2019版一轮优化探究英语(江苏译林版)练习:选修八 Unit 2 The universal language Word版含答案-英语精选

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单独成册 对应学生用书第249页


1.I doubt if I will come to listen to his speech next time.It couldn't have been ________ in fact. A.any worse C.any better

B.so bad D.so good

解析:“否定词+比较级”表示最高级意义.根据前一句内容可推知此句要表达的是“他的演讲再糟糕不过了”.故A项正确. 答案:A

2.Statistics show that in the first quarter of the year the divorce rate is 14.6 percent.This means about 5,166 families in China ________ every day. A.break down C.break out

B.break away D.break up

解析:根据上句推断应该是指“家庭的破裂、解体”.break up结束,破碎,终止,符合句意.break down出故障,身体垮了;break away拆除;break out(战争,灾难的)爆发. 答案:D

3.There is only one more day to go ________ your favorite music group play live. A.since C.when

B.until D.before

解析:考查连词.句意为:还有一天你最喜欢的乐队将会现场演奏.“There is+时间+before...”为固定句式,意为“还有多长时间,某事就会发生”. 答案:D

4.Jenny was ________ to hear the news that their team didn't win the game. A.cast aside C.cast off

B.cast away D.cast down

解析:句意为:Jenny听到她们球队没有赢得比赛的消息很沮丧.cast aside扔,抛,废弃,废除;cast away扔掉;cast off脱下,解开,摆脱,抛弃;cast down沮丧,泄气,气馁(常用于被动结构或作表语),所以选D. 答案:D

5.After the students put up a Christmas tree in the centre,the classroom ________ a holiday appearance. A.relied on

B.took on

C.looked on D.threw light on

解析:句意为:同学们在教室中央挂了圣诞树后,教室就呈现出一种假期氛围.take on呈现,符合句意. 答案:B

6.Since Perry went abroad,his house has been neglected and weeds are ________ everywhere. A.winding up C.lighting up

B.springing up D.rising up

解析:考查动词短语辨析.句意为:自从佩里出国了,他的房子无人打理,杂草肆意生长.wind up清算;spring up涌现,萌芽,迅速生长;light up点燃,照亮;rise up上升. 答案:B

7.—Tom,you didn't come to the party last night?

—I ________,but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. A.had to C.was going to

B.didn't D.wouldn't

解析:从上文看“汤姆昨天晚上没有参加晚会”,下文回答应该是“我本来打算参加的”,要用过去将来时,故选C. 答案:C

8.The error he made in the work will make a good ________ against his promotion. A.reputation C.impression

B.consideration D.prejudice

解析:考查名词词义辨析.句意为:他在工作中犯的这个错误将给他的晋升带来很大的损害.reputation名誉,名声;consideration考虑;impression印象;prejudice偏见.根据句意可知D项最合适. 答案:D

9.To strengthen Japan's diplomatic influence and increase military presence across the world,Abe (安倍) ________ a greater role for his country in international affairs since he took office. A.sought C.is seeking

B.had sought D.has been seeking

解析:考查动词的时态.根据题干中的since从句可知,主句要使用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,故选D. 答案:D

10.You may take them all home ________. A.even if you can

B.if can

C.unless so D.if possible

解析:if possible=if it is possible,意为“如果可能的话”,是条件状语从句的省略. 答案:D

11.Listeners are often advised to ________ what the speaker is going to deliver in his speech as a whole rather than a point or two in it. A.seize C.grasp

B.snatch D.master

解析:句意为:听众经常被建议要从整体上领会说话者打算表达的意思,而不是只领会说话者的只言片语.grasp抓住,掌握,领会,符合句意.seize抓住,占领;snatch突然抢走;master掌握,精通. 答案:C

12.—It's Mary's own fault if she feels ________ at the party. —She makes no effort to be friendly to people. A.cut out C.left out

B.stood out D.made out

解析:cut out停止,剪下,取代;stand out突出;leave out遗漏,不考虑;make out明白,理解.句意为:——如果玛丽感觉在聚会上被遗忘,那是她自己的错.——她没有努力地去对别人友好. 答案:C

13.Patient ________ he was,he didn't like waiting that long. A.if C.since

B.when D.as

解析:句意为:他虽说有耐心,也不愿等这么长.由句意可知主从句为让步关系,故as符合.本题是as引导的让步状语从句,从句的表语patient放在从句句首引起倒装. 答案:D

14.The plan he ________ at the meeting is under consideration now and the result will be ________ soon. A.put up with;put up

C.put forward;put up

D.came up with;come out B.came up with;come up

解析:put up with忍受;put forward提出;come up with想出;come out出版,发行;come up走近,出现;put up张贴,搭建,留宿.句意为:他在会议上提出的计划现在正在考虑之中,结果将很快被公布.根据句意C正确.


