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《远方的家》之《北纬30度·中国行》 “Home Far Away” “Latitude 30 China”

第109集 Episode 109

自贡 千年盐都

Zi Gong Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【字幕】Subtitle 0000-0041 本期导视

Guide for this Episode

【解说】(本期导视)Narration 0000-0028


The following program is “Home Far Away”. The crew of “Home Far Away” “Latitude 30 China” comes to Zi Gong, the city also known as the thousand year old salt capital. Here is the home to the world’s first salt well that’s over one thousand meters; the oldest salt making techniques; and the delicacy of poached sliced beef in hot chili oil. At the same time, we will search for the vestige of the old salt port; tour the dinosaur fossils at the Da Shan Pu Dinosaur Museum, experience the fascinations of the Jurassic period.

【字幕】Subtitle 0004 接下来 远方的家

Coming up next: “Home Far Away”

【同期声】(记者 周雪梅) (Journalist: Zhou Xuemei”) 0028


I’m basically standing within a group of dinosaurs!

【解说】Narration 0032-0041

《远方的家》百集特别节目《北纬30度·中国行》第109集,盐都自贡,正在播出。 “Home Far Away” Hundred Episode Special Program “Latitude 30 China” Episode 109, Salt Capital of Zi Gong, is currently broadcasting.

【黑场】 0042-0147 广告一65秒

Advertisement one - 65 seconds

【字幕】Subtitle 0151 远方的家

Home Far Away




Latitude 30 China “Home Far Away” Hundred Series Special Program

【字幕】Subtitle 0210-

北纬30°?中国行(109) 盐都自贡

Latitude 30 China (109) Salt Capital Zi Gong

【解说】Narration 0207-0235


Saying goodbye to our previous stop, Yibin, the crew of “Home Far Away” “Latitude 30 China” comes to Zigong City after a drive of more than one hour. Zigong City is located in the south part of the Sichuan basin, along the Tuojiang, next to Fuxi River, between latitude 28 degrees 55 minutes and 29 degrees 38 minutes. As we arrive in Zi Gong, locals tell us, we must learn about the well salt first in order to know more about this city.

【信息字幕】(地图)(Map) 0217


Sichuang Province, Chengdu, Yunnan Province, Kunming, Guizhou Province, Guiyang, Chongqing City, Hubei Province, Wuhan, Hunan Province, Changsha, Jiangxi Province,

Nanchang ,Anhui Province.

【信息字幕】(地图)(Map) 0226


Sichuan Province, Zigong City, Yibin City,Chongqing City, Luzhou City,Neijiang City, Zunyi City, Yunan Province, Guizhou Province.


位于:北纬28°55-29°38 东经104°02-105°16 面积:4372.6平方公里 人口:325.96万


Geographical information of Zigong City Location: Latitude 28°55-29°38 Longitude 104°02-105°16

Area: 4372.6 square Li (4372.6 square kilometers) Population: 3.26 million

Climate: Semitropical humid monsoon climate

【字幕】Subtitle 0237-0239 记者 周雪梅

Journalist Zhou Xuemei

【同期声】(记者 周雪梅)(Journalist: Zhou Xuemei) 0235


因为这里做盐已经有2000多年的历史了 而且这儿的盐的一大特点 就是它全部都是井盐

也就是说在自贡有很多的盐井 而你看到没有

像这种高高的木头搭建起来的架子 其实它就是盐井作业的其中的一个工具 我们现在就到了一个盐井这儿 这叫做燊海井

Zi Gong is a very famous salt capital, because the salt making history here is more than 2000 years. The salt from here has a very unique character, they are all well salt, which means that there are many salt wells here in Zi Gong. These shelves built with very tall timber is a tool used when operating the salt well. Now we have

arrived at a salt well, called the Shenhai Well.

【字幕】Subtitle 0259-0309

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 0301-0307


This Shenhai Well, located in the Daan District of Zigong City, has been used for almost 200 years.

【字幕】Subtitle 0313-0315

燊海井工作人员 胡忠相

Shenhai Well Worker Hu Zhongxiang

【同期声】(采访胡忠相)(Interviewee: Hu Zhongxiang) 0307

这架子进来看就更高了 它有什么名字吗

This shelf looks even taller seeing it from the inside. Does it have a name?

这是个井架 自贡人俗称“天车”

This is the well shelf, locals call it “sky cart”.


“Sky cart”, does the sky refer to its close distance with the sky?

一般“天车”都比较高 这个天车有18.4米

Most “sky carts” are very tall. This one is 18.4 meters tall.


Almost 20 meters.


The tallest sky cart of Zi Gong was more than 100 meters.

【字幕】Subtitle 0329-0342

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 0327-0347

天车是一个呈“A”字形的塔式井架,它是用“堆积木”式的方法,把一根根圆木层层往上累叠,用篾索捆扎成从低到高逐渐收小的木柱,并在空中交接而成。在天车下方就是燊海井。 The sky cart is a pagoda style well shelf in the shape of the letter “A”. It was built by stacking the round wood on top of each other, tightly held together by bamboo cables all the way to the top, and connected in the air. Below the sky cart was the Shenhai Well.

【同期声】(采访胡忠相)(Interviewee: Hu Zhongxiang) 0347


This is the first well that is deeper than 1 thousand meters.

它是第一口 世界上也是第一口 原来的深度是1001.42米


This is the first one, not only here, but also worldwide. The original depth was 1001.42 meters,

Then through our repairs, we deepen it to more than 1300 meters.


Now it is more than 1300 meters. 对 Right.

但是你看 这口井好像很小的样子 那它井口为什么只有那么窄呢

But it seems that the well is very small Why is the mouth so narrow?

因为这个井是通过碓头打下去的 这个井径 它的口径只有11厘米

Because this well was dug with the head of a pestle, the diameter of this mouth is only 11 centimeters.

【字幕】Subtitle 0419-0436

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 0418-0436


Zi Gong salt district is the largest well salt producing area in Sichuan Province. It is located on the mid-section of the hydrodynamic field, where the surrounding underground water meet. Since the East Han Dynasty, Zi Gong are has already began to make salt from the subsurface brine by digging wells.

【同期声】(采访胡忠相)(Interviewee: Hu Zhongxiang) 0436

我现在 在这个卤水筒提起来的时候 我还闻到了一股比较奇怪的那个味道 这是什么 是盐的 卤水的味道吗

I can smell a very weird odor when the brine cylinder is picked up. What is that? Is it the smell of the salt? Or the brine?


它是一口卤水和天然气伴生的一口井 现在我们闻到的刺鼻的味道 是一股天然气的味道

This Shenhai Well, is a well with brine and natural gas.

The weird odor that we smell right now is the smell of natural gas.

哦 是天然气

Oh, it’s natural gas.

【解说】Narration 0455-0505


In the process of digging salt wells here in Zi Gong, great amounts of natural gas was also discovered. The discovery of natural gas solved the fuel problem for the salt industry.

【同期声】(采访胡忠相)(Interviewee: Hu Zhongxiang) 0505

现在这师傅是要把它放在哪里 Where will this master put it?


