典范英语6-17-Pioneer Girl - the Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder(2up打印)

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Pioneer Girl --- the Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder

By Pat Thomson Introduction

This is the story of how Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in America about 120 years ago.

Her pioneer father loved to explore new

places. This meant they had to make new homes in each different State he took them to.

America was a wild place in those days and that is why Laura had so many adventures.

Did I ever tell you about the night the wolves howled?

We sat together in our little house made of logs. Outside, the wolves sat in a circle around the house. Our only door was a quilt! Yes, a quilt from the bed. It was the only thing between us and the wolves. But I had better begin at the beginning.

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Chapter 1: Our Little House in the Big


I was born in Wisconsin, America, on 7th February 1867. We lived in a little log house in the middle of the big woods. There was Pa, Ma, my older sister Mary, and me, Laura Elizabeth Ingalls. My younger sisters, Carrie and Grace, were born later.

One of the most important members of the family was Jack, our dog. I loved him. He went hunting with Pa and brought home our dinner. He was our guard dog as well.

The big woods were dangerous. There were bears and panthers out there. It was a wild, wild place. Ma once slapped a bear! It was dark and snowing hard. Ma thought the bear was Sukey, our cow. “Get over,” she shouted to the bear. Then we had to run! We were lucky to get back into the house safely and slam the door. Bears are

dangerous but this bear was as surprised as we were.

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Mary and I helped Ma around the house. There were no shops. We had to make everything. Can you guess how we got our sugar? We drained the sap from the maple trees and boiled it. Then we poured it into pans to harden into sugar loaves.

However hard it was, we always celebrated Christmas. In the big woods, we would pour hot maple syrup on the snow to make candy shapes.

Chapter 2: Moving West

Pa was a real pioneer. He wanted to travel to the new lands in the West.

So, one day, in 1869, we left our safe little house in the woods and set off. Our wagon was waterproof like a boat, and it had a canvas roof like a tent. Pa laid his fiddle carefully in the back, but he kept his gun handy.

Jack had to swim behind the wagon as we crossed the rivers. There were no bridges then. We had to cross a river which was flooding. The wagon started to float.

Pa jumped in and swam, holding the

frightened horses. We just made it to the other side,

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but Jack had gone. I thought of poor Jack trying to swim. I cried. By the time we camped for the night, the wolves were howling. At bedtime I saw

something. There were green eyes shinning in the firelight. They came nearer. Pa raised his gun. The next moment, I screamed! It was Jack, our Jack, licking my face. He hadn’t drowned and he had found us.

Our wagon rolled on across miles of grassland. We had reached Kansas. This was Indian country--- the prairies. There were deer in the woods, rabbits and prairie chickens in the grass, and fish in the rivers.

“There’s lots of food here,” said Pa. “This is where we’ll build our house.”

Chapter 3: Our Little House on the


Do you remember I told you about the house where we had a quilt for a door? Well, this was that house.

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Soon after those wolves came, Pa made us a wooden door, as well as beds, stools and a table. Inside, I felt safe.

Then, other visitors came. The Indians didn’t like us newcomers building houses on their land. One day when Pa had gone hunting, two

fierce-looking men walked into our house. They had feathers in their hair and stood very still.

Ma baked them cornbread. We were all silent. Then they left. Ma was frightened, but Pa said later that the Indians were not our enemies.

A lot happened in the short time we were there. Carrie was born and Ma was ill. Fever and fire swept through the prairies.

Pa wanted to move back to Wisconsin, the place where I was born. Ma agreed. She had started to talk about school. She had once been a teacher and she worried about our schooling.

In 1874 we set off for Walnut Grove,

Minnesota. Pa stopped the wagon. “Here we are,” he said. “But there’s nothing here!” said Ma. “Wait and see!” said Pa.

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