15.When I opened the door,I found the ground ________ by fallen leaves. A.having covered C.covered

B.to cover D.cover

解析:考查非谓语动词.句意为:当我打开门,我发现地面被落叶覆盖.covered作宾语the ground的宾语补足语,二者为被动关系. 答案:C Ⅱ.阅读理解

A (建议用时7′)

Evenyone is talking about it in American high schools.Whether they are hip-hop fans or just students or teachers who listen to good music of any genre (类型),they all have one thing in common: an obsession with Hamilton,a hip-hop musical (音乐片) about the forgotten founding father of the United States on the $10 bill.What makes this musical so different from all the other ones?

“Everybody is so excited about it,” Mark Madama,associate professor of musical theater at the University of Michigan,said,“It is something for the students.Hip-hop music is what they listen to when they are walking down the street and all of a sudden,now that is also the music that is in musical theater.”

The full title of the show is Hamilton:An American Musical,and it tells the stories of Alexander Hamilton's life:from a homeless orphan to Washington's right hand man (得力助手),from an unknown to war hero.The idea of a Broadway musical about a founding father with hip-hop music has gotten enough attention on its own.

One of the most amazing details of this phenomenon is that most of the students have never even seen it.Nazareth High School junior Maddy Schierl has never seen the show live but said she still relates to it deeply.“There is so much emotion in the music that I feel like I have experienced the show's essence (本质) without even having to see it,” Schierl said.

Students and teachers are finding other ways to fall in love with Hamilton,whether they do it through listening to its music,watching short videos on YouTube or even studying it in the classroom.Katja Stonebraker,who teaches AP US history at Cary-Grove High School,described the musical as “a teacher's dream”.Stonebraker plans to use Hamilton more in the future because of the interesting perspective it tells Hamilton's story from.

“You see these old dead guys,and they are who you have to memorize and learn,” Stonebraker said,“But I think Hamilton makes history real and relatable.”

[语篇解读] 本文讲述一个关于被遗忘的美国建国之父的嘻哈音乐,它在学生当中受欢迎.

16.The underlined word “obsession” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “________”. A.strong enthusiasm C.lack of interest

B.great respect D.total surprise

解析:词义猜测题.根据第一段第二句中的“an obsession with Hamilton,a hip-hop musical(音乐片)about the forgotten founding father of the United States on the $ 10 bill”及第二段第一句中的“Everybody is so excited about it.”可知,A项符合题意. 答案:A

17.Hamilton is a musical that appeals to students because ________. A.its story is closely related to students' lives today B.it uses hip-hop,which is very popular among students C.it has been specially designed to satisfy students' tastes

D.it tells interesting stories from the life of a founding father of the US

解析:细节理解题.根据第一段中的“Whether they are hip-hop fans or just students or teachers who listen to good music of any genre(类型),they all have one thing in common:an obsession with Hamilton...”可知,选B. 答案:B

18.The example of Maddy Schierl is used to ________. A.prove that Hamilton is very popular among students B.give an example of people's comments about Hamilton C.explore the controversies behind Hamilton's popularity D.show that people can connect to Hamilton without seeing it

解析:细节理解题.根据第四段第二句“Nazareth High School junior Maddy Schierl has never seen the show live but said she still relates to it deeply.”可知,选D.关键词connect和relate to同义. 答案:D

19.Which of the following statements would Stonebraker probably agree with? A.Hamilton tells Hamilton's story vividly from a different viewpoint. B.Hamilton is the best teaching material she has ever used.

C.Every student will become more interested in history after seeing Hamilton. D.There will be more musicals about historical figures in the future.