He will put the brine in here.

【解说】Narration 0512-0536


The one way valve on the bottom of the drain brine cylinder was popped open by the metal hook, accompanied by the pungent smell, the brine was poured into the big basin next to the well. The brine goes through the hole at the bottom of the basin through the underground tubes into the salt production factory. More than 100 years ago, the elevation and lowering of the brine cylinder was controlled by this equipment called big cart.

【同期声】(采访胡忠相)(Interviewee: Hu Zhongxiang) 0536


Basically this elevates the brine cylinder more than 1000 meters.


最初的时候 这个大车的转动 它的转动是靠人力来推的 后来就靠牛来推拉 Yes.

In the beginning, the big cart was turned by human force, and later on changed to ox force.

【字幕】Subtitle 0554-0606

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 0550-0614


The big cart is one of the essential parts of the salt well. The revolving big cart pulls on the cable connected to the brine cylinder, through the sky roller on top of the sky cart to control the elevation of the brine cylinder. During the peak

period of Shenhai Well, 14 cubic meters of black brine, and 8500 cubic meters of natural gas was produced every day, with more than 80 pots boiling salt in the workshop.

【同期声】(采访胡忠相 工人)(Interviewee: Hu Zhongxiang Worker) 0614

一进到这边这个制盐的工坊里头 明显就觉得这个温度一下就上来了

The minute we step inside this salt workshop, you feel that the temperature rose immediately.


The temperature rose.

所以师傅们确实 你看 我们还穿着外套 他们就直接穿短袖 短裤了 这已经是出盐了是吗 So the masters are

You see, we are still wearing jackets,

They are already wearing short sleeves and shorts. The salt is already seen.


This is shoveling the salt.


原来是卤水一点儿一点儿熬出来的吗 This is completed.

Before was it boiled bit by bit with the brine?

对对对 经过八个小时熬

Yes, boiled for eight hours.

要熬八个小时啊 那您每天上班多长时间啊

It must be boiled for eight hours! Then how long do you work every day?

八个小时 Eight hours.

【解说】Narration 0645-0651


The traditional salt workshops are not only opened for visitors, but are still

producing small amounts of well salt.

【字幕】Subtitle 0704-0706 制盐工人 王巧平

Salt Worker Wang Qiaoping

【同期声】(采访王巧平)(Interviewee: Wang Qiaoping) 0652

它底下我看好像还能漏水 是吗

Seems like the bottom also drains water, right?

对 底下漏下去水就是胆水

Yes, the water drained is the bile water.

所以现在这个盐还不能算是干的盐 还有很多水分

So this salt here is not considered the dried salt, it still has a lot of water?

它要洗过 等等还要洗一下

It needs to be washed, has to be washed again later.


Then why don’t you let it boil until it dries and then take it out?

熬得干了那要成锅巴 盐巴要熬糊

Boil until it dries will turn the salt into salt pan scale, the salt will become muddled.


The bottom will be muddled.

对 不能太干了

Yes, so we can’t boil it too dry.

【解说】Narration 0719-0729


Scooping out the half dried salt from the pot, Master Wang takes the brine from the underground tube into the iron pot, preparing to boil a second pot of well salt.

【同期声】(采访王巧平)(Interviewee: Wang Qiaoping) 0731

您这是拿的什么呀 What is this?


Soy bean milk.

加这个是干什么用的 Why is this added?

加豆浆是为了盐水里面很脏的东西 把它提炼出来

The soy bean milk is added to extract the dirty stuff from the salt water.

要把里头的脏的东西全都提炼出来 To extract all the dirty stuff.

等一下它全部要浮在上面 然后把它捞干净

Later, you will see all the dirty stuff float on the surface, and then just scoop it up.


I see that you have another one here


This is used to heat the pots.

这是什么呀 What is this?


This is used for energy saving.

底下是通的 中间是个通道

The bottom is through, there’s a passageway in the middle.

【解说】Narration 0759-0815

相邻的大小灶,灶膛相通,借助大灶的火力给小灶温锅,既提高盐卤浓度,又节约了燃料资源。作坊中间的两把竹椅,是制盐师傅们工作间隙可以休息的地方。 Big and small stoves are placed next to each other. By connecting the kitchen range, using the fire from the big stoves to warm up the pot from the small stoves, this not only increases the density of salt brine, but it also saves fuel resource.

Inside the workshop, there are also two bamboo chairs, put there so the salt masters have a place to rest during breaks.

【同期声】(采访王巧平)(Interviewee: Wang Qiaoping) 0816


I think this chair of yours is pretty comfortable. 对

这个椅子专门就是为我们烧盐巴的买的 Yes!

This chair was bought especially for us salt boiling workers.

专门为你们烧盐巴的买的 我看您是一边跟我聊天 一边还要看着锅里的情况

Especially for salt boiling workers.

I see that while you are chatting with me, you are also checking the pot.

我看一下 如果它开了

我得把盖子掀起来 就打泡泡

I’m checking, if it boils, then I have to open the cover and scoop out the foam.

【解说】Narration 0832-0839


The brine inside the iron pot is beginning to boil, we see that on the surface of the brine, there really is a layer of foam like floating substance.

【同期声】(记者 周雪梅)(Journalist: Zhou Xuemei) 0839

你看 舀出来的这个沫呀

其实特别像豆浆凝结了以后的那层豆浆的皮 所以它才会有特别强的吸附功能 把那些脏东西吸掉

You see this foam that was scooped up, actually looks very much like the skin of the soy bean milk after the milk has been condensed. That is why this layer has such strong absorption function, is able to absorb all the dirty stuff.

【解说】Narration 0851-0902


The salt brine becomes clear after being purified. Master Wang uses the salt scoop

to scoop the thick brine boiling inside the pot, and repeatedly spray the salt that was just boiled when we stepped in for cleanse purposes.

【同期声】(采访王巧平)(Interviewee: Wang Qiaoping) 0903

除了盐的形状有一些变化之外 它真的是没有融化掉 也没有少

Other than a bit change on the shape of the salt, it didn’t melt at all.


If you spray tap water, it’ll all melt.


It will melt with tap water.

底下那水 就是底下那水就是胆水

The water on the bottom, is the bile water.

【字幕】Subtitle 0919-0940

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 0915-0952


By spraying brine on cooked salt, it will take off the impurities that clings on the surface, and will allow the salt to become more intact. After this procedure, the salt inside the leather tube will only need to be left for four more hours before becoming a finished saltcat. The rich resources of well salt and advanced salt producing technology attracted salt merchants from all over the country. They drill wells and build kitchens, and also construct resorts. The former usage of the Zi


Gong Salt Industry Historical Museum was the West Qin Resort, built in the 9 year of Daoguang Emperor (1829), by salt merchants from Shaanxi Province for the purpose of connecting with others from the same hometown, and to get together and discuss business.

