larger that any countries in Africa.

中国比非洲上的任何国家都大。 4. not、never之类的否定词,与形容词或副 词的比较级连用时表示最高级含义。如: It is not a better idea. 这是再好不过的一个办法了。 I have never heard such an interesting story.我从来没有听过比这更有趣的故事了。 5. “not more+比较级+than”结构表示在程 度上前者不如后者。例如: This book is not more interesting than that one. 这本书不如那本书有趣。 6. “形容词比较级+than+形容词”,意为: 与其??倒不如??。例如: Jack is much harder than clever.与其说杰克聪明,倒不如说他学习用功。 7. would rather…than, prefer…to…, prefer to do…rather than…这三个句型表示“宁 愿??而不愿??;喜欢??胜过??” 含义。例如: She would rather die than give in. 她宁死不屈。 He preferred to go out rather than stay home.他宁愿出去也不愿呆在家里。 8. “The+比较级,the+比较级”。该结构意为“越??越??”。例如: The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them. 问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。 第二课时 1.Introduce some writing skills 2.Let students write a short passage according to the skills learned. 习题(或复习思考题、讨论题): a. Review what we learn in class about comparatives and superlatives. b. Preview the left three sections: Language in use and Project

教后记(教学反思、学生掌握情况及存在问题): 1. comparatives and superlatives are important grammar points for students, they may be confused by the use of them, teacher had to explain to them clearly, as well as give them enough exercises. 2.Let students learn the writing skills and make use of them smoothly. 备注:

1.页面大小可自行添减,每上一次课写一份上述格式教案,一次课一般2个学时。 2.近三年参加工作的青年教师必须写详案。 3.手写教案格式参照表格内容。


课程名称 上课班级 教学内容(教学章、节或主题) 教学目的、要求: 1.Have students learn part of ways of word formation clearly (such as Base adjectives and strong adjectives). 2.Make students discuss “A portrait of a person’s body part ” in groups. 教学重点、难点: 1.Let students have a general view of word formation of base adjectives and strong adjectives. 2.Make students have their own view of A portrait of a person’s body part through the discussion 教学方法、手段: 1. Encourage students to guess and summary the rules of word formation of base adjectives and strong adjectives. 2. Read and explain the text to assist students finish the exercises. 综合英语 上课时间 Language in use and Project 任课教师 上课地点 课时安排 2学时