解析:推理判断题.根据倒数第二段最后一句“Stonebraker plans to use Hamilton more in the future because of the interesting perspective it tells Hamilton's story from.” Stonebraker计划在未来更多使用Hamilton,因为它从有趣的视角讲述了Hamilton的故事,故选A项.


B (建议用时8′)

The Oxford Dictionary has announced its word of the year.It's spelled... Actually, it isn't spelled at all,because it contains no letters,just a “face with tears of joy” emoji.

“The fact that English alone is proving not enough to meet the needs of 21st-century digital communication is a huge change,” says Caspar Grathwohl,president of Oxford Dictionaries.When one of his dictionary colleagues suggested using an emoji instead of the word “emoji”,lightbulbs_went_off.Until recently,Grathwohl,who is 44,avoided using emojis altogether because he worried that he would look as if he “was trying to get in on teen culture”.“I felt inauthentic.But I think there was a tipping point this year.It's now moved into the mainstream.” Some 76% of the UK adult population owns a smart phone,and of those,between 80% and 90% use emojis.Worldwide,six billion are sent daily.The “face with tears of joy” is the most used,representing 20% of all UK and 17% of all US emoji use.It has overtaken the standard smiley-face emoji in popularity,which may mean that emoji users are moving towards exaggeration or irony or fun,or that all this emoji use has brought everyone to a higher emotional plane.Even if you don't send emojis yourself,you will probably receive them.

How far do emojis function as a language? “There's a lot of prejudice against emojis,” Vyvyan Evans,a professor in linguistics at Bangor University,says.“A lot of people think they are a backward step,but this misunderstands the nature of human communication.” The picture is more complicated,with emojis offering both greater freedom and limitations than verbal language.“Emoji isn't a language as such.They don't develop in the way that the natural language does.But they are working according to the same principles of communication as the spoken language.What is the value of an emoji? I think I can prove this with an ordinary sentence.” There is a pause.“I love you,” he says.“Crikey (哎呀),I love you.” He says it again.The first time I think he means it;the second time we both know he doesn't.“The meaning is coming from extra-language factors,” he says.“Emojis are performing the same function in digital speech.” Like any sort-of language,emoji is evolving,“I do think they are subtle (微妙) and rich,” Grathwohl says.“They can mean different things to different people.The fact that we are using emoji in combination to express more complex ideas and experiences is one of the most fun and playful parts of the whole words.Will emoji finally come to look something more like traditional language that we understand?” he asks.“That would be interesting.”

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了今年被牛津词典评选出的年度词为一个表情符号:“face with tears of joy”,并分析了它产生的原因、功能和特点. 20.The sentence “lightbulbs went off” (Para.2) means that ________. A.the president became embarrassed and annoyed B.the president suddenly realized he was outdated C.the suggestion was immediately adopted D.the suggestion started a heated discussion

解析:句意理解题.根据文章第二段最后一句“It's now moved into the mainstream.”可知,它已经融入了主流,意味着它立刻被采用. 答案:C

21.The “face with tears of joy” is more popular than smiley-face emoji,which means that ________.

A.emoji is changing constantly B.smiley-face emoji is too traditional

C.adults have more sorrow than joy in their daily life D.people like to express their emotions in a richer way

解析:推理判断题.根据文章第三段第四句“It has overtaken the standard smiley-face emoji in popularity,which may mean that emoji users are moving towards exaggeration or irony or fun,or that all this emoji use has brought everyone to a higher emotional plane.”可知,用户在表情符号使用上喜欢夸张、讽刺和搞笑. 答案:D

22.Vyvyan Evans uses the sentence “I love you” as an example (Para.4) to prove that ________. A.emoji can express the real meaning behind words B.emoji is different from the natural language C.people feel free to use emoji in communication D.emoji will limit people in expressing their feelings

解析:推理判断题.根据举例,再根据文章第四段最后两句“‘The meaning is coming from extra-language factors,’he says.‘Emojis are performing the same function in digital speech.’”可知选A. 答案:A

23.Which of the following statements might Grathwohl agree with? A.Emoji is too childish for adults.

B.People have the same explanation for an emoji. C.Using emoji can add fun to communication.

D.Emoji won't develop into a language.

解析:细节理解题.根据文章最后一段中“The fact that we are using emoji in combination to express more complex ideas and experiences is one of the most fun and playful parts of the whole words.”可知选C. 答案:C