【字幕】Subtitle 0956-0958

盐史专家 宋良曦

Salt History Expert Song Liangxi

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 0952

到了咸同年间 不是有一个“川盐济楚”吗 就是太平天国攻陷南京以后 淮盐不能上运

湖北 湖南民苦淡食 就闹盐荒了 所以清廷就下令“川盐济楚”

所以自贡的盐就得到一次迅猛发展的机会 所以一举就成了整个四川盐业生产的中心 产量占一半儿 盐税占一半儿以上

During the Xiantong years (1851-1874),there was a movement called “Salt from Sichuan to help aid salt shortage of Hubei and Hunan”. That was when the Taiping Rebellion took over Nanking, salt from the Huai region (currently day Jiangsu province), was not able to transport north, and resulted in salt shortage in Hubei and Hunan regions. That was when the Qing government ordered the aiding movement, and the salt from Zi Gong obtained a rapid developing opportunity, becoming the salt production center of the entire Sichuan, providing half of the production amount, and paying more than half of the entire province’s salt tax.

【字幕】Subtitle 1027-1041

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 1024-1043

自贡盐业历史博物馆,中国盐文化研究中心研究员宋良曦老师,带我们领略了井盐生产的奥秘。盐史博物馆陈列的这些工具,大部分都是古代工匠,为了保障井盐顺利开采而发明的。 Master Song Liangxi, researcher of the Chinese Salt Culture Research Center from the Zi Gong Salt Industry Historical Museum takes us to explore the production line of well salt. All these tools that are displayed at the Salt History Museum are mostly invented by ancient artisans for the successful extraction of well salt.

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1043


This craft is called the craft to extract fallen items.

是不是 玄机在这里是吗 Is the secret inside here?


The secret lies here.


Take a look at what this is.


This is called “Metal Penta-Prongs”.


“Metal Penta-Prongs”.

【字幕】Subtitle 1057-1118

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:千年盐都

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Thousand Year Old Salt Capital

【解说】Narration 1057-1119


In the process of well shafting and draining halogen, the dropping of tools inside the well is almost unavoidable. This “Metal Penta-Prongs” was one of the tools invented by ancient artisans to retrieve items fallen inside the well. The five flat metal pieces of the “Metal Penta-Prongs” all have reverse hooks with teeth pointing upward, using the tension of the five flat metals and the reverse hooks, this took is able to tightly hug large pieces of rocks that may have fallen inside the well.

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1119

这个就是人类手臂和眼睛的延伸 它是古代的可以说是一个机械手

This is the extension of the human hand and eyes.

In the ancient times, this is considered a machine hand.

确实是太神奇了 智慧都来自于民间

This is very amazing! All the wisdom comes from the people.


Yes, comes from the people.

【字幕】Subtitle 1132-1150 下节看点

Coming up next

【解说】Narration 1133-1150


Searching for salt port vestige at the salt transport dock, tasting Salt Gang’s poached sliced beef in hot chili oil. “Home Far Away” Hundred Series Special Program “Latitude 30 China” Episode 109, Salt Capital Zi Gong, is currently broadcasting.

【黑场】 1150-1220 广告二30秒

Advertisement two - 30 seconds

【字幕】Subtitle 1221 远方的家

Home Far Away

【解说】Narration 1225-1251


During the peak period of Zi Gong’s salt industry, the most important way of transporting the well salt is through water. Xianshi Town, 11 li (6.88 miles) from downtown Zi Gong, is a must pass through point when transporting the well salt from Zi Gong via water. The salt ships will leave the salt fields in Zi Gong, stream along the Fuxi River, arrive at Xianshi Town, and then repackaged at Xiantan Dock before it leaves for Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Hunan.

【信息字幕】(地图)(Map) 1237


Downtown Zi Gong, Xianshi Town, Yibin City,Neijiang City, Chongqing City, Luzhou City

【信息字幕】(地图)(Map) 1250

自贡市区、仙市镇、四川省、贵州省、湖南省、湖北省、云南省 Downtown Zi Gong, Xianshi Town, Sichuan Province, Guizhou Province, Hunan Province, Hubei Province, Yunan Province.

【字幕】Subtitle 1254-1304

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:漫步仙市古镇

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Strolling along the Ancient Town of Xianshi

【解说】Narration 1254-1304 现在,我们依然可以从堤坝上被盐巴浸渍过的石阶和历经百年风雨磨平棱角的船栓上,感受到那段盐运繁忙的历史。

Today, from the salt soaked stone steps on the bank to the bolt with rubdown edges from years of wind and rain, we can still experience the bustling history of salt transport.

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1305

宋老师 现在就是到了古镇 最繁华的一条街上了 是吗

Master Song, we have now arrived at the most flourishing street of the ancient town, right? 对对

我们从码头一上 就到了古镇的叫栅门 Yes.

When we step up from the dock we’ll reach the fence gate of the town.

就是这个门 以前如果说它完全关上的话 是不是就意味着里面的人就不用出来 外面的人也不能进去

So this door, back then, if it was entirely closed, does that mean people from the inside do not need to come out, and the people from the outside cannot go in?

【字幕】Subtitle 1326-1341

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:漫步仙市古镇

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Strolling along the Ancient Town of Xianshi

【解说】Narration 1325-1343


Currently there are more than 4000 residents here in the ancient town of Xianshi. These residents already have a business function, thus they were easily modified into different shops. Master Song tells us that we must not miss the unique Salt Gang’s dishes here in the ancient town of Xianshi.

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1343


现在成为了风行全国的 就叫水煮牛肉 The most classic dish of Zi Gong’s Salt Gang’s Dish is now famous nationwide, called the poached sliced beef in chili oil.


So this is where this dish comes from.

对对对 Yes.

【字幕】Subtitle 1353-1402

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:漫步仙市古镇

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Strolling along the Ancient Town of Xianshi

【解说】Narration 1353-1412


With the help of tourism here in the ancient town, restaurants that mainly serves Salt Gang’s Dish are seen everywhere. We come to Sister Zhong Xiaolan’s restaurant. Here she tells us, the course poached sliced beef in hot chili oil is a traditional dish that is made in every family of this town, it is also a dish that is order the most by tourists.

【字幕】Subtitle 1416-1418 店主 钟晓兰 Owner

Zhong Xiaolan

【同期声】(采访钟晓兰)(Interviewee: Zhong Xiaolan) 1412


How long have you been cooking this poached sliced meat in hot chili oil?



后来开起馆子 有客人要吃就做了

Poached sliced beef in hot chili oil.

We use to make it ourselves at home, but since we opened this restaurant, I’ll make it when the customer wants to eat it.


All these ingredients are used to make poached sliced beef in chili oil? 对 Yes.

姜 辣椒

Ginger, chili.

有嫩姜 老姜

There are tender ginger, and old ginger.


Must use two kinds of ginger.

【字幕】Subtitle 1435-1459

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:品尝自贡盐帮菜 Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Tasting Zi Gong Salt Gang’s Dish

【解说】Narration 1432-1500


The beef is sliced into thin layers, add small amount of salt, pepper, Sichuanese pepper, and starch and stir it evenly with your hands. Then slice the ginger and garlic, chop the green onion into sections, stir fry with bean paste. Add water, then put in the beef, green onion, and red ginger. Pour the cooked beef inside the bowl along with the soup, spray some chili and Sichuanese petter, pour some hot oil, and a course of poached sliced beef in hot chili oil is finished.

