Unit 7三峡旅游英语

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Unit Seven The Huangniuyan Touring Area

The Huangniuyan Touring Area The Shipai Scenery Hometown in Dream — Chexi A Green World Appears --- Shennongxi River

The Huangniuyan Touring Area on the right of the dam is a cultural and eco - typic(生态型的) supported by the nation as a key point , a preferential(优先的) project of the Chinese tourism , with “ Surveying the dam on the hill ; Reading your dream at the Three Gorgers Project ” as its visualization(使看得见的) and “ Viewing wonderful scenery , collecting folk feelings ” as its function . ( The Huangniuyan hill’s altitude is 1,047m , highest point around this region , a best position to survey the panorama(全景, 全景画) of the dam and the sight of “ Smooth Lake among Gorges ” )

At the top of the hill are surveying areas , historic and folk-custom area , originality culture area .Around the mountainside are Jiulongwan Viewing area , Jiulongwan Holiday Village and Qipanshan Ecotypic Agricultural and Touring Area . Main projects are : main viewing platform , collective surveying cultural corridor , the Three Gorges dreamful stage , exploration and observation plank road , art square , cattle’s palaces , Chinese goddess sacrifice platform ,

Xuanyuan Temple , the Three Gorges ecotypic international holiday village , mountain golf course , Tianxiang Village , Peachblossom Village , the Three Gorges tea garden , viewing funicular(索道) railway , pseudoclassic(拟古的, 仿古的) street , Xiajiang folk-custom square , Quzi Lane , Zhaojun Village and many celebration activities and folk performances . The Three Gorges Huangniuyan Ecotypic Touring Area also includes Shipai Touring Area and Chexi Touring Area, etc.

Shipai is admired because it used to be a battlefield where predecessors(前辈, 前任) fought up against Japanese invaders and is loved because it has “ rapid bends, rare rocks, deep valleys , excellent caves and sweet springs ” . Chexi , called “ Hometown in Dreams ”, has green hills , clear waters and pure and honest atmosphere . Natural scenery and human culture are in complete harmony(协调, 融洽) there. Now Chexi has recommended 8 characteristic programs: Cultivation(培养, 耕作, 中耕) Show , Ancient Workshop Demo (演示),


Tujia Song & Dance , Campfire Party , Scientific Review in Lameixia Valley , Forest Bath , Exploration in Water-eroded(侵蚀, 腐 蚀, 使变化) Cave and Headstream Discovery in Wangyougu Valley . For the original scenery between the two dams will keep unvarying after the dam of the Three Gorges Project restore up water, a program “ Touring the Three Gorges on foot --- Viewing Gallery at the Xilingxia Gorge ” is coming to you.



黄牛岩风景区是国家重点支持开发的生态旅游 文化景区,中国旅游业发展优先项目,位于三峡 大坝的长江南岸,以“黄牛瞰坝、梦圆三峡”为 风景区

主题形象,以“观大坝胜景、揽三峡风情” 为主导功能(黄牛岩海拔1047米,是三峡坝区的 最高峰,可俯瞰三峡坝区全景,是大坝建成后观 赏“高峡出平湖”的最佳视点)。

黄牛岩顶由黄牛背瞰坝游览区、三峡历史风情区、三 峡原始文化区组成;山腰二级平台由九龙湾大坝揽胜 区、九龙湾休闲度假区、棋盘山生态农业观赏区组成。 主要建设项目有:主体观景平台、集景区观坝文化廊 道、三峡梦幻舞台、探险型观景栈道、艺术广场、黄 牛圣殿、中华始母祭拜台、轩辕寺、三峡生态国际度 假村、山地高尔夫球场、天香庄、桃花村、三峡茶园 观光缆车、仿古一条街、峡江风情广场、屈子坊、昭 君村等,并设计有多种旅游节庆活动和民俗表演节目。

三峡黄牛岩生态旅游区还包括石牌风景区和车溪 风景区等。石牌景区因抗日英雄们的浴血奋战而 让后人景仰不已,更因“湾急、石奇、谷幽、洞 绝、泉甘”而享有盛誉。“梦里老家”车溪山灵 水秀,民风淳朴,自然景观和人文资源水乳交融。 目前已推出八大特色之旅,即:农耕稼作展示、 古代作坊表演、土家歌舞欣赏、篝火野趣晚会、 腊梅峡植物科考、天然森林浴、特大溶洞猎奇探 险、忘忧谷溯溪探源。三峡大坝蓄水后,两坝之 间的峡谷山水风光依旧。back

Passage 1

The Shipai Scenery

The ancient Shipai Town, Stone Tablet Town in English, is located on Dengying Gorge between Gezhou Dam and the Three Gorges Dam. Its name was from a megalith like a huge stele at the central part of Elephant Trunk Mountain on the south bank of the Yangtze River. The Stone Tablet with its natural barrier,an impregnable pass of the Three Gorges, was an important place for military strategists to occupy from ancient time. During the Second World War,

the Stone Tablet site became the key fortress to guard Chongqing, because the Japanese aggressors invaded and occupied Nanjing City and Wuhan City, which forced the Chinese capital to move west to Chongqing city. In May, 1943, about 100,000 Japanese aggressors were organized to attack the Stone Tablet area, dreaming to capture Chongqing city. But they met with the tenacious resistance of the Chinese army led by the famous generals,

Chen Cheng, Sun Lianzhong and Wu Qiwei. Ror about one month's fierce fight, the Chinese army finally defeated the enemy and won the important victory, suffering heavy casualties about ten thousand people. The battle was also honored as the Chinese STALINGARD. Now, the ancient town has become a famous tourist district. Its characteristic can be summed up in the words: One, Two, Three and Four.

Here the One means to visit the battlefield of Chinese resistance against the Japanese aggressors, and the Two is for 2 streams of Yangjia Stream and Longjin Stream. The Three refers the 3

bests, ( the best stone of the Yangtze River: Lamp Shadow Stone; the best gulf in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River: Mingyue Gulf; the best cave along Xiling Gorge: Dengying Cave. ) and the Four points the Frog Spring flattered as the fourth spring in the world.

Here are a few examples. The drifting in Yangjia Stream is an exploring trip full of military color. The valley shows much beauty of magnificence, peril, seclusion and elegance in the Three Gorges. It covers a distance of 7.5km, including a 6km's gliding on the rapid water, and a 1.5km's floating on the still water by boats. When wearing colorful military uniforms and caps in a colorful military boat, you would be really experiencing a military exercise in a rushing river.

Dengying Stone, Shadow Show Stone in English, was named from the four strange stones standing upright on the mountain peak, which look like the images of Master Tang and his apprentices in the story of the Journey to the West. Monkey King is gazing at the distant way on one foot, Piggy, with its naked chest and belly, Master Tang praying piously and Monk Sha carrying the luggage. When the setting sun shines behind the peak, the stones are just like the four characters in the shadow show.

Dengying Cave, also Lamp Shadow Cave in English, with the outside of smooth cliff, has a special space inside. In the hole, there are numerous stalactites, stone bamboo shoots, stone curtains and so on everywhere, which look so fancy and beautiful. If hitting a stone bamboo shoot with your hand, you would hear the loud sound like thunders. Into the deep part of the cave, the natural music would attract you, which is just played by the flowing underground river.

Dengying Cave


Out of the cave soon comes a small bridge over Longjin Stream. Standing on it, you would see a dark blue rock belt twisting along the mountain and goes down on the opposite bank, which can be imagined as a dancing giant dragon with its head suddenly rising near the river. The dragon looks like to pass the river and then enter this stream, so the stream gets the name of Longjin Stream, Coming Dragon Stream in English.

