电大 专升本 大学英语

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电子科技大学入学测试机考 专升本 大学英语 模拟题

1. My sister likes_________but she doesn't like___________this afternoon. A. swimming… to swim B. to swim… swimming C. swimming… to swimming D. swim… swimming 2. I can't understand_________at a person in trouble. A. for you to laugh B. you laughing C. you laughed D. why laughing

3. ___________ the month and the year, the book was put on the book- shelf. A. Being markedly B. Marked with C. Marking with D. Having marked

4. Full of fear, the pretty girl___________ in the dark room until his mother returned. A. stopped crying B. didn' t stop crying C. didn' t keep to cry D. stopped to cry 5. What he said caused us________.

A. to feel frightening B. to feel frightened C. feeling frighten D. feel frightened 6. I would appreciate__________ it a secret. A. that you would keep B. you to keep C. that you are keeping D. your keeping 7. I begin__________ the meaning, which begins___________. A. to understand… being clear B. understanding… being clear C. to understand… to be clear D. understanding… to be clear 8. Mr Green sat at the door of the room with his legs________. A. cross B. across C. crossed D. crossing 9. __________the cat family, the small tiger looks like a big cat. A. Being at B. Belonged to C. In D. Belonging to 10. They made a fire________ up the room.

A. warm B. warmed C. to warm D. warming

1 第 1 页 共 9 页 电子科技大学 专升本 大学英语

11. ____________ from his accent, he must be __________America. A. Judged…from B. To judge…of C. Judging… from D. Judging…of 12. To learn to swim well,_________.

A. much practice is needed by B. much practice is needed C. one needs much practice D. one is needed much practice 13. I forbid ________here. Who has permitted you ___________here? A. smoke…smoking B. smoking…to smoke C. smoking… smoking D. to smoke… smoking

14. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable to ________. A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on 15. She didn' t remember__________ him before. A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met 16. Mother____________us stories when we were young. A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling

17. Go on___________ the other exercise after you have finished this one. A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing 18.-------What do you think of the book?

-------- Oh, excellent. It's worth__________ a second time. A. to tead B. to be read C. reading D. being read 19. Do you know the boy ___________under the big tree? A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying 20. There was a terrible noise__________ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 21. __________ girl she is!

A . What bright a B. How a bright C. How bright D. What a bright 22. __________ we have today!

A. A fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. What fine weather

23. ___________careless he is!

2 第 2 页 共 9 页 电子科技大学 专升本 大学英语

A. What B. How C. So much D. How much 24. _________from New York to London!

A. How long way it is B. What a long way is it C. How long way is it D. What a long way it is 25. _______ he was to see his old friend again!

A. How pleasing B. How pleased C. What please D. How please 26. ----------You haven’t been to America , have you? ------------ _________How I wish to go there.

A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t 27. She hardly ever speaks to you in English, ___________?

A. does she B. doesn’t she C. can she D. can’t she 28. It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, _________?

A. won’t we B. will we C. don’t we D shall we 29. Don’t smoke in the meeting-room, ______________?

A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 30. I don’t think he will visit Tom next week, _________ ?

A. do you B. will he C. do I D. will you 31. Nothing he did was right, ___________ ?

A, wasn’t it B. did he C. was it D. didn’t he 32. Don’t take the newspapers out of the Classroom, ___________ ? A. will you B. shall I C. won’t you D. do you 33. Mr. Brown had his watch repaired yesterday, ___________ he? A. did B. had C. didn’t D. hadn’t 34. -------- Shall I tell John about it?

----------No, you ________. I have told him already.

A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 35. ------------Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. -----------___________.

A. I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t 36.----------Your phone number again? I____________quite catch it. -----------It’s 9568442.

3 第 3 页 共 9 页 电子科技大学 专升本 大学英语

A. didn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t D. can’t 37. ----------Who’s that beautiful girl Tom’s dancing with? -----------I don’t know. I _________ her before.

A. never saw B. never had seen C. was never seeing D. never seen 38. ------------ Must we take a bus?

-------------No, you_________. You can walk home.

A. must not B. better not C. don’t have to D. better had it 39. It is _________ easy as you think to do this experiment.

A. not nearly so B. nearly not so C, not almost so D. not almost as 40. “It’s never too small a thing for him to notice.”means “______________”. A. He never notices small things. B. He only notices small things. C. He pays enough attention to small things. D. He only notices big things. 41. They want to know ____________ do to help us.

A. what can they B. what they can C. how they can D. how can they 42. Go and get your coat. It's ________ you left it.

A. there B. where C. there where D. where there 43. __________ he said at the meeting astonished everybody.

A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter 44. Can you make sure ____________ the gold ring?

A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 45. -----------We have’t heard from Jane for a long time. -----------What do you suppose _________ to her?

A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened 46. _________ wants to may come to the play on Saturday night. A. Whom B. Any C. Everyone D. Whoever 47. __________ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. The person B. Anyone C. Who D. Whoever

48. Father made a promise __________ I passed the exmination he would buy me a bicycle. A. that B. if C. whether D. that if 49._________ you don’t like him is none of my business.

4 第 4 页 共 9 页 电子科技大学 专升本 大学英语

A.What B. Who C. That D. Whether

50. _________the old man’s sons wanted to know was ________ the gold had been hidden. A. That; what B.What; where C. What; that D. What; if

51. ____________ he said he wasn’t hungry, he ate the big breakfast.

A. Even B. Unless C. In spite D. Although 52. You’ll miss the train ______________ you hurry up.

A. unless B. as C. if D. until 53. We had better hurry ____________ it is getting dark.

A. and B. but C. as D. until 54. In the article she made a mark____________ she had some questions. A. which B. where C. the place where D. at where 55. Peter ate more than ___________.

A. Tom is B. Tom has C. Tom did D. Tom gives

56. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially ___________ Father was away in France.

A. as B. that C. during D. if 57. -------------My watch started up again.

------------You should take it to be repaired __________ it’s working now. A. since B. until C. however D. even though 58. Everyone ________before we got there.

A. had left B. leaves C. will leave D. leave 59. You can have the magazine___________ I finish reading it.

A. in the moment B. the moment C. the moment as D. in the moment when 60. _____________, she knows a lot of things.

A. A child as is she B. As she is a child C. Child as she is D. Child as is she 61. He never reads anything ____________ is not worth reading. A. which B. as C. who D. that 62. I have bought such a watch ____________ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it 63. ___________ was expected, he failed in the exam.

5 第 5 页 共 9 页 电子科技大学 专升本 大学英语