【同期声】(采访钟晓兰 宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1501

尝尝这个水煮牛肉 还真够烫的

Try this poached sliced beef in hot chili oil. It’s very hot!

那是啊 Of course!

它那个烫其实就已经把那个辣 还有麻的味 全都带到嘴里了 好香啊

Essentially the hot already brings the spicy and numb taste into the mouth. Taste very good!


水煮牛肉是我们自贡盐帮菜最有代表性的菜 Yes, your right!

Poached sliced beef in hot chili oil is most representative dish of our Zi Gong Salt Gang’s Dish.

【字幕】Subtitle 1524-1536

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:品尝自贡盐帮菜 Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Tasting Zi Gong Salt Gang’s Dish

【解说】Narration 1522-1538


The early day Zi Gong Salt Gang’s Dish used mostly beef as the main ingredient. Slices of beef boiled with salt, dipped in numb and spicy sauce, was one of the most

common dish for the salt workers. Later on, chefs of Zi Gong improved this dish to what is known today as the poached sliced beef in hot chili oil.

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1538

这个豆花由于是胆水点的 和石膏的豆花它有区别的

特别自贡这个豆花 特别以富顺为代表的 它的蘸水很多种作料

This tofu was made with bile water from the salt wells This taste different than the tofu made with gypsum.

Especially this tofu from Zi Gong, with the ones from Fu Shun as representation. There are many different spices and ingredients put into the dip.


其实它夹起来的时候是很结实的 你看我可以一夹夹那么一大块 但是真正地吃到嘴里的时候 这么一抿 它就真的是能化掉

Actually, I realized that this tofu, when I pick it up with my chopsticks, it is still very firm, you see I can pick up such a big piece. But when I put it in my mouth, it melts immediately. 那是

这个也是盐业派生出来的食品 Of course!

This is a type of food developed from the salt industry.

【字幕】Subtitle 1610-1624

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:品尝自贡盐帮菜 Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Tasting Zi Gong Salt Gang’s Dish

【字幕】Subtitle 1626-1644

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:漫步仙市古镇

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Strolling along the Ancient Town of Xianshi

【解说】Narration 1609-1646


Aside from having the characteristics of traditional Sichuan cuisine, the Salt Gang’s Dish are also strong in taste, in order to adapt to the taste of salt merchants from all different places.

【同期声】(采访宋良曦)(Interviewee: Song Liangxi) 1646

你看 两个庙都是中间开门

中间开门叫做你敬你的神 我走我的路 你拜你的佛 我赶我的场 因为场镇嘛 它要赶场嘛

You see, the two temples are all opened in the middle, which is to tell people those not praying to our Gods can walk past, not interfering one another. You pray to your Buddha, and I rush to my next market.

Because this is a market town, there are different markets that they must rush to.

【解说】Narration 1659-1710


The residents on the sides of this small street are all houses left by the salt merchants. The simple and quiet of the street provided the residents here with a very comfortable living condition.

【字幕】Subtitle 1733-1735 仙市镇居民 邓正英

Xianshi Town Resident Deng Zhengying

【同期声】(采访邓正英)(Interviewee: Deng Zhengying) 1710

你看 这里人气好旺啊

阿姨你们这是在这儿买鱼是吗 其实这种方式挺有意思的 让这些阿姨们


Look, there’s so many people here. Auntie, are you here to buy fish?

This is a very interesting way to sell fish. These Aunties can buy the freshest

fish without leaving their own home.


I didn’t bring money, can I buy it on credit?

要得要得 赊账

Of course, buy it on credit.



You can buy it on credit! Are you very familiar with this Uncle?

熟得很 本场人的嘛

本场人咋不熟 看着长大的

Very familiar! We’re all from the same town, how can we not know each other! We grew up together.

看着 都一起长大的啊

You all grew up together!

【解说】Narration 1743-1758


The fish seller Mr. Miao Zhongliang tells us that he will come to the streets every two to three days to sell his own catfish for 5 RMB per jin (1.1 lbs). Usually after one trip, all the fishes will be bought by nearby residents and restaurants.

【字幕】Subtitle 1803-1805 仙市镇居民 袁萍

Xianshi Town Resident Yuan Ping

【同期(声】(采访袁萍)(Interviewee: Yuan Ping) 1758

比如我们每一家 哪一家有红白喜事 整条街的人都要出场

For example, if one family has either a wedding or a funeral, then every family on this street will be present.


Every family will be there?

整条街都要出来 每家每户都要的

The entire street will come out, every member of every family will attend.

这么好关系 就像亲戚一样了嘛

You’re so close with each other, just like relatives.

比亲戚还好 远亲不如近邻嘛 We’re closer than relatives. Just like the saying, neighbors are closer than distant relatives.

【解说】Narration 1816-1825


Yuan Ping and her neighbor’s houses all still kept the green bricks and tiles on the outside, but the inside was remodeled.

【同期声】(采访袁萍)(Interviewee: Yuan Ping) 1825


就很像我们经常出去旅游的那些古镇 这样推开门就可以看到老房子

然后里面的装修又让人觉得住得很舒服 所以阿姨在这儿真的是舍不得走

The feeling inside here is like the ancient towns that we usually visit on tours, where you open the door to see the old houses, but the interior setting is very comfortable to live in. So Auntie really don’t want to leave this place,

舍不得 我不会走的

Yes, I will never leave here.

【字幕】Subtitle 1842-1852

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:漫步仙市古镇

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Strolling along the Ancient Town of Xianshi

【解说】Narration 1840-1905


Walking within the ancient town with scenery of street within temple, and temple within street, reminiscing the vestige left by the salt port, maybe it is through these inclusive services that the town was able to keep its quiet and harmony. Leaving Xianshi Town, the crew continues on the tour of Zigong City. We come to the Aiye Town in Gongjing District, where a very unique type of craft is produced here.

【信息字幕】(地图)(Map) 1901


Sichuan Province, Tangshan City, Neijiang City, Aiye Town, Xianshi Town, Luzhou City, Zunyi City, Yunnan Province, Chongqing City


位于:北邻威选镇,东南与长土镇、贡井镇相连,西与成儒镇、建设镇接壤 面积:20.58平方公里 人口:1.97万


Geographic information of Aiye Town

Position: North of Wieyuan Town, Southeast of Changtu Town, connected to Gongjing Town, West of Chengru Town, border with Jianshe Town

【同期声】(记者 周雪梅)(Journalist: Zhou Xuemei) 1905

在北纬30度这条纬度带上 一路从东往西走过来 我们会发现这一路上

都能看到很多精美的竹编手工艺 其实在自贡呢


他们把那种手工艺的作品叫做“龚扇” 据说这个扇子不但是用竹子编的 而且这个竹丝可以说是细如发丝 在扇子上还能看到很多精美的图案 龚扇到底是怎么做出来的呢 我们一起去一探究竟

On the latitude zone of latitude 30, going from east to west, we have seen many different types of beautiful bamboo braided handcraft along the way. Here in Zi Gong, there is also a unique bamboo craft, the locals call it “Gong-fan”. It is said that these fans are not only braided with bamboo, but these bamboo threads are as thin as hair, and there are many beautiful designs on the fan sector. How are these Gong-fan made? Let’s go check it out!




The location where Gong-fan are made is in this ancient style courtyard on the side of Aiye Town. Here we found the fifth generation inheritor of Gong-fan making skill, Gong Qian.

【字幕】Subtitle 1951-1953

龚扇制作技艺传承人 龚倩

Gong-fan Making Skill Inheritor Gong Qian

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 1946

你好 早就知道龚扇的传承人很年轻 没想到果然 你现在这边是你的一个 Hello, we have heard that the inheritor of Gong-fan is very young, and you are indeed very young. So this is your? 厂房

This is my factory.


These are still purely hand braided?

还是手工 对

Yes, still handmade.

【解说】Narration 2001-2011


Although young, but Gong Qian is already the one in charge of this Gong-fan Factory. In the main room of the courtyard, we saw a few art pieces braided with bamboo threads.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2011

摸起来滑滑的 凉凉的 好舒服啊 很漂亮 这些也都是你编的吗

It feels smooth and cool, very comfortable to the hand. And very beautiful! Did you braid these?

没有 我的徒弟编的

No, these were braided by my students.


Braided by your students! 对 Yes!


Your students already have such high skills! 对 Yes.


Where is the Gong-fan?


这个就是龚扇 就是它竹子的本色 还是竹子镶的边

Gong-fan are over there. This is a Gong-fan. It uses the original color of the bamboo. It is also mounted with bamboo.


This is the flying art of Dunhuang?

对 飞天 敦煌的飞天

Yes, flying art of Dunhuang.

真的是飘起来了 这是你画的

It is literally floating! Did you draw this?


I braided it.

我都已经说成画的了 真的感觉像看到画一样 像这样的扇子要编多长时间

I’m already referring to this as a painting. It truly looks like a painting! How long did it take you to braid a fan like this?

要看 粗的大约是一个月左右 如果细的要两个月左右 Depends, with the thicker bamboo threads, around one month, the thinner threads will

take about two months.

那真的要费时 费力 费工了

It really takes time, energy and work. 对 Yes.

【字幕】Subtitle 2052-2113

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:蜀南珍品“龚扇” Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Precious Treasures of Southern Sichuan “Gong-fan”

【解说】Narration 2051-2116


These fans made with bamboo threads begin with Mr. Gong, which is why it is called


“Gong-fan”. In the late 19 century, there was a coal carrier named Gong Juewu that worked in the salt fields in Zi Gong. He was very envious of all the out-of-town merchants hold a beautiful bamboo fan, thus he began to make his own fans with bamboo threads, and braiding flowers, birds, fish, insects, characters and scenery on his fan sectors.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2116

天哪 这是竹子吗 My, this is bamboo?


Bamboo threads. 竹丝


Bamboo threads! Can I take it out?

可以可以 Of course.

哇 好软啊


比头发我感觉还要薄 Wow, this is so soft!

And it feels so thin, I think it’s even thinner than my hair!


Thinner than hair.

它摸起来更像是某种羽毛的 那个一丝一丝的那种感觉

It feels like some kind of feather, the feeling like thin silk. 对 Yes!


It feels very silky, and smooth.

【字幕】Subtitle 2145-2203

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:蜀南珍品“龚扇” Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Precious Treasures of Southern Sichuan “Gong-fan”

【解说】Narration 2143-2204


The main raw material to make Gong-fan are these thin bamboo threads. To make these threads, first we must break the fresh bamboo into chips, then use knife to scrap these chips into threads. Seeing how the bamboo chips are becoming thinner under the hands of workers, our journalist also wants to try this legendary technique.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2204


You can give a try.


Which hand do I hold this with?

右手拿 Right hand.

然后呢 And then?

然后把刀放在 你捏长一点

And then put the knife here, you need to hold it longer

捏长一点 稍等 我紧张 捏长一点

Hold it longer, hold on, I’m nervous. Hold it longer.


你觉得比较硬的位置 要平着拉

Put it here, a place where you feel it’s hard.


Seems less than before.


The thinner, the less scraps.


The thinner, the less. 对 Right.


Pull it when it’s straight, right?

平着 Yes.

平着拉 不能朝上面提 也不能朝下面压 平着过来

Pull it straight, don’t pull it upward or press it down, it has to be straight.

我是因为知道已经刮了好久 特别不容易 我特别不忍心使劲儿下刀 我怕给它弄断 This is because I know it has been scrapped for a long time, very hard work. I can’t bear to put the knife through, I’m so afraid that it’ll break.



北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:蜀南珍品“龚扇” Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Precious Treasures of Southern Sichuan “Gong-fan”

【解说】Narration 2247-2301


Bamboo chips that have been scrapped for hundreds of times are evenly divided into bamboo threads that are soft, pliable and tough. Even these bamboo threads have to be selected again before becoming the official material for Gong-fan.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2301

天哪 这也太细了吧

Wow, this is very fine!


This is made from the bamboo threads that we just scrapped.


为什么它是通过光折射才能看得出来 这是怎么能做得出来呢

This design, how did you braid it so that the design is showing when light is reflected?

因为我们是用那个经纬交叉而编出来的 所以有些时候有挑起来 压下去 它有很多种编法

Because we braided by crossing the bamboo threads, so they are sometimes picked up, or pressed down. There are many different ways to braid them.

【字幕】Subtitle 2325-2340

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:蜀南珍品“龚扇” Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Precious Treasures of Southern Sichuan “Gong-fan”

【解说】Narration 2323-2343



Gong Qian tells us that the knitting technique for Gong-fan are very complicated. Aside from a solid art foundation, endurance was a must. To finish a top quality Gong-fan, a skilled worker will take about two to three months, for someone with limited endurance and consistence, it is almost impossible to be able to grasp the skillset to make Gong-fan.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2343



The tools make it seem very simple, but when you actually began to learn it, it’ll be quite difficult.


It is very difficult.

从开始学习抽丝一直到做成一把扇面 大概要多长时间

How long does it take for someone to learn from the beginning to making an entire fan sector?

学 可能看有些人

像我对面的那个她就学了十年了 她编的是一把“红线盗盒”

It all depends on the person. Like the person across from me, she’s been learning for ten years. The one she’s working on right now is a piece based on a traditional Peking Opera called “Hong Xian Saves the People”.

她是刚刚开始编 She just started.

对 刚刚起头

Yes, just started.

【解说】Narration 2405-2417


In 2002, under the help of local government, Gong Qian opened this Gong-fan Bamboo Woven Craft Factory. Out of all the apprentices admitted in the beginning, there were only about 5 or 6 people that committed to the end like Zhou Qunying.

【同期声】(采访周群英)(Interviewee: Zhou Qunying) 2417

那你学的时候遇到过困难没有 有没有想过放弃的时候

Did you meet any obstacles when you were learning? Did you ever thought of giving up?


这里条件比较落后的时候想到过放弃 但是 都是出于自己对这个工作的热爱 还是就又留下来了

When I just came into the factory, when conditions were not so well, I thought of giving up, but I ended up staying because my love towards this job.

【字幕】Subtitle 2433-2454

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:蜀南珍品“龚扇” Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Precious Treasures of Southern Sichuan “Gong-fan”

【解说】Narration 2431-2454


Although Gong-fan are now a national level intangible cultural heritage, but they are rarely seen in the market. Under the leadership of Gong Qian, Gong-fan began to be displayed in art and crafts markets. For a Gong-fan made with bamboo thread, the prices range from a few thousand to more than ten thousand RMB. Having heard that Gong Qian still has a few Gong-fan made by her ancestors in her collection, we asked to see them.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2458

这是第三代的 龚玉文 我爷爷的

This was made by the third generation, Gong Yuwen, my grandfather.


它跟你现在做的又有什么区别呢 爷爷做的

I feel that this was already very delicate and beautiful. How are the ones made by your grandfather differ from the ones that you make?


The ones that we make today requires a finer bamboo thread.

【解说】Narration 2512-2524


For a top quality Gong-fan, not only is the sector of the fan smooth, rich in luster, after the Gong-fan has been mounted and the handle is added, there is also a drum like sound when the handle is slightly knocked on.

【同期声】(采访龚倩)(Interviewee: Gong Qian) 2524

刚才说敲的那个声音 你可以听到 听见了吗 是不是有鼓声

The sound that I just mentioned about, can you hear it? Did you hear it? Isn’t there the sound of drums?




Yes, I hear it. Where do I knock to get the sound? All the fans that are propped up will have this sound?


它就不会有这声音 整把扇子都是报废的

If a Gong-fan is not tightly propped, there will not be this sound, meaning that this fan is worthless.

它是哑的 叩了就啪啪啪


The fan is mute, and when you knock on it, it’ll sound “pa,pa,pa”. It really is propped very tight in order for there to be the drum sound. 对对

Yes, that’s right.


它绷得紧的时候可能碰扇面会响 现在直接碰扇柄都会响

Normally we would think that when the fan is propped very tightly, the sector will make sounds, but now even the handle makes the sound. 对

Yes! 你听


Listen, it really sounds like the drums.

对 证明你的这把龚扇已经是绷撑了的 完成了的

Yes, and that means the Gong-fan that your holding is propped very tight, a finished product.

【解说】Narration 2600-2621


Seeing and listening about the process of making Gong-fan since she was little, Gong Qian began to study under her father at the age of 15. To everyone’s surprise, she finished her first piece by the age of 17. Her hard work not only allowed her to live a happy and enriched life, it also allowed this skillset that was passed down by her ancestors to be carried on.

【字幕】Subtitle 2621-2641 下节看点

Coming up next

【解说】Narration 2623-2627


Walking into Da Shan Pu, where the owners of earth from hundred million years ago became famous.

【同期声】 2627


I’m basically standing within a group of dinosaurs!

【解说】Narration 2631-2641

《远方的家》百集特别节目《北纬30度·中国行》第109集,盐都自贡,正在播出。 “Home Far Away” Hundred episode special program “Latitude 30 China” Episode 109, Salt Capital Zi Gong, is currently broadcasting.

【黑场】 2641-2656 广告三15秒

Advertisement 3 – 15 seconds

【字幕】Subtitle 2658 远方的家

Home Far Away

【解说】Narration 2702-2723


We continue our tour in Zigong City, where our crew comes to Da Shan Pu Town located on the northeast side outside of Zigong City. This is the center area of the World Geopark of Zi Gong, where a great amount of dinosaur fossils were discovered in the 1970s. Based on findings, this is a ruin of dinosaur fossil coenosis from the mid-Jurassic period, which is 160 million years ago.

【字幕】Subtitle 2725-2727

自贡恐龙博物馆 舒纯康

Zi Gong Dinosuar Museum Shu Chunkang

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 2723


This is the site for the biggest burial ruin.


This entire burial ruin is within the exhibition hall?

我们就是在遗址现场上面建的馆 应该这样说 就是为了原地保护

We built this exhibition hall on top of the ruin, for situ conservation.

等于 其实你们以前在发掘的时候 就是在这里是吗

Meaning that you excavated here originally?


Yes, right here.


And then you only gave it a big cap.

对对对 就是给它修了一个馆

Yes, built a exhibition hall on top of it.

【字幕】Subtitle 2749-

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:穿越侏罗纪

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Traversing to the Age of the Jurassic

【解说】Narration 2746-2808


This museum is the first dinosaur museum built in Asia. Within this 1400 square meter excavation pit, we can see that there are great amounts of dinosaur fossils in all shapes, cascaded in between the terrane. With the permission of museum employees, Master Shu brings us to the excavation site.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 2808


I’m basically standing next to a dinosaur now.


Yes, walking inside a public graveyard for dinosaurs.

这么一大堆全部都是恐龙的骨骼化石 但是真的是第一次能够近距离地 这么跟它们接触

你看 这应该是它的脊(jǐ)椎吗

All these are skeleton fossils of dinosaurs. It is my first time being so close to them, come in contact with them. Look, is this a vertebrae?


It is the neural spine of the vertebrae.


The neural spine of the vertebrae.

这个范围 你看我们现在站的这个范围 就像一个小的逗号一样


From this range, and the range that surrounds us, is like a tiny coma, and within this “coma”, there are 18 individuals.



There are 18 individuals inside this.

【解说】Narration 2839-2854


According to archaeological research, the dinosaur bodies found buried here were mostly heterochthonus burial. Meaning, these dinosaurs died elsewhere and were brought here by a type of force.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 2854



But dinosaurs are so big in size, what kind of force brought them here?

对了 这个问题问得好

就这一块儿 就这块砾石就能回答你这个问题 你别看这么小一块儿

它能够说明什么很大的问题呢 就说明这个洪水 Right, very good question. This rock, this piece of gravel will answer your question. This gravel may look tiny, but it will answer a big question, and that answer is flood.

洪水 Flood?


把这一块鹅卵石能够带到这儿来 并且沉积下来

这个 当时这个水的力量非常之大

Yes, the flood scoured them here. Being able to bring these cobblestones here and let them sediment, the power of the flood then was very strong.

【解说】Narration 2919-2935


Through hundred million years of geological evolvement, the skeletons of the dinosaurs and its surrounding soil has all turned into solid stones. The process of excavating dinosaur fossils is essentially the process of peeling the skeleton fossils from the terrane.

【字幕】Subtitle 2942-2944

自贡恐龙博物馆 陈科才 工作人员

Zi Gong Dinosaur Museum Chen Kecai Employee

【同期声】(采访陈科才 舒纯康)(Interviewee: Chen Kecai Shu Chunkang) 2935

师傅 您这是拿刷子在刷一些灰尘吗

Sir, are you using the brush to swipe away the dust?

清扫 清扫灰尘

Cleaning, cleaning the dust.


How long have you been doing this?


This site was founded in the 80s.


So you were here in the 80s.

他的父亲就是我们第一代的发掘队员 1980年我在这儿来的第一天 见到的第一个工人就是他的父亲

His father was one of our first generation member of our excavation team. When I began my first day here in 1980, his father was the first worker that I met.


So you began to work here since your father’s generation.

【字幕】Subtitle 3007-3033

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:穿越侏罗纪

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Traversing to the Age of the Jurassic

【解说】Narration 3006-3035


Many of the employees from the museum are similar to Master Chen, where they began to work here since the early days of excavating at this ruin site. Decades of excavation and research has helped them accumulate very rich work experiences. According to studies, 160 million years ago, Zi Gong area was a plain where great amount of rivers and lakes crossed. The climate then was hot and humid, with lush vegetation, forming a paradise for dinosaurs.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3035

这边有没有最具代表性的 有没有其他地方都没有的物种

Are there any species that are specific to this area, not seen anywhere else?


Of course! 有吗 Where?



You see this “Shunosaurus”, this is a specie that is unique to this area.



This is call “Shunosaurus”. Why is it called “Shunosaurus”?


李氏就是为了纪念四川治水的两个父子 李冰父子 李氏 蜀就是四川的意思 就把这种蜥臀类恐龙的名字 就定为了叫做“李氏蜀龙”

而且我们这儿发现的“李氏蜀龙”不仅数量多 而且还有成年和幼年之分

你看这就是一条 我们俗称的叫做“父子恐龙” This is named by one of the researchers.

The “Li’s” is for remembrance of the two father and son that saved Sichuan from the flood, and “shu” is the abbreviation for Sichuan. That is why this type of Saurischians are named the “Shunosaurus”. In addition, the “Shunosaurus” discovered here are not only great in quantity, but they also differentiate between adult and young. See this one here, this is what we call the “father and son dinosaur”.

【解说】Narration 3121-3132


“Shunosaurus” is a medium size dinosaur, reading 12 meters at full size. It is the most important member of the dinosaur groups in Da Shan Pu.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3132

这是我们大山铺整个恐龙动物群当中 蜥臀类恐龙当中

发现的具有尾锤 这么一个特殊装置的恐龙 就是这个“李氏蜀龙” This “Shunosaurus” is the only type of Saurischians within all groups of dinosaurs founded here in Da Shan Pu that has tail hammers.


Tail hammers?


你看 这个尾巴 尾椎 逐渐逐渐变小 但是到了最后的这几截

See here, this tail gets smaller and smaller, but these few sections at the end?


It becomes big all of a sudden.


Inflates all of a sudden.


What is this used for?


It should be a type of protection equipment.


它们打架的时候可以甩尾巴是吗 For defense.

So that they can swing their tails during a fight?


Yes, your right.

【同期声】 3200-3210


Aside from “Shunosaurus”, the museum also has another type of fossil founded at the same time, the Omeisaurus tianfuensis.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3210


几乎是和身后部分相长 相等 看见了吗 它的长度相等

The neck of the Omeisaurus tianfuensis is almost the same length of its body. Can you see? The length are the same.


The neck takes up half of the entire body length.

有很多观众看到这个天府峨嵋龙的时候 就觉得 自然界怎么会有这种动物产生 它是为了适应它当时的环境 它已经是适应习惯吃一些 高大的乔木上面的嫩叶

Many people wonder how nature could create an animal like this when they see the Omeisaurus tianfuensis. They have long necks to adapt to their environment. These Omeisaurus are used to eating fresh leaves from tall arbors.

就像长颈鹿一样 Like giraffes.


Yes, like giraffes.

【字幕】Subtitle 3238-3257

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:穿越侏罗纪

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Traversing to the Age of the Jurassic

【解说】Narration 3235-3303


The site that we are at is the biggest one out of all the 150 excavation sites for dinosaur fossils in Zi Gong. The fossils excavated here not only are rich in type, but these fossils are also concentrated and well preserved. These fossils provided original information to the studies of dinosaur evolvement. In order to show us more precious fossils, Master Shu brings us to the museum storage room.

【同期声】(记者 周雪梅)(Journalist: Zhou Xuemei) 3303


You must use fingerprint identification to enter, right?

【解说】Narration 3308-3319


In this storage room, there are more than ten different types of dinosaur skeletons, all perfectly placed on the counter made with sand and red bricks. 【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3319

这个是我们在自贡的另外一个化石点发现的 非常好的一条剑龙 这个剑龙发现了以后

为我们前面解决了很多问题 这是世界上第一次发现的

确切的这个剑龙的皮肤的印膜化石 它是非常特殊的一个条件


不软不硬 形成的这个印膜 形成了印膜以后


This was founded in another excavation site here in Zi Gong. A perfect Stegosaurus. The founding of this Stegosaurus solved many issues that we had previously. This is the first time discovered worldwide. To be more precise, this Stegosaurus skin moulage fossil must be formed under very unique conditions, which is the skin must touch the surrounding soil, and the soil must be in perfect hardness, to form this moulage. After the moulage is formed, it must be buried immediately in order to fossilization.


That’s why this type of fossil is extremely rare. 是啊 Yes.

而且我好像在这里仔细地看一下 我发现它好像有一些 对 有纹理

And after taking a closer look at this fossil, there seems to be veins on it.


Yes, there are.

就像是鳞片的感觉一样 Like fish scales.

是 鳞片的感觉

Yes, it is the feel of scales.

【解说】Narration 3408-3427


From this dinosaur skin moulage fossil, it is evident that most dinosaurs have similar skins with today’s reptiles, with rough and hard scutum. Aside from the precious skin moulage fossil, within the safe boxes inside the storage, a few of the more valuable fossils are stored.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3427


There are so many safes!

嗯 这全是保险箱

Yep, these are all safes.

天哪 就是说明这里面的恐龙化石 应该是更珍贵的

很珍贵 这是我们 从我们馆来说


Oh my! That means the fossils in here are even more precious.

Yes, very precious. The treasure of guarding the building and all the national treasures are here.

都在这里 All of them!


Yes, all protected in here.

那今天太好了 我们真的是开了眼界了

We are so lucky today! This truly opens our eyes!

来 让你们看一下 Come, take a look!


This was opened beforehand for you.

哇 天哪 这是一具头骨吗

Wow! Oh my! Is this a skull?

对啊 这是和平永川龙的头骨 这是一个非常完好的恐龙头骨

Yes, this is the skull of a Yangchuanosaurus hepingensis. This is a very complete dinosaur skull.

哇 好漂亮啊

Wow, this is beautiful!



一看都有两个字的感觉 震撼 那就是国宝 它就是

要知道 它全部是石头包裹


保存最完整的一具恐龙 这是它的一个头骨

What do you call a national treasure? You see a national treasure when general public looks at it and feel convulsed. You have to know, this was all wrapped inside a stone. This skull is from one of the oldest complete skeletons preserved in the world.

【解说】Narration 3533-3549

和平永川龙是大型肉食型恐龙,它的头大而笨重,颌上长有锋利的牙齿,它们捕食植食型恐龙和其他动物,是异常凶猛的肉食龙。 Yangchuanosaurus hepingensis are a type of large carnivorous dinosaurs. Their head are big and heavy, with sharp teeth on their upper jaw. Their diet consist of herbivorous dinosaurs and other animals, thus they are seen as extremely violent carnivorous dinosaurs.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3549

区分肉食型恐龙和植食型恐龙 就是从牙齿上来区分的 你看它的牙齿呈匕首状

Distinction between carnivorous dinosaurs and herbivorous dinosaurs is from the teeth. You see that the teeth here is in a dagger shape.


Very sharp.


And there are many small sawtooth on the inside edge.


This is used to tear the meat.


To tear food.

【解说】Narration 3602-3616


Aside from the skull of these large carnivorous dinosaurs, there is also a complete skeleton of the Agilisaurus louderbacki inside the safe. Compared to other specimens, this skeleton has a very unique founding story.

【同期声】(采访舒纯康)(Interviewee: Shu Chunkang) 3616

这是这个劳氏灵龙的完整的一个埋藏骨架 这个发现的时候大概是在1983年的 我们自己在这儿进行发掘的时候 就这么大一块石头 当时在现场这块石头

我们就把它抬出去 就准备扔了 而且也扔了 扔了以后发现不对

还是把它打开来看看 看有没有

又把它捡回来 捡回来以后一打开就是它 然后经过仔细的修理 这个成了我们馆第一件


This is a complete intact hidden skeleton of the Agilisaurus louderbacki. This was founded in 1983 when we were excavating here on our own. It was just a stone this big. When we saw the stone on the site then, we took it out, and was going to throw it, and we did, but afterwards, we realized that there’s something wrong, and decided to bring the stone back to open it, and see whether there’s a fossil inside. Once we opened it, we saw this louderbacki. After careful repair and maintenance, this louderbacki has become the first full dinosaur that the museum owned with full intellectual copyright.

所以 它真的是来之不易

This louderbacki went through a hardship before we found it.


你要了解了它的来历以后 你会更加珍惜它

That’s why we must cherish and protect the fossils. You will treasure them more after learning it’s story.

【字幕】Subtitle 3706-3739

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:穿越侏罗纪

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Traversing to the Age of the Jurassic

【解说】Narration 3702-3742



An experience of not giving up made Master Shu and his colleagues realize that they must use a prudent, and hard-working attitude when faced with the job of excavating dinosaur fossils. It is also because of their precision and effort that these dinosaur skeletons were able to be preserved, allowing us to understand more about our earth. Leaving the Dinosaur Museum, we are headed towards our next stop, Golden Flower Country of Rong County, where there lived a concentrated area of Cyathea trees. Cyatheas are organisms from the same time period as dinosaurs, thus they are also known as “living fossils of botanics”. We were able to contact Li Yindong of Da Ping Shan Village of Golden Flower Country to be our tour guide for our Cyathea Canyon tour.

【同期声】(采访李应东)(Interviewee: Li Yingdong) 3742

我们现在走的这条路是一个非常非常陡的坡 据说呢我们现在一直要走这个下坡路 因为要从海拔五六百米的地方 降到四百米左右的地方 因为在那里才有桫椤树

李大哥 这一路 都是这样的坡是吗

The road that we are walking on right now is an extremely steep slope. It is said that we are going to walk down this slope, because we must descent from about five, six hundred meters above horizon to about four hundred meters, where Cyatheas are living. Brother Li, is the whole road steep slopes like this? 是 Yes.

小心一点儿啊 Be careful!

【字幕】Subtitle 3808-3833

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:穿越侏罗纪

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Traversing to the Age of the Jurassic

【解说】Narration 3805-3833


The road leading to the bottom of the canyon is very steep and narrow, where many places could only fit the size of a foot. In addition, the extreme humid climate, and the slippery stone stairs along the way has turned our exploration of the Cyathea Canyon into a difficult hike. Following the group, the road beneath becomes increasingly hard, the plants along the side also became denser, but we still have not spotted any sign of Cyathea.

【字幕】Subtitle 3836-3838 大坪山村村民 李应东

Villager of Da Ping Shang Village Li Yingdong

【同期声】(采访李应东)(Interviewee: Li Yingdong) 3834


Do you hike often in these trails?

走的多 Very often!

多呀 您走了有多少次

How many times have you been on this trail?


Probably at least a couple hundred times.

几百次啊 为什么会经常在这儿走呢 这里的村民都会来这儿吗

A couple hundred times! Why do you come here so often? Does the other villagers also come here?

对 下去采一些木耳 中草药

Yes, we come to pick fungus and some herb medicines.

草药 木耳 看来还遍地是宝啊

Herb medicines, fungus, seems like this land is filled with treasures!


See, this is the wild fungus.



So many fungus!

All these can be directly cooked?


Yes, you can eat it immediately.


How’s the taste?

可以 Not bad! 可以 Nice!

【解说】Narration 3909-3935


This Cyathea Cayon is a giant choanoid canyon that was formed due to orogenetic movements in the past. This type of canyons are very compatible for the growing of Cyatheas. Cyatheas are a type of tree ferns that have very high demands for its living conditions. They like warm and humid climates, often living in the deepest, most humid places of the canyon. In order for us to see these Cyatheas, we must go all the way down to the very bottom of the canyon.

【同期声】(采访李应东)(Interviewee: Li Yingdong) 3935


That is a Cyathea.

看到了 这么大一棵

它上面的那个叶子就像是一个大伞盖一样 像这边的桫椤树都是这样


I see it. It’s a huge one! The leaves are like a huge umbrella shading down. Are all the Cyatheas are like this one, living in a mixture of other trees? 是 Yes.


About how many Cyatheas are here?

大概有10000多株 在这个区域里

Within this region, there are more than 10,000.


More than 10,000!

【字幕】Subtitle 3957-4028

北纬30°?中国行(109) 自贡:穿越侏罗纪

Latitude 30 China (109)

Zi Gong: Traversing to the Age of the Jurassic.

【解说】Narration 3955-4031


We have finally arrived at the bottom of the Cyathea Canyon which is it also the most concentrated area. Every Cyathea here is at least 50 years old, and all of these Cyatheas are now endangered plants that are listed as plants with the highest protection level in China. 180 million years ago, Cyatheas were the most luxuriate plant on earth, it was also the main diet for the dinosaurs. Through years of geological and climate changes, Cyatheas have reduced significantly in amount, and is now facing extinction.

【同期声】(采访李应东)(Interviewee: Li Yingdong) 4031


We have two full time foresters from our village to look after these Cyatheas.

护林人员 就是你们村子的吗

Foresters, from your villiage?

专职的 Full time.

专职的 Full time.